Trolling for Trump: Russia's effort to destroy our Democracy

Podesta falling for a phishing scam =/= Russian hax

Podesta falling for Russian phishing scam = Russian hax.
It's the Russians again, the Russians! YAYAYAYAYAYAYYYYYY The Russians. OMG!



Electoral College!




Every damn excuse in the world for Crooked Hillary not winning.

The real reason is that she had more baggage than Delta Airlines, a record of failure and she ran on a stupid platform to raise taxes, have open borders, let in a million Muslims and demonize the right to keep and bear arms. All those things and the fact that she didn't work very hard and nobody really liked her.

Where were the Russians when she was getting a couple of thousand people at her rallies and Trump was getting 10 and 20 thousands?
Assange said everything he released from Hillary's server was from an 'inside mole' - one of the MANY people who did NOT have a security clearance but who was given access to her e-mails and server BY HILARRY.

Totall bullshit.

1. Nobody gives a hoot what Assange says - if it is was Russians (as American intelligence firmly believes about DNC hacks) it was not in their interest to let Assange know that intel is coming from them because of possible blowback. There is no reason to think Assange knows what he is talking about or even that he is telling the truth.

2. There was not single piece of evidence Hillary's server was hacked. Not a single original email of hers was leaked and Comney found no evidence that hackers actually got to her emails.

This ^ is a river in Russia.
Sooo Moon Bats, how did this Russia reset thingy work out for that idiot Crooked Hillary?

Conservatives keep bringing up the button. What the fuck is your actual point on that?

That we shouldn't have tried to improve relationship with Russia or any other country while they seemed to behave?

That we should NOT have slammed them with sanctions when they started getting out of line?

That we should have done what you did and put Putin's orange lapdog into the White House and look the other way at his dismantling of the sanctions against Russia and borderline treasonous behaviour?

Just pointing out Libtard hypocrisy.

When Crooked Hillary was getting filthy rich with her sweetheart deals with Russia you Moon Bats didn't say a word about Russia.

You never hold Crooked Hillary accountable for any of her corruption or dishonesty and quite frankly that is despicable.

Now you are using Russia as an excuse for Crooked Hillary losing the election. Not only is that silly and cowardly but it is hypocritical given Crooked Hillary's dealing with the Russians that put money into her scam money laundering foundation and Slick Willy's speaking engagement account.

Go fish - Nothing in Obama's or Clinton's behaviour indicated that they were bought off by Putin. On the contrary, Hillary and Obama spoke out many times against his regime and when Russia got out of line in Ukraine administration worked very hard to slam them with crippling sanctions.

This IS NOT like Trump, who to this day dares not utter a single negative description of Putin's regime, talked shit about NATO and has just appointed oilman with deep ties to Russia as SoS.

There is NO COMPARISON, and your claims of hypocrisy are completely silly.

BUT even if they WERE TRUE, even if I was being completely hypocritical and Clinton was in fact a Russian mole - WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT CHANGE? Would that somehow excuse Trump being bought off by Putin? Of course not, so that's just another layer of stupid in your argument.
See our gov can hack Russia, but Russia can't hack our gov.

Liberals still can't see the hypocrisy.

Everything WikiLeaks exposed has been certified as true and accurate.

dimocrap SCUM are just pissed they got caught. That's all.

Like this myth --

WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database

dimocrap FILTH totally made this up.

It's #22 here The Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks

The entire dimocrap scum party is filth and their followers are no better. Maybe even worse because they enable them, support them, apologize for them and LIE FOR THEM.

dimocraps are scum

ALL of them

The Democrat Party is the scum of America. I think we all know it. Everything for the massive dishonesty of the Obama Administration to the fixed Primary election of Crooked Hillary to the pathetic excuse of blaming Russia for Crooked Hillary losing.
Every damn excuse in the world for Crooked Hillary not winning.

The only one who brought up Hillary in this thread are YOU assholes - strange that.

