Top U.S. Marine Orders All Confederate Symbols Be Removed From Corps Bases

You're proud the south started a war with fellow Americans so they could keep their slaves?

What the fuck is wrong with you? :cuckoo:
It was never as simple as that

slave owners were a tiny percentage of the south, and almost as numerous in the north

soldiers who fought the war did not do so to preserve slavery for others or to take it away

this just pandering to black people by guilt-ridden white liberals

Doesn't matter why they fought, they took up arms against the United States of America which is treason.

Are you really this stupid? It does make a difference of why they fought. They fought to protect their families from the filthy ass invaders.

Our Founding Fathers told us Americans that there will be times when we needed to take up arms against a tyrannical government.

Four of the states that joined the Confederacy were signers to the Declaration of Independence. Many of the Confederacy leaders were descendants of the Founding Fathers.

A third of the Confederate States first chose not to secede but changed their minds when that asshole Lincoln declared he was going to raise an Army to kill Americans.
Why did those con-federate morons start a war then? Talk about stupid......:71:

You are confused Moon Bat. Typical for a stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat that gets his/her knowledge of the Civil War from a Jr High text written by the winners. But don't despair because I will educate you.

President Buchanan had established a truce with the Seceded states knowing that the issue of Federal facilities could lead to hostilities. The truce at Ft Sumter was that SC would not take the fort by force and the Federal troops could go about their duties unmolested. In return the Union could not reinforce the fort.

As soon as that asshole Lincoln was sworn in he sent a supply ship to Ft Sumter in violation of the agreement. He did it knowing full well that it would lead to hostilities. He did it to incite a conflict as an excuse to go to war. He did it without consulting his cabinet or even letting anybody know. That was his excuse to kill Americans. Real asshole, wasn't he? He was unwilling to resolves the issues of secession by diplomacy. Instead he resorted to war.

However, the real war did not start at Ft Sumter. Nobody died there except for one stupid Union shithead that blew himself up firing a cannon.

The war started when the asshole Lincoln sent an army across the Potomac to kill Americans and to take their arms away. You know, like the British tried to do in 1775.
You got to love the excuse making today by those supporting a four year FAILED country that started a war and got its ass kicked.


Sad, really. I wonder how their fellow troops from the North and black troops felt about their idiocy.

I was at two firebases in Vietnam where we flew the Confederate flag. In fact it was displayed quite often over there. Never heard anybody bitch about it.

The troops in Vietnam were not SJW flannel pajama pink pussy hat pussies like you stupid Moon Bats that post on here.

Vietnam!!!!!!! You mean at a time when black folks couldn't vote let alone complain about a racist flag.

Yep. Those were a good old times. We charge the Neggras a dollar for a poll tax and the stupid little shits couldn't even afford that. It kept the assholes from voting in shitheads like that Obama piece of shit.

I served with many Black troops in Vietnam and most of them did a great job. Unlike you filthy ass Moon Bat snowflakes nowadays they didn't bitch about things like the Confederate flag.

You go tell that bullshit to somebody who doesn't know any better. Racist trash like you is what folks hated when I was coming up. Who were the black soldiers going to complain to when it was probably racist like you who were their commanding officers.
You’re a black democrat lol you are the racist

the Mexican flag represents a foreign country

But Confederates were Americans

"But Confederates were Americans"


the Mexican flag represents a foreign country

But Confederates were Americans

"But Confederates were Americans"

not after they seceded and started the war

once they declared they had seceded and opened fire they were "enemy combatants!"
They were Americans before and after the war

they and their descendants have fought bravely for America in every war since the Civil War

"They were Americans before and after the war"

but DURING the war, AFTER THEY ACTUALLY, IN WRITING, signed and dated and notarized, SECEDED from the US and started A VERY DIFFERENT NOT THE USA CONFEDEratE STATES of NOT that point they had OFFICIALLY disavowed themselves as REAL Americans and were NO LONGER American citizens.
but DURING the war,

The war is over
So is the revolutionary war......should we honor the turncoats who fought against the US?

Or does that not stroke that racist itch like honoring the Confederacy?
Most of the royalists either went to canada or became American citizens

but unlike libs who hold a grudge forever we stopped hating the british long ago
Sad, really. I wonder how their fellow troops from the North and black troops felt about their idiocy.

I was at two firebases in Vietnam where we flew the Confederate flag. In fact it was displayed quite often over there. Never heard anybody bitch about it.

