Zone1 Transgenderism DEBATE: Michael Knowles vs Brad Polumbo (full debate)

the only reason that transgenders commit suicide (and it's nowhere near 40%) is because of having to deal with bigots like you.

Except they've done the science and discovered transgender brains are wired closer to their identified sex than their assigned sex.

I saw an interview with Brittany Greiner. That is a male. And not a word on sexuality. There is no voice that deep with women.
I saw an interview with Brittany Greiner. That is a male. And not a word on sexuality. There is no voice that deep with women.
Not to mention, the pictures of him without his shirt on.

We live in a world where we are forced to compliment the emperor on his lavish clothing even though he is completely naked.
Or having to deal with bigots every day is stressful. Just ask any black person. Have a chat with IM2, he'll tell you all about it.
awww .. those poor people .. no one believes their delusion, especially as the demand and expectations grow to accept it.

We aren't talking about Chimpanzees. I would guess if there are transgender Chimpanzees, we'd never notice because they don't wear clothes.
It's an analogy ... my mistake for assuming you were able to comprehend that ..

Um, no, because the color of your car doesn't define who you are as a person. Why is it you guys can't discuss the issue without talking about someone else.
The way you feel shouldn't demand everyone else accept it.
the only reason that transgenders commit suicide (and it's nowhere near 40%) is because of having to deal with bigots like you.

Except they've done the science and discovered transgender brains are wired closer to their identified sex than their assigned sex.

With most suicides, it's the feeling of hopelessness because they can't cope with challenging problems, it impacts on their mental health. So they feel the solution is to take their own life. Be it financial issues, marriage breakdown, the loss of a family member, struggling with what's in your underpants, some can't deal with the challenge.

The science you talk about is political science, not biology science.
Why do you have a right to debate what free people choose to do with their lives? Maybe some people wish to live the life of the opposite sex and frankly that should be up to them.
It’s about what is promoted in society. People have every right to do what they want. A person can become a smoker and become addicted.. it’s just usually doesn’t produce good results for the individual (lung damage/disease, shorter lifespans, organ damage, throat/skin damage,etc.). In the same way, becoming trans causes so much turmoil, depression, often-regretted irreversible biological damage, and astronomically high rates of suicide. It shouldn’t be pushed to be overly-represented in society or be affirmed to children if they get curious about becoming a smoker, the same goes for trans. Caring people in society would steer people, especially children, away from this behavior because of the factual data that points to likely harmful outcomes.

Uncaring, reckless, irresponsible people like trans activists and many democrats in this scenario would want children to explore smoking and want smokers to not feel neglected. They would promote smoking and call those of us who speak against smoking as hateful and “cigarette-phobic”…

Again, adults can smoke, nobody is stopping them, but it shouldn’t be promoted, especially to children
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Transexuals, the Democrat Politicians and Activists are proving their extremism.

Try to discuss Transexuals rationally and it is just about impossible, Democrat activists are going NAZI

Look at the tactics employed against us. First it will be censorship of the words we can use. Just like the "N" word, the proper term of Transexual is replaced with Transgender. It is only a matter of time before the word Transexual will be forced from out of our language and those who use it be accused of hate crimes.

The leftist democrat NAZIs also try to call as racist, bigots, homophobes according to our fact based view of Transexuals

The leftist democrat Nazi Supremacist wrongly accuse any person simply answering their posts as obsessed

The leftist democrat nazi marxists, use all the tactics of the masterminds of propaganda labeling any simple discussion of transexuals as hysteria, they call those who discuss transexualsism as hysterical, even if they bring it up.

Transexualism, the leftist liberal tyrants will tell us we are exaggerating the problem, even as 225 pound men now brutally beat women in women sports

obsessed, homophobic, hysterical, the list goes on

and the funny thing is, the leftist marxist democrats no less about transexuals then the average person, from propaganda disguised as studies to medical experts, they are all full of shit.

I have met more transexuals in my life than the average person, by far.

95% of transexuals do not want the radical political attention the 5% is involved in. Most are very happy, and dont go around exposing themselves to children.

Transexuals, just another group of people that Democrats use to gain power, Democrats after all, must protect transexuals from the evil christians (as if the democrats were never and are not the KKK).

