Trump 2022!

Not at all, they just have different rules. They are subject to recall by the voters that put them there. They can also be expelled from the House by a 2/3 vote.
And yet the House wanted to impeach Trump (twice) instead of letting the president be subject to the will of the voters, while the Speaker gets to finish out their term, no matter what. My original question was if the Speaker is in charge of what gets voted on and what doesn't, couldn't they just not set a vote on their own removal? How does the 2/3'rds vote get past the Speaker?
Likewise, a majority vote can replace the Speaker with a new speaker at any time.
But how does the vote happen if the Speaker doesn't allow it? Who has the power to force a vote that the Speaker doesn't want? Aren't they they ones who set the agenda? Yes, they have a vote to see who is speaker in the first place but what is the process if they want a new speaker in the middle of the speaker's term?
And yet the House wanted to impeach Trump (twice) instead of letting the president be subject to the will of the voters, while the Speaker gets to finish out their term, no matter what.

No, they do not get to finish out their term, no matter what. I listed the ways to get rid of them. More ways than there are to get rid of the POTUS even.

My original question was if the Speaker is in charge of what gets voted on and what doesn't, couldn't they just not set a vote on their own removal? How does the 2/3'rds vote get past the Speaker?

The speaker can be overridden by the majority and they can force the vote.
Trump is even less prepared to be House Speaker than he was to be President. He'd make a complete fool of himself.

Trump as House Speaker:

"The first order of business is to get rid of the House Ethics Committee."

"What do you mean I can't limit all bills to be no more than 280 characters?"

"What do you mean I can't abolish the filibuster for bills I want passed?"

"What do you mean the Speaker of the House isn't allowed to issue Executive Orders?"

"The Senate is a bunch of losers. The House has higher ratings."

"What do you mean I can't be the only one who decides what laws get changed?"

"What do you mean I can't fire any Congressman I don't like?"

"What the hell does reconciliation mean? I don't do reconciliation for nobody!"

"Can I appoint Alex Jones as my Parliamentarian?"
You might want to make sure your sarcastic questions have merit. The House doesn't have a filibuster.
Thats a quaint notion....

Today's Republican Party is about one thing...sticking it to someone. That was all that Trump was about....and it's become all that the GOP is now about.

Sounds like you'd better stay inside today. There might be a Republican behind you.

Why would I do that?

Republicans are the most pussified political party ever. Seldom in the history of humankind have so many cowards gotten together under one label.

Just look at this board... you guys have been threatening to start shooting people since day one... I thought you guys were going to secede. You didn't. I thought you guys were going to lock up everyone you didn't like. You didn't. I thought you guys were going to re-install your blob as President. You didn't and you won't.
And I thought I was going to have to wait until 2024.

---During the discussion at around the 6:10 minute mark, Root begins to discuss his idea of having President Trump take over the Speaker’s role in the House after the 2022 Election. ---

Lol what a joke. Trump was far too stupid to be president and that’s no different for the speaker position. What an international embarrassment.
Why would I do that?

Republicans are the most pussified political party ever. Seldom in the history of humankind have so many cowards gotten together under one label.

Just look at this board... you guys have been threatening to start shooting people since day one... I thought you guys were going to secede. You didn't. I thought you guys were going to lock up everyone you didn't like. You didn't. I thought you guys were going to re-install your blob as President. You didn't and you won't.
Thank goodness there have been no blobs as president. That would be bad, almost as bad as installing a frail, elderly man who can't keep straight what he's supposed to be doing.
And yet the House wanted to impeach Trump (twice) instead of letting the president be subject to the will of the voters

Impeachment is in the Constitution. The House unmistakably Impeached Trump twice. Enough Republican's remained loyal to the Don to keep him from being convicted and removed from office.

Selecting the President every four years is also in there......
Impeachment is in the Constitution. The House unmistakably Impeached Trump twice. Enough Republican's remained loyal to the Don to keep him from being convicted and removed from office.

