Trickle-down wealth--A myth adhered to by BOTH parties

Right wingers like to cite that we have the highest tax rate for businesses....but what they constantly fail to address is that virtually NONE of the big businesses are paying anything even close to that rate; tax loop holes and deferred "incomes" make the entire tax code a freaking joke.

Tax breaks to the wealthy have just made them wealthier and clients of oversea banks......The only "investment' that huge companies still readily make within our own shores is those huge donations (bribes) to politicians,

There is the statutory tax rate (the base percentage that the law says you have to pay)and the EFFECTIVE tax rate (what you actually pay after deductions and exemptions).

The effective corporate tax rate in the US is comparable to most industrialized countries. As others have a lower statutory rate but fewer loopholes. Resulting in a roughly equivalent effective tax rate.

And frankly, most of the wingers spouting their nonsense know this. They just hope you don't.
It would be much easier to listen to this if the current economy was doing well but it ain't and the only time the economy was doing well was when it was in the hands of conservatives. Just compare bush to Obama....or just compare Obama to any American president after 1980 and you will see that the free market is the only thing that works. Unfortunately, a great many people in this country listen to your side which means that this will continue indefinitely until people stop listening to you.

No, facts dispute your assertion. The "free market" has NOT been hindered by a matter of fact, Obama has kept the same tax cuts as GWB.......and Bush-baby placed 2 wars and Medicare expansions on a credit card, leaving the bills for other administrations (and, of course, us) to deal with.
LOL! You dont get out much, do you?
Obama let the Bush tax cuts expire.
Obama laid on Obamacare and its taxes
Obama laid on Dodd-Frank and its regulations
Obama laid on the EPA and its regulations
Obama let the Justice Dept loose on the banks and is pillaging them.
No, not the same economy by a long shot.
LOL! You dont get out much, do you?
Obama let the Bush tax cuts expire.
Obama laid on Obamacare and its taxes
Obama laid on Dodd-Frank and its regulations
Obama laid on the EPA and its regulations
Obama let the Justice Dept loose on the banks and is pillaging them.
No, not the same economy by a long shot.

You're dumber than usual (not an easy task)...are you OK???

The ONLY tax hikes have been on folks making close to a half million.....which SURELY leaves you out of the equation.

LOL! You dont get out much, do you?
Obama let the Bush tax cuts expire.
Obama laid on Obamacare and its taxes
Obama laid on Dodd-Frank and its regulations
Obama laid on the EPA and its regulations
Obama let the Justice Dept loose on the banks and is pillaging them.
No, not the same economy by a long shot.

You're dumber than usual (not an easy task)...are you OK???

The ONLY tax hikes have been on folks making close to a half million.....which SURELY leaves you out of the equation.

Thank you for admitting that Obama's economy is not Bush's. Obama's economy has not produced growth over 3%. We are in permanent slow growth mode thanks to the excessive taxation and regulation.
Thank you for admitting that Obama's economy is not Bush's. Obama's economy has not produced growth over 3%. We are in permanent slow growth mode thanks to the excessive taxation and regulation.

Did you answer MY questions about WHO has had to pay for the WARS and Medicare ????
Thank you for admitting that Obama's economy is not Bush's. Obama's economy has not produced growth over 3%. We are in permanent slow growth mode thanks to the excessive taxation and regulation.

Did you answer MY questions about WHO has had to pay for the WARS and Medicare ????
Your questions are irrelevant and stupid. As always.
You cannot define "trickle down" and in any case there is no such economic theory. The only "trickle down" has been liberals pissing on your leg telling you it's raining.
Thank you for admitting that Obama's economy is not Bush's. Obama's economy has not produced growth over 3%. We are in permanent slow growth mode thanks to the excessive taxation and regulation.

Did you answer MY questions about WHO has had to pay for the WARS and Medicare ????
Your questions are irrelevant and stupid. As always.
You cannot define "trickle down" and in any case there is no such economic theory. The only "trickle down" has been liberals pissing on your leg telling you it's raining.

David Stockman, Reagan's Budget Director didn't have any problem defining them:

"It's kind of hard to sell 'trickle down,'" he explained, "so the supply-side formula was the only way to get a tax policy that was really 'trickle down.' Supply-side is 'trickle-down' theory."

David Stockman
The Education of David Stockman - The Atlantic

Supply side economics is trickle down theory.

And the purpose was clear:

"The hard part of the supply-side tax cut is dropping the top rate from 70 to 50 percent—the rest of it is a secondary matter," Stockman explained. "The original argument was that the top bracket was too high, and that's having the most devastating effect on the economy. Then, the general argument was that, in order to make this palatable as a political matter, you had to bring down all the brackets. But, I mean, Kemp-Roth was always a Trojan horse to bring down the top rate."

