Transgender 1st Grader Wins Civil Rights Case...

You are comparing apples to oranges.

Humans are the only creatures on Earth that Fuck their Dead...

Is that Nature or Nurture?... :dunno:



I would not know as I do not fuck the dead.
But since you are the expert on it tell us if it is natural or not.

Don't you love it when they use those sort of examples?
It means they have nothing, and really have no clue what they are talking about.
It certainly isn't good parenting when what they want to be is not reality. Parents are suppose to keep children in reality. What do you do if your kid wants to be an elf? Glue big ears on and promote the fantasy?

I coached rec ball for 20 years, 52 teams altogether.
I did not want to hand out trophies to 13 year old kids that came in 4th in a 9 team league.
I wanted to "keep children in reality"
And it was not the business of anyone other than my team and the families what I/we did.
Same with this family. It is not any of your business what they do.

I think they made it my business when they try to get their boy in the ladies room. I don't want boys in the ladies room with my daughters. I don't care how he is dressed. While this case doesn't directly effect me, others in the future might. So I think your wrong. It moved out of the family when they started to expect the public to support this fantasy.

Your daughter go that school?
JUST LAST NIGHT I am at a bar and a man has his two kids with him, ONE a young girl so he takes her IN THE MEN'S ROOM.
Closes the door IN THE STALL.
Uh, earth to Brain: THEY HAVE STALLS IN THE GIRLS ROOM AND NO OPEN AREAS where someone can see anyone doing their business.
News flash: girls bath rooms NO ONE CAN SEE IN THE STALLS.
None of your business if a man takes his 3 year old daughter into the men's stall.
None of your business if a 6 year old kid that is transgender GOES INTO THE STALL, SHUTS THE DOOR SO NO ONE CAN SEE and does their business.
If you google images for Coy Mathis you will find EXACTLY what the Family wants you to see... Coy older and in Drag... They and their Handlers have Provided the Media with ALL of those pics and for a reason...

Try finding some 18 to 24 month pics of Coy. :thup:

These people are REALLY Shitty... If only I could Share what I Know.



"Officially"... :rofl:

And (4) is WAY too young also. :thup:

Fucking Perverted Deviant Douchebag Child Abusing Motherfuckers.



I would love for you to say that her father.

You haven't bothered to really look up anything about went on before they let her be a girl did you?

I guess they should have taught her to hate herself and others.

No, they could have taught him to respect himself and to enjoy what he is, a boy. Instead, they fostered a child's fantasy, coerced others into playing to a child's fantasy, and then trotted him out on the public stage as the creature of his fantasy. Now, the child is faced with reality as it exists outside his family. The wider public rejects his fantasy and his parents are now using a legal system to force the public to further twist and warp this poor little boy's self-image. His parents give fuck-all about anyone else, even children grounded in reality, especially little girls. Interesting, they demand so much respect for their boy-mutant-girl while totally disrespecting real girls.
"Officially"... :rofl:

And (4) is WAY too young also. :thup:

Fucking Perverted Deviant Douchebag Child Abusing Motherfuckers.



I would love for you to say that her father.

You haven't bothered to really look up anything about went on before they let her be a girl did you?

I guess they should have taught her to hate herself and others.

No, they could have taught him to respect himself and to enjoy what he is, a boy. Instead, they fostered a child's fantasy, coerced others into playing to a child's fantasy, and then trotted him out on the public stage as the creature of his fantasy. Now, the child is faced with reality as it exists outside his family. The wider public rejects his fantasy and his parents are now using a legal system to force the public to further twist and warp this poor little boy's self-image. His parents give fuck-all about anyone else, even children grounded in reality, especially little girls. Interesting, they demand so much respect for their boy-mutant-girl while totally disrespecting real girls.

Maybe that is true what you claim.
But this is still none of your business if it is.
No one is forcing YOU to do a damn thing. Who is holding your hands behind your back forcing you to accept it?
That is so absurd. Read your post. Have you accepted it?
NO and I respect that but quit the BS that you were forced to accept it.
You weren't so hang that whopper up.

^If I didn't know any better... And I do because my 7 1/2 and 5-year-olds were 2 and 3 not that long ago...

