Top 10 Countries With Highest Household Debt All Socialist

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.

Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
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Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
To American conservatives...Socialists are any countries that help their people
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
To American conservatives...Socialists are any countries that help their people
Incorrect and a gross generalization. America does help her people and a lot of people in other countries too.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.

Lucy, compared to the United States every one of those countries are Socialist. I've worked in Norway, Netherlands, Scotland, and England. Just because they're at various stages of Socialism doesn't change the fact that they are more in debt, rely on Government more to take care of them, and are basically lazy as I can attest first hand. The taxes are outrageous and the government distributes it, basically Socialist.

I suggest you learn more about the United States. I've learned all I need to know about European Socialism by actually working there. So enough of your attempt at condescending contempt. You're trapped in a world of various levels of Socialism so the only contrast you can draw is inside the bubble. That would be the hard line Socialists verses Socialist light.

It's no mystery why most of all those in the chart are highly indebted and in Europe.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


What America has that ALL of those nations COMBINED do NOT have and that's a National Debt of 21 TRILLION, now 21 TRILLION that is SOME FULL ON Socialist spending like drunk sailors, you have spent 21 TRILLION MORE than you EVER bring back in via taxes etc That is Socialism 101 SPENDING BEYOND your MEANS with OTHER peoples MONEY ie. BORROWED MONEY, that is ZERO Fiscal Conservatism or EVEN ZERO Fiscal RESPONSIBILITY, it is PURE Socialistic spending and both Democrat AND Republicans have spent like drunken sailors, you last had a Balanced Budget when? Did you, ever?

What you DO to keep America from having their International Debtors calling in for THEIR Debts that YOU OWE THEM is you have this insanity of just PRINTING MORE MONEY, and for every worthless Monopoly paper Dollar you print it adds x FIVE onto your 21 TRILLION debt. Every year you have to raise your Debt Ceiling so you can keep on borrowing, if you failed to raise your Debt Ceiling you would default on your Debt and be declared bankrupt and then ALL your Debtors MAINLY China would come calling.

You Economically are in such a dire situation that IF China decided to DUMP HALF of YOUR Debt they OWN on the Open Market within 10 hours the Dollar would CRASH, ALL Americans personal savings would be WIPED OUT you would have The Great Depression returning but 1000 times WORSE than the original one.

Now THIS is something that Americans choose NOT to pay attention to because you think you CANNOT fail, but you CAN, you are NOT Immortal.
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Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.

Lucy, compared to the United States every one of those countries are Socialist. I've worked in Norway, Netherlands, Scotland, and England. Just because they're at various stages of Socialism doesn't change the fact that they are more in debt, rely on Government more to take care of them, and are basically lazy as I can attest first hand. The taxes are outrageous and the government distributes it, basically Socialist.

I suggest you learn more about the United States. I've learned all I need to know about European Socialism by actually working there. So enough of your attempt at condescending contempt. You're trapped in a world of various levels of Socialism so the only contrast you can draw is inside the bubble. That would be the hard line Socialists verses Socialist light.

It's no mystery why most of all those in the chart are highly indebted and in Europe.
Mate, you may have travelled a bit but you have learned nothing.
My good friend Lucy has destroyed you already but I will point out some more of your idiocy.

You say - rely on Government more to take care of them, and are basically lazy

This is such a nonsense. We pay taxes to ensure that basic civilised measures are in place to look after the sick and the old. And we work hard to earn the money to do so. Its a social contract and makes us a better place to live.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


What America has that ALL of those nations COMBINED do NOT have and that's a National Debt of 21 TRILLION, now 21 TRILLION that is SOME FULL ON Socialist spending like drunk sailors, you have spent 21 TRILLION MORE than you EVER bring back in via taxes etc That is Socialism 101 SPENDING BEYOND your MEANS with OTHER peoples MONEY ie. BORROWED MONEY, that is ZERO Fiscal Conservatism or EVEN ZERO Fiscal RESPONSIBILITY, it is PURE Socialistic spending and both Democrat AND Republicans have spent like drunken sailors, you last had a Balanced Budget when? Did you, ever?

What you DO to keep America from having their International Debtors calling in for THEIR Debts that YOU OWE THEM is you have this insanity of just PRINTING MORE MONEY, and for every worthless Monopoly paper Dollar you print it adds x FIVE onto your 21 TRILLION debt. Every year you have to raise your Debt Ceiling so you can keep on borrowing, if you failed to raise your Debt Ceiling you would default on your Debt and be declared bankrupt and then ALL your Debtors MAINLY China would come calling.

