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Trayvon was racially profiled.

According to the lawmakers that wrote Florida's Stand Your Ground Law. He surely is and "He is not protected under my law".

Judged interpret law not legislators. Take a basic civics class

And not all judges interpret laws the same way. But I would think the guy that wrote the law would know how it should be used.

That's not how it works. The intent of a law does not always match up to how it comes out after being enacted.

take a basic civics class
So what do you call confronting someone who is following you?
It's called stupidity....Particularly when one is carrying a cell phone, and stupidly elects to call his girlfriend, instead of the police to report they are being followed.

And his defense team will no doubt hammer that point home......If Martin was so worried about someone following him, why didn't he just call police, or knock on any of the doors in the neighborhood to possibly seek refuge, if he was so fucking worried.

And, where are the wounds on Martin, that would show he was the one who was attacked?

All of the wounds that show an attack, are wounds on Zimmerman, that fully support Zimmermans claims that he was attacked.
Why did the lead investigator think Zimmerman's accounts were inconsistant with the evidence? Why did he want Zimmerman arrested that night? But lemme guess you never heard about that either?
Of course I heard about that....And are you one to believe that the police always get it right?

That same investigator also admitted that he hadn't spoken to Zimmerman before his wounds had been cleaned up by FD paramedics, and that he didn't notice the full extent of the facial swelling, because the full extent of the swelling wasn't present at the time.....Which is perfectly normal, seeing as though it takes hours, sometimes days before the full extent of the injuries can be seen.....Just look at a boxer immediately after a slugfest, and then look at them the next day....the differences in seen damage are night and day.
We are debating an issue that we have different views on. You can't say that because I don't see things your way that I have an agenda and you don't.

you have a politically correct race agenda,

my agenda is the truth, damn the race stuff.

you have focused exclusively on race. now grow the fuck up :laugh2:

Have you been smokin snake shit? You are focused on your truth not the actulal truth. Have you ever been on a jury? One that had go back and discuss the facts of the trial because they are not all in agreement? You sit down and you talk it out. To say that I have been focused on race is just a lie and you know it. We could finish this without even the mention of race again. I think you feel it slipping away and race is all you have left in your arsenal. That's to bad I was enjoying this too.
It's called stupidity....Particularly when one is carrying a cell phone, and stupidly elects to call his girlfriend, instead of the police to report they are being followed.

And his defense team will no doubt hammer that point home......If Martin was so worried about someone following him, why didn't he just call police, or knock on any of the doors in the neighborhood to possibly seek refuge, if he was so fucking worried.

And, where are the wounds on Martin, that would show he was the one who was attacked?

All of the wounds that show an attack, are wounds on Zimmerman, that fully support Zimmermans claims that he was attacked.
Why did the lead investigator think Zimmerman's accounts were inconsistant with the evidence? Why did he want Zimmerman arrested that night? But lemme guess you never heard about that either?
Of course I heard about that....And are you one to believe that the police always get it right?

That same investigator also admitted that he hadn't spoken to Zimmerman before his wounds had been cleaned up by FD paramedics, and that he didn't notice the full extent of the facial swelling, because the full extent of the swelling wasn't present at the time.....Which is perfectly normal, seeing as though it takes hours, sometimes days before the full extent of the injuries can be seen.....Just look at a boxer immediately after a slugfest, and then look at them the next day....the differences in seen damage are night and day.

Yeah he changed his story after the DA got to him after one of those guys who's daddy is a judge got to the DA. What I find funny is how Zimmerman's head was smashed on the concrete but Trayvon's body was in the middle of the grass. But that's why we have court. Neither side will play all their cards in public. A lot more will come out in trial than we know now. Both sides.
Judged interpret law not legislators. Take a basic civics class

And not all judges interpret laws the same way. But I would think the guy that wrote the law would know how it should be used.

That's not how it works. The intent of a law does not always match up to how it comes out after being enacted.

take a basic civics class

LOL!! How many civics classes have you taken? However it works. When a person writes or drafts a law he has some kind of understanding of how the law works or should work. Like if I'm not mistaken. He said that once the 911 dispatcher told Zimmerman to stop following and he continued, he was on his own. The law no longer protected him. And before you even say it , no he didn't stop following at that point he went further til he had lost him.
It's called stupidity....Particularly when one is carrying a cell phone, and stupidly elects to call his girlfriend, instead of the police to report they are being followed.

And his defense team will no doubt hammer that point home......If Martin was so worried about someone following him, why didn't he just call police, or knock on any of the doors in the neighborhood to possibly seek refuge, if he was so fucking worried.

And, where are the wounds on Martin, that would show he was the one who was attacked?

