Troll Level: POTUS

not only does he have a wall an armed officer checks everyone that enters the street.
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The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.


Trump's lies and distortions are why he should not be on Twitter. That and the blatant obstruction of justice we read daily.

I'm not opposed to the President being on Twitter, but it's backfiring on him BIGLY. He's dangling pardons, attacking "flippers", and denigrating the US Intelligence community, and Justice Department daily.

Over the course of the Mid-Terms, reporters asked Republicans why they were leaving the party and voting for Democrats. The response invariably had to do with mainstream Republicans being upset and angry with Trump's portrayal of Robert Mueller, and the well respected Republicans in the FBI and the Justice Department, as corrupt, dishonest, and dangerous. One white Republican male said it best: When Trump went after a man like Robert Mueller, who has built a career on honesty, integrity, and service to country, and vilified him in this fashion, that was going too far.

It's not the left that is going after Trump. It's all of the Republicans in the CIA, the FBI, Justice, and the Senate. We also have Republicans who Donald J. Trump appointed to their positions in the Justice Department of the Southern District of New York, as well as the AG of the State of New York looking into the crimes of Donald J. Trump, Don Jr., Ivanka and Eric, The Trump Corporation, the Trump Foundation, and every aspect of Trump's business and personal life going back years.

Seventeen investigations in all. Trump and family will be in jail for years. But the image I'm most looking forward to, is Ivanka's children being ripped from her arms as both Jared and Ivanka are sent to jail. Her posting her loving pictures with her children on Instagram while her father was separating families at the border was one of the most heinously insensitive moments of this Administration. Karma is a bitch, and it's nailing this administration to the wall.

Donald Trump - who called Barack Obama's Presidency "illegitimate", has seen his own Presidency proven to be illegitimate from Day 1 because of his assistance from and conspiracy with Russia. While Trump was lying about Obama, the Russia Investigation, and his failure to win the popular vote, will always mean that Trump is less a man than a half-black kid from a broken home in Hawaii.

Every day that Trump goes on Twitter to insult his staff, denigrate the FBI, dangle pardons to Stone, Corsi and Manafort, and demonstate his unfitness for office, the Republican Party loses more voters. I'm all for that.
It’s his right. If you don’t like what he says, don’t vote for him. Hillary called me a deplorable, so I didn’t vote for her.

But you Leftards are fascists and want to crush any speech not approved by the State.
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The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.


Trump's lies and distortions are why he should not be on Twitter. That and the blatant obstruction of justice we read daily.

I'm not opposed to the President being on Twitter, but it's backfiring on him BIGLY. He's dangling pardons, attacking "flippers", and denigrating the US Intelligence community, and Justice Department daily.

Over the course of the Mid-Terms, reporters asked Republicans why they were leaving the party and voting for Democrats. The response invariably had to do with mainstream Republicans being upset and angry with Trump's portrayal of Robert Mueller, and the well respected Republicans in the FBI and the Justice Department, as corrupt, dishonest, and dangerous. One white Republican male said it best: When Trump went after a man like Robert Mueller, who has built a career on honesty, integrity, and service to country, and vilified him in this fashion, that was going too far.

It's not the left that is going after Trump. It's all of the Republicans in the CIA, the FBI, Justice, and the Senate. We also have Republicans who Donald J. Trump appointed to their positions in the Justice Department of the Southern District of New York, as well as the AG of the State of New York looking into the crimes of Donald J. Trump, Don Jr., Ivanka and Eric, The Trump Corporation, the Trump Foundation, and every aspect of Trump's business and personal life going back years.

Seventeen investigations in all. Trump and family will be in jail for years. But the image I'm most looking forward to, is Ivanka's children being ripped from her arms as both Jared and Ivanka are sent to jail. Her posting her loving pictures with her children on Instagram while her father was separating families at the border was one of the most heinously insensitive moments of this Administration. Karma is a bitch, and it's nailing this administration to the wall.