The troops in Vietnam were not SJW flannel pajama pink pussy hat pussies like you stupid Moon Bats that post on here.

Vietnam!!!!!!! You mean at a time when black folks couldn't vote let alone complain about a racist flag.

Yep. Those were a good old times. We charge the Neggras a dollar for a poll tax and the stupid little shits couldn't even afford that. It kept the assholes from voting in shitheads like that Obama piece of shit.

I served with many Black troops in Vietnam and most of them did a great job. Unlike you filthy ass Moon Bat snowflakes nowadays they didn't bitch about things like the Confederate flag.

You go tell that bullshit to somebody who doesn't know any better. Racist trash like you is what folks hated when I was coming up. Who were the black soldiers going to complain to when it was probably racist like you who were their commanding officers.
You’re a black democrat lol you are the racist
It was never as simple as that

slave owners were a tiny percentage of the south, and almost as numerous in the north

soldiers who fought the war did not do so to preserve slavery for others or to take it away

this just pandering to black people by guilt-ridden white liberals

Doesn't matter why they fought, they took up arms against the United States of America which is treason.

Are you really this stupid? It does make a difference of why they fought. They fought to protect their families from the filthy ass invaders.

.....but it was good God fearin, decent folks enslaving another group of folks. Talk about rewriting his-story.

Our Founding Fathers told us Americans that there will be times when we needed to take up arms against a tyrannical government.

Hmmm, so a Gov't enslaving another group of people wasn't tyrannical. No wonder the North took up arms.

Four of the states that joined the Confederacy were signers to the Declaration of Independence. Many of the Confederacy leaders were descendants of the Founding Fathers.

Then they should have known better than any one that their actions were treason.

A third of the Confederate States first chose not to secede but changed their minds when that asshole Lincoln declared he was going to raise an Army to kill Americans.

No he was raising an Army to kill racist, traitorous Confederates.
Slavey has a 4,000 year human history

and it still goes on today in non Confederate places

Soooooo what does that have to do with the evil wrongdoing of the Confederacy.
The Confederates were wrong in their treatment of blacks, as were northern slaveholders, but not evil
The south did not have to “keep up” with the north economically

they had their own economy and economic intersts

the southern state were agricultural and had cotton they wanted to sell to english and french textile mills

they also wanted to buy cheeper manufactured products from england but were prevented from doing so by the north
And the south relied heavily on the free labor of slaves to pick their cotton and farm their fields. You unwittingly just admitted the reason the south fought to secede in their failed attempt to keep slavery legal.
By 1860 slavery was an inherited system older than anyone alive at the time

but it only benefited a wealthy few

it could not have lasted much longer with or without the impatience of the abolitionists who pushed the nation into a bloody civil war

Any excuse will do, it is hard to defend wrongdoing.
When you apply 21st Century stands to 19th Century reality common sense goes out the window and you will be chronically outraged

Is that why the Bible changes so much. God was ok with it 100yrs, but today you can't do it. :abgg2q.jpg:
That giant chip you carry around everywhere must be on your shoulder
"But Confederates were Americans"

"But Confederates were Americans"

not after they seceded and started the war

once they declared they had seceded and opened fire they were "enemy combatants!"
They were Americans before and after the war

they and their descendants have fought bravely for America in every war since the Civil War

"They were Americans before and after the war"

but DURING the war, AFTER THEY ACTUALLY, IN WRITING, signed and dated and notarized, SECEDED from the US and started A VERY DIFFERENT NOT THE USA CONFEDEratE STATES of NOT that point they had OFFICIALLY disavowed themselves as REAL Americans and were NO LONGER American citizens.
but DURING the war,

The war is over
So is the revolutionary war......should we honor the turncoats who fought against the US?

Or does that not stroke that racist itch like honoring the Confederacy?
Do you know what happened to many of the Tories (colonists) who fought against the Patriots after the Rev. War was over? They were driven out. Whole cities in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Canada were founded by Tories driven out. Many went back to Great Britain because they were threatened, their homes were burned, etc. A famous example is Flora MacDonald and her family.
I do know and posted that somewhere on this thread

the difference as I pointed out is that you still hold a grudge 150 years later while the rest of the world, including royalists in canada, has moved on
It was never as simple as that

slave owners were a tiny percentage of the south, and almost as numerous in the north

soldiers who fought the war did not do so to preserve slavery for others or to take it away

this just pandering to black people by guilt-ridden white liberals

Doesn't matter why they fought, they took up arms against the United States of America which is treason.

