Trump 2022!

Democrats impeached Trump solely on partisan overreach,
If it was purely partisan why did they wait so long. They took power in the House in Jan 2019. Trumpybear didn't make his Ukrainian Strong Arm play until later that summer.
knowing ahead of time that Trump would not be removed from office but they impeached him anyway
Democrats believe they proved Trump tried use aid funds democrats and republican authorized to blackmail a foreign leader into interfering in the next US election.
With all of the presidents we have had over 200 years, not one president has ever been removed from office by impeachment.
Not one president in that time has tried to blackmail a foreign power to attack half of the political parties with bipartisan foreign aid as leverage, nor has there ever been a president to use MAGA MOB violence in an attempt to intimidate the Congress either.
If it was purely partisan why did they wait so long. They took power in the House in Jan 2019. Trumpybear didn't make his Ukrainian Strong Arm play until later that summer.

Democrats believe they proved Trump tried use aid funds democrats and republican authorized to blackmail a foreign leader into interfering in the next US election.

Not one president in that time has tried to blackmail a foreign power to attack half of the political parties with bipartisan foreign aid as leverage, nor has there ever been a president to use MAGA MOB violence in an attempt to intimidate the Congress either.
All nothing but your partisan opinions. When Republicans take over the House after the midterms, the shoe will be on the other foot.
In case it has slipped your sieve line brain, there is no general election this year.
He cannot be installed in any part of the government unless he wins.
Your eagerness to have him back has caused you to forget about the democracy which arseholed the idiot. Now you have him returned and not a vote cast. You're mentally ill.
It could happen because there is no law that says the Speaker of the House has to be an elected Representative. If the Republicans take the House, they could elect him Speaker without a single popular vote cast. Then, as Speaker, he would be third in line for the presidency. If they impeached both Quid Pro and Kamala at the same time, TRUMP! becomes president. Wouldn't that be cool, to hear the screams from the unhinged left?
I think this the greatest idea ever. He does realize he wouldn't get 12 hour "executive time" sessions right?
It could happen because there is no law that says the Speaker of the House has to be an elected Representative. If the Republicans take the House, they could elect him Speaker without a single popular vote cast. Then, as Speaker, he would be third in line for the presidency. If they impeached both Quid Pro and Kamala at the same time, TRUMP! becomes president. Wouldn't that be cool, to hear the screams from the unhinged left?
You are right. It's not necessary but there has never been one that was a member.
It's fine to hope the p and vp will be impeached but theres no reason to do it. They have committed no crimes. Unlike trump who was impeached for violating his oath of office.
The GOP will never re elect him to anything. His silent dissenters have now spoken out against him and admitted he lied.
There's no logic to it by taking the country back to division and racism like never before. Only fools would believe he furthered the American cause.
And recalled also I am pretty sure but that may be a state by state thing

One other thing can be done by congress itself. It can place a "Member" on ignore. MaCarthy had that done to him. They just stopped inviting him to any of the Reindeer Games. This lasted about 1 year before he finally decided not to run again.
Thank goodness there have been no blobs as president. That would be bad, almost as bad as installing a frail, elderly man who can't keep straight what he's supposed to be doing.

Politicians don't need to be brain surgeons, they just need to care about America.

is that why donny's first oversees visit as potus was with the saudis? is that why donny turned his back on our NATO allies & then cuddled up to some of the world's worst dictators?
Your blob got his ass kicked by a "frail elderly man"? Your blob must really suck.
I have no blob. How much extra are you carrying around every day? Apparently, there's someone living rent free in your mind for starters.
I have no blob. How much extra are you carrying around every day? Apparently, there's someone living rent free in your mind for starters.
Your blob was the one who got his ass kicked by President Biden. You remember.... LOL.

That my calling Trump a cute 3rd grader name (like he did so often) pisses you off is especially delicious. So enjoy your blob's involuntary exile.... LOL
Your blob was the one who got his ass kicked by President Biden. You remember.... LOL.

That my calling Trump a cute 3rd grader name (like he did so often) pisses you off is especially delicious. So enjoy your blob's involuntary exile.... LOL
Oh, I understand you thinking like a 3rd grader, but why is Quid Pro kicking blobs? Sounds like a serious fetish going on there. Are you in a secret club with him or something?
And the TDS continues. I'm serious, you guys are completely obsessed with him. Quid Pro isn't doing it for you?

And you'll never get over your blob getting 100% of the acreage that is his ass kicked by President Biden. Get used to saying it....

306>232.... your blob lost.


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