Torture is wrong and unAmerican, nothing but neo-con filth

:lol: Now you are also stupid?

OK, if you insist on showing your ass, tight cheeks.
You of all idiots don't deserve an answer. Just realize you self proclaiming RepubLIEcan't you're bashing republicans for something that happened also while obama is president.

McCain on Torture: A Stain on our National Honor, Produces Misleading Info Dec. 10, 2014

“As the Senate Intelligence Committee’s CIA torture report roiled Capitol Hill Tuesday, Sen. John McCain framed the argument as one of moral clarity, all the while bumping up against his party leaders.

“I rise in support of the release, the long-delayed release of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s summarized, unclassified review of the so-called enhanced interrogation techniques that were employed by the previous administration to extract information from captured terrorists,” the Arizona Republican said on the Senate floor. “I believe the American people have a right, indeed responsibility, to know what was done in their name, how these practices did or did not serve our interests, and how they comported with our most important values.”
Before you quote shit maybe you should do some research?
Contrary to Obama's promises, the US military still permits torture
Contrary to Obama s promises the US military still permits torture Jeffrey Kaye Comment is free The Guardian

Torture in the Age of Obama RT Op-Edge

Is Obama Continuing Bush-Cheney Torture Cato Institute
Yep, just like the Founders, who went to war. Do you oppose all war because others will die fighting for what you believe? I am willing to die for my convictions, and I am willing to see others die for the same. They are that good and I have no problems living with said thing.

Mighty white of you, although I KNOW you would be the first to bitch if the government didn't do all it could to protect you. You want government to enforce you morality on others, so I call you a FUCKING LIAR when it comes to this.

Deal with it, you pretentious twat.
I want the government to enforce our mutual morality, and you inability to deal with reality I cannot help. I'm lying about nothing at all. The government cannot protect you, they can only try. Shit will still happen, count on it.

And you don't "know" anything, which is what makes you so useless and immoral.

So basically you prefer a government that beats up on its own citizens. Fascist.
Beats up? No little drama queen, I want a government that enforces our mutual morality, the one that starts with don't lie (in transactions), steal, cheat, rape, murder, etc. I know, how radical of me...
morality? Let's see where that paper is at. again, because you're a goody-to-shoe, doesn't mean we all are. And you want us all to just get along right? The heck with that ISIS is beheading that doesn't mean we have to react or anything because we're too moral because of the likes of you. I have a 180 degree difference to this than you. accept it jack!
You're an animal, no better than the rest. Believe me, that I accept.
The far right and neo-cons torture America with their lies

Bush was never in the loop: Bloomberg View Op-ed: CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

CIA misled BYU grad who wrote memo used to justify torture program

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

View attachment 34852
The silly repubLIEcan't bashes republicans but forgets this was also happening under obama.

Prove it, Sweet Cheeks. The above says you wrong. :lol:
Prove what?

Prove what you claimed. Do you really not understand that?
Asshole that cock sucker never answers anything he does not deserve an answer so go fuck yourself.
Mighty white of you, although I KNOW you would be the first to bitch if the government didn't do all it could to protect you. You want government to enforce you morality on others, so I call you a FUCKING LIAR when it comes to this.

Deal with it, you pretentious twat.
I want the government to enforce our mutual morality, and you inability to deal with reality I cannot help. I'm lying about nothing at all. The government cannot protect you, they can only try. Shit will still happen, count on it.

And you don't "know" anything, which is what makes you so useless and immoral.

