Zone1 Transgenderism DEBATE: Michael Knowles vs Brad Polumbo (full debate)

Once again prove I'm transphobic or STFU.
Don’t bother. The guy can’t debate the topic, he just gets emotionally triggered and throws a temper tantrum while pathetically slinging angry labels. That’s literally all he has. It’s sad how seethingly angry and hateful he is towards us who just disagree with his radical theories.. and those of us who care about the long term emotional/mental/physical health of people throughout their lives.
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I think the Right wing getting hysterical about transgenders is silly, because they've run out of other people they can politely hate.
Ignoring science that men are actually females or vice versa is .. not hysterical at all. Doesn't matter how they feel, which you'll attempt to provide some link that some study said so .. but that doesn't make them something they can never be, and then to set expectations that everyone must accept it .. right Cisgender Joe?

No political hate .. just pro-reality.
Ignoring science that men are actually females or vice versa is .. not hysterical at all. Doesn't matter how they feel, which you'll attempt to provide some link that some study said so .. but that doesn't make them something they can never be, and then to set expectations that everyone must accept it .. right Cisgender Joe?

No political hate .. just pro-reality.
Archeologists know if a person was male or female.

They don’t know their pronouns (nor should they care)
Why do you have a right to debate what free people choose to do with their lives? Maybe some people wish to live the life of the opposite sex and frankly that should be up to them.
Affirming and cheering children towards a state of mind that has 40% suicide rate and aggressively higher depression rates is bad by those who do it and definitely grooming a child towards harm.

the only reason that transgenders commit suicide (and it's nowhere near 40%) is because of having to deal with bigots like you.

Ignoring science that men are actually females or vice versa is .. not hysterical at all. Doesn't matter how they feel, which you'll attempt to provide some link that some study said so .. but that doesn't make them something they can never be, and then to set expectations that everyone must accept it .. right Cisgender Joe?

Except they've done the science and discovered transgender brains are wired closer to their identified sex than their assigned sex.

Nobody even cared about these people until they started shoving their shit down our throats and involving children. Sure, many thought they were weirdos but nobody really gave a shit.
Its different now and its their fault.
Exactly. Transsexuals are nothing new. In the seventies the Brady dad played one on Marcus Welby. Nobody cared other than to laugh about it.

Hey! Democrats! Leave them kids alone!
the only reason that transgenders commit suicide (and it's nowhere near 40%) is because of having to deal with bigots like you.
Well .. no .. it's when reality reasserts itself: such as when they realize they are still the same sex/gender regardless of what their feelings identify ... or maybe that pro-reality individuals don't accept their delusion or that many of them show obvious signs of mental health issues ..

Except they've done the science and discovered transgender brains are wired closer to their identified sex than their assigned sex.

That's irrelevant .. if some science showed they were wired closely to a chimpanzee .. that doesn't make them a chimpanzee, nor does it make them the opposite sex. Such as ridiculous argument cisgender Joe.
I think the Right wing getting hysterical about transgenders is silly, because they've run out of other people they can politely hate.
Three things.

You use, "Hate", transgenders often scream, "Transphobic, bigot". You and they do this to try and add aggressive impact to your's/there's rant. But disagreeing is not hate, a phobia, or bigoted. You disagree with the colour of my car, "WHY DO YOU HATE MY CAR COLOUR, YOU COLOURPHOBIC BIGOT". See how silly your stance is.

Secondly, you said, "Politely". I agree, now look at the opposition, are they too being polite?

Lastly, no one is hysterical over Transgenders, they just disagree because it's a mental illness.

So sex and gender are separate, yes? So why does someone with genders worries want to change sex? Why not just change gender?
Well .. no .. it's when reality reasserts itself: such as when they realize they are still the same sex/gender regardless of what their feelings identify ... or maybe that pro-reality individuals don't accept their delusion or that many of them show obvious signs of mental health issues ..
Or having to deal with bigots every day is stressful. Just ask any black person. Have a chat with IM2, he'll tell you all about it.