Donald Trump - who called Barack Obama's Presidency "illegitimate", has seen his own Presidency proven to be illegitimate from Day 1 because of his assistance from and conspiracy with Russia. While Trump was lying about Obama, the Russia Investigation, and his failure to win the popular vote, will always mean that Trump is less a man than a half-black kid from a broken home in Hawaii.

Every day that Trump goes on Twitter to insult his staff, denigrate the FBI, dangle pardons to Stone, Corsi and Manafort, and demonstate his unfitness for office, the Republican Party loses more voters. I'm all for that.
It’s his right. If you don’t like what he says, don’t vote for him. Hillary called me a deplorable, so I didn’t vote for her.

But you Leftards are fascists and want to crush any speech not approved by the State.

You really are too stupid to be one person. I didn’t vote because I’m not an Smerican and I don’t live in the US.

We do get flooded with American media here, including Trump’s lies and distortions, and just how stupid do you have to be to believe Donald Trump?
View attachment 237679

The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.


Trump's lies and distortions are why he should not be on Twitter. That and the blatant obstruction of justice we read daily.

I'm not opposed to the President being on Twitter, but it's backfiring on him BIGLY. He's dangling pardons, attacking "flippers", and denigrating the US Intelligence community, and Justice Department daily.

Over the course of the Mid-Terms, reporters asked Republicans why they were leaving the party and voting for Democrats. The response invariably had to do with mainstream Republicans being upset and angry with Trump's portrayal of Robert Mueller, and the well respected Republicans in the FBI and the Justice Department, as corrupt, dishonest, and dangerous. One white Republican male said it best: When Trump went after a man like Robert Mueller, who has built a career on honesty, integrity, and service to country, and vilified him in this fashion, that was going too far.

It's not the left that is going after Trump. It's all of the Republicans in the CIA, the FBI, Justice, and the Senate. We also have Republicans who Donald J. Trump appointed to their positions in the Justice Department of the Southern District of New York, as well as the AG of the State of New York looking into the crimes of Donald J. Trump, Don Jr., Ivanka and Eric, The Trump Corporation, the Trump Foundation, and every aspect of Trump's business and personal life going back years.

Seventeen investigations in all. Trump and family will be in jail for years. But the image I'm most looking forward to, is Ivanka's children being ripped from her arms as both Jared and Ivanka are sent to jail. Her posting her loving pictures with her children on Instagram while her father was separating families at the border was one of the most heinously insensitive moments of this Administration. Karma is a bitch, and it's nailing this administration to the wall.

Donald Trump - who called Barack Obama's Presidency "illegitimate", has seen his own Presidency proven to be illegitimate from Day 1 because of his assistance from and conspiracy with Russia. While Trump was lying about Obama, the Russia Investigation, and his failure to win the popular vote, will always mean that Trump is less a man than a half-black kid from a broken home in Hawaii.

Every day that Trump goes on Twitter to insult his staff, denigrate the FBI, dangle pardons to Stone, Corsi and Manafort, and demonstate his unfitness for office, the Republican Party loses more voters. I'm all for that.
It’s his right. If you don’t like what he says, don’t vote for him. Hillary called me a deplorable, so I didn’t vote for her.

But you Leftards are fascists and want to crush any speech not approved by the State.

You really are too stupid to be one person. I didn’t vote because I’m not an Smerican and I don’t live in the US.

We do get flooded with American media here, including Trump’s lies and distortions, and just how stupid do you have to be to believe Donald Trump?
Ah, so you post here because of jealousy.
Why anyone would take pride in having a troll as President is beyond me. Very sad really.
Because it’s better than being an asshole like the last guy.

being a troll is being an asshole...fuck you really are stupid
I can’t argue with your personal experience.

Thank you. All the trolling from you I had to deal with did give me a lot of experience.
View attachment 237679

The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.

Oh, look. Another Trump tweet with bad grammar and illogic. No wonder the tards love it.

"President and Mrs. Obama built/HAVE a ten..."

The Naked Emperor is an idiot.

Point out the bad grammar.
I did, tard. See the bold word?

Now look at Trump's tweet.