Democrats dont know shit about an average transexual
Various studies show that suicide rates among the transgender are drastically higher than those of the general population. In 2018, the Heritage Foundation reported suicide rates for individuals 15 years after surgical transition was 20 times higher than the that of the population overall.

Trannys and the leftist, child grooming activists screech about the high suicide rates being a result of “right wing bigots” and “transphobia”. However, what we’re seeing is that the explicit efforts by the left at grooming children beginning when they’re four and five years old is an explicit effort at manipulation and coercion. The numbers of those seeking to “de transition” is their realization and undeniable reality that genital mutilation has not “transed” the individual's sex.
Various studies show that suicide rates among the transgender are drastically higher than those of the general population. In 2018, the Heritage Foundation reported suicide rates for individuals 15 years after surgical transition was 20 times higher than the that of the population overall.

Trannys and the leftist, child grooming activists screech about the high suicide rates being a result of “right wing bigots” and “transphobia”. However, what we’re seeing is that the explicit efforts by the left at grooming children beginning when they’re four and five years old is an explicit effort at manipulation and coercion. The numbers of those seeking to “de transition” is their realization and undeniable reality that genital mutilation has not “transed” the individual's sex.

Chatty, you realize the suicide rate for the general population is pretty low to start with, right? Only about 13.48 per 100,000. (and it's only as high as it is because guns are too readily available.)

The reality is, Gender Affirming Care lowers the suicide rate.

A new study published today in JAMA Surgery found that gender-affirming surgery is associated with improved mental health outcomes among transgender people. The study was authored by researchers at Harvard Medical School, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, The Fenway Institute at Fenway Health, and the Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital. It is the first large-scale, controlled study to demonstrate an association between gender-affirming surgery and improved mental health outcomes and adds important new knowledge to the field as there is little high-quality evidence regarding the mental health effects of gender-affirming surgery.

“There is great demand among transgender and gender diverse people for gender-affirming surgery, and thanks to recommendations by professional associations and clinical support for gender-affirming surgical care, these treatments are much more common today than they were even just 10 years ago,” said study lead author Anthony N. Almazan, a fourth-year medical student at Harvard Medical School. “But until now there has been limited evidence that these surgeries result in better mental health outcomes.”

The study, titled “Association Between Gender-Affirming Surgeries and Mental Health Outcomes,” compared the psychological distress, substance use, and suicide risk of 3,559 transgender people who had undergone gender-affirming surgery with those of 16,401 transgender people who desired gender-affirming surgery but had not yet undergone any. It found that transgender people who had received one or more gender-affirming surgical procedures had a 42% reduction in the odds of experiencing past-month psychological distress, a 35% reduction in the odds of past-year tobacco smoking, and a 44% reduction in the odds of past-year suicidal ideation.
Chatty, you realize the suicide rate for the general population is pretty low to start with, right? Only about 13.48 per 100,000. (and it's only as high as it is because guns are too readily available.)

The reality is, Gender Affirming Care lowers the suicide rate.

A new study published today in JAMA Surgery found that gender-affirming surgery is associated with improved mental health outcomes among transgender people. The study was authored by researchers at Harvard Medical School, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, The Fenway Institute at Fenway Health, and the Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital. It is the first large-scale, controlled study to demonstrate an association between gender-affirming surgery and improved mental health outcomes and adds important new knowledge to the field as there is little high-quality evidence regarding the mental health effects of gender-affirming surgery.

“There is great demand among transgender and gender diverse people for gender-affirming surgery, and thanks to recommendations by professional associations and clinical support for gender-affirming surgical care, these treatments are much more common today than they were even just 10 years ago,” said study lead author Anthony N. Almazan, a fourth-year medical student at Harvard Medical School. “But until now there has been limited evidence that these surgeries result in better mental health outcomes.”

The study, titled “Association Between Gender-Affirming Surgeries and Mental Health Outcomes,” compared the psychological distress, substance use, and suicide risk of 3,559 transgender people who had undergone gender-affirming surgery with those of 16,401 transgender people who desired gender-affirming surgery but had not yet undergone any. It found that transgender people who had received one or more gender-affirming surgical procedures had a 42% reduction in the odds of experiencing past-month psychological distress, a 35% reduction in the odds of past-year tobacco smoking, and a 44% reduction in the odds of past-year suicidal ideation.
Self-hating leftist, do try and understand that the general population would be the obvious control group used for comparison.