Selecting the President every four years is also in there......
So? You just proved my point. It is designed that if a partisan House impeached a president for purely partisan reasons, which they did twice, that is why a 2/3'rds vote is needed in the Senate to convict, just so that a partisan House would not be able to remove a president from office just because they could muster up a 218-217 partisan vote to impeach. The House impeached Trump twice, knowing ahead of time that a 2/3'rds vote was not going to happen. And, yes, it was all designed this way so that only voters had the real power to remove a president from office, not a partisan House.

Yes, history books will show that Trump may be the only president in history to be impeached twice but history books will also show that we are living in uber partisan times and that a president was impeached twice by a House that knew ahead of time that Trump would not be removed from office and was exonerated twice. In fact, history books will show that an uber partisan House impeached Trump the second time after Trump had already lost the election and was leaving office in just a few days. It will just be the icing on the cake for those history books to show just how partisan we were in these times. The history books may also show that when Republicans take over the House after the midterms, that we were still living in uber partisan times as the uber partisan House shoe will be on the other foot. People of the future will be laughing at how sad both parties were during these times.
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Lol what a joke. Trump was far too stupid to be president and that’s no different for the speaker position. What an international embarrassment.
Politicians don't need to be brain surgeons, they just need to care about America.
So? You just proved my point. It is designed that if a partisan House impeached a president for purely partisan reasons, which they did twice, that is why a 2/3'rds vote is needed in the Senate to convict, just so that a partisan House would not be able to remove a president from office just because they could muster up a 218-217 partisan vote to impeach. The House impeached Trump twice, knowing ahead of time that a 2/3'rds vote was not going to happen. And, yes, it was all designed this way so that only voters had the real power to remove a president from office, not a partisan House.

Yes, history books will show that Trump may be the only president in history to be impeached twice but history books will also show that we are living in uber partisan times and that a president was impeached twice by a House that knew ahead of time that Trump would not be removed from office and was exonerated twice. In fact, history books will show that an uber partisan House impeached Trump the second time after Trump had already lost the election and was leaving office in just a few days. It will just be the icing on the cake for those history books to show just how partisan we were in these times. The history books may also show that when Republicans take over the House after the midterms, that we were still living in uber partisan times as the uber partisan House shoe will be on the other foot. People of the future will be laughing at how sad both parties were during these times.
The GOP told Nixon "its over"

The GOP impeached Clinton for lying about Sex. Democrats own the corruption associated with acquitting the President and not removing him from office over that.

The Democrat impeached Trump for trying to strong arm a leader of a foreign state into influencing our elections by doing Trump a political favor. Republicans own the corruption associated with acquitting the President and not removing him from office over that.
But how does the vote happen if the Speaker doesn't allow it? Who has the power to force a vote that the Speaker doesn't want? Aren't they they ones who set the agenda? Yes, they have a vote to see who is speaker in the first place but what is the process if they want a new speaker in the middle of the speaker's term?
I suspect that this is an exception to the Speaker making the agenda. I could be wrong.
The GOP told Nixon "its over"

The GOP impeached Clinton for lying about Sex. Democrats own the corruption associated with acquitting the President and not removing him from office over that.

The Democrat impeached Trump for trying to strong arm a leader of a foreign state into influencing our elections by doing Trump a political favor. Republicans own the corruption associated with acquitting the President and not removing him from office over that.
The system is set up so that it is almost impossible to remove a president from office and so that only voters can remove a president from office. That is the way it is designed. A president isn't supposed to be removed from office unless they do something so horribly bad that both parties would want the president gone. Democrats impeached Trump solely on partisan overreach, knowing ahead of time that Trump would not be removed from office but they impeached him anyway, solely for political purposes. With all of the presidents we have had over 200 years, not one president has ever been removed from office by impeachment. We can't just have one party in power having the ability to remove president after president every time they don't like someone.
And I thought I was going to have to wait until 2024.

---During the discussion at around the 6:10 minute mark, Root begins to discuss his idea of having President Trump take over the Speaker’s role in the House after the 2022 Election. ---

In case it has slipped your sieve line brain, there is no general election this year.
He cannot be installed in any part of the government unless he wins.
Your eagerness to have him back has caused you to forget about the democracy which arseholed the idiot. Now you have him returned and not a vote cast. You're mentally ill.

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