So basically you prefer a government that beats up on its own citizens. Fascist.
Beats up? No little drama queen, I want a government that enforces our mutual morality, the one that starts with don't lie (in transactions), steal, cheat, rape, murder, etc. I know, how radical of me...
morality? Let's see where that paper is at. again, because you're a goody-to-shoe, doesn't mean we all are. And you want us all to just get along right? The heck with that ISIS is beheading that doesn't mean we have to react or anything because we're too moral because of the likes of you. I have a 180 degree difference to this than you. accept it jack!
You're an animal, no better than the rest. Believe me, that I accept.
oh well for you. You hate that I am right?
The CIA tortured its own informants by accident.
“In the spring of 2004, after two detainees were transferred to CIA custody, CIA interrogators proposed, and CIA Headquarters approved, using the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques on one of the two detainees because it might cause the detainee to provide information that could identify inconsistencies in the other detainee’s story. After both detainees had spent approximately 24 hours shackled in the standing sleep deprivation position, CIA Headquarters confirmed that the detainees were former CIA sources. The two detainees had tried to contact the CIA on multiple occasions prior to their detention to inform the CIA of their activities and provide intelligence. [Page 133]
All romantic idealists out there would love to stop any nasties happening in our wonderful world, but regrettably unpleasantness is a necessity when we are fighting a barbaric and completely.ruthless enemy!

In order to safe our own lives the use of some degree of torture during interrogation is absolutely necessary!

Do you really think that the nice guy approach is going to work with terrorists?

"Hello!. How are you?. How is the family? ......I like you.....Let's talk! "

Total BS.
We were wrong to engage in many of the interrogation tactics that we used in the months and years following 9-11.

This is borne out by the lackluster results obtained and their relative insignificance in comparison to the PR (image) hit that we are taking (again).

We need to do a better job of culling the herd to determine those most likely to succumb to more conventional interrogation techniques.

And shoot the rest.

Line em up against a wall and ask "Who's going to talk?"
No one answers ya shoot the first one. Pretty sure you'd have more conversationalist than you knew what to do with in short order.
As long as you don't mind them doing just that to US soldiers? Well, do you?
Better a quick bullet rather than beheading.
So you don't mind then?

You do understand that no matter what we do the hajis are going to torture and kill Americans right?
I want the government to enforce our mutual morality, and you inability to deal with reality I cannot help. I'm lying about nothing at all. The government cannot protect you, they can only try. Shit will still happen, count on it.

And you don't "know" anything, which is what makes you so useless and immoral.

So basically you prefer a government that beats up on its own citizens. Fascist.
Beats up? No little drama queen, I want a government that enforces our mutual morality, the one that starts with don't lie (in transactions), steal, cheat, rape, murder, etc. I know, how radical of me...
morality? Let's see where that paper is at. again, because you're a goody-to-shoe, doesn't mean we all are. And you want us all to just get along right? The heck with that ISIS is beheading that doesn't mean we have to react or anything because we're too moral because of the likes of you. I have a 180 degree difference to this than you. accept it jack!
You're an animal, no better than the rest. Believe me, that I accept.
oh well for you. You hate that I am right?
What I hate is that I share the planet, with immoral animals such as yourself.
Oh definitely. In order to preserve civilized discourse we must throw it away to "defeat" the enemy!
Dont procreate, please.
All romantic idealists out there would love to stop any nasties happening in our wonderful world, but regrettably unpleasantness is a necessity when we are fighting a barbaric and completely.ruthless enemy!

In order to safe our own lives the use of some degree of torture during interrogation is absolutely necessary!

Do you really think that the nice guy approach is going to work with terrorists?

"Hello!. How are you?. How is the family? ......I like you.....Let's talk! "

Total BS.
ISIS says the same thing...they say they have to be ruthless...
All romantic idealists out there would love to stop any nasties happening in our wonderful world, but regrettably unpleasantness is a necessity when we are fighting a barbaric and completely.ruthless enemy!

In order to safe our own lives the use of some degree of torture during interrogation is absolutely necessary!

Do you really think that the nice guy approach is going to work with terrorists?

"Hello!. How are you?. How is the family? ......I like you.....Let's talk! "

Total BS.
If you actually believed in what this country stands for it might very well. But like any other unthinking immoral beasts, you can't see if you become as they are you have already lost. Survival is all that matters in the end, obviously, but truly moral men have lines they won't cross while you have none at all.
We were wrong to engage in many of the interrogation tactics that we used in the months and years following 9-11.

