Trayvon Martin And The Right To Be Left Alone...

It looks like it at this point................................

I don't think I am being unreasonable regarding Zimmerman either. I think that he was entitled to get out on bail that wasn't too much of a high amount of money.

I agree, and he will most likely post bond quickly. He has many, many supporters. :doubt:

That's what makes this country and our legal system great.
Despite extraordinary interest in this story - every event makes headlines around the world - no evidence has been presented that would justify the charge of 2nd degree murder, that being the case there were justifiable legal grounds for arresting Zimmerman on that charge. This was just political grandstanding by the prosecutor, and there is no doubt that before the trial begins manslaughter will be offered to the jury as an option.

Actually, you may be surprised to find I agree that manslaughter may have been the right charge to bring against Zimmerman here. Unless there's some indication of forethought that hasn't come out yet, I don't think the Murder 1 or Murder 2 is the right charge... again, unless there's something we haven't seen.

As far as the impact on the rest of Zimmerman's life? It's better for him to go to trial now. If he's not charged at all he becomes the face of racism for a generation. Going to trial let's him have the chance to air all the facts and clear his name. After that, it's up to him to rebuild his reputation.

If that sounds callous, again Zimmerman choose to follow that kid even after he'd called the police. He was't trained to handle that situation, made a poor choice, and now an unarmed kid is dead. It's possible Zimmerman acted in self defense, but if I'm unsympathetic, it's because he put himself into that situation.

I agree. this was the result of poor choices on the parts of Zimmerman and we can not hear from the victim. However, I feel that Zimmerman has the right to get out on bail at a reasonable cost to mount a defense. I hope he remains safe.

I don't think the background of Martin has any bearing because it was not known to the shooter, but the background of the shooter does.
Despite extraordinary interest in this story - every event makes headlines around the world - no evidence has been presented that would justify the charge of 2nd degree murder, that being the case there were justifiable legal grounds for arresting Zimmerman on that charge. This was just political grandstanding by the prosecutor, and there is no doubt that before the trial begins manslaughter will be offered to the jury as an option.

Actually, you may be surprised to find I agree that manslaughter may have been the right charge to bring against Zimmerman here. Unless there's some indication of forethought that hasn't come out yet, I don't think the Murder 1 or Murder 2 is the right charge... again, unless there's something we haven't seen.

As far as the impact on the rest of Zimmerman's life? It's better for him to go to trial now. If he's not charged at all he becomes the face of racism for a generation. Going to trial let's him have the chance to air all the facts and clear his name. After that, it's up to him to rebuild his reputation.

If that sounds callous, again Zimmerman choose to follow that kid even after he'd called the police. He was't trained to handle that situation, made a poor choice, and now an unarmed kid is dead. It's possible Zimmerman acted in self defense, but if I'm unsympathetic, it's because he put himself into that situation.

With hindsight, I'm sure Zimmerman agrees that he made a poor choice in following Martin, but there is no evidence I have seen that he approached Martin or made any aggressive statements or actions that might have justified an attack by Martin so he did not put himself in a position that would have justified Martin's attack on him. All the indications seem to be that he followed Martin so that when the police arrived, he could tell them exactly where Martin was. If Zimmerman's account that Martin approached him and punched him in the face because he was angry about being followed are true, if Zimmerman had struck his head and died, Martin could reasonably have been charged with manslaughter or even 2nd degree murder, so are you also unsympathetic to Martin because he put himself in that position?
Despite extraordinary interest in this story - every event makes headlines around the world - no evidence has been presented that would justify the charge of 2nd degree murder, that being the case there were justifiable legal grounds for arresting Zimmerman on that charge. This was just political grandstanding by the prosecutor, and there is no doubt that before the trial begins manslaughter will be offered to the jury as an option.

Actually, you may be surprised to find I agree that manslaughter may have been the right charge to bring against Zimmerman here. Unless there's some indication of forethought that hasn't come out yet, I don't think the Murder 1 or Murder 2 is the right charge... again, unless there's something we haven't seen.

As far as the impact on the rest of Zimmerman's life? It's better for him to go to trial now. If he's not charged at all he becomes the face of racism for a generation. Going to trial let's him have the chance to air all the facts and clear his name. After that, it's up to him to rebuild his reputation.

If that sounds callous, again Zimmerman choose to follow that kid even after he'd called the police. He was't trained to handle that situation, made a poor choice, and now an unarmed kid is dead. It's possible Zimmerman acted in self defense, but if I'm unsympathetic, it's because he put himself into that situation.

I agree. this was the result of poor choices on the parts of Zimmerman and we can not hear from the victim. However, I feel that Zimmerman has the right to get out on bail at a reasonable cost to mount a defense. I hope he remains safe.

I don't think the background of Martin has any bearing because it was not known to the shooter, but the background of the shooter does.

Great post, I agree on all points.
Once he bonds out, FDLE needs to make sure nut cases threatening him are treated SERIOUSLY.
Despite extraordinary interest in this story - every event makes headlines around the world - no evidence has been presented that would justify the charge of 2nd degree murder, that being the case there were justifiable legal grounds for arresting Zimmerman on that charge. This was just political grandstanding by the prosecutor, and there is no doubt that before the trial begins manslaughter will be offered to the jury as an option.

Actually, you may be surprised to find I agree that manslaughter may have been the right charge to bring against Zimmerman here. Unless there's some indication of forethought that hasn't come out yet, I don't think the Murder 1 or Murder 2 is the right charge... again, unless there's something we haven't seen.