That's irrelevant .. if some science showed they were wired closely to a chimpanzee .. that doesn't make them a chimpanzee, nor does it make them the opposite sex. Such as ridiculous argument
We aren't talking about Chimpanzees. I would guess if there are transgender Chimpanzees, we'd never notice because they don't wear clothes.

Three things.

You use, "Hate", transgenders often scream, "Transphobic, bigot". You and they do this to try and add aggressive impact to your's/there's rant. But disagreeing is not hate, a phobia, or bigoted. You disagree with the colour of my car, "WHY DO YOU HATE MY CAR COLOUR, YOU COLOURPHOBIC BIGOT". See how silly your stance is.

Um, no, because the color of your car doesn't define who you are as a person. Why is it you guys can't discuss the issue without talking about someone else.

Secondly, you said, "Politely". I agree, now look at the opposition, are they too being polite?

No, there's no point to being polite to bigots. And you missed my point. Today, you will pretty much get fired if you refer to a person of color by an ethnic slur, or call a gay person a fag, or tell a woman to get back to the kitchen and make you a sandwich. So you cling to Transphobia like 'Can I please, please still hate this group that I'm very unlikely to ever even encounter!"

And society is answering with an emphatic "No". Which must burn you to be sure.

Lastly, no one is hysterical over Transgenders, they just disagree because it's a mental illness.
Your side completely lost their shit because a nitwit in marketing sent novelty beer cans to a transgender influencer.
"Oh, my God, Bud Lite will make you gay! BOYCOTT!!!"

So sex and gender are separate, yes? So why does someone with genders worries want to change sex? Why not just change gender?
Or having to deal with bigots every day is stressful. Just ask any black person. Have a chat with IM2, he'll tell you all about it.

We aren't talking about Chimpanzees. I would guess if there are transgender Chimpanzees, we'd never notice because they don't wear clothes.

Um, no, because the color of your car doesn't define who you are as a person. Why is it you guys can't discuss the issue without talking about someone else.

No, there's no point to being polite to bigots. And you missed my point. Today, you will pretty much get fired if you refer to a person of color by an ethnic slur, or call a gay person a fag, or tell a woman to get back to the kitchen and make you a sandwich. So you cling to Transphobia like 'Can I please, please still hate this group that I'm very unlikely to ever even encounter!"

And society is answering with an emphatic "No". Which must burn you to be sure.

Your side completely lost their shit because a nitwit in marketing sent novelty beer cans to a transgender influencer.
"Oh, my God, Bud Lite will make you gay! BOYCOTT!!!"
You're simply an oxygen thief.

Transgenderism DEBATE: Michael Knowles vs Brad Polumbo (full debate)​

Should transgenderism be banned by the government? That’s what Daily Wire host Michael Knowles and BASED Politics podcast co-host Brad Polumbo debated at this University of Pittsburgh event. Protestors tried to shout down the speakers, set an effigy of Michael Knowles on fire, and caused chaos in the streets, but the full debate went ahead anyway. What do you think? Who do you agree with?

Yes, get in out of the public domain, they can do it within the confines of their private property.

Countries should hold referendums on the issue.
Well .. no .. it's when reality reasserts itself: such as when they realize they are still the same sex/gender regardless of what their feelings identify ... or maybe that pro-reality individuals don't accept their delusion or that many of them show obvious signs of mental health issues ..

That's irrelevant .. if some science showed they were wired closely to a chimpanzee .. that doesn't make them a chimpanzee, nor does it make them the opposite sex. Such as ridiculous argument cisgender Joe.

And if pediphiles brains are wired to be sexually attracted to the young, must we accept them as well?
Your concession is duly noted.... but do enjoy your last little bit of bigotry while you can... Big Corporations are already on the Trans Train and you will be mandated to use the proper pronouns.

Bud light might make them change their minds.
Affirming and cheering children towards a state of mind that has 40% suicide rate and aggressively higher depression rates is bad by those who do it and definitely grooming a child towards harm.
........and all for something that is based upon vanity by the virtue-signaling morons who see turning children into trannies as a status symbol.

What we are actually dealing with here is a group psychosis.

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