The rest are talking about Russian intrusion into our elections. Which is a legit subject no matter who won.
Totall bullshit.

1. Nobody gives a hoot what Assange says - .

Assange has never intentionally lied that I know of.

I don't like the guy, but he's always been straight-up honest to the best of his knowledge concerning his leaks.
Sooo Moon Bats, how did this Russia reset thingy work out for that idiot Crooked Hillary?

Conservatives keep bringing up the button. What the fuck is your actual point on that?

That we shouldn't have tried to improve relationship with Russia or any other country while they seemed to behave?

That we should NOT have slammed them with sanctions when they started getting out of line?

That we should have done what you did and put Putin's orange lapdog into the White House and look the other way at his dismantling of the sanctions against Russia and borderline treasonous behaviour?

Just pointing out Libtard hypocrisy.

When Crooked Hillary was getting filthy rich with her sweetheart deals with Russia you Moon Bats didn't say a word about Russia.

You never hold Crooked Hillary accountable for any of her corruption or dishonesty and quite frankly that is despicable.

Now you are using Russia as an excuse for Crooked Hillary losing the election. Not only is that silly and cowardly but it is hypocritical given Crooked Hillary's dealing with the Russians that put money into her scam money laundering foundation and Slick Willy's speaking engagement account.

Go fish - Nothing in Obama's or Clinton's behaviour indicated that they were bought off by Putin. On the contrary, Hillary and Obama spoke out many times against his regime and when Russia got out of line in Ukraine administration worked very hard to slam them with crippling sanctions.

This IS NOT like Trump, who to this day dares not utter a single negative description of Putin's regime, talked shit about NATO and has just appointed oilman with deep ties to Russia as SoS.

There is NO COMPARISON, and your claims of hypocrisy are completely silly.

BUT even if they WERE TRUE, even if I was being completely hypocritical and Clinton was in fact a Russian mole - WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT CHANGE? Does that somehow excuse Trump being bought off by Putin? Of course not, so that's just another layer of stupid in your argument.
What does the DNC pay you to make a fool of yourself like this? It's clear that's exactly what's going on here. no one, not even a deluded lib can be as stupid as you.

Go fish - Nothing in Obama's or Clinton's behaviour indicated that they were bought off by Putin.


After the fucking sweetheart uranium deal the Russians donated millions to the Clinton money launder foundation and gave that piece of shit Slick Willy $500k for a stupid speech. If that isn't payoff then nothing is.

You stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat Libtards never hold the Clintons accountable for their corruption and dishonesty, do you?.

Thank goodness the American people saw through the Clinton lies and she wasn't elected President, isn't it?
Polls already showed for years the majority of Americans believe we were going in the wrong direction - the direction Barry had us going.

In 2014 Barry declared the election was all about HIM, HIS agenda, HIS direction for America...and liberals suffered an 'historic record-setting loss'. He did so again this year with the same exact results.

To make matters worse for Democrats, they ran the worst candidate in US history - the 1st US President to be under multiple major FBI investigations (potentially for 'espionage - Espionage Act violations), Hillary's leaked e-mails hurt her, her scandal hurt her, the DNC's own leaked e-mails exposing them to be racist, sexist, anti-Semitic homophobes hurt them, and the all-in media polls were horrifically off. They pretty much stacked the deck AGAINST THEMSELVES.

As stated, we know the Russians hacked the DNC but have no definitive proof the Russians 'hacked the election' (whatever that specifically means), despite President Obama stating that foreign governments trying to hack us and effect our elections happens all the time.

I agree that foreign attempts to hack and manipulate our elections are extremely important, and something needs to be done to stop it.

That being said, if the 2016 DNC Presidential Election Campaign was a high-dollar professional advertising campaign run at a top PR company, all the Democrats would be fired right now.
- Their product sucked
- Their presentation sucked
- They invited / allowed 'corporate espionage'
- They got caught 'cheating' (feeding Hillary debate questions, rigged their primary, etc)

Harry Reid says nothing needs to change for the DNC...after that embarrassing campaign and suffering 2 'historic, record-setting losses'.

