Trump Accusers, Proven Liars begin to fall...

Breaking: Summer Zervos' cousin comes forward and drops a truth-bomb on the false accusations against Trump


And another one bites the dust...

7 of the 8 accusers are now debunked as liars and number 8 is being investigated and indicators are it is also made up.. Worse still is all of them were contacted by Clinton campaign surrogates and the media barrage was a planned event..

Clinton and her campaign have really sunk low for this crap.. making shit up and defaming..
I am so shocked that Clinton criminals talked them into making up bogus accusations about Trump. That would be unethical!
Kind of like Donna Brazil sending town hall questions to Clinton so she could prepare? A week in advance... This is so corrupt and the Clinton News Network is right in the middle of it all..
Breaking: Summer Zervos' cousin comes forward and drops a truth-bomb on the false accusations against Trump


And another one bites the dust...

7 of the 8 accusers are now debunked as liars and number 8 is being investigated and indicators are it is also made up.. Worse still is all of them were contacted by Clinton campaign surrogates and the media barrage was a planned event..

Clinton and her campaign have really sunk low for this crap.. making shit up and defaming..
I am so shocked that Clinton criminals talked them into making up bogus accusations about Trump. That would be unethical!
Kind of like Donna Brazil sending town hall questions to Clinton so she could prepare?

All clinton did with these "accusers" is make herself look like the world's biggest douche bag. How anyone can vote for this criminal, I will never understand. Anyone who does deserves a beating. They are traitors to this country.
This is criminal defamation... If the Clinton's will stoop this low knowing they could be sued for millions, what wont they do?? Maybe them having people taken out is not that far fetched..

ETA: This is actually, Conspiracy to Commit Criminal Defamation/Slander. With the media that is also complicit and part of the scam this could go into the billion dollar damages range on the civil side and felony convictions for the criminal side.. This is really unethical, criminal, and very ugly..
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Is your depth of intelligence limited to.. this is what I'm told to say and if i get punked I'm gonna call you names...???
No, only racist authoritarian followers think the idiotic Birther charade wasn't disqualying. He is incapable of garnering any moral authority, as a result.
Do you have a point? Other than the top of your head...

Your just to stupid to use the grey matter between your ears.. A useless drone..
Your just to stupid to use the grey matter between your ears.. A useless drone..
Yes, any one who thinks it is okay to support Trump after his incoherent, racist birther charade is unfit to have any position of authority over any American citizen, for any official reason.

Is that clear enough for you losers, or do I need to make it second grade reading level?
Your just to stupid to use the grey matter between your ears.. A useless drone..
Yes, any one who thinks it is okay to support Trump after his incoherent, racist birther charade is unfit to have any position of authority over any American citizen, for any official reason.

Is that clear enough for you losers, or do I need to make it second grade reading level?

I stand corrected... You have no grey matter between your ears and you never made it to the second grade...

Let me type this slowly for you.... The Bimbo fraud is going to take out Clinton..
I stand corrected... You have no grey matter between your ears and you never made it to the second grade...
I am totally serious. Many people against Trump really don't think it through either. But if Trump wins, it will be a divided country, where one half will literally feel no patriotic obligation to do anything Trump says.

Do you think the Republicans who said his is unfit will just fall in line if he is elected?


Unfit is unfit, regardless.

So if you want a Civil War, whether bloody or not, then vote for Trump.
Your just to stupid to use the grey matter between your ears.. A useless drone..
Yes, any one who thinks it is okay to support Trump after his incoherent, racist birther charade is unfit to have any position of authority over any American citizen, for any official reason.

Is that clear enough for you losers, or do I need to make it second grade reading level?
The birther issue is a big nothing. Obama gave everyone good reason to believe he wasn't born in the United States by refusing to release his birth certificate for 5 years..
Your just to stupid to use the grey matter between your ears.. A useless drone..
Yes, any one who thinks it is okay to support Trump after his incoherent, racist birther charade is unfit to have any position of authority over any American citizen, for any official reason.

Is that clear enough for you losers, or do I need to make it second grade reading level?

I stand corrected... You have no grey matter between your ears and you never made it to the second grade...

Let me type this slowly for you.... The Bimbo fraud is going to take out Clinton..
This shows all the signs of a criminal conspiracy orchestrated by the Clinton campaign. People should be going to prison over it.
I stand corrected... You have no grey matter between your ears and you never made it to the second grade...
I am totally serious. Many people against Trump really don't think it through either. But if Trump wins, it will be a divided country, where one half will literally feel no patriotic obligation to do anything Trump says.

Do you think the Republicans who said his is unfit will just fall in line if he is elected?


Unfit is unfit, regardless.

So if you want a Civil War, whether bloody or not, then vote for Trump.

I find your ignorance a huge fail...

Hillary will continue the same divide and destroy that Obama has done..

Any Civil war will be because of the Obama divide... Continuing stupid is not an option...

You left wing nut bags need to fuck off!
I stand corrected... You have no grey matter between your ears and you never made it to the second grade...
I am totally serious. Many people against Trump really don't think it through either. But if Trump wins, it will be a divided country, where one half will literally feel no patriotic obligation to do anything Trump says.

Do you think the Republicans who said his is unfit will just fall in line if he is elected?


Unfit is unfit, regardless.

So if you want a Civil War, whether bloody or not, then vote for Trump.

Do you imagine anyone besides her drones will feel a patriotic obligation to do anything she says? Your theory that Hillary is the patriotic choice doesn't pass the laugh test.
Aren't you a republican? If these statements really are lies, which they probably aren't, you should know better than anyone that they won't go away. It's been the main GOP strategy going on 8 years now.
Nothing like a billionaire to bring out deadbeat gold diggers out... lol
not one of these women coming forward now are looking for money, are they? I had heard on the news, they are not...?
Aren't you a republican? If these statements really are lies, which they probably aren't, you should know better than anyone that they won't go away. It's been the main GOP strategy going on 8 years now.
Nothing like a billionaire to bring out deadbeat gold diggers out... lol
not one of these women coming forward now are looking for money, are they? I had heard on the news, they are not...?
How do you know the Clinton campaign hasn't paid them?
AND now the democrat operatives begin to fall...

Trump Accuser is Proven to Be a Bold Face Liar

The liars are being exposed...

And another one bites the dust......

Maybe you should ask the FBI to investigate these allegations--LOL

Look Trump is on tape saying how he assaulted women. There are women who have come out of the closet to VERIFY what he said is TRUE. That's all that's happened here.

Trump get's up on the microphone--saying there's no way in hell I would have done that to her, she's too dam ugly. Basically inferring that had she met his expectations of sexy, he would have done exactly what he said in the audio tape.

This is more entertainment that I can stand--LOL

You really couldn't have found a worse candