Top 1 percent of Americans possess more wealth than the entire bottom 90 percent

"Top 1 percent of Americans possess more wealth than the entire bottom 90 percent"

Thank God for the rich. Their efforts are rewarded two-fold; they make a good living and they feed the poor by providing jobs if they will take them...

Yes exactly and in addition the saintly rich invented the products that got us from the stone age to here
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Progressive prefer North Korea to South and East Germany to West.

We should start deporting them ASAP
a socialist revolution is happening in this country right now... and historically what happens to the exploiters / %1 during that time?

karma is coming for them
Top 1 percent of Americans possess more wealth than the entire bottom 90 percent

Kind of gives fresh meaning to "suckin us dry".

I guess you missed the part where this faked factoid comes from an UNPUBLISHED study paid for by an extreme Left-Wing farttank.. Might want to read the thread next time.

There probably is an increasing wealth gap.. It's really problematic to accurately measure. And it's NOT a primary problem with the current economy. The problems are MOSTLY due to lack of leadership to RE-MAKE the American Manufacturing sector into a real Internationally competitive engine..

Here are some causes:

1) many new college grad two income families
2) many new poor single mothers living on liberal programs
3) millions of middle class jobs driven off shore by idiotic liberal jobs
4) many new dirt poor immigrants

Most importantly, studies show those in the bottom class now will not be there in 15 years .
I keep asking....and no one is answering.

Economics teaches that if there are huge proftis being competition will enter the market to go after thos profits. That is what is good for the consumer. No one can fleece you.

So, all these companies are making all this money.....where is the competition ?

Will someone please let me know.

Wal-mart makes bundles of money (or used to...I have not checked lately). Where is the competition ?
I keep asking....and no one is answering.

Economics teaches that if there are huge proftis being competition will enter the market to go after thos profits. That is what is good for the consumer. No one can fleece you.

So, all these companies are making all this money.....where is the competition ?

Will someone please let me know.

Wal-mart makes bundles of money (or used to...I have not checked lately). Where is the competition ?

Squeeze out of the market by government regulation.
I keep asking....and no one is answering.

Economics teaches that if there are huge proftis being competition will enter the market to go after thos profits. That is what is good for the consumer. No one can fleece you.

So, all these companies are making all this money.....where is the competition ?

Will someone please let me know.

Wal-mart makes bundles of money (or used to...I have not checked lately). Where is the competition ?

Squeeze out of the market by government regulation.

Please expand upon your response.

I know that in the oil refining won't find anyone looking to build a new refinery. They can't There is some fellow in AZ that has been trying for three decades to get one going there and he still can't get the environmental permits they need. Someone looked at Kansas and were run off by Sebelius and her treatment of the coal plants.

And running one....or building one and operating one takes a lot of paperwork. The only ones that know how to run the system are those who have been with it while it evolved. Starting new.....almost impossible.

Back when margins were good...the way new refineries were being built was to put 2nd trains at existing plant sites.

All because of the EPA and the ability of Green Peace to sue them into being stalled for decades. Everyone wants the gas...but no one wants the refinery.
I keep asking....and no one is answering.

Economics teaches that if there are huge proftis being competition will enter the market to go after thos profits. That is what is good for the consumer. No one can fleece you.

So, all these companies are making all this money.....where is the competition ?

Will someone please let me know.

Wal-mart makes bundles of money (or used to...I have not checked lately). Where is the competition ?

Squeeze out of the market by government regulation.

Please expand upon your response.

I know that in the oil refining won't find anyone looking to build a new refinery. They can't There is some fellow in AZ that has been trying for three decades to get one going there and he still can't get the environmental permits they need. Someone looked at Kansas and were run off by Sebelius and her treatment of the coal plants.

And running one....or building one and operating one takes a lot of paperwork. The only ones that know how to run the system are those who have been with it while it evolved. Starting new.....almost impossible.

Back when margins were good...the way new refineries were being built was to put 2nd trains at existing plant sites.

All because of the EPA and the ability of Green Peace to sue them into being stalled for decades. Everyone wants the gas...but no one wants the refinery.


We have fewer refineries because the big oil companies bought all the small ones and put them out of business so they would have a monopoly.
The 400 wealthiest Americans have a greater combined net worth than the bottom 150 million Americans.

The top 1 percent of Americans possess more wealth than the entire bottom 90 percent.

In the Bush expansion from 2002 to 2007, 65 percent of economic gains went to the richest 1 percent.