It sounds a LOT like the DNC is in MAJOR DENIAL as much as anything else - denial of being REJECTED in 2014, denial of being REJECTED / LOSING in 2016 - they are keeping the same old failed leadership. Sanders said he is embarrassed of the DNC because the DNC abandoned hard-working middle-class workers, who abandoned them at the voting booth.

Yes, BARRY - The President of the United States - needs to deal with Russia, but the Democrats need to pull their heads out of their collective asses, take a good hard HONEST look at themselves and what Americans made clear they want in the 2014 and 2016 elections, dump Nancy Pelosi, get new blood for leadership, and never EVER run such a 'damaged' candidate as Hillary Clinton again.
Sooo Moon Bats, how did this Russia reset thingy work out for that idiot Crooked Hillary?

Conservatives keep bringing up the button. What the fuck is your actual point on that?

That we shouldn't have tried to improve relationship with Russia or any other country while they seemed to behave?

That we should NOT have slammed them with sanctions when they started getting out of line?

That we should have done what you did and put Putin's orange lapdog into the White House and look the other way at his dismantling of the sanctions against Russia and borderline treasonous behaviour?

Just pointing out Libtard hypocrisy.

When Crooked Hillary was getting filthy rich with her sweetheart deals with Russia you Moon Bats didn't say a word about Russia.

You never hold Crooked Hillary accountable for any of her corruption or dishonesty and quite frankly that is despicable.

Now you are using Russia as an excuse for Crooked Hillary losing the election. Not only is that silly and cowardly but it is hypocritical given Crooked Hillary's dealing with the Russians that put money into her scam money laundering foundation and Slick Willy's speaking engagement account.

Go fish - Nothing in Obama's or Clinton's behaviour indicated that they were bought off by Putin. On the contrary, Hillary and Obama spoke out many times against his regime and when Russia got out of line in Ukraine administration worked very hard to slam them with crippling sanctions.

This IS NOT like Trump, who to this day dares not utter a single negative description of Putin's regime, talked shit about NATO and has just appointed oilman with deep ties to Russia as SoS.

There is NO COMPARISON, and your claims of hypocrisy are completely silly.

BUT even if they WERE TRUE, even if I was being completely hypocritical and Clinton was in fact a Russian mole - WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT CHANGE? Does that somehow excuse Trump being bought off by Putin? Of course not, so that's just another layer of stupid in your argument.
What does the DNC pay you to make a fool of yourself like this? It's clear that's exactly what's going on here. no one, not even a deluded lib can be as stupid as you.

Jesus fn christ - here's so little going on in that tiny little narrow mind of yours that the only thing that seems to fit in there are personal shit-sling fests.

I like discussing and stating opinions about political SUBJECTS and have zero interest in what your latest insane theory about me personally is, so fuck off.
Every damn excuse in the world for Crooked Hillary not winning.

The only one who brought up Hillary in this thread are YOU assholes - strange that.

The rest are talking about Russian intrusion into our elections. Which is a legit subject no matter who won.

Yeah, those E-VUL Russians exposing dimocrap FILTH for colluding with the New Yawk SLIMES by allowing edits to quotes before publishing articles.

#37 here The Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks

You wanna talk about "Interference'' in an election?

How about what the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream media does every election cycle???

All the Russians did was expose the TRUTH. And dimocrap SCUM can't take the light of day.

They're criminals. The entire organization is a criminal enterprise. Just that fucking simple

And their followers are even worse. They KNOW it's a criminal enterprise and don't care. At all

dimocraps are scum

ALL of them

Go fish - Nothing in Obama's or Clinton's behaviour indicated that they were bought off by Putin.


