Trump 2022!

And you'll never get over your blob getting 100% of the acreage that is his ass kicked by President Biden. Get used to saying it....

306>232.... your blob lost.

I see that your fetish continues. How many people are in your club?
Still singing that loser song...

306>232... Certified.

Because of the voter fraud some states are looking into decertification.

---Arizona state lawmaker introduces resolution to decertify 2020 election---

---186 Legislators Sign on to Decertify 2020 Presidential Election---

Because of the voter fraud some states are looking into decertification.

---Arizona state lawmaker introduces resolution to decertify 2020 election---

---186 Legislators Sign on to Decertify 2020 Presidential Election---

Yah, they tried to play that game here as well. In the end, at least one County Clerk is facing a grand jury over her monkeying with the counts. What you verify is that there at least 186 legislators that needs to be facing a grand jury as well.
Because of the voter fraud some states are looking into decertification.

---Arizona state lawmaker introduces resolution to decertify 2020 election---

---186 Legislators Sign on to Decertify 2020 Presidential Election---

186 legislators out of something like 2,500... Yeah..some "movement" you got there skippy....

Nobody is looking into decertification.
Yah, they tried to play that game here as well. In the end, at least one County Clerk is facing a grand jury over her monkeying with the counts. What you verify is that there at least 186 legislators that needs to be facing a grand jury as well.
So now Democrats are persecuting county clerks for trying to right a wrong? More county clerks should have done their duty and thrown out the fraudulent votes.
The system is set up so that it is almost impossible to remove a president from office and so that only voters can remove a president from office. That is the way it is designed. A president isn't supposed to be removed from office unless they do something so horribly bad that both parties would want the president gone. Democrats impeached Trump solely on partisan overreach, knowing ahead of time that Trump would not be removed from office but they impeached him anyway, solely for political purposes. With all of the presidents we have had over 200 years, not one president has ever been removed from office by impeachment. We can't just have one party in power having the ability to remove president after president every time they don't like someone.

Independent, things would be much different today were it not for the 17th amendment, put in and passed by the Democrats in 1912-13.

Originally, the senate and senators were put in by state legislators, and their job was to do the states bidding, and the state could recall them at any time if they did not. It wasn't I run for election in my state, then for 6 years I do whatever I think is right by me. Nope!

Want to know why the Democrats changed it?

Look today at how many districts and counties Trump won, and all of them have state legislators that would be eligible to vote for their states senators to Washington DC. It became apparent to Democrats, that if the new suburbs and rural areas continued to grow, although their voters were massed in large cities, most of the states local districts would be controlled by the opposition. Since they are the people who voted for Senators, they would have a very tough time controlling the senate. Their intuition proved true, especially after WWII.

The single largest change that helped Democrats since WWII politically in this country, was the enactment of the 17th amendment. Look at the red states in the country, and no matter what, you would have 2 gop senators, and if they went against state legislators on a vote, they would be recalled and replaced. Look at the blue states, and no matter what, you would have 2 Democratic senators. Now look at the purple states. In those states, whichever party controls the state, they would have either 2 of the same, or 1 and 1. Now recalculate who has control of the Senate, and you will know why if you tried to repeal the 17th amendment, Leftists would scream so loud, we would have to have earmuffs!
Independent, things would be much different today were it not for the 17th amendment, put in and passed by the Democrats in 1912-13.

Originally, the senate and senators were put in by state legislators, and their job was to do the states bidding, and the state could recall them at any time if they did not. It wasn't I run for election in my state, then for 6 years I do whatever I think is right by me. Nope!

Want to know why the Democrats changed it?

Look today at how many districts and counties Trump won, and all of them have state legislators that would be eligible to vote for their states senators to Washington DC. It became apparent to Democrats, that if the new suburbs and rural areas continued to grow, although their voters were massed in large cities, most of the states local districts would be controlled by the opposition. Since they are the people who voted for Senators, they would have a very tough time controlling the senate. Their intuition proved true, especially after WWII.