More broadly, there’s a growing sense that lopsided outcomes are a result of tycoons’ manipulating the system, lobbying for loopholes and getting away with murder. Of the 100 highest-paid chief executives in the United States in 2010, 25 took home more pay than their company paid in federal corporate income taxes, according to the Institute for Policy Studies.

Living under Communism in China made me a fervent enthusiast of capitalism. I believe that over the last couple of centuries banks have enormously raised living standards in the West by allocating capital to more efficient uses. But anyone who believes in markets should be outraged that banks rig the system so that they enjoy profits in good years and bailouts in bad years.

The banks have gotten away with privatizing profits and socializing risks, and that’s just another form of bank robbery.


He goes on to cite studies that show "income inequality" keeps the economy from growing. Well, these are simply common sense. Democrats on this board, including me, have been pointing this out for the last few months. The Republicans here keep saying, "Oh, it's because you're lazy and don't know how to work". What a bunch of fools.

With huge income inequality, you have a lack of demand. That means "no jobs". And look at the AVERAGE Wall Street Job. Well over $300,000.00 a year for producing NOTHING. Just moving money around. Could you imagine if we followed Republicans idea of throwing our money into the stock market? Of all the crazy, insane schemes.

How many USMB Republicans are sleeping in a bag in the living room of mom's double wide, out of work, who are calling the left, "Lazy, no good communist bums?"

With this type of income inequality, there is no "Hard work and you can succeed". Because there are no jobs. No way to pay off those loans. Income inequality sucks the life out of the economy. How many of those guys did it, NOT with hard work, but with bought politicians?

So what? The more the wealth is concentrated at the top, the more jobs those few will create, so we can all have good paying jobs.
I keep asking....and no one is answering.

Economics teaches that if there are huge proftis being competition will enter the market to go after thos profits. That is what is good for the consumer. No one can fleece you.

So, all these companies are making all this money.....where is the competition ?

Will someone please let me know.

Wal-mart makes bundles of money (or used to...I have not checked lately). Where is the competition ?

Squeeze out of the market by government regulation.

Nah, we permitted companies to grow so big and monopolize many segments of industry that nobody can even try to compete with them anymore. We created a monster.
We have fewer refineries because the big oil companies bought all the small ones and put them out of business so they would have a monopoly.

I know you made this up because you have no idea what you are talking about. There are new refineries built all the time in Mexico because the US went over 30 years without the government approving a new one, so they were built there.

Seriously, what is the point in debating anything with you if you just make things up?
We have fewer refineries because the big oil companies bought all the small ones and put them out of business so they would have a monopoly.

I know you made this up because you have no idea what you are talking about. There are new refineries built all the time in Mexico because the US went over 30 years without the government approving a new one, so they were built there.

Seriously, what is the point in debating anything with you if you just make things up?

hey didnt make it up. he probably heard it from an environmental studies professor at some indoctrination house (college).
I keep asking....and no one is answering.

Economics teaches that if there are huge proftis being competition will enter the market to go after thos profits. That is what is good for the consumer. No one can fleece you.

So, all these companies are making all this money.....where is the competition ?

Will someone please let me know.

Wal-mart makes bundles of money (or used to...I have not checked lately). Where is the competition ?
Squeeze out of the market by government regulation.

Please expand upon your response.

I know that in the oil refining won't find anyone looking to build a new refinery. They can't There is some fellow in AZ that has been trying for three decades to get one going there and he still can't get the environmental permits they need. Someone looked at Kansas and were run off by Sebelius and her treatment of the coal plants.

And running one....or building one and operating one takes a lot of paperwork. The only ones that know how to run the system are those who have been with it while it evolved. Starting new.....almost impossible.

Back when margins were good...the way new refineries were being built was to put 2nd trains at existing plant sites.

All because of the EPA and the ability of Green Peace to sue them into being stalled for decades. Everyone wants the gas...but no one wants the refinery.


We have fewer refineries because the big oil companies bought all the small ones and put them out of business so they would have a monopoly.

O.K. now I know you say things you know nothing about.

Did you ever hear of Tosco, Premcore, or Valero ? Tosco was run by O'Malley who bought refineries from large copanies like Exxon and BP and made them profitable. He then sold the whole mess to ConocoPhillips (who is now divesting themselves of refining assets...go figure). O'Malley bought everything for less than a billion and sold it for over 6.5 billion. Exxon has fewer refineries as does BP and others. Chevron also unloaded a few. Valero used to be they are fifteen.

