Trolling for Trump: Russia's effort to destroy our Democracy

1. You've typed many words but have not improved on your argument, there is no reason to think that Assage says the truth about origination of the hacks. Nothing you said makes a real case to the contrary.

2. There is no evidence any emails specifically from HIllary's server were hacked. What you're talking about are emails Hillary SENT to someone like Podesta or DNC, who's emals did get hacked.
1. No reason to believe Assange...but according to you Barry - who has lied constantly to the American people - is more believable? The guy who exposed all of Hillary's lies, scandals, and crimes, is not to be believed about what he did and has nothing useful to say, but the guy who won Lie of the Year does?

2. The FBI said Hillary's server was most probably hacked....much like the Russians probably 'hacked the election'
I'm still waiting to hear what SPECIFICALLY the Russians hacked when they 'hacked the election'.

The machines that switched Trump votes to Hillary votes, the all-in media's polls that turned out so horribly wrong....what?

Were the Russians responsible for rigging the DNC Primary in Hillary's favor? Were they the pones responsible for Donna Brazil/Wolf Blitzer/etc giving Hillary debate questions in advance? Did they FORCE liberal turnout to be a little low and the GOP turnout to be 'record-setting'?


Yep you totally you totally refuse to talk about the actual issue - deflect deflect deflect.

Uranium deal was signed off by 8 government organizations, of which Department of State was just one. Suggestion that it happened because Hillary was bought off is spurious at best, NEITHER DOES IT MATTER as to the issue of Russian hacking and Trump's bizzare pro-Russian behaviour.

It was the filthy ass Obama Administration and she was the queen bee when she was Secretary of State. Who in that filthy ass administration had the balls to go against her?

Crooked Hillary being able to get the rest of the filthy ass Obama administration to go along with the sweetheart deal is a great example of her corruption. The Russians did well to hire her to their bidding, didn't they? The Russians benefited from her leadership in the deal and the Russians paid her off and all the Moon Bat denial in the world isn't going to change that.

It must really suck to be a naive stupid Moon Bat that is under the impression that Crooked Hillary is honest, doesn't it? You get ridiculed all the time for it, don't you? You look like a fool every time you try to justify her dishonesty and corruption, don't you?

However, the truth isn’t quite that simple. As tempting as it is to see Russia as a partisan player on Trump’s side, the Kremlin’s goal isn’t to see a particular candidate win. The goal is much more insidious: to undermine American confidence in our political system. That is, the Kremlin’s real target is liberal democracy itself.

Whether Trump realizes it or not, he is nothing to Putin but a useful idiot in this larger effort.

Gipper, you have been on the board for some time. I don't see you as one of the planted Trolls. But you are gobbling up their Fake News. That is disappointing.
Putin was pissed at Hillary because he thought she tried to influence a Russian election. It was payback.
Hey Jimbo is it true that if someone wants peace with Russia, they're a Russian agent?

Ahhh, our local Troll is out early this morning. Making a little extra money for Christmas?

Russia has accomplished their goal this time and since the clueless president-elect is denying any wrong doing by his butt buddy Putin, they will persist and next time, it may be the GOP that is the victim of Russian Hacking. So, please laugh while you can.
War is good for the State, right Jimbo?

Anything that is good for the State, you are for.

Got it.

Russia is winning the Cyber War, while you and the other clueless RWers sit on their thumbs.
They do not care what happens to the United States as long as they get their way. Look at how long they have idolized Putin.

However, the truth isn’t quite that simple. As tempting as it is to see Russia as a partisan player on Trump’s side, the Kremlin’s goal isn’t to see a particular candidate win. The goal is much more insidious: to undermine American confidence in our political system. That is, the Kremlin’s real target is liberal democracy itself.

Whether Trump realizes it or not, he is nothing to Putin but a useful idiot in this larger effort.

Gipper, you have been on the board for some time. I don't see you as one of the planted Trolls. But you are gobbling up their Fake News. That is disappointing.
Putin was pissed at Hillary because he thought she tried to influence a Russian election. It was payback.

And we should pay them putting in office Russian friendly administration and lifting sanctions no less.

Yep you totally you totally refuse to talk about the actual issue - deflect deflect deflect.

Uranium deal was signed off by 8 government organizations, of which Department of State was just one. Suggestion that it happened because Hillary was bought off is spurious at best, NEITHER DOES IT MATTER as to the issue of Russian hacking and Trump's bizzare pro-Russian behaviour.

It was the filthy ass Obama Administration and she was the queen bee when she was Secretary of State. Who in that filthy ass administration had the balls to go against her?

Crooked Hillary being able to get the rest of the filthy ass Obama administration to go along with the sweetheart deal is a great example of her corruption. The Russians did well to hire her to their bidding, didn't they? The Russians benefited from her leadership in the deal and the Russians paid her off and all the Moon Bat denial in the world isn't going to change that.