Do you really believe that you’re exploitation of four and five year old children is anything but a desperate attempt at coercion of the youngest, impressionable minds?

Why else would you endorse convicted child molesters attending tranny story time?

There is not a single long-term study to demonstrate the safety or efficacy of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for transgender-believing youth. This means that youth transition is experimental, and therefore, parents cannot provide informed consent, nor can minors provide assent for these interventions. Moreover, the best long-term evidence we have among adults shows that medical intervention fails to reduce suicide.
That woman in the video can't keep still!! She must have restless leg syndrome or something.
Various studies show that suicide rates among the transgender are drastically higher than those of the general population. In 2018, the Heritage Foundation reported suicide rates for individuals 15 years after surgical transition was 20 times higher than the that of the population overall.

Trannys and the leftist, child grooming activists screech about the high suicide rates being a result of “right wing bigots” and “transphobia”. However, what we’re seeing is that the explicit efforts by the left at grooming children beginning when they’re four and five years old is an explicit effort at manipulation and coercion. The numbers of those seeking to “de transition” is their realization and undeniable reality that genital mutilation has not “transed” the individual's sex.
The leftist trans activists hold absolutely zero compassion for ruined detransitioners who live with regret and despair, talking about how they were pressured by then “allies”, doctors, activists, teachers, etc. then, these heartless woke trans activists call the detransitioners horrible things, and places like Amazon censor their books..

It’s heartbreaking, and the woke left doesn’t care at all, and views those suffering as enemies
The leftist trans activists hold absolutely zero compassion for ruined detransitioners who live with regret and despair, talking about how they were pressured by then “allies”, doctors, activists, teachers, etc. then, these heartless woke trans activists call the detransitioners horrible things, and places like Amazon censor their books..

It’s heartbreaking, and the woke left doesn’t care at all, and views those suffering as enemies

The left has found lots of allies in their children grooming program. It's truly a pathology of the left to target children with men dressed as grotesque caricatures of women.

ANDY NGO REPORTS: Drag queens perform sexually charged Mother’s Day show in front of children in Washington​

Footage has emerged of children in attendance at an adult-themed drag show in the Seattle area.

ANDY NGO REPORTS: Drag queens perform sexually charged Mother’s Day show in front of children in Washington
The leftist trans activists hold absolutely zero compassion for ruined detransitioners who live with regret and despair, talking about how they were pressured by then “allies”, doctors, activists, teachers, etc. then, these heartless woke trans activists call the detransitioners horrible things, and places like Amazon censor their books..

It’s heartbreaking, and the woke left doesn’t care at all, and views those suffering as enemies
Is the point that some people who transition have regrets and so no one should be allowed to? Is that the argument?

My position is simple. People have a right to make decisions for themselves. The younger the person making that decision. The more care should be taken. To the point that the person is to young to make an informed decision. In wich case nothing permanent should be done.

The problem as I see it is that to those on the right, the whole idea of transgender is uncomfortable and as such should be banned or at the very least suppressed to the point that they will never have to confront the fact that it makes them uncomfortable.

This has been true for other things through the years. Segregation and gays spring to mind.

To me personally, being uncomfortable with other people's life choices, ( providing they don't harm others) , is a me problem and I feel one has to have a very good reason to legislate against it.
Is the point that some people who transition have regrets and so no one should be allowed to? Is that the argument?

My position is simple. People have a right to make decisions for themselves. The younger the person making that decision. The more care should be taken. To the point that the person is to young to make an informed decision. In wich case nothing permanent should be done.

The problem as I see it is that to those on the right, the whole idea of transgender is uncomfortable and as such should be banned or at the very least suppressed to the point that they will never have to confront the fact that it makes them uncomfortable.

This has been true for other things through the years. Segregation and gays spring to mind.