You can shut down capacity to firm up prices, but big oil is getting OUT of the refining business.

And the EPA along with environmental groups have been blocking new refineries for decades. It's to the point where we now refine less than half of what we use. We can drill for it and extract it, but who is going to turn it into gasoline ?

What little credibility you had just disappeared.
Nah, we permitted companies to grow so big and monopolize many segments of industry that nobody can even try to compete with them anymore. We created a monster.

And government helps them along.

Are you familair with NorthWest Arkansas Airport, constructed in Wall-Mart's (I call it Wal-De-Mart) back yard.

Do you think it helps Wal-Mart ?

Do you think Wal-Mart paid for it ?
Top 1 percent of Americans possess more wealth than the entire bottom 90 percent

Kind of gives fresh meaning to "suckin us dry".

I guess you missed the part where this faked factoid comes from an UNPUBLISHED study paid for by an extreme Left-Wing farttank.. Might want to read the thread next time.

There probably is an increasing wealth gap.. It's really problematic to accurately measure. And it's NOT a primary problem with the current economy. The problems are MOSTLY due to lack of leadership to RE-MAKE the American Manufacturing sector into a real Internationally competitive engine..

Here are some causes:

1) many new college grad two income families
2) many new poor single mothers living on liberal programs
3) millions of middle class jobs driven off shore by idiotic liberal jobs
4) many new dirt poor immigrants

Most importantly, studies show those in the bottom class now will not be there in 15 years .

Yup.. There are plenty of REAL reasons for these measurements that show a growing wealth gap. Knowing that "a gap" can increase because of movement at EITHER end.

Another one you missed is the greying and dissappearing workforce. We are retiring tens of thousands of folks a day now.. And the rate is gonna pick up. They are gonna throttle down their income and spending and start living off the stashed retirement funds. Should see the beginning of that massive shift in about 2008 if it wasn't hidden by the economic crash...
I keep asking....and no one is answering.

Economics teaches that if there are huge proftis being competition will enter the market to go after thos profits. That is what is good for the consumer. No one can fleece you.

So, all these companies are making all this money.....where is the competition ?

Will someone please let me know.

Wal-mart makes bundles of money (or used to...I have not checked lately). Where is the competition ?

Squeeze out of the market by government regulation.

Please expand upon your response.

I know that in the oil refining won't find anyone looking to build a new refinery. They can't There is some fellow in AZ that has been trying for three decades to get one going there and he still can't get the environmental permits they need. Someone looked at Kansas and were run off by Sebelius and her treatment of the coal plants.

And running one....or building one and operating one takes a lot of paperwork. The only ones that know how to run the system are those who have been with it while it evolved. Starting new.....almost impossible.

Back when margins were good...the way new refineries were being built was to put 2nd trains at existing plant sites.

All because of the EPA and the ability of Green Peace to sue them into being stalled for decades. Everyone wants the gas...but no one wants the refinery.

Mr Liberty is correct. Everything the govt is doing to regulate is strengthening BIG business and creating higher hurdles for NEWER, more efficient, more consumer friendly start-ups. Just look at the banner in my post signature. In one swipe, Govt has threatened the entire handcrafted toy and kid clothing marketplace.. Tens of THousands of crafters and small business people trying to offer alternatives to the CRAP coming outta Mattel and the Giants.

Take a look at -->

I posted that thread because we are at HISTORICAL lows in the creation of NEW industries and businesses. (at least in the form of Initial Public Offerings) . A true drought of biblical proportions. And without the NEW guys to knock off the old arthritic ones, the market IS gonna suffer.....
Manipulating what? The legendary "system"? What is the "system" in question? The "system" consists of confusing and often contradictory laws and tax code regulations. Most of the regulations are probably created by kids fresh out of business school who never earned a buck outside of mommy and daddy. The people we elect sign off on the regulations without reading them because they are too stupid to understand. The secretary of the Treasury is an admitted tax cheat because the only way to get through the "system" is to cheat a little bit or a lot. What do neo-socialists like Dean recommend we do about the 1% who pull the wagon while the rest of us ride? Steal their money? Charge them with being enemies of the state and put them in jail?
Yup.. There are plenty of REAL reasons for these measurements that show a growing wealth gap. .

another big one is that the poor get $7 trillion a year or so in welfare of one sort or another. They don't have to save or accumulate wealth at all and in fact are discouraged from doing so lest they lose their benefits. The rich conversely must save and accumulate wealth because they actually need to pay for stuff.

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