I dont see that in his post.
View attachment 237679

The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.

Yet Trump Tower doesn't need one--security without a physical wall. Huh.

So you're advocating militarizing the border?
No; I've got nothing against new fencing where the walk-over rate is high. What my comment meant was that this stupid fucking argument about walls because of an ex-president having one around his yard means absolutely nothing.
Leftwingers always have an excuse when their hypocrisy is pointed out.
View attachment 237679

The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.


Oh, you're wrong.
I wouldn't want Trump off Twitter.
Robert Mueller has gotten a treasure trove of information for his investigation from Trump's tweets.
Leave him on there, he's doing a nice job of hanging himself.
What information has Mueller gotten from Trump's tweets?
View attachment 237679

The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.

Yet Trump Tower doesn't need one--security without a physical wall. Huh.
So you feel that proves wanting a wall is hypocritical?

I think it only proves the value of having walls.
The hypocrites are those who live behind walls but are against walls for the rest of us.

Nobody is stopping you from building a wall around your property. Why do you lie about these things?
You can't be this stupid.
View attachment 237679

The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.


Trump's lies and distortions are why he should not be on Twitter. That and the blatant obstruction of justice we read daily.

I'm not opposed to the President being on Twitter, but it's backfiring on him BIGLY. He's dangling pardons, attacking "flippers", and denigrating the US Intelligence community, and Justice Department daily.

Over the course of the Mid-Terms, reporters asked Republicans why they were leaving the party and voting for Democrats. The response invariably had to do with mainstream Republicans being upset and angry with Trump's portrayal of Robert Mueller, and the well respected Republicans in the FBI and the Justice Department, as corrupt, dishonest, and dangerous. One white Republican male said it best: When Trump went after a man like Robert Mueller, who has built a career on honesty, integrity, and service to country, and vilified him in this fashion, that was going too far.

It's not the left that is going after Trump. It's all of the Republicans in the CIA, the FBI, Justice, and the Senate. We also have Republicans who Donald J. Trump appointed to their positions in the Justice Department of the Southern District of New York, as well as the AG of the State of New York looking into the crimes of Donald J. Trump, Don Jr., Ivanka and Eric, The Trump Corporation, the Trump Foundation, and every aspect of Trump's business and personal life going back years.

Seventeen investigations in all. Trump and family will be in jail for years. But the image I'm most looking forward to, is Ivanka's children being ripped from her arms as both Jared and Ivanka are sent to jail. Her posting her loving pictures with her children on Instagram while her father was separating families at the border was one of the most heinously insensitive moments of this Administration. Karma is a bitch, and it's nailing this administration to the wall.

Donald Trump - who called Barack Obama's Presidency "illegitimate", has seen his own Presidency proven to be illegitimate from Day 1 because of his assistance from and conspiracy with Russia. While Trump was lying about Obama, the Russia Investigation, and his failure to win the popular vote, will always mean that Trump is less a man than a half-black kid from a broken home in Hawaii.

Every day that Trump goes on Twitter to insult his staff, denigrate the FBI, dangle pardons to Stone, Corsi and Manafort, and demonstate his unfitness for office, the Republican Party loses more voters. I'm all for that.
That's the biggest load of horseshit that you have ever posted. Thanks for collecting all the latest leftwing lies and delusions in one place.
View attachment 237679

The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.

Yet Trump Tower doesn't need one--security without a physical wall. Huh.
So you feel that proves wanting a wall is hypocritical?

I think it only proves the value of having walls.
The hypocrites are those who live behind walls but are against walls for the rest of us.

Nobody is stopping you from building a wall around your property. Why do you lie about these things?
You can't be this stupid.

You are right, I am not. But clearly you are.

You are just as free to live behind a wall as Obama is if you want to do so, nobody is stopping you.

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The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.

No, the 'left', or what you so adamantly declare oppresive ,is all the more willing to give the tweetinator free reign

The age old addage "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt" not only is fitting despite his press secretary being his formal mouthpiece , it also unviels the astonishingly raw dunning kruger w/o any such filters or formailities.



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