It must really suck to be a naive stupid Moon Bat that is under the impression that Crooked Hillary is honest, doesn't it? You get ridiculed all the time for it, don't you? You look like a fool every time you try to justify her dishonesty and corruption, don't you?

It's like talking to a fucking wall.

Hello? Russian hacking? Trump's bizzare pro-Russian behaviour? Hello? Anyone home?
1. You've typed many words but have not improved on your argument, there is no reason to think that Assage says the truth about origination of the hacks. Nothing you said makes a real case to the contrary.

2. There is no evidence any emails specifically from HIllary's server were hacked. What you're talking about are emails Hillary SENT to someone like Podesta or DNC, who's emals did get hacked.
1. No reason to believe Assange...but according to you Barry - who has lied constantly to the American people - is more believable? The guy who exposed all of Hillary's lies, scandals, and crimes, is not to be believed about what he did and has nothing useful to say, but the guy who won Lie of the Year does?

1. Silly, I believe unanimous view of American intelligence that DNC was hacked at the direction from top Russian administration, nothing to do with Obama and Clinton.

I think at this point we can conclude that the reason our conservative/Trumpster friends refuse to address the topic of this thread and keep deflecting to irrelevancies is due to their inability to deal with this subject head on. Mental dissonance on display.
Credible sources say...

It's like talking to a fucking wall. Hello? Russian hacking? Trump's bizzare pro-Russian behaviour? Hello? Anyone home?
Using YOUR logic:

Barry funded, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and defended Al Qaeida and ISIS.

Barry allowed ISIS to freely flow into Iraq and take over much of the country our troops had already liberated at great cost, not instead destroying their mile-long convoys as they traveled across open desert into Iraq.

Hillary and Barry used an international arms dealer to provide weapons to Al Qaeida and ISIS out of Benghazi.

Barry joined forces with Al Qaeida to kill and replace a sovereign ruler who was HELPING the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa.

Barry refused to allow Coalition forces to target ISIS black marker oil infrastructure which funded 50% of ISIS' terrorist activities, including the attack on Paris.

Hillary and Barry dragged the US into 2 illegal, unauthorized personal wars - into the middle of 2 civil wars between terrorists and dictators.

Despite warnings of a pending terrorist attack on 9/11/12, despite a known call for the assassination of Ambassador Stephens in retaliation for the death of a Benghazi-born Al Qaeida leader due to a drone strike, despite every other nation pulling their people out of Benghazi due to the terrorist threat, despite 2 terrorist attacks - 1 leaving a 4-foot hole in the compound wall - leading up to the 9/11/12 attack, despite Ambassador Stephens pleading for additional security more than 2 dozen times, and despite Stephens warning that if a 3rd coordinated terrorist attack happened he would die, Hillary and Barry still denied all requests for additional security, pulled members off of his security detail, then left him in Benghazi to die.

Barry MOCKED Americans concern for our national security and their safety, provided an un-vetted/poorly vetted terrorist with a visa, welcomed them into the country, and that terrorist then murdered 12 Americans in Ca.

Barry was warned by Russians / Putin about the Tsarnaev Brother - how one had traveled to a terrorist training camp run by Al Qaeida, ignored those warnings, allowed the successful terrorist attack in Boston, and afterwards placed the brothers' pictures on TV while asking Americans to help ID them WHEN BARRY ALREADY KNEW DAMN-WELL WHO THEY WERE.

Barry called an OBVIOUS terrorist attack a case of 'Workplace Violence'.

Barry won't use the term Islamic Extremism'.

After the California terrorist attack Barry sent out his Attorney General to threaten with punishment any American that exercised their Freedom of Speech in talking negatively about the terrorist attack, the attacker, or Islamic Extremists.


"It's like talking to a fucking wall. Hello? Obama's bizzar pro-TERRORIST behavior? Hello? Anyone home?"
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1. Silly, I believe unanimous view of American intelligence that DNC was hacked at the direction from top Russian administration, nothing to do with Obama and Clinton.

I think at this point we can conclude that the reason our conservative/Trumpster friends refuse to address the topic of this thread and keep deflecting to irrelevancies is due to their inability to deal with this subject head on. Mental dissonance on display.
Except it is NOT 'unanimous' I posted yesterday where several key Intel leaders...and the FBI...don't totally believe it yet because there has been no definitive proof found yet, just a lot of circumstantial evidence. (NOTE: convictions have been made using circumstantial evidence.)

I believe that Trump's ego will not allow him to admit he received help from anyone to win. The people chose him - he won - the Russians did not help ( - what he is thinking). IMO....

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