You Economically are in such a dire situation that IF China decided to DUMP HALF of YOUR Debt they OWN on the Open Market within 10 hours the Dollar would CRASH, ALL Americans personal savings would be WIPED OUT you would have The Great Depression returning but 1000 times WORSE than the original one.

Now THIS is something that Americans choose NOT to pay attention to because you think you CANNOT fail, but you CAN, you are NOT Immortal.

You're in debt over 12 Trillion Euros and if we didn't have to pay for your protection we would be several Trillion less in debt and you would be speaking Russian. So go pound sand. We're tired of paying for your protection. We're tired of paying your tariffs. You're going to start treating us with the respect we've earned. And you're going to pay up.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


You might want to fix your title, those are Countries, not counties.

Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
To American conservatives...Socialists are any countries that help their people

Tell that to the 2.5 million people who have fled Venezuela in the last 3 months.

We know you are not stupid rw...why do you keep doing this to yourself?
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.

Lucy, compared to the United States every one of those countries are Socialist. I've worked in Norway, Netherlands, Scotland, and England. Just because they're at various stages of Socialism doesn't change the fact that they are more in debt, rely on Government more to take care of them, and are basically lazy as I can attest first hand. The taxes are outrageous and the government distributes it, basically Socialist.

I suggest you learn more about the United States. I've learned all I need to know about European Socialism by actually working there. So enough of your attempt at condescending contempt. You're trapped in a world of various levels of Socialism so the only contrast you can draw is inside the bubble. That would be the hard line Socialists verses Socialist light.

It's no mystery why most of all those in the chart are highly indebted and in Europe.

"Lucy, compared to the United States every one of those countries are Socialist."

No sorry you are incorrect.

"Just because they're at various stages of Socialism doesn't change the fact that they are more in debt,"

America has a 21 TRILLION debt, what are you talking about? Hello?

"rely on Government more to take care of them,"

You have 40 MILLION on Food Stamps and Welfare.

"and are basically lazy as I can attest first hand."

So you have PERSONALLY met TENS of MILLIONS of peoples and can therefore attest FIRST HAND EVERYONE is lazy?

"The taxes are outrageous and the government distributes it, basically Socialist."

The Governments distribute the taxes to pay for things like HEALTHCARE which is SOMETHING that American Governments want Americans to pay EXTORTIONATE amounts for and the elderly poor to have to CHOOSE between feeding themselves OR paying for their medications.

"I suggest you learn more about the United States."

I probably know a lot about the United States.

"I've learned all I need to know about European Socialism by actually working there."

I LIVE here on THIS Continent I am OF here on THIS Continent and I can say that a MAJORITY of Europeans have a better standard of living than MANY Americans who basically work around the clock for LESS than a Minimum Wage that WE give to our own and who have to live in FEAR of losing their job because IF they lose their job they also lose their access to Healthcare.

"So enough of your attempt at condescending contempt."

It's not an attempt, I mean what I commented. I would say that a majority of Europeans would give you the same response I did because to suggest that ALL of this Continent is Socialist and we are running things and are Semi Venezuela or whatever is TOTALLY ridiculous, Venezuela IS Socialist btw.

"You're trapped in a world of various levels of Socialism"

No absolutely ridiculous to suggest this. Do you even KNOW WHAT Socialism IS? I don't think so.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.

Lucy, compared to the United States every one of those countries are Socialist. I've worked in Norway, Netherlands, Scotland, and England. Just because they're at various stages of Socialism doesn't change the fact that they are more in debt, rely on Government more to take care of them, and are basically lazy as I can attest first hand. The taxes are outrageous and the government distributes it, basically Socialist.

I suggest you learn more about the United States. I've learned all I need to know about European Socialism by actually working there. So enough of your attempt at condescending contempt. You're trapped in a world of various levels of Socialism so the only contrast you can draw is inside the bubble. That would be the hard line Socialists verses Socialist light.

It's no mystery why most of all those in the chart are highly indebted and in Europe.
Mate, you may have travelled a bit but you have learned nothing.
My good friend Lucy has destroyed you already but I will point out some more of your idiocy.