David Stockman
The Education of David Stockman - The Atlantic

The purpose of supply side economics is to reduce taxes on the rich. All other tax reductions are incidental, merely political contrivances to get the top rate reduced.

And this from Reagan's Budget Director.

Oh....and for fun, the numbers and economic policy wonk of the GOP is Paul Ryan. Whose political mentor was none other than Jack Kemp whom Ryan describes as his 'critical political influence'. After whom the tax cuts for the wealthy Trojan horse of Kemp-Roth was named. With Ryan advocating (gasp) tax cuts for the upper tax tier!

The tune doesn't change. Only the shade of lipstick on that pig of a tax policy.
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Indeed, over the years -- at least since the 1980s Reagan era -- the idea of trickle down wealth has been more quasi-religious belief than empirically supported fact.

LOL! So true... I wonder if there will be any examples of this quasi-religious belief, which is to say irrational notions claimed despite no potential basis in fact to support it... forthcoming?

The Republican right just wants to believe that "trick down" works

When I need the opinion of a moron

When Blues needs an opinion from a moron....he looks in the mirror and talks to himself. LOL
Still can't define "trickle down economics".

David Stockman, Reagan's Budget Director already did. Supply side economics is trickle down theory.

You simply ignored him.

So what? Stockman saying it, doesn't make it so... define it or shut the fuck up about it.

Now in practical terms "Trickle Down Economics" defines an economic scheme where monies are accrued and then trickled down to those set below the point where such is accrued, without the requirement that they need to do anything for it.

This being distinct from say an economic system defined as "Carried Down", wherein those at the point below where the monies are accrued would need to carry the money down to get it...

But "Trickle Down" merely denotes the process by which Money is set above the recipient and it merely trickles down by virtue of the processes inherent in the system.

Now, we know that socialism provides that all money belongs to the collective and the collective is represented by the government, thus all money belongs to the government.

Therefore the Government is where all money accrues... and those below the government, OKA: Duh Peoples, are subject to the trickling down of whatever the government doesn't need... which ain't much. Thus the distinction from the 'Flooding Down' theory... .

So, "Trickle Down" in terms of what the words actually mean, can only refer to socialism, where the options of socialism and sustainable economics.
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When I need the opinion of a moron

When Blues needs an opinion from a moron....he looks in the mirror and talks to himself. LOL
Still can't define "trickle down economics".

David Stockman, Reagan's Budget Director already did. Supply side economics is trickle down theory.

You simply ignored him.

So what? Stockman saying it, doesn't make it so... define it or shut the fuck up about it.

Give me a better source then. Someone with at least Stockman's command of the topic, immediate policy experience and access to that policy in action.

Just a hint: that's not you.

And Stockman did define it: Supply Side Economics.
Now in practical terms "Trickle Down Economics" defines an economic scheme where monies are accrued and then trickled down to those set below the point where such is accrued, without the requirement that they need to do anything for it.

Says who?

This being distinct from say an economic system defined as "Carried Down", wherein those at the point below where the monies are accrued would need to carry the money down to get it...

Again, says who?

I have my source: Reagan's budget director.

So far, you just have you. Citing you. And in any rational contest between you and Reagan's budget director on what constitutes 'trickle down' theory, you lose.

As you don't know what you're talking about. While Stockman does.

So, "Trickle Down" in terms of what the words actually mean, can only refer to socialism, where the options of socialism and sustainable economics.

So you are just quoting yourself again. What a waste of everyone's time.

Sorry my little Relativist.....but your made up definitions have no objective relevance.
Still can't define "trickle down economics".

Are you reading Skylar's insightful posts or has your obsession with the word "trickle" caused you to constantly pee and you need to get up and go change your diapers?
Still can't define "trickle down economics".

Are you reading Skylar's insightful posts or has your obsession with the word "trickle" caused you to constantly pee and you need to get up and go change your diapers?
Skylar is on Iggy because his/her posts are bullshit.

And by 'bullshit', you mean better reasoning, better arguments....and of course, better sources?

Unless you can do better than Reagan's Budget Director.
"Trickle-down" economics is the greatest economic policy failure in our history. If "trickle-down" works, why has what followed been the highest income inequality and wealth inequality since the Great Depression? In the 1990s, economic growth averaged 3.8% a year--the strongest in 30 years; 23 million jobs were created, unemployment fell to its lowest in 30 years; and record budget deficits turned into record surpluses. And this occurred after tax increases on the wealthy in 1990 and 1993.

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