Troll Level: POTUS

How dare a President communicate directly with the citizens without the MSM filtering and spinning his message first!

Is that what he's doing ? "Communicating" … hmmm...and all this time I thought it was a unidirectional vociferation designed to inflame his base while simultaneously offering up shiny baubles to distract his opponents.

"Communication is a two way street; Make sure you're willing to listen as much as you're willing to speak"
How dare a President communicate directly with the citizens without the MSM filtering and spinning his message first!

Is that what he's doing ? "Communicating" … hmmm...and all this time I thought it was a unidirectional vociferation designed to inflame his base while simultaneously offering up shiny baubles to distract his opponents.

"Communication is a two way street; Make sure you're willing to listen as much as you're willing to speak"
So anti Trumpers never respond?
How dare a President communicate directly with the citizens without the MSM filtering and spinning his message first!

Is that what he's doing ? "Communicating" … hmmm...and all this time I thought it was a unidirectional vociferation designed to inflame his base while simultaneously offering up shiny baubles to distract his opponents.

"Communication is a two way street; Make sure you're willing to listen as much as you're willing to speak"
So anti Trumpers never respond?

Yeah, generally speaking they respond in the same infantile manner that Donny uses in his tweets, neither side is interested in listening to anybody but themselves. In the meantime rational folk look on in astonishment at all the 4 year old's on the playground doing their best to pretend to be adults.

It's a giant digital pissing contest full of lies, distortion and exaggeration, not exactly what one would characterize as leadership but I guess that's the best 21st Century American Politics is capable of.
View attachment 237679

The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.


He makes heads explode and it's delicious

What a fool you are. Liberals heads are exploding with laughter. Laughter at the idiocy of this President, and laughter that you think he's doing what you want. Nobody is as deliciously stupid as people like you who THINK they're getting something out of this Presidency. Everyone in the world who used to respect Americans, is also laughing at you.

Everyone in the first world is laughing at the USA. That you could be so stupid as to elect someone so obviously incompetent, and unqualified, and that you come here day in and day out and defend the sorry sack of shit you elected, is hysterically funny, You must be the dumbest electorate in the history of the world, to elect this clown as the leader of the free world.

Well the rest of the world is a whole lot smarter than you because his leadership has been soundly rejected, by everyone except those he's aiding and abetting in destroying the First World. That includes American voters in the mid-terms.

Here's a clue. When someone lies to you over and over again, they're telling you they think you're that stupid, to your face. Trump lies to you over and over and you say "Please sir can I have some more?".
View attachment 237679

The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.


He makes heads explode and it's delicious

What a fool you are. Liberals heads are exploding with laughter. Laughter at the idiocy of this President, and laughter that you think he's doing what you want. Nobody is as deliciously stupid as people like you who THINK they're getting something out of this Presidency. Everyone in the world who used to respect Americans, is also laughing at you.

Everyone in the first world is laughing at the USA. That you could be so stupid as to elect someone so obviously incompetent, and unqualified, and that you come here day in and day out and defend the sorry sack of shit you elected, is hysterically funny, You must be the dumbest electorate in the history of the world, to elect this clown as the leader of the free world.

Well the rest of the world is a whole lot smarter than you because his leadership has been soundly rejected, by everyone except those he's aiding and abetting in destroying the First World. That includes American voters in the mid-terms.

Here's a clue. When someone lies to you over and over again, they're telling you they think you're that stupid, to your face. Trump lies to you over and over and you say "Please sir can I have some more?".
How dare a President communicate directly with the citizens without the MSM filtering and spinning his message first!

Is that what he's doing ? "Communicating" … hmmm...and all this time I thought it was a unidirectional vociferation designed to inflame his base while simultaneously offering up shiny baubles to distract his opponents.

"Communication is a two way street; Make sure you're willing to listen as much as you're willing to speak"
So anti Trumpers never respond?

Yeah, generally speaking they respond in the same infantile manner that Donny uses in his tweets, neither side is interested in listening to anybody but themselves. In the meantime rational folk look on in astonishment at all the 4 year old's on the playground doing their best to pretend to be adults.

It's a giant digital pissing contest full of lies, distortion and exaggeration, not exactly what one would characterize as leadership but I guess that's the best 21st Century American Politics is capable of.

There it is! The “both sides”!

You’re an adult and anyone who insults Trump or his supporters is just a kid on the playground. We get it.

Name the president or political leader from the other side who responds to Trump tweets in an infantile manner.

Do you think there are Dem leaders who lie on par with Trump?

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