Are you really this stupid? It does make a difference of why they fought. They fought to protect their families from the filthy ass invaders.

Our Founding Fathers told us Americans that there will be times when we needed to take up arms against a tyrannical government.

Four of the states that joined the Confederacy were signers to the Declaration of Independence. Many of the Confederacy leaders were descendants of the Founding Fathers.

A third of the Confederate States first chose not to secede but changed their minds when that asshole Lincoln declared he was going to raise an Army to kill Americans.
Why did those con-federate morons start a war then? Talk about stupid......:71:

You are confused Moon Bat. Typical for a stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat that gets his/her knowledge of the Civil War from a Jr High text written by the winners. But don't despair because I will educate you.

President Buchanan had established a truce with the Seceded states knowing that the issue of Federal facilities could lead to hostilities. The truce at Ft Sumter was that SC would not take the fort by force and the Federal troops could go about their duties unmolested. In return the Union could not reinforce the fort.

As soon as that asshole Lincoln was sworn in he sent a supply ship to Ft Sumter in violation of the agreement. He did it knowing full well that it would lead to hostilities. He did it to incite a conflict as an excuse to go to war. He did it without consulting his cabinet or even letting anybody know. That was his excuse to kill Americans. Real asshole, wasn't he? He was unwilling to resolves the issues of secession by diplomacy. Instead he resorted to war.

However, the real war did not start at Ft Sumter. Nobody died there except for one stupid Union shithead that blew himself up firing a cannon.

The war started when the asshole Lincoln sent an army across the Potomac to kill Americans and to take their arms away. You know, like the British tried to do in 1775.
You got to love the excuse making today by those supporting a four year FAILED country that started a war and got its ass kicked.
Trump has done a good job in-spite of lib ankle biters trying to detain him
I was at two firebases in Vietnam where we flew the Confederate flag. In fact it was displayed quite often over there. Never heard anybody bitch about it.

The troops in Vietnam were not SJW flannel pajama pink pussy hat pussies like you stupid Moon Bats that post on here.

Vietnam!!!!!!! You mean at a time when black folks couldn't vote let alone complain about a racist flag.

Yep. Those were a good old times. We charge the Neggras a dollar for a poll tax and the stupid little shits couldn't even afford that. It kept the assholes from voting in shitheads like that Obama piece of shit.

I served with many Black troops in Vietnam and most of them did a great job. Unlike you filthy ass Moon Bat snowflakes nowadays they didn't bitch about things like the Confederate flag.

You go tell that bullshit to somebody who doesn't know any better. Racist trash like you is what folks hated when I was coming up. Who were the black soldiers going to complain to when it was probably racist like you who were their commanding officers.
You’re a black democrat lol you are the racist
Thank you.. did you not know the current pain blacks are In because of black democrats?
"But Confederates were Americans"

"But Confederates were Americans"

not after they seceded and started the war

once they declared they had seceded and opened fire they were "enemy combatants!"
They were Americans before and after the war

they and their descendants have fought bravely for America in every war since the Civil War

"They were Americans before and after the war"

but DURING the war, AFTER THEY ACTUALLY, IN WRITING, signed and dated and notarized, SECEDED from the US and started A VERY DIFFERENT NOT THE USA CONFEDEratE STATES of NOT that point they had OFFICIALLY disavowed themselves as REAL Americans and were NO LONGER American citizens.
but DURING the war,

The war is over
So is the revolutionary war......should we honor the turncoats who fought against the US?

Or does that not stroke that racist itch like honoring the Confederacy?
Most of the royalists either went to canada or became American citizens

but unlike libs who hold a grudge forever we stopped hating the british long ago
That isn't what I asked....

I asked....why don't we put up monuments and hold state holidays for the British turncoats??

There is a reason you keep avoiding answering the question.....but you are too much of an intellectual coward to be honest about it
Sad, really. I wonder how their fellow troops from the North and black troops felt about their idiocy.

I was at two firebases in Vietnam where we flew the Confederate flag. In fact it was displayed quite often over there. Never heard anybody bitch about it.

The troops in Vietnam were not SJW flannel pajama pink pussy hat pussies like you stupid Moon Bats that post on here.

Vietnam!!!!!!! You mean at a time when black folks couldn't vote let alone complain about a racist flag.

Yep. Those were a good old times. We charge the Neggras a dollar for a poll tax and the stupid little shits couldn't even afford that. It kept the assholes from voting in shitheads like that Obama piece of shit.