To me personally, being uncomfortable with other people's life choices, ( providing they don't harm others) , is a me problem and I feel one has to have a very good reason to legislate against it.
Your points are certainly reasonable. I don't much care if a grownup makes a choice about their life, wants and desires. The real issue to me is the left targeting impressionable children and manipulating them.
Your points are certainly reasonable. I don't much care if a grownup makes a choice about their life, wants and desires. The real issue to me is the left targeting impressionable children and manipulating them.
Define "targeting" please?

Is showing them that there are people dressing up in drag? "Targeting."

A male teacher telling that he has a husband, is that "targeting?".

A girl on girl kiss in a Disney movie?

I think if you want to have the discussion it's important to define your terms.
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Chatty, you realize the suicide rate for the general population is pretty low to start with, right? Only about 13.48 per 100,000. (and it's only as high as it is because guns are too readily available.)

The reality is, Gender Affirming Care lowers the suicide rate.

A new study published today in JAMA Surgery found that gender-affirming surgery is associated with improved mental health outcomes among transgender people. The study was authored by researchers at Harvard Medical School, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, The Fenway Institute at Fenway Health, and the Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital. It is the first large-scale, controlled study to demonstrate an association between gender-affirming surgery and improved mental health outcomes and adds important new knowledge to the field as there is little high-quality evidence regarding the mental health effects of gender-affirming surgery.

“There is great demand among transgender and gender diverse people for gender-affirming surgery, and thanks to recommendations by professional associations and clinical support for gender-affirming surgical care, these treatments are much more common today than they were even just 10 years ago,” said study lead author Anthony N. Almazan, a fourth-year medical student at Harvard Medical School. “But until now there has been limited evidence that these surgeries result in better mental health outcomes.”

The study, titled “Association Between Gender-Affirming Surgeries and Mental Health Outcomes,” compared the psychological distress, substance use, and suicide risk of 3,559 transgender people who had undergone gender-affirming surgery with those of 16,401 transgender people who desired gender-affirming surgery but had not yet undergone any. It found that transgender people who had received one or more gender-affirming surgical procedures had a 42% reduction in the odds of experiencing past-month psychological distress, a 35% reduction in the odds of past-year tobacco smoking, and a 44% reduction in the odds of past-year suicidal ideation.
That study showed no reduction in suicide rate whatsoever. I don't know that it even looked at suicide rate, but I suspect that it did and the authors simply discarded those results for not fitting the narrative.

It looked at suicidal ideation and suicide attempts, completely self-reported of course. Reading just a little further in your article:

Recent attempts to test the theory that gender-affirming surgeries are associated with better mental health outcomes among transgender and gender diverse people have yielded mixed results. A 2010 meta-analysis of 1,833 transgender and gender diverse people across 28 studies concluded that there was “low-quality evidence” that gender-affirming surgery would result in positive mental health outcomes. Although a 2019 study of 2,679 transgender people demonstrated an association between gender-affirming surgery and reduced utilization of mental health treatment, a correction to the study issued in 2020 reported no mental health benefits after comparison with a control group of transgender people who had not yet undergone surgery.

If adults want to have this surgery, I wouldn't stop them. I think they would be better off accepting themselves as they are, but I think the same for women with flat chests, people with big noses etc. I am embarassed for the medical establishment for allowing these kind of articles in the popular media to go unchallenged.

What I find very disturbing and obviously wrong is "gender specialists" using the threat of suicide and the false claim of suicide reduction as emotional blackmail on parents who are naturally reluctant to agree to permanent alteration as "cure" for temporary confusion in their child.
The left has found lots of allies in their children grooming program. It's truly a pathology of the left to target children with men dressed as grotesque caricatures of women.

ANDY NGO REPORTS: Drag queens perform sexually charged Mother’s Day show in front of children in Washington​

Footage has emerged of children in attendance at an adult-themed drag show in the Seattle area.

ANDY NGO REPORTS: Drag queens perform sexually charged Mother’s Day show in front of children in Washington

I wish someone who supports this could tell me exactly what the children are learning from this, or what benefit they derive from it? How often do they need to see this for the "lesson" to be effective?

What exactly are young girls supposed to think if this? Are they to understand that women are being mocked, or is the hope that they will believe that these dudes are actually the ideal of femininity? Are boys supposed to think, "Forget being an astronaut, that's just high-tech colonialism, like my social studies teacher said. I wanna be a drag queen!"

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