I'd say that's a 2 or 3-year old image of Coy in Drag. :thup:

Interesting that there is a lack of little Boy 18 month old pics, eh?...



Last edited:
"Officially"... :rofl:

And (4) is WAY too young also. :thup:

Fucking Perverted Deviant Douchebag Child Abusing Motherfuckers.



I would love for you to say that her father.

You haven't bothered to really look up anything about went on before they let her be a girl did you?

I guess they should have taught her to hate herself and others.

No, they could have taught him to respect himself and to enjoy what he is, a boy. Instead, they fostered a child's fantasy, coerced others into playing to a child's fantasy, and then trotted him out on the public stage as the creature of his fantasy. Now, the child is faced with reality as it exists outside his family. The wider public rejects his fantasy and his parents are now using a legal system to force the public to further twist and warp this poor little boy's self-image. His parents give fuck-all about anyone else, even children grounded in reality, especially little girls. Interesting, they demand so much respect for their boy-mutant-girl while totally disrespecting real girls.

Again... My 5-year-old Recently has insisted he's Batman and a Jet Plane.

Try to tell him differently.

My Friend's Son literally dressed like Batman for months whenever he was allowed and was Absolutely Certain he was a Super Hero... MONTHS.

Now he's the Man of Steel.

These Fucking People and People who are Excusing and Advocating for this are Disgusting Fucking Shitstains on the Underwear of Society. :thup:


I would love for you to say that her father.

You haven't bothered to really look up anything about went on before they let her be a girl did you?

I guess they should have taught her to hate herself and others.

No, they could have taught him to respect himself and to enjoy what he is, a boy. Instead, they fostered a child's fantasy, coerced others into playing to a child's fantasy, and then trotted him out on the public stage as the creature of his fantasy. Now, the child is faced with reality as it exists outside his family. The wider public rejects his fantasy and his parents are now using a legal system to force the public to further twist and warp this poor little boy's self-image. His parents give fuck-all about anyone else, even children grounded in reality, especially little girls. Interesting, they demand so much respect for their boy-mutant-girl while totally disrespecting real girls.

Again... My 5-year-old Recently has insisted he's Batman and a Jet Plane.

Try to tell him differently.

My Friend's Son literally dressed like Batman for months whenever he was allowed and was Absolutely Certain he was a Super Hero... MONTHS.

Now he's the Man of Steel.

These Fucking People and People who are Excusing and Advocating for this are Disgusting Fucking Shitstains on the Underwear of Society. :thup:



Did you seek help for your child? Take them to see professionals?
These parents did and her desire to be a girl lasted longer than a month.
Your hate is disgusting.
I would love for you to say that her father.

You haven't bothered to really look up anything about went on before they let her be a girl did you?

I guess they should have taught her to hate herself and others.

No, they could have taught him to respect himself and to enjoy what he is, a boy. Instead, they fostered a child's fantasy, coerced others into playing to a child's fantasy, and then trotted him out on the public stage as the creature of his fantasy. Now, the child is faced with reality as it exists outside his family. The wider public rejects his fantasy and his parents are now using a legal system to force the public to further twist and warp this poor little boy's self-image. His parents give fuck-all about anyone else, even children grounded in reality, especially little girls. Interesting, they demand so much respect for their boy-mutant-girl while totally disrespecting real girls.

Maybe that is true what you claim.
But this is still none of your business if it is.
No one is forcing YOU to do a damn thing. Who is holding your hands behind your back forcing you to accept it?
That is so absurd. Read your post. Have you accepted it?
NO and I respect that but quit the BS that you were forced to accept it.
You weren't so hang that whopper up.