This is borne out by the lackluster results obtained and their relative insignificance in comparison to the PR (image) hit that we are taking (again).

We need to do a better job of culling the herd to determine those most likely to succumb to more conventional interrogation techniques.

And shoot the rest.

Line em up against a wall and ask "Who's going to talk?"
No one answers ya shoot the first one. Pretty sure you'd have more conversationalist than you knew what to do with in short order.
As long as you don't mind them doing just that to US soldiers? Well, do you?
Better a quick bullet rather than beheading.
So you don't mind then?

You do understand that no matter what we do the hajis are going to torture and kill Americans right?
That is the risk we take, and it changes nothing, if you have morals that is.
...We hung others for it actually, but it's okay now it seems, for them and for us. Happy days.
I'm pretty sure that 'torture' was not the cause of those death-sentences in the 1940s.

Rather, it probably had something to do with genocide -caliber mass-murder.

Torture was certainly on the menu of charges but I don't remember anybody being hung simply because of it, stand-alone, without murder being involved.

Torture was more like the condiments on a hot-dog rather than Main Course.
No, torture, which is a war-crime, is what they were charged with, and waterboarding was on the list. Look it up.
Nolo contendere.

No contest.

I merely say that nobody (within the context of Nazi war criminal trials) was hung ONLY because they engaged in torture.

In refutation of your earlier observation.

Unless you can drum-up somebody who was charged only with torture - or acquitted of everything but torture - and still hung.

I recall no such person, and my first guess is that you will not be able to come up with one, either.
Line em up against a wall and ask "Who's going to talk?"
No one answers ya shoot the first one. Pretty sure you'd have more conversationalist than you knew what to do with in short order.
As long as you don't mind them doing just that to US soldiers? Well, do you?
Better a quick bullet rather than beheading.
So you don't mind then?

You do understand that no matter what we do the hajis are going to torture and kill Americans right?
That is the risk we take, and it changes nothing, if you have morals that is.

Dont you have a pro abortion rally to attend?
...We hung others for it actually, but it's okay now it seems, for them and for us. Happy days.
I'm pretty sure that 'torture' was not the cause of those death-sentences in the 1940s.

Rather, it probably had something to do with genocide -caliber mass-murder.

Torture was certainly on the menu of charges but I don't remember anybody being hung simply because of it, stand-alone, without murder being involved.

Torture was more like the condiments on a hot-dog rather than Main Course.
No, torture, which is a war-crime, is what they were charged with, and waterboarding was on the list. Look it up.
Nolo contendere.

No contest.

I merely say that nobody (within the context of Nazi war criminal trials) was hung ONLY because they engaged in torture.

In refutation of your earlier observation.

Unless you can drum-up somebody who was charged only with torture - or acquitted of everything but torture - and still hung.

I recall no such person, and my first guess is that you will not be able to come up with one, either.
This would be the Japanese, and be careful who you attribute statements to. We hung Japanese soldiers for engaging in torture, including waterboarding. The record on that is clear.
All romantic idealists out there would love to stop any nasties happening in our wonderful world, but regrettably unpleasantness is a necessity when we are fighting a barbaric and completely.ruthless enemy!

In order to safe our own lives the use of some degree of torture during interrogation is absolutely necessary!

Do you really think that the nice guy approach is going to work with terrorists?

"Hello!. How are you?. How is the family? ......I like you.....Let's talk! "

Total BS.
ISIS says the same thing...they say they have to be ruthless...

Anybody with a realistic attitude will take their heads out of the clouds and understand that to defeat a ruthless enemy, we also have to be ruthless!

How do you think we won the Second World War?

By being nice?

Check out the bombing of Dresden and of course Hiroshima!

Luckily the Western world wasn't dominated by goody-goody, be nice to them and they will be nice to us idealists, in those days thet were realists and won!
ISIS justifies the torture pogroms of the previous administration even though ISIS did not exist at the time ......:scared1:

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