All of the wounds that show an attack, are wounds on Zimmerman, that fully support Zimmermans claims that he was attacked.
Why did the lead investigator think Zimmerman's accounts were inconsistant with the evidence? Why did he want Zimmerman arrested that night? But lemme guess you never heard about that either?
Of course I heard about that....And are you one to believe that the police always get it right?

That same investigator also admitted that he hadn't spoken to Zimmerman before his wounds had been cleaned up by FD paramedics, and that he didn't notice the full extent of the facial swelling, because the full extent of the swelling wasn't present at the time.....Which is perfectly normal, seeing as though it takes hours, sometimes days before the full extent of the injuries can be seen.....Just look at a boxer immediately after a slugfest, and then look at them the next day....the differences in seen damage are night and day.

So you are saying the FD Paramedics cleaned up evidence? I thought they knew better. Where did the guy from the FBI come from that coached Zimmerman on what to say? Did he tell FD to clean that evidence before police see it?
Zimmerman’s Police Inside Connection Has Been Revealed: A Former Cop Coached Him on What to Say

The public has often wondered how George Zimmerman was able to escape prosecution for his crimes in the past. There seemed to be a connection that he had inside the Sanford police department that kept him safe from the consequences of his poor choices. Some thought that it was his father, the retired judge. It turns out that it may be deeper than that.

Zimmerman, who shot Trayvon Martin after seeing him to be a suspicious looking black male, was allowed to evade arrest and remain free for 44 days after the initial incident. New evidence is showing that the early decision not to charge Zimmerman was the result of scripted coaching he received from someone inside the Sanford Police Department.

Documents from the FBI and Florida Department of Law Enforcement are claiming that a strong Zimmerman supporter throughout the case might have been Mark Osterman, a federal agent and former Seminole County Sheriff’s deputy. Osterman was with Zimmerman as they returned to the scnee of the crime to determine what happened on the previous day.

The Herald has reported that Zimmerman and Osterman often went shooting together, and that Zimmerman even hid in Osterman’s house as the publicity from the case shot through the national media.

Previously, some had wondered if Zimmerman was getting inside help from Seminole State Attorney Norm Wolfinger, who released Zimmerman initially. Wolfinger was removed from the case when a special prosecutor was assigned to handle the rest of the process.

There was also an interesting email between between Zimmerman and former Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee. The two exchanged pleasantries about a case in which a homeless black man was beaten by the son of a police lieutenant. The lieutenant’s son was never charged for the beating.

“Zimmerman is very concerned with all the negative reaction from the press and others and wants more evidence released to show what really happened,” Osterman told the FBI.

Of course, Osterman is denying that he ever gave Zimmerman advice. But we didn’t exactly expect a confession.
Nobody had the authority to tell Zimmerman not to follow him. Trayvon assaulted Zimmerman, just like he assaulted a bus driver two days before Zimmerman shot him, Trayvon was looking for a helpless victim, he didn't find one and he paid for his thuggery with his life. I have no sympathy for him, he got what he desrved and who knows what future crimes, assaults, possibly murders Zimmerman prevented by punching this punk's ticket for him.
I admit to being far less than attentive to progressive revelations in this case. But if your descriptions of Trayvon Martin, physically and socially, are accurate, my guess is Zimmerman will be summarily acquitted.

I'm not a lawyer but I believe the protests regarding Zimmerman's overly officious pursuit and questioning of Martin are things which will be more relevant in a civil suit -- if Martin's parents decide to file one. The issue to be decided in the criminal trial is whether or not martin actually attacked Zimmerman and if Zimmerman used deadly force because he believed Martin was trying to seriously harm him or kill him. That's all
What is this with neighborhood watch? Zim wasn't acting as a neighborhood watch. get your facts straight. He did not stalk anyone. Tray went after Zim for following him. Teenager macho shit. Got out of hand.

There is absolutely no evidence that George Zimmerman is a racist. His black friends don't think so.

stop spreading bullshit because you own sad lonely life is so pathetic.

Why do you assume you know what happened when you weren't there?

police reports and witness statements. common sense and street sense

you are the one slandering another person based on absolutely no evidence,

shame on you here

I've lived on the street. You're full of shit. This entire tragedy was used by the left for political purposes. "Street sense", my ass.
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I'll let the courts decide. I wasn't there so idk what happened.

You people who have already decided he's guilty should be ashamed of yourselves.

Racially profiled? The OP is an idiot.

The fact is Zimmerman did not first identify Trayvon as being Black when he was asked his race he did not hesitate to way the was Black. And Blacks were doing all the break-ins in the area.

Self defense is a much too feeble excuse. You cannot pick a fight and when you are getting your butt kicked you cannot pull out a gun and shoot someone and claim defense.

Trayvon was provoked into an altercation by Zimmerman so he could shoot him. “These ass holes always get away.” This one was not getting away. First degree premeditated murder. Nothing less. With the death penalty.

