Top reasons why people are not religious anymore


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

As society evolves, so does our approach to spirituality. This post looks at the subtle yet profound shift from traditional religious adherence to a more personal, evidence-based belief system.

Just kidding, as it all boils down to what the democrat party says, just like in WaterBoy, it was all about what Mama say. So, what does Mama, i.e., the democrat party say?


1. Mama say science is preferrable to the Bible because science can be proved as where the Bible cannot be. Mama say we need more evidence for God, like we now have scientific evidence that men can have babies.

2. Mama say we should value individualism over tradition. This means you should value being your authentic self, like picking the sex and the 23,136 different made-up genders you like and having that abortion if you want it. And sometimes, old-school religious rules just don’t fit into that picture. If your personal values clash with traditional teachings like the boring 2 gender man and woman crap, it’s pretty normal to start looking for spiritual fulfillment elsewhere – something that feels more ‘you. In fact, just imagine, at one point you actually thought you knew what a woman was. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!

3. Mama say religion is hard with wide access to various beliefs on the internet. Thanks to the internet, we’re exposed to a world of different ideas and beliefs. It’s like a never-ending buffet of viewpoints, and that can make folks start to wonder about what they’ve always believed. Having all these options at our fingertips often leads to questioning and rethinking our own beliefs. That is, just so long as those viewpoints don't conflict with the views on the climate cult, the gender cult, the vaccine cult, and the pronoun cult, and pretty much any more cults Mama say we need that Mama must censor across the entire world, but I think that is only common sense.

4. Mama say more and more people are getting into secular humanism – the idea that you can be good without religion telling you how. It’s about believing in the goodness of humanity and doing the right thing because, well, it’s the right thing to do, not because a religious doctrine said so. Just think, at one point in your life you thought mutilating the genitals of children was bad, but Mama taught you better than that. Besides, looking at human history is obvious people deep down are sooo good, except for the Whtie Christian part.

5. Mama say people are disappointed by religious institutions. Mama say people were disappointed until the Pope blessed gay marriages and said building walls sends you to hell, and said that the biggest threat to mankind is climate change, then all of a sudden Mama say religion is not so bad after all, however, Mama still knows better. Mama just taught the Pope what is right and wrong and he just listened is all.

6. Mama say chasing material success has led to people falling away from God and religion. Mama say in our fast-paced, success-driven world, chasing career goals and financial security often takes center stage, leaving little room for spiritual pursuits, thanks to the Jewish capitalistic system of the racist hell fire free market system. It’s like we’re so caught up in the tangible stuff – the here and now – that the spiritual side of things can get a bit lost in the shuffle. That is why Mama say you need to vote for democrats to forcibly take that material success away from others and give it to you and other poor folk, because material things will never fulfill you, so what we need is for the democrats to give people more material things stolen from the rich folk to show them it really leaves you empty inside after all. Really, all you need is the democrat party, that is the lesson, and not more stuff.

7. Mama say people are having changing social values. Mama say we need to be more inclusive to everyone because diversity is our strength, except for white Christian nationalists who are destroying the US and the world. Mama scream at them DIE!!!!!

8. Mama say education encourages people to ask more questions, and asking more questions leads to people questioning and rejecting religion. That is why Mama teaches children that asking questions about anything, other than the climate change, gender change, sexual preferences, using gender neutral bathrooms, boys playing girl sports, and vaccines is good for kids cuz Mama say children need to think critically against people who disagree with the democraty party.

9. Mama say celebrity influence has diminished people seeking God. Mama say people more interested to see if God is a Swifty than Swifty is into God, mainly because of her singing and dance routines which are to die for!!!

10. Mama say people are finding spirituality without religion. In fact, Mama say smoking weed brings you closer to God which is why Mama made it legal. Mama say it causes you to lose brain cells which is conducive to you listening more to what Mama say and becoming more spiritual.

11. Mama say people desire personal freedom more than rules from religion. That is why Mama say we should only care about the right to abortion and drug use as Mama take away their right to free speech, the right to assemble, or going to church during shutdowns. And don't get us started on Mama talking about your right to a gun or the right to choose what school your child goes to.