The single largest change that helped Democrats since WWII politically in this country, was the enactment of the 17th amendment. Look at the red states in the country, and no matter what, you would have 2 gop senators, and if they went against state legislators on a vote, they would be recalled and replaced. Look at the blue states, and no matter what, you would have 2 Democratic senators. Now look at the purple states. In those states, whichever party controls the state, they would have either 2 of the same, or 1 and 1. Now recalculate who has control of the Senate, and you will know why if you tried to repeal the 17th amendment, Leftists would scream so loud, we would have to have earmuffs!
In the beginning, only land owners were allowed to vote. Since a lot of voting has to do with electing representatives who will be in charge of overseeing and spending our tax dollars, I would favor only tax payers vote in those types of elections. If you pay federal income taxes then you are allowed to vote in federal elections. If you pay state income taxes then you are allowed to vote in state elections. Of course with this system some tweaks would have to be made, particularly since some states don't even have state income taxes. Bottom line, you should only be allowed to vote for representatives making decisions on your tax dollars if you are actually paying tax dollars. If you aren't paying any of those tax dollars that are being spent then you shouldn't have any say in how they are spent. Of course this is just a fantasy of mine.
So now Democrats are persecuting county clerks for trying to right a wrong? More county clerks should have done their duty and thrown out the fraudulent votes.

WE had 6 county clerks facing that grand jury. One was found to not have enough to prosecute. That leaves 5. That is 5 western red counties that 5 red counties are convening grand juries. They were unable to prove voter fraud (outside of a handful of republicans) and decided to trash the whole voting system and turn the records over to outside people that were not verified as being qualified. Even after all that, the only voter fraud found in those 6 counties belong to Rump backers and then it was just a handful out of 4 million. Had they done their duty, they would have kept the system clean and clear instead of trashing it.

One county is having to replace all its voting machines. You will say that mission accomplished. The new machines are from the same company that provided the old ones. BTW, the Mesa County Clerk is back to having an arrest against her for about the 4th time in a matter of a few months. She is now a fugitive and forfieted her bail from the last time.
In the beginning, only land owners were allowed to vote. Since a lot of voting has to do with electing representatives who will be in charge of overseeing and spending our tax dollars, I would favor only tax payers vote in those types of elections. If you pay federal income taxes then you are allowed to vote in federal elections. If you pay state income taxes then you are allowed to vote in state elections. Of course with this system some tweaks would have to be made, particularly since some states don't even have state income taxes. Bottom line, you should only be allowed to vote for representatives making decisions on your tax dollars if you are actually paying tax dollars. If you aren't paying any of those tax dollars that are being spent then you shouldn't have any say in how they are spent. Of course this is just a fantasy of mine.

LOL, oh God. They are going to call you every dirty name in the book for that post.
And I thought I was going to have to wait until 2024.

---During the discussion at around the 6:10 minute mark, Root begins to discuss his idea of having President Trump take over the Speaker’s role in the House after the 2022 Election. ---

Trump for speaker. That would be awesome
And I thought I was going to have to wait until 2024.

---During the discussion at around the 6:10 minute mark, Root begins to discuss his idea of having President Trump take over the Speaker’s role in the House after the 2022 Election. ---

i heard about this... but will read this info here

may not be a bad idea... then DeSantis could run and

no Trump baggage... except DeSantis liked Trump

but who cares? He would win.... I mean, probably Kanye West could beat Mr Corrupt Senile Baby Killer...

even Ted Nugent
The Speaker of the House does not even have to be an elected representative with a seat in congress. So if the republicans take back control of the House or Representatives, they could in theory vote Trump as Speaker with a majority vote. Likewise, a majority vote can replace the Speaker with a new speaker at any time.
didn't know that last thing

I love the way America is SUPPOSED to run...

The dims had decades to overturn the Babykilling decision

They just doubled down on the murder

the Dims could have saved American lives in Afghanistan .... couldn't have cared less

Dims could have saved us from an invasion of illegals, many of whom rob, rape and kill us

couldn't have cared less

-- Rightnow909
Hey dummy, the reason nothing is passed is because this is not the purview of the federal government. Obamacare is something that is unconstitutional. Get it asshole?
Yo, dummy. The congress does those things, and that is exactly what was referred to. They did take up the hospitalization thing and did nothing.
And I thought I was going to have to wait until 2024.

---During the discussion at around the 6:10 minute mark, Root begins to discuss his idea of having President Trump take over the Speaker’s role in the House after the 2022 Election. ---


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