Training Americans To Follow Orders

Train people to follow orders?

How about

1. call them commandments
2. keep it simple, at least at first, by limiting the number of commandments to, say, ten...
3. make the enforcer of the commandments a terrifying supernatural being with superhuman powers.

Progressive won't be limited by 10 Commandments, otherwise how could they murder over 100 Million people in the last century?
By following the ideas of the Church and the monarchies ran for many years by conservatives..

One day you may decide to gain an education....

You'll learn that every totalitarian, Leftist philosophy.....including Liberalism.....owes its origin to the French Revolution.
Said endeavor was the antithesis of religion.
600,000 slaughtered.

The American Revolution, quite the opposite....was religion-based.

a. The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

b. "Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known today, “an extremist Fundementalist hate group.”
From Coulter’s best seller, “Demonic .”

So, to those of the Liberal persuasion, party like it’s 1789!
Train people to follow orders?

Wait...the military trains people to follow orders. Why do conservatives hate the military?

a soldier is under no obligation to follow an illegal order. See, wytch, he is allowed to actually think----something you libs want to ban.

What does that have to do with what I said. The OP is offering us another of her "liberals are/liberals do..." malarky threads about training to follow orders...something the military actually does.

Liberals want to ban thinking? Do you even care how silly the things you type sound?

PoliticalChic would never notice a ban on thinking.
Train people to follow orders?

How about

1. call them commandments
2. keep it simple, at least at first, by limiting the number of commandments to, say, ten...
3. make the enforcer of the commandments a terrifying supernatural being with superhuman powers.

Progressive won't be limited by 10 Commandments, otherwise how could they murder over 100 Million people in the last century?
By following the ideas of the Church and the monarchies ran for many years by conservatives..

One day you may decide to gain an education....

You'll learn that every totalitarian, Leftist philosophy.....including Liberalism.....owes its origin to the French Revolution.
Said endeavor was the antithesis of religion.
600,000 slaughtered.

The American Revolution, quite the opposite....was religion-based.

a. The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

b. "Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known today, “an extremist Fundementalist hate group.”
From Coulter’s best seller, “Demonic .”

So, to those of the Liberal persuasion, party like it’s 1789!

The American Revolution was religion based? A revolution to form a secular government in place of a government with a state religion? That's religion based?
Train people to follow orders?

How about

1. call them commandments
2. keep it simple, at least at first, by limiting the number of commandments to, say, ten...
3. make the enforcer of the commandments a terrifying supernatural being with superhuman powers.

Progressive won't be limited by 10 Commandments, otherwise how could they murder over 100 Million people in the last century?
By following the ideas of the Church and the monarchies ran for many years by conservatives..

One day you may decide to gain an education....

You'll learn that every totalitarian, Leftist philosophy.....including Liberalism.....owes its origin to the French Revolution.
Said endeavor was the antithesis of religion.
600,000 slaughtered.

The American Revolution, quite the opposite....was religion-based.

a. The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

b. "Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known today, “an extremist Fundementalist hate group.”
From Coulter’s best seller, “Demonic .”

So, to those of the Liberal persuasion, party like it’s 1789!

And the French revolution was based on the American Revolution in which thousands died to be able to keep state religion from dominating the political landscape of the US...
Train people to follow orders?

Wait...the military trains people to follow orders. Why do conservatives hate the military?

a soldier is under no obligation to follow an illegal order. See, wytch, he is allowed to actually think----something you libs want to ban.

What does that have to do with what I said. The OP is offering us another of her "liberals are/liberals do..." malarky threads about training to follow orders...something the military actually does.

Liberals want to ban thinking? Do you even care how silly the things you type sound?

PoliticalChic would never notice a ban on thinking.

Another avoidance of the facts presented?

Good to see you continue to work up to your ability.

Train people to follow orders?

How about

1. call them commandments
2. keep it simple, at least at first, by limiting the number of commandments to, say, ten...
3. make the enforcer of the commandments a terrifying supernatural being with superhuman powers.

Progressive won't be limited by 10 Commandments, otherwise how could they murder over 100 Million people in the last century?
By following the ideas of the Church and the monarchies ran for many years by conservatives..

One day you may decide to gain an education....