You're right, it is none of my business...until it affects me and mine. As soon as the parents of girls objected to this aberration using the girls bathroom, that's where it becomes someone else's business. If the parents of even one little girl have an objection, allowing a boy to use the girls' bathroom should be stopped. Even after a reasonable alternative was offered, i.e. the boy could use either the nurse's or the staff bathrooms, his parents continued to push. Again, the parents of the boy made it a public issue. If the boy's parents were less concerned about their publicity stunt, they would have simply allowed everyone to continue to accept their son as the "girl" he has been trained to be. Stall door closed, none would have been the wiser.
As far as my accepting such a child, I could care less if entertaining his fantasies has no impact on my life or the lives of my daughters and granddaughters. His parents appear hell-bent on forcing their little social engineering project on everyone else, though. I am pretty firmly in the nurture camp when it comes to gender "selection". If older people make that choice, one assumes they have enough information to do so "intelligently". An 18-month-old child, yeah...not so much. The actions of his parents play the major role in his choices at that age. I feel compassion for the child. His position has to be unpleasant, at the least.
No, they could have taught him to respect himself and to enjoy what he is, a boy. Instead, they fostered a child's fantasy, coerced others into playing to a child's fantasy, and then trotted him out on the public stage as the creature of his fantasy. Now, the child is faced with reality as it exists outside his family. The wider public rejects his fantasy and his parents are now using a legal system to force the public to further twist and warp this poor little boy's self-image. His parents give fuck-all about anyone else, even children grounded in reality, especially little girls. Interesting, they demand so much respect for their boy-mutant-girl while totally disrespecting real girls.

Again... My 5-year-old Recently has insisted he's Batman and a Jet Plane.

Try to tell him differently.

My Friend's Son literally dressed like Batman for months whenever he was allowed and was Absolutely Certain he was a Super Hero... MONTHS.

Now he's the Man of Steel.

These Fucking People and People who are Excusing and Advocating for this are Disgusting Fucking Shitstains on the Underwear of Society. :thup:



Did you seek help for your child? Take them to see professionals?
These parents did and her desire to be a girl lasted longer than a month.
Your hate is disgusting.

You Advocating for Child Abuse is Inexcusable. :thup:



^If I didn't know any better... And I do because my 7 1/2 and 5-year-olds were 2 and 3 not that long ago...

I'd say that's a 2 or 3-year old image of Coy in Drag. :thup:

Interesting that there is a lack of little Boy 18 month old pics, eh?...




^No Comment [MENTION=11865]Luissa[/MENTION]?... :rofl:

He looks younger and in Drag Compared to your Pic where he's "Cranky" and the Parents want the Media to Portray it as being about being dressed like the Boy he is.


I coached rec ball for 20 years, 52 teams altogether.
I did not want to hand out trophies to 13 year old kids that came in 4th in a 9 team league.
I wanted to "keep children in reality"
And it was not the business of anyone other than my team and the families what I/we did.
Same with this family. It is not any of your business what they do.

I think they made it my business when they try to get their boy in the ladies room. I don't want boys in the ladies room with my daughters. I don't care how he is dressed. While this case doesn't directly effect me, others in the future might. So I think your wrong. It moved out of the family when they started to expect the public to support this fantasy.

Your daughter go that school?
JUST LAST NIGHT I am at a bar and a man has his two kids with him, ONE a young girl so he takes her IN THE MEN'S ROOM.
Closes the door IN THE STALL.
Uh, earth to Brain: THEY HAVE STALLS IN THE GIRLS ROOM AND NO OPEN AREAS where someone can see anyone doing their business.
News flash: girls bath rooms NO ONE CAN SEE IN THE STALLS.
None of your business if a man takes his 3 year old daughter into the men's stall.
None of your business if a 6 year old kid that is transgender GOES INTO THE STALL, SHUTS THE DOOR SO NO ONE CAN SEE and does their business.

Just because your not seen commiting a crime does not make it legal. We have men's and women's bathrooms. Men do not belong in the ladies bathroom. Lots of crimes are unseen, but it is still commiting a crime.
I think they made it my business when they try to get their boy in the ladies room. I don't want boys in the ladies room with my daughters. I don't care how he is dressed. While this case doesn't directly effect me, others in the future might. So I think your wrong. It moved out of the family when they started to expect the public to support this fantasy.

Your daughter go that school?
JUST LAST NIGHT I am at a bar and a man has his two kids with him, ONE a young girl so he takes her IN THE MEN'S ROOM.
Closes the door IN THE STALL.
Uh, earth to Brain: THEY HAVE STALLS IN THE GIRLS ROOM AND NO OPEN AREAS where someone can see anyone doing their business.
News flash: girls bath rooms NO ONE CAN SEE IN THE STALLS.
None of your business if a man takes his 3 year old daughter into the men's stall.
None of your business if a 6 year old kid that is transgender GOES INTO THE STALL, SHUTS THE DOOR SO NO ONE CAN SEE and does their business.