You say - rely on Government more to take care of them, and are basically lazy

This is such a nonsense. We pay taxes to ensure that basic civilised measures are in place to look after the sick and the old. And we work hard to earn the money to do so. Its a social contract and makes us a better place to live.

I worked in those countries for several years, tommy tush. Not just toured around. And yes, you're basically lazy. The proof is we have to protect you from Russia because you're to lazy to fight too. Trump's bringing that to an end. You're going to start paying your fair share. And you're not going to be charging us tariffs anymore ya fucking thieves.
Funny that no one is disputing what that chart is presenting. Seems more that deflection is the game being played on this thread.
just an observation
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
To American conservatives...Socialists are any countries that help their people

Tell that to the 2.5 million people who have fled Venezuela in the last 3 months.

We know you are not stupid rw...why do you keep doing this to yourself?

Venezuela IS of course Socialist, UNLIKE Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland etc I mean ROFLAO at the SUGGESTION that SWITZERLAND is fucking SOCIALIST!
Funny that no one is disputing what that chart is presenting. Seems more that deflection is the game being played on this thread.
just an observation

That's because WE need to FIRST get it through heads that ONLY ONE in that Top 10 IS Socialist and that is Sweden, that ALL of them are not Socialist or even NEAR being Socialist.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.

Lucy, compared to the United States every one of those countries are Socialist. I've worked in Norway, Netherlands, Scotland, and England. Just because they're at various stages of Socialism doesn't change the fact that they are more in debt, rely on Government more to take care of them, and are basically lazy as I can attest first hand. The taxes are outrageous and the government distributes it, basically Socialist.

I suggest you learn more about the United States. I've learned all I need to know about European Socialism by actually working there. So enough of your attempt at condescending contempt. You're trapped in a world of various levels of Socialism so the only contrast you can draw is inside the bubble. That would be the hard line Socialists verses Socialist light.

It's no mystery why most of all those in the chart are highly indebted and in Europe.

"Lucy, compared to the United States every one of those countries are Socialist."

No sorry you are incorrect.

"Just because they're at various stages of Socialism doesn't change the fact that they are more in debt,"

America has a 21 TRILLION debt, what are you talking about? Hello?

"rely on Government more to take care of them,"

You have 40 MILLION on Food Stamps and Welfare.

"and are basically lazy as I can attest first hand."

So you have PERSONALLY met TENS of MILLIONS of peoples and can therefore attest FIRST HAND EVERYONE is lazy?

"The taxes are outrageous and the government distributes it, basically Socialist."

The Governments distribute the taxes to pay for things like HEALTHCARE which is SOMETHING that American Governments want Americans to pay EXTORTIONATE amounts for and the elderly poor to have to CHOOSE between feeding themselves OR paying for their medications.

"I suggest you learn more about the United States."

I probably know a lot about the United States.

"I've learned all I need to know about European Socialism by actually working there."

I LIVE here on THIS Continent I am OF here on THIS Continent and I can say that a MAJORITY of Europeans have a better standard of living than MANY Americans who basically work around the clock for LESS than a Minimum Wage that WE give to our own and who have to live in FEAR of losing their job because IF they lose their job they also lose their access to Healthcare.

"So enough of your attempt at condescending contempt."

It's not an attempt, I mean what I commented. I would say that a majority of Europeans would give you the same response I did because to suggest that ALL of this Continent is Socialist and we are running things and are Semi Venezuela or whatever is TOTALLY ridiculous, Venezuela IS Socialist btw.

"You're trapped in a world of various levels of Socialism"

No absolutely ridiculous to suggest this. Do you even KNOW WHAT Socialism IS? I don't think so.
Not to jump through all those hoops, 10 trillion of the 21 trillion came from one liberal democrat president.
I will say that there needs to be a spending curb put in place at some point from our politicians.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
To American conservatives...Socialists are any countries that help their people

A Society is only as good as how it treats it;s most vulnerable ie. the elderly and disabled for example, I mean WHAT are we supposed to DO tell them to fuck off and die already because we CANNOT give them assistance?
Funny that no one is disputing what that chart is presenting. Seems more that deflection is the game being played on this thread.
just an observation

That's because WE need to FIRST get it through heads that ONLY ONE in that Top 10 IS Socialist and that is Sweden, that ALL of them are not Socialist or even NEAR being Socialist.
Depends on your definition of socialism. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.

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