I served with many Black troops in Vietnam and most of them did a great job. Unlike you filthy ass Moon Bat snowflakes nowadays they didn't bitch about things like the Confederate flag.

You go tell that bullshit to somebody who doesn't know any better. Racist trash like you is what folks hated when I was coming up. Who were the black soldiers going to complain to when it was probably racist like you who were their commanding officers.

The most racist people I have come across in my life are filthy ass Neggras with a hair up their ass. Shitheads that think they are entitled to something. Neggras that have been taught to hate.

They are really the slaves now. They live on the Democrat welfare slave plantation. The only thing is that they don't have to pick cotton to get their fried chicken, collard greens and watermelon. All they have to do is vote for Democrats every couple of years.

The South was right in the Civil War. Anybody that has looked at the history of the conflict knows that.

The Confederacy was the last great hope for Liberty in North America. The bad guys (Liberals) won and that is the reason we have this bloated out of controlled debt ridden liberty sapping stupid Federal government that we have now.

I know that had the South won you probably wouldn't be getting the welfare check that you are getting now but then again other Americans wouldn't have to be working to earn the money that you are getting.

Just grow up. The war is over. The wrong side won and country got fucked for it. If you want to be like the Taliban and want to erase history then go for it Sport. That makes you an asshole but you are not the only one. Just look at all those assholes that vote for Democrats nowadays. Disgusting, isn't it?
They were Americans before and after the war

they and their descendants have fought bravely for America in every war since the Civil War

"They were Americans before and after the war"

but DURING the war, AFTER THEY ACTUALLY, IN WRITING, signed and dated and notarized, SECEDED from the US and started A VERY DIFFERENT NOT THE USA CONFEDEratE STATES of NOT that point they had OFFICIALLY disavowed themselves as REAL Americans and were NO LONGER American citizens.
but DURING the war,

The war is over
So is the revolutionary war......should we honor the turncoats who fought against the US?

Or does that not stroke that racist itch like honoring the Confederacy?
Most of the royalists either went to canada or became American citizens

but unlike libs who hold a grudge forever we stopped hating the british long ago
That isn't what I asked....

I asked....why don't we put up monuments and hold state holidays for the British turncoats??

There is a reason you keep avoiding answering the question.....but you are too much of an intellectual coward to be honest about it
Because they were British
Sad, really. I wonder how their fellow troops from the North and black troops felt about their idiocy.

I was at two firebases in Vietnam where we flew the Confederate flag. In fact it was displayed quite often over there. Never heard anybody bitch about it.

The troops in Vietnam were not SJW flannel pajama pink pussy hat pussies like you stupid Moon Bats that post on here.

Vietnam!!!!!!! You mean at a time when black folks couldn't vote let alone complain about a racist flag.

Yep. Those were a good old times. We charge the Neggras a dollar for a poll tax and the stupid little shits couldn't even afford that. It kept the assholes from voting in shitheads like that Obama piece of shit.

I served with many Black troops in Vietnam and most of them did a great job. Unlike you filthy ass Moon Bat snowflakes nowadays they didn't bitch about things like the Confederate flag.

You go tell that bullshit to somebody who doesn't know any better. Racist trash like you is what folks hated when I was coming up. Who were the black soldiers going to complain to when it was probably racist like you who were their commanding officers.

The most racist people I have come across in my life are filthy ass Neggras with a hair up their ass. Shitheads that think they are entitled to something. Neggras that have been taught to hate.

They are really the slaves now. They live on the Democrat welfare slave plantation. The only thing is that they don't have to pick cotton to get their fired chicken, collard greens and watermelon. All they have to do is vote for Democrats every couple of years.

The South was right in the Civil War. Anybody that has looked at the history of the conflict knows that.

The Confederacy was the last great hope for Liberty in North America. The bad guys (Liberals) won and that is the reason we have this bloated out of controlled debt ridden liberty sapping stupid Federal government that we have now.

I know that had the South won you probably wouldn't be getting the welfare check that you are getting now but then again other Americans wouldn't have to be working to earn the money that you are getting.

Just grow up. The war is over. The wrong side won and country got fucked for it. If you want to be like the Taliban and want to erase history then go for it Sport. That makes you an asshole but you are not the only one. Just look at all those assholes that vote for Democrats nowadays. Disgusting, isn't it?
Well, it certainly didn't take long on this thread for the real racists to come out in the open, did it? And to think they spent so much time trying to convince us that the Con-federacy wasn't about slavery and racism....:71:
I was at two firebases in Vietnam where we flew the Confederate flag. In fact it was displayed quite often over there. Never heard anybody bitch about it.