Neighborhood watchmen are not allowed to carry guns. Zimmerman was not a legal neighborhood watchman and had not authority to follow or confront Trayvon.

lol... LilOlLady... always entertaining...

inhabits a reality unique to irrational people who have their heads firmly planted up their asses...

if she had her own reality show, I'd watch it... and prolly become a big fan... :)


George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin case evidence photos

A 911 recording from the confrontation features a person yelling for help...

None of the neighbors interviewed by the FBI said they had ever heard Zimmerman make a disparaging remark about racial or ethnic minorities. They described him as helpful and friendly. One neighbor, a man born in Dubai, said he is "110 percent sure" it is Zimmerman on the 911 tape.
- See more at: http://www.wptv.com/dpp/news/state/...s-neighbors-about-racism#sthash.uDLQ8ZUS.dpuf
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The below shows how the race-trolls' stories do not add up with what is known

While in his vehicle on a personal errand, Zimmerman noticed Martin walking inside the community. Zimmerman called the Sanford Police Department to report Martin's behavior as suspicious, stating that Martin was "cutting in-between houses...walking very leisurely for the [rainy] weather" and "looking at all the houses"

From January 1, 2011 through February 26, 2012, police were called to The Retreat at Twin Lakes 402 times.[67] During the 18 months preceding the February 26 shooting, Zimmerman called the non-emergency police line seven times. On five of those calls, Zimmerman reported suspicious looking men in the area, but never offered the men's race without first being asked by the dispatcher

Three weeks prior to the shooting, on February 2, 2012, Zimmerman called police to report a young man peering into the windows of an empty Twin Lakes home. Zimmerman was told a police car was on the way and he waited for their arrival. By the time police arrived, the suspect had fled. On February 6, workers witnessed two young black men lingering in the yard of a Twin Lakes resident around the same time her home was burglarized. A new laptop and some gold jewelry were stolen. The next day police discovered the stolen laptop in the backpack of a young black man, which led to his arrest. Zimmerman identified this young man as the same person he had spotted peering into windows on February 2

Martin had been suspended from school at the time of his death, his third disciplinary suspension of the year. One suspension was for...graffiti, when Martin was observed on a security camera in a restricted area of the school marking up a door with W.T.F. When he was later searched by a Miami-Dade School Police Department officer, looking for the graffiti marker, he found several pieces of women's jewelry in his backpack which Martin said was not his and a friend had given it to him. A screwdriver was also found, which was described by the school police investigator as a burglary tool.
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Why did the lead investigator think Zimmerman's accounts were inconsistant with the evidence? Why did he want Zimmerman arrested that night? But lemme guess you never heard about that either?
Of course I heard about that....And are you one to believe that the police always get it right?

That same investigator also admitted that he hadn't spoken to Zimmerman before his wounds had been cleaned up by FD paramedics, and that he didn't notice the full extent of the facial swelling, because the full extent of the swelling wasn't present at the time.....Which is perfectly normal, seeing as though it takes hours, sometimes days before the full extent of the injuries can be seen.....Just look at a boxer immediately after a slugfest, and then look at them the next day....the differences in seen damage are night and day.

So you are saying the FD Paramedics cleaned up evidence? I thought they knew better. Where did the guy from the FBI come from that coached Zimmerman on what to say? Did he tell FD to clean that evidence before police see it?
Nooooo, they rendered him basic first aid, and cleaning the wounds would be part of that, in order for them to see more clearly the severity of the wounds, and whether or not an immediate trip to the emergency room was necessary......They followed basic protocol.....No cop gets to determine how emergency medical personnel conduct their on scene treatment of patients.
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The fact is Zimmerman did not first identify Trayvon as being Black when he was asked his race he did not hesitate to way the was Black. And Blacks were doing all the break-ins in the area.

Self defense is a much too feeble excuse. You cannot pick a fight and when you are getting your butt kicked you cannot pull out a gun and shoot someone and claim defense.

Trayvon was provoked into an altercation by Zimmerman so he could shoot him. “These ass holes always get away.” This one was not getting away. First degree premeditated murder. Nothing less. With the death penalty.

Neighborhood watchmen are not allowed to carry guns. Zimmerman was not a legal neighborhood watchman and had not authority to follow or confront Trayvon.

Maybe we should have a trial to figure this out...

Just a thought...
[ “These ass holes always get away.”

Maybe we should have a trial to figure this out...

Just a thought...
nothing about race except in the minds of morons and imbeciles: these assholes, the ones who always get away...

From January 1, 2011 through February 26, 2012, police were called to The Retreat at Twin Lakes 402 times.[67] During the 18 months preceding the February 26 shooting, Zimmerman called the non-emergency police line seven times. On five of those calls, Zimmerman reported suspicious looking men in the area, but never offered the men's race without first being asked by the dispatcher.

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