After the fucking sweetheart uranium deal the Russians donated millions to the Clinton money launder foundation and gave that piece of shit Slick Willy $500k for a stupid speech. If that isn't payoff then nothing is.

You stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat Libtards never hold the Clintons accountable for their corruption and dishonesty, do you?.

Thank goodness the American people saw through the Clinton lies and she wasn't elected President, isn't it?

LOL. Ok fine you totally win, you've made an argument I cannot possibly dispute, you completely intellectually destroyed my character. BRAVO!

Clinton was totally bought off by Putin. She is despicable and so am about that fella that is headed into the White House with nothing but praises for Putin, nothing but scorn for NATO, nothing but an oilman with deep Russian ties as SoS - WHAT ABOUT THAT?
Every damn excuse in the world for Crooked Hillary not winning.

The only one who brought up Hillary in this thread are YOU assholes - strange that.

The rest are talking about Russian intrusion into our elections. Which is a legit subject no matter who won.

We brought it up because of the hypocrisy of Crooked Hillary getting rich off the Russians but now blaming the Russians for her lost to Trump.

The Russian "intrusion into our election process" is simply a pathetic excuse for Crooked Hillary not winning and quite frankly it is disgusting to hear you Moon Bats harp on it.

Crooked Hillary was a very flaws candidate. The most dishonest, corrupt and incompetent piece of shit to ever run for President. She lost because Trump ran a better campaign than she did, not because of the friggin Russians, Comey or the "injustice of the Electoral College".

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats need to more introspective of the reason why your filthy ass party lost both houses of Congress and the Presidency instead of blaming the lost on some silly ass foreign conspiracy theory that has not real proof to it.
1. Nobody gives a hoot what Assange says - if it is was Russians (as American intelligence firmly believes about DNC hacks) it was not in their interest to let Assange know that intel is coming from them because of possible blowback. There is no reason to think Assange knows what he is talking about or even that he is telling the truth.

2. There was not single piece of evidence Hillary's server was hacked. Not a single original email of hers was leaked and Comney found no evidence that hackers actually got to her emails.
No one cared what Assange thinks or does? Considering someone was caught trying to break into the Embassy where he is staying to get to him, someone sure cared enough to try to get to him and stop him. Also, only an idiot would NOT care what Assange says. HE was the one dumping all of the information from Hillary's e-mails and server, and HE might be only one of the ones who knows where HE got the information from. Libs in denial are about the only ones dumb enough to claim they don't care what he says, where he got his info, etc. Acting based on their own opinions and other unsubstantiated information seems to be a preferred habit for Libs.

2. You do realize, DON'T YOU, that the WHITE HOUSE declared there was information leaked from Hillary's e-mails that were so classified that it could not be released in any format because it would 'cause grave danger to our national security'...(Multiple links to this has been posted multiple times).
- This was a MAJOR Obama administration faux pas. They could have used any list of reasons why they were not going to release those e-mails, but exposing that her e-mails had SUCH damaging classified information in them was a huge mistake (IMO).
Clinton was totally bought off by Putin.

Clinton was never completely bought off by anyone...except maybe for Soros. The Clintons were / are world-renowned for selling ACCESS and for selling FAVORS! As long as they were in positions of power or had the extreme potential to get back into positions of power (like the Presidency for Hillary) the sweet $$ speech-making deals and the mega-Foundation 'donations' kept coming.

As we have seen, with the elimination of the Clintons EVER being in positions of political power again, those speaking engagements and donations have completely dried up.
1. Nobody gives a hoot what Assange says - if it is was Russians (as American intelligence firmly believes about DNC hacks) it was not in their interest to let Assange know that intel is coming from them because of possible blowback. There is no reason to think Assange knows what he is talking about or even that he is telling the truth.