The troops in Vietnam were not SJW flannel pajama pink pussy hat pussies like you stupid Moon Bats that post on here.

Vietnam!!!!!!! You mean at a time when black folks couldn't vote let alone complain about a racist flag.

Yep. Those were a good old times. We charge the Neggras a dollar for a poll tax and the stupid little shits couldn't even afford that. It kept the assholes from voting in shitheads like that Obama piece of shit.

I served with many Black troops in Vietnam and most of them did a great job. Unlike you filthy ass Moon Bat snowflakes nowadays they didn't bitch about things like the Confederate flag.

You go tell that bullshit to somebody who doesn't know any better. Racist trash like you is what folks hated when I was coming up. Who were the black soldiers going to complain to when it was probably racist like you who were their commanding officers.

The most racist people I have come across in my life are filthy ass Neggras with a hair up their ass. Shitheads that think they are entitled to something. Neggras that have been taught to hate.

They are really the slaves now. They live on the Democrat welfare slave plantation. The only thing is that they don't have to pick cotton to get their fired chicken, collard greens and watermelon. All they have to do is vote for Democrats every couple of years.

The South was right in the Civil War. Anybody that has looked at the history of the conflict knows that.

The Confederacy was the last great hope for Liberty in North America. The bad guys (Liberals) won and that is the reason we have this bloated out of controlled debt ridden liberty sapping stupid Federal government that we have now.

I know that had the South won you probably wouldn't be getting the welfare check that you are getting now but then again other Americans wouldn't have to be working to earn the money that you are getting.

Just grow up. The war is over. The wrong side won and country got fucked for it. If you want to be like the Taliban and want to erase history then go for it Sport. That makes you an asshole but you are not the only one. Just look at all those assholes that vote for Democrats nowadays. Disgusting, isn't it?
Well, it certainly didn't take long on this thread for the real racists to come out in the open, did it? And to think they spent so much time trying to convince us that the Con-federacy wasn't about slavery and racism....:71:

I have always been a racist and have said so many times.

However, I am open about it unlike all these racist Neggras that hate Whites with a passion but think they don't have to be held accountable for it. The stupid Liberals have brainwashed them to think that Neggra racism is justified.
I was at two firebases in Vietnam where we flew the Confederate flag. In fact it was displayed quite often over there. Never heard anybody bitch about it.

The troops in Vietnam were not SJW flannel pajama pink pussy hat pussies like you stupid Moon Bats that post on here.

Vietnam!!!!!!! You mean at a time when black folks couldn't vote let alone complain about a racist flag.

Yep. Those were a good old times. We charge the Neggras a dollar for a poll tax and the stupid little shits couldn't even afford that. It kept the assholes from voting in shitheads like that Obama piece of shit.

I served with many Black troops in Vietnam and most of them did a great job. Unlike you filthy ass Moon Bat snowflakes nowadays they didn't bitch about things like the Confederate flag.

You go tell that bullshit to somebody who doesn't know any better. Racist trash like you is what folks hated when I was coming up. Who were the black soldiers going to complain to when it was probably racist like you who were their commanding officers.

The most racist people I have come across in my life are filthy ass Neggras with a hair up their ass. Shitheads that think they are entitled to something. Neggras that have been taught to hate.

They are really the slaves now. They live on the Democrat welfare slave plantation. The only thing is that they don't have to pick cotton to get their fired chicken, collard greens and watermelon. All they have to do is vote for Democrats every couple of years.

The South was right in the Civil War. Anybody that has looked at the history of the conflict knows that.

The Confederacy was the last great hope for Liberty in North America. The bad guys (Liberals) won and that is the reason we have this bloated out of controlled debt ridden liberty sapping stupid Federal government that we have now.

I know that had the South won you probably wouldn't be getting the welfare check that you are getting now but then again other Americans wouldn't have to be working to earn the money that you are getting.

Just grow up. The war is over. The wrong side won and country got fucked for it. If you want to be like the Taliban and want to erase history then go for it Sport. That makes you an asshole but you are not the only one. Just look at all those assholes that vote for Democrats nowadays. Disgusting, isn't it?
Well, it certainly didn't take long on this thread for the real racists to come out in the open, did it? And to think they spent so much time trying to convince us that the Con-federacy wasn't about slavery and racism....:71:
Aren’t you a democrat Mary?
"They were Americans before and after the war"

but DURING the war, AFTER THEY ACTUALLY, IN WRITING, signed and dated and notarized, SECEDED from the US and started A VERY DIFFERENT NOT THE USA CONFEDEratE STATES of NOT that point they had OFFICIALLY disavowed themselves as REAL Americans and were NO LONGER American citizens.
but DURING the war,

The war is over
So is the revolutionary war......should we honor the turncoats who fought against the US?