Just because your not seen commiting a crime does not make it legal. We have men's and women's bathrooms. Men do not belong in the ladies bathroom. Lots of crimes are unseen, but it is still commiting a crime.

Committing a crime?
I know of no jurisdiction anywhere in America where that is a crime.
I coached rec ball for 20 years, 52 teams altogether.
I did not want to hand out trophies to 13 year old kids that came in 4th in a 9 team league.
I wanted to "keep children in reality"
And it was not the business of anyone other than my team and the families what I/we did.
Same with this family. It is not any of your business what they do.

I think they made it my business when they try to get their boy in the ladies room. I don't want boys in the ladies room with my daughters. I don't care how he is dressed. While this case doesn't directly effect me, others in the future might. So I think your wrong. It moved out of the family when they started to expect the public to support this fantasy.

Your daughter go that school?
JUST LAST NIGHT I am at a bar and a man has his two kids with him, ONE a young girl so he takes her IN THE MEN'S ROOM.
Closes the door IN THE STALL.
Uh, earth to Brain: THEY HAVE STALLS IN THE GIRLS ROOM AND NO OPEN AREAS where someone can see anyone doing their business.
News flash: girls bath rooms NO ONE CAN SEE IN THE STALLS.
None of your business if a man takes his 3 year old daughter into the men's stall.
None of your business if a 6 year old kid that is transgender GOES INTO THE STALL, SHUTS THE DOOR SO NO ONE CAN SEE and does their business.

So, taking your reasoning to its conclusion, there is no reason for separate bathrooms. Just get rid of urinals, make all stalls, and they should be unisex.

If you disagree with that statement, I would like to hear why.

If you do believe we should move to unisex bathrooms, that's fine. But since we are not there yet, and Coy is using the gender specific girl's bathroom, this is an issue. It is an issue to me because I am a nanny of a 4 year old girl, and I would like to know if males are allowed into the bathroom with her, whatever gender they may self-identify as. It is an issue for everyone because it may affect who is allowed into the gender specific bathroom with them, now or in the future.

Coy is NOT physically a girl.
I think they made it my business when they try to get their boy in the ladies room. I don't want boys in the ladies room with my daughters. I don't care how he is dressed. While this case doesn't directly effect me, others in the future might. So I think your wrong. It moved out of the family when they started to expect the public to support this fantasy.

Your daughter go that school?
JUST LAST NIGHT I am at a bar and a man has his two kids with him, ONE a young girl so he takes her IN THE MEN'S ROOM.
Closes the door IN THE STALL.
Uh, earth to Brain: THEY HAVE STALLS IN THE GIRLS ROOM AND NO OPEN AREAS where someone can see anyone doing their business.
News flash: girls bath rooms NO ONE CAN SEE IN THE STALLS.
None of your business if a man takes his 3 year old daughter into the men's stall.
None of your business if a 6 year old kid that is transgender GOES INTO THE STALL, SHUTS THE DOOR SO NO ONE CAN SEE and does their business.

So, taking your reasoning to its conclusion, there is no reason for separate bathrooms. Just get rid of urinals, make all stalls, and they should be unisex.

If you disagree with that statement, I would like to hear why.

If you do believe we should move to unisex bathrooms, that's fine. But since we are not there yet, and Coy is using the gender specific girl's bathroom, this is an issue. It is an issue to me because I am a nanny of a 4 year old girl, and I would like to know if males are allowed into the bathroom with her, whatever gender they may self-identify as. It is an issue for everyone because it may affect who is allowed into the gender specific bathroom with them, now or in the future.

Coy is NOT physically a girl.