2. There was not single piece of evidence Hillary's server was hacked. Not a single original email of hers was leaked and Comney found no evidence that hackers actually got to her emails.
No one cared what Assange thinks or does? Considering someone was caught trying to break into the Embassy where he is staying to get to him, someone sure cared enough to try to get to him and stop him. Also, only an idiot would NOT care what Assange says. HE was the one dumping all of the information from Hillary's e-mails and server, and HE might be only one of the ones who knows where HE got the information from. Libs in denial are about the only ones dumb enough to claim they don't care what he says, where he got his info, etc. Acting based on their own opinions and other unsubstantiated information seems to be a preferred habit for Libs.

2. You do realize, DON'T YOU, that the WHITE HOUSE declared there was information leaked from Hillary's e-mails that were so classified that it could not be released in any format because it would 'cause grave danger to our national security'...(Multiple links to this has been posted multiple times).
- This was a MAJOR Obama administration faux pas. They could have used any list of reasons why they were not going to release those e-mails, but exposing that her e-mails had SUCH damaging classified information in them was a huge mistake (IMO).

1. You've typed many words but have not improved on your argument, there is no reason to think that Assage says the truth about origination of the hacks. Nothing you said makes a real case to the contrary.

2. There is no evidence any emails specifically from HIllary's server were hacked. What you're talking about are emails Hillary SENT to someone like Podesta or DNC, who's emals did get hacked.
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LOL. Ok fine you totally win, you've made an argument I cannot possibly dispute, you completely intellectually destroyed my character. BRAVO!

Clinton was totally bought off by Putin. She is despicable and so am about that fella that is headed into the White House with nothing but praises for Putin, nothing but scorn for NATO, nothing but an oilman with deep Russian ties as Sos - WHAT ABOUT THAT?

You can be an idiot and do all the Moon Bat denial you want. It just makes you look like a fool. The fact of the matter is that Crooked Hillary help to orchestrate a sweetheart uranium deal that greatly benefited the Russians and then millions were deposited in her scam foundation and Slick Willy was given $500K for a dumb ass speech. Only you idiot Moon Bats can't connect those dots. Of course you are the same morons that thought Obama was going to be a good President so we know that you aren't exactly the best and the brightest, don't we?

The pathetic thing is that you stupid Moon Bat don't even realize that if the Russians wanted to rig the American election they they would have rigged it in favor of Crooked Hillary because they already owned her fat corrupt ass. She was bought and paid for.

LOL. Ok fine you totally win, you've made an argument I cannot possibly dispute, you completely intellectually destroyed my character. BRAVO!

Clinton was totally bought off by Putin. She is despicable and so am about that fella that is headed into the White House with nothing but praises for Putin, nothing but scorn for NATO, nothing but an oilman with deep Russian ties as Sos - WHAT ABOUT THAT?

You can be an idiot and do all the Moon Bat denial you want. It just makes you look like a fool. The fact of the matter is that Crooked Hillary help to orchestrate a sweetheart uranium deal that greatly benefited the Russians and then millions were deposited in her scam foundation and Slick Willy was given $500K for a dumb ass speech. Only you idiot Moon Bats can't connect those dots. Of course you are the same morons that thought Obama was going to be a good President so we know that you aren't exactly the best and the brightest, don't we?

The pathetic thing is that you stupid Moon Bat don't even realize that if the Russians wanted to rig the American election they they would have rigged it in favor of Crooked Hillary because they already owned her fat corrupt ass. She was bought and paid for.

Yep you totally you totally refuse to talk about the actual issue - deflect deflect deflect.

Uranium deal was signed off by 8 government organizations, of which Department of State was just one. Suggestion that it happened because Hillary was bought off is spurious at best, NEITHER DOES IT MATTER as to the issue of Russian hacking and Trump's bizzare pro-Russian behaviour.
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Yep you totally you totally refuse to talk about the actual issue - deflect deflect deflect.

Uranium deal was signed off by 8 government organization of which Department of State was one.

Totally, dewdette. Totally.....

What, are you even twelve yet??


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