Mama say Ah!!!!! That feels better!!!

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It takes too much effort and self denial to be religious. Kids want instant gratuity.
Oddly enough, this is a pretty good summary.

My own opinion is that children NEED to be indoctrinated into religion from an early age. Then, when they start to think for themselves, they will naturally want to distance themselves from religion, as they have the general unspoken belief that their own "code" is superior to that of their parents. Ultimately, historically, as they mature as adults, they come back to religion - often not their parents' religion - as they see how fucked up life is, and how fucked up "secular people" are, and conclude that religion may be all bunkum, but it works (to promote a better life).

The most important factor is never mentioned. As property taxes have exploded in the past several decades, they have made the decision to send kids to religious (Catholic parochial or Christian) schools more difficult, because the tuition coupled with high school taxes is just too much "education" expense. So "we" conclude that we will just indoctrinate our own kids - and that almost never works.

Kids reach adulthood with a half-assed religious education, fall away from religion just like always, but then when they see how fucked up life is they can't "go back" to religion because they never really got it, so they start to pursue lots of bullshit philosophies and call themselves "spiritual, but not religious," which means they are too lazy to go to church and too cheap to support one.

Today, "Leftism" is the predominant "religion" among most of the post-Boomer generations. It is a religion because it accepts preposterous beliefs with no proof - which is what "faith" is. They believe that people are people, but people in the womb are just accumulations of "tissue." They believe that boys can actually be girls and vice versa. They believe that dubious computer projections are an "existential threat to humanity." They believe that using parts of the digestive system to simulate reproductive acts is "normal" and "natural." They believe that the creation of life and the nearly-infinite diversity of species "just happened." I could go on for a while with this. Leftism is their religion and I fear there is no going back.
Again, which is why we give them drugs, to fill in the God hole.

Which drugs do you take? Just the easy ones like pot and alcohol?

None really.

I like a nice bourbon on the rocks once in a while but I don't drink any alcohol at all most days. I used to use pot a lot when i was younger but I don't anymore. I only drink one cup of coffee a day.

I don't need drugs or gods but you need a god to be your drug.

You're an addict.
If you want to know the reason religion and church attendance is dropping, read the posts of the so-called religious right just on this forum. The vitriol and hatred is just astounding. The hypocrisy that comes from so-called religious leaders is likewise staggering. Many see that and just turn off. Clean Up your house. Stay away from politics. Church attendance may than rise. You have to look very hard to find any semblance of the Golden Rule from any right-wing self-professed religious poster on this forum!

I would also add that though religious and Church attendance is down, spirituality is not. One can be spiritual and have strong beliefs in the divine without attending church.
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Humans have evolved past the point of needing imaginary beings and made up stories to explain things.
Riiiiight.... Because we have all sorts of real beings on hand with made up stories to explain things. :uhoh3: :uhoh3:
The real problem with modern day Religion is that the religious left is so intent on changing the faith to meet "modern ideas". Groups like the Radical Episcopalianists and Secular Humanists lead the way, but they aren't the only ones.

Plenty of religious lefties push ideas like Adam and Steve being placed in the Garden of Eden and poo-poo the fact that Almighty God was pissed off at the number of butt holes being violated in Sodom as well as in Gomorrah.

Traditionally, people look to Religion as a connection between our current day and our ancestors who were placed here by God. The religious left is a popular failure as it doesn't do this, it invents new shit for people to believe in instead of simple religious Facts.

This is why conservative faiths are still succeeding. The "church of what's happening now" is failing
From the link: "Data suggests that, when their attendance drops, these nominal Christians become hyper-individualistic, devoted to law and order, cynical about systems, and distrustful of others."

Reminds you of any political group?

From the link: "Data suggests that, when their attendance drops, these nominal Christians become hyper-individualistic, devoted to law and order, cynical about systems, and distrustful of others."

Reminds you of any political group?

More conservatives attend church as opposed to members of the Religious Left, I think records would show. Far left Europe has a lot lower church attendance rates than this.

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