Or does that not stroke that racist itch like honoring the Confederacy?
Most of the royalists either went to canada or became American citizens

but unlike libs who hold a grudge forever we stopped hating the british long ago
That isn't what I asked....

I asked....why don't we put up monuments and hold state holidays for the British turncoats??

There is a reason you keep avoiding answering the question.....but you are too much of an intellectual coward to be honest about it
Because they were British
No, they were is part of American why don't we put up monuments about them??
Vietnam!!!!!!! You mean at a time when black folks couldn't vote let alone complain about a racist flag.

Yep. Those were a good old times. We charge the Neggras a dollar for a poll tax and the stupid little shits couldn't even afford that. It kept the assholes from voting in shitheads like that Obama piece of shit.

I served with many Black troops in Vietnam and most of them did a great job. Unlike you filthy ass Moon Bat snowflakes nowadays they didn't bitch about things like the Confederate flag.

You go tell that bullshit to somebody who doesn't know any better. Racist trash like you is what folks hated when I was coming up. Who were the black soldiers going to complain to when it was probably racist like you who were their commanding officers.

The most racist people I have come across in my life are filthy ass Neggras with a hair up their ass. Shitheads that think they are entitled to something. Neggras that have been taught to hate.

They are really the slaves now. They live on the Democrat welfare slave plantation. The only thing is that they don't have to pick cotton to get their fired chicken, collard greens and watermelon. All they have to do is vote for Democrats every couple of years.

The South was right in the Civil War. Anybody that has looked at the history of the conflict knows that.

The Confederacy was the last great hope for Liberty in North America. The bad guys (Liberals) won and that is the reason we have this bloated out of controlled debt ridden liberty sapping stupid Federal government that we have now.

I know that had the South won you probably wouldn't be getting the welfare check that you are getting now but then again other Americans wouldn't have to be working to earn the money that you are getting.

Just grow up. The war is over. The wrong side won and country got fucked for it. If you want to be like the Taliban and want to erase history then go for it Sport. That makes you an asshole but you are not the only one. Just look at all those assholes that vote for Democrats nowadays. Disgusting, isn't it?
Well, it certainly didn't take long on this thread for the real racists to come out in the open, did it? And to think they spent so much time trying to convince us that the Con-federacy wasn't about slavery and racism....:71:

I have always been a racist and have said so many times.

However, I am open about it unlike all these racist Neggras that hate Whites with a passion but think they don't have to be held accountable for it. The stupid Liberals have brainwashed them to think that Neggra racism is justified.
If you are racist, why do you support Trump??

He is not racist and loves blacks -- the same blacks you hate....

Shouldn't you be a democrat and stuff?
but DURING the war,

The war is over
So is the revolutionary war......should we honor the turncoats who fought against the US?

Or does that not stroke that racist itch like honoring the Confederacy?
Most of the royalists either went to canada or became American citizens

but unlike libs who hold a grudge forever we stopped hating the british long ago
That isn't what I asked....

I asked....why don't we put up monuments and hold state holidays for the British turncoats??

There is a reason you keep avoiding answering the question.....but you are too much of an intellectual coward to be honest about it
Because they were British
No, they were is part of American why don't we put up monuments about them??
No one is stopping you.. get some votes.. have a balll
So is the revolutionary war......should we honor the turncoats who fought against the US?

Or does that not stroke that racist itch like honoring the Confederacy?
Most of the royalists either went to canada or became American citizens

but unlike libs who hold a grudge forever we stopped hating the british long ago
That isn't what I asked....

I asked....why don't we put up monuments and hold state holidays for the British turncoats??

There is a reason you keep avoiding answering the question.....but you are too much of an intellectual coward to be honest about it
Because they were British
No, they were is part of American why don't we put up monuments about them??
No one is stopping you.. get some votes.. have a balll
So are you saying that if more people are IN FAVOR of something being a holiday or not a holiday -- then that is what we should go with??

So why do you closet racists get so triggered when people keep telling you to take your confederate porn statues and shove em up your a$$?

Virginia to eliminate a state holiday honoring Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. It'll make Election Day a day off instead - CNNPolitics

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