CDZ Transcontinental Wall


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
One of the traits missing from trumps promotion of a wall is a little creativity, surprising coming from an entertainment guru. I have the solution. Just as 150 years ago America sought to join the country by creating the transcontinental railroad, trump should propose creating the transcontinental wall. Think how great this would be.

Create two bids. One from the east and one from the west. Have these companies compete to see who can build more wall in one day than the other. Set a time limit for completion, offer a prize for who builds the most wall. Require only American citizens to work on the project. Only American materials. Fly the flag. Create pride and create public interest and pr for the building of the wall. Interviews, background, and standings. This thing would get a life of its own and Americans would see their money at work. Less money, less time, and less distance. I would be honored to drive in the golden spike.

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