You'll learn that every totalitarian, Leftist philosophy.....including Liberalism.....owes its origin to the French Revolution.
Said endeavor was the antithesis of religion.
600,000 slaughtered.

The American Revolution, quite the opposite....was religion-based.

a. The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

b. "Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known today, “an extremist Fundementalist hate group.”
From Coulter’s best seller, “Demonic .”

So, to those of the Liberal persuasion, party like it’s 1789!

And the French revolution was based on the American Revolution in which thousands died to be able to keep state religion from dominating the political landscape of the US...

I suggested that you require an education....and you went and proved it!

You'll learn that every totalitarian, Leftist philosophy.....including Liberalism.....owes its origin to the French Revolution.
Said endeavor was the antithesis of religion.
600,000 slaughtered.

The American Revolution, quite the opposite....was religion-based.

a. The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

b. "Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known today, “an extremist Fundementalist hate group.”
From Coulter’s best seller, “Demonic .”

So, to those of the Liberal persuasion, party like it’s 1789!

Horseshit. Comparing the American War of Independence to the French Revolution is fallacious at best.

The Founders were not looking to change the social order of their country. They "revolution" was instigated by rich people seeking to maintain their privileges- To keep owning slaves and to not pay their taxes. They were not looking to radically reorder society. Political power was held by white landowning males and that's where it stayed for a long time.

The French Revolution- precipitated by the disastrous reign of Louis XVI - was a complete rejection of a feudal political system that no longer made sense in a modern world.

Second, a lot of the key founders- the smart ones, anyway- were Deists. They rejected the bible as a collection of Fairy Stories.

Third, the supposedly great society these founders created still relied on acts of genocide against Native Americans (the British limited incursions into native lands) and slavery (which had been outlawed in Britain and was phased out in their other colonies by 1830.)
If human nature is so immutable, then how on earth have humans made such progress?

The Stone Age is not the Industrial Age is not the Information Age.

a. The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

b. "Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known today, “an extremist Fundementalist hate group.”
From Coulter’s best seller, “Demonic .”

So, to those of the Liberal persuasion, party like it’s 1789!

The Loyalists were almost all Christians. The British were almost all Christian. The Hessians were almost all Christian. The British government was officially Christian.

The Revolution was a war among Christians on both sides.
1. In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food.

Clearly it works. You say the Democratic politician key words like "wealthy" or "corporation" and they start salivating with greed.
Train people to follow orders?

Wait...the military trains people to follow orders. Why do conservatives hate the military?

a soldier is under no obligation to follow an illegal order. See, wytch, he is allowed to actually think----something you libs want to ban.

What does that have to do with what I said. The OP is offering us another of her "liberals are/liberals do..." malarky threads about training to follow orders...something the military actually does.

Liberals want to ban thinking? Do you even care how silly the things you type sound?

Redfish told me the other day that 300 million Muslims had committed acts of terror. I guess that's what he considers thoughtful insight.
Train people to follow orders?

Wait...the military trains people to follow orders. Why do conservatives hate the military?
They don't train them to take leave of their morals or their ethics. According to the UCMJ they still have the option to disobey an immoral order. Besides, you haven't been around the military much lately. They've become some kind of political experiment in diversity. Christianity is discouraged and Islam is supported. Smoking and drinking has been banned in every government building.
Train people to follow orders?

Wait...the military trains people to follow orders. Why do conservatives hate the military?

a soldier is under no obligation to follow an illegal order. See, wytch, he is allowed to actually think----something you libs want to ban.

What does that have to do with what I said. The OP is offering us another of her "liberals are/liberals do..." malarky threads about training to follow orders...something the military actually does.

Liberals want to ban thinking? Do you even care how silly the things you type sound?

PoliticalChic would never notice a ban on thinking.

Another avoidance of the facts presented?

Good to see you continue to work up to your ability.

Train people to follow orders?

How about

1. call them commandments
2. keep it simple, at least at first, by limiting the number of commandments to, say, ten...
3. make the enforcer of the commandments a terrifying supernatural being with superhuman powers.

Progressive won't be limited by 10 Commandments, otherwise how could they murder over 100 Million people in the last century?
By following the ideas of the Church and the monarchies ran for many years by conservatives..

One day you may decide to gain an education....

You'll learn that every totalitarian, Leftist philosophy.....including Liberalism.....owes its origin to the French Revolution.
Said endeavor was the antithesis of religion.
600,000 slaughtered.

The American Revolution, quite the opposite....was religion-based.

a. The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

b. "Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known today, “an extremist Fundementalist hate group.”
From Coulter’s best seller, “Demonic .”

So, to those of the Liberal persuasion, party like it’s 1789!

And the French revolution was based on the American Revolution in which thousands died to be able to keep state religion from dominating the political landscape of the US...

I suggested that you require an education....and you went and proved it!

Just trying to keep it on your level.....ty
Train people to follow orders?

Wait...the military trains people to follow orders. Why do conservatives hate the military?
yep. I served. Wonder if OP has :eusa_think: Also seems like conservatives loved to be told what to do, where to protest, who can listen to your phone calls, until the black guy became President. :rolleyes-41: THEN, all of a sudden, its a burden.

Give me a break OP.

LOL, what a tool. Democrats agree on every issue. Republicans consist of neocons, socons, fiscal conservatives, libertarians, establishment, moderate and liberals, but it's Republicans who are told what to do. Not you, who agree on every issue and justify it with the same talking points.

Give me a break LOL
1.."The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Do you know what the highlighted portion means? It means that States only have the powers that the Constitution does not prohibit them from having.
1. In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food.

Clearly it works. You say the Democratic politician key words like "wealthy" or "corporation" and they start salivating with greed.

Works the other way, too. Say words like "entitlements" and "assistance" and conservatives start getting apoplectic.

You'll learn that every totalitarian, Leftist philosophy.....including Liberalism.....owes its origin to the French Revolution.
Said endeavor was the antithesis of religion.
600,000 slaughtered.

The American Revolution, quite the opposite....was religion-based.

a. The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

b. "Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known today, “an extremist Fundementalist hate group.”
From Coulter’s best seller, “Demonic .”

So, to those of the Liberal persuasion, party like it’s 1789!

Horseshit. Comparing the American War of Independence to the French Revolution is fallacious at best.

The Founders were not looking to change the social order of their country. They "revolution" was instigated by rich people seeking to maintain their privileges- To keep owning slaves and to not pay their taxes. They were not looking to radically reorder society. Political power was held by white landowning males and that's where it stayed for a long time.

The French Revolution- precipitated by the disastrous reign of Louis XVI - was a complete rejection of a feudal political system that no longer made sense in a modern world.

Second, a lot of the key founders- the smart ones, anyway- were Deists. They rejected the bible as a collection of Fairy Stories.

Third, the supposedly great society these founders created still relied on acts of genocide against Native Americans (the British limited incursions into native lands) and slavery (which had been outlawed in Britain and was phased out in their other colonies by 1830.)

Another history-challenged post.

You really should have studied history in any level.
If human nature is so immutable, then how on earth have humans made such progress?

The Stone Age is not the Industrial Age is not the Information Age.

You're a moron.

Human nature is unchangeable....but knowledge continues apace.

Specifically....human desire for self aggrandizement, power and wealth, is the basis for existence.

1. The Constitution commemorates our revolution, and, as Madison states in the ‘Federalist,’ is the greatest of all reflections on human nature…human beings are not angels.”

a. Humans are not perfectible, but are capable of self government. The republican form of government presupposes this idea of humans. Our government is not a controlling government, but must itself be controlled: by the Constitution.

b. Communist Revolution is based on the idea of transforming human nature. “The New Soviet man or New Soviet person (Russian: новый советский человек), as postulated by the ideologists of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was an archetype of a person with certain qualities that were said to be emerging as dominant among all citizens of the Soviet Union, irrespective of the country's long-standing cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity, creating a single Soviet people, Soviet nation.[1]
New Soviet man - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

c. Leon Trotsky wrote in his Literature and Revolution [2] :

"The human species, the sluggish Homo sapiens, will once again enter the stage of radical reconstruction and become in his own hands the object of the most complex methods of artificial selection and psychophysical training... Man will make it his create a higher sociobiological type, a superman, if you will"
New Soviet man - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Hillary Clinton agreed with the above.

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