As far as the impact on the rest of Zimmerman's life? It's better for him to go to trial now. If he's not charged at all he becomes the face of racism for a generation. Going to trial let's him have the chance to air all the facts and clear his name. After that, it's up to him to rebuild his reputation.

If that sounds callous, again Zimmerman choose to follow that kid even after he'd called the police. He was't trained to handle that situation, made a poor choice, and now an unarmed kid is dead. It's possible Zimmerman acted in self defense, but if I'm unsympathetic, it's because he put himself into that situation.

With hindsight, I'm sure Zimmerman agrees that he made a poor choice in following Martin, but there is no evidence I have seen that he approached Martin or made any aggressive statements or actions that might have justified an attack by Martin so he did not put himself in a position that would have justified Martin's attack on him. All the indications seem to be that he followed Martin so that when the police arrived, he could tell them exactly where Martin was. If Zimmerman's account that Martin approached him and punched him in the face because he was angry about being followed are true, if Zimmerman had struck his head and died, Martin could reasonably have been charged with manslaughter or even 2nd degree murder, so are you also unsympathetic to Martin because he put himself in that position?

Why does it seem that some people are not mentioning Martin's girlfriend's statement about what she heard on the phone?
How many dozen other of young people of color have offed one another with a gun since this thread began?

I just don't get it.

That's true, but this is the case that is in the news so we are discussing it. My main beef with this case is not the "racial" aspect of it, but a justice aspect. I feel that the police should have charged him before there was a large public outcry about it. I am willing to bet that many of the crimes that you are talking about were in fact charged and arrested.
Once he bonds out, FDLE needs to make sure nut cases threatening him are treated SERIOUSLY.

I agree.

At this point HIS safety is paramount. Too many media hounds trying to make $$$$ off of the victim's death.

I may have my POV on the incident, but I still believe in due process and I am against any kind of "vigilante" or "revenge" action taken against zimmerman. What the assholes like the NBPP and Spike Lee did, was totally reprehensible in my opinion.

At this point HIS safety is paramount. Too many media hounds trying to make $$$$ off of the victim's death.

I may have my POV on the incident, but I still believe in due process and I am against any kind of "vigilante" or "revenge" action taken against zimmerman. What the assholes like the NBPP and Spike Lee did, was totally reprehensible in my opinion.

I agree again. This is NOT the time for rallies and "leaders" making points.
At this point HIS safety is paramount. Too many media hounds trying to make $$$$ off of the victim's death.

I may have my POV on the incident, but I still believe in due process and I am against any kind of "vigilante" or "revenge" action taken against zimmerman. What the assholes like the NBPP and Spike Lee did, was totally reprehensible in my opinion.

I agree again. This is NOT the time for rallies and "leaders" making points.

I agree, Zimmerman deserves a fair trial. The rallies and the "leaders" did their job by getting the state or city to take a better look at the case. Now is the time to back off and let justice take it's course.
I may have my POV on the incident, but I still believe in due process and I am against any kind of "vigilante" or "revenge" action taken against zimmerman. What the assholes like the NBPP and Spike Lee did, was totally reprehensible in my opinion.

I agree again. This is NOT the time for rallies and "leaders" making points.

I agree, Zimmerman deserves a fair trial. The rallies and the "leaders" did their job by getting the state or city to take a better look at the case. Now is the time to back off and let justice take it's course.

It is working so far. Zimmerman's attorney seems dedicated, as does the prosecution.
In 34 years working criminal defense cases and over 1000 bond hearings I have never, ever seen a prosecutor get up and claim "the defendant is a threat to the community" and not offer any evidence in support of it.
I admire your honesty greatly. However, and I mean this respectfully, you would be stricken from the jury pool for cause because of your admitted bias.

Didn't quote your whole post but you are right, Murder requires the prosecution prove intent. That's why I've said here and elsewhere thä a smart prosecutor would have gone for manslaughter as that would have put the burden of self defense on the defendant.

I agree, if I went in and said in court what I've said here I'd be tossed out of the jury. The biggest problem though is at this point I'm the closest thing to an unbiased person you'll find for the jury as everyone has decided for or against Martin or Zimmerman thanks to the media coverage, and that is a real problem.
I admire your honesty greatly. However, and I mean this respectfully, you would be stricken from the jury pool for cause because of your admitted bias.

Didn't quote your whole post but you are right, Murder requires the prosecution prove intent. That's why I've said here and elsewhere thä a smart prosecutor would have gone for manslaughter as that would have put the burden of self defense on the defendant.

I agree, if I went in and said in court what I've said here I'd be tossed out of the jury. The biggest problem though is at this point I'm the closest thing to an unbiased person you'll find for the jury as everyone has decided for or against Martin or Zimmerman thanks to the media coverage, and that is a real problem.

Zimmerman comes across as a milk toast weak young man and I do not believe that is intentional.
I was wrong about the Martin lawyer. She made a complete ass of herself today in front of the media. Zimmerman apologizes to the Martin family and she is outraged over that.
She is showboating for the cameras just like all the other "advisers" the Martins have hanging on.
Really pitiful that the race pimps and whores are allowed to keep digging a deeper hole for the Martin family to fill up with cash for them. Sad but I have seen it before.
....if Zimmerman had struck his head and died, Martin could reasonably have been charged with manslaughter or even 2nd degree murder, so are you also unsympathetic to Martin because he put himself in that position?

If Martin instigated a confrontation and Zimmerman ended up dead, yeah. In that case it's another example of poor choices. When your poor choices lead to a persons death there's a consequence to be paid, even if legally you weren't in the wrong.

However, there's no evidence one way or another right now, just the testimony of the only guy to walk away alive. So I'm skeptical because skepticism is a reasonable response.

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