That is your conclusion.
Speak for yourself and make your own conclusions.
We already have unisex bathrooms per se as there is NO law restricting it anywhere.
That is a conclusion.
In fact it was THE LAW that gave Coy the right to use that bathroom.
Another conclusion.
Virtually every state has no law banning one sex from using another sex's bathroom. A few cities do but they do not hold up on challenges.
That is a conclusion.
Price Waterhouse v. WAtkins is the court's conclusion and the applicable law in this matter.
Your and my opinion do not count. The law does.
Another conclusion that I conclude with.
Allowing your child to be what they want to be is child abuse?

It certainly isn't good parenting when what they want to be is not reality. Parents are suppose to keep children in reality. What do you do if your kid wants to be an elf? Glue big ears on and promote the fantasy?

I coached rec ball for 20 years, 52 teams altogether.
I did not want to hand out trophies to 13 year old kids that came in 4th in a 9 team league.
I wanted to "keep children in reality"
And it was not the business of anyone other than my team and the families what I/we did.
Same with this family. It is not any of your business what they do.

You are about 90% correct. Unfortunately, it becomes my business when said parents start using the power of the state to force other people to accede to their demands that we go along with them when they pretend their little boy is a girl.
You are comparing apples to oranges.

No I am not. If we applied the theory that "You are born that way" to everything you have no more choice about who you vote for than who you sleep with.

Yeah ya are. And why would you apply that to everything?

Why wouldn't I? Either we have free will, or we don't. Can you explain how we can have free will about some things and not others? Please don't try to argue that taste is not a matter of free will, I have never met a single person that liked everything they tried the first time they tried it despite the fact that they enjoy it now. One example is coffee, another is alcohol, yet people drink both all the time.
Your daughter go that school?
JUST LAST NIGHT I am at a bar and a man has his two kids with him, ONE a young girl so he takes her IN THE MEN'S ROOM.
Closes the door IN THE STALL.
Uh, earth to Brain: THEY HAVE STALLS IN THE GIRLS ROOM AND NO OPEN AREAS where someone can see anyone doing their business.
News flash: girls bath rooms NO ONE CAN SEE IN THE STALLS.
None of your business if a man takes his 3 year old daughter into the men's stall.
None of your business if a 6 year old kid that is transgender GOES INTO THE STALL, SHUTS THE DOOR SO NO ONE CAN SEE and does their business.

So, taking your reasoning to its conclusion, there is no reason for separate bathrooms. Just get rid of urinals, make all stalls, and they should be unisex.

If you disagree with that statement, I would like to hear why.

If you do believe we should move to unisex bathrooms, that's fine. But since we are not there yet, and Coy is using the gender specific girl's bathroom, this is an issue. It is an issue to me because I am a nanny of a 4 year old girl, and I would like to know if males are allowed into the bathroom with her, whatever gender they may self-identify as. It is an issue for everyone because it may affect who is allowed into the gender specific bathroom with them, now or in the future.

Coy is NOT physically a girl.

That is your conclusion.
Speak for yourself and make your own conclusions.
We already have unisex bathrooms per se as there is NO law restricting it anywhere.
That is a conclusion.
In fact it was THE LAW that gave Coy the right to use that bathroom.
Another conclusion.
Virtually every state has no law banning one sex from using another sex's bathroom. A few cities do but they do not hold up on challenges.
That is a conclusion.
Price Waterhouse v. WAtkins is the court's conclusion and the applicable law in this matter.
Your and my opinion do not count. The law does.
Another conclusion that I conclude with.

I notice you did not explain your position here. Do you believe bathrooms should be unisex rather than separated by gender?

Did you mean Price Waterhouse v Hopkins? I didn't find one v Watkins in a quick search. In the Hopkins case, a brief perusal showed that the case was about gender discrimination in regards to promotion. It did not seem to address separate bathrooms in any way.

At least in Maine, from a few articles about a case there which also involves a transgendered student's bathroom access, the law not only allows separate bathrooms but may actually require them in schools. See paragraph 6 of this article :
Lawsuit brought by transgender student over bathrooms, harassment goes to Maine supreme court | Fox News

Maybe unisex bathrooms are the way to go. Or perhaps we need 3 bathroom options everywhere; men's, women's, and unisex. We don't have that option yet, however. So long as we are separating by gender, it seems important to decide just what that should mean. My opinion is that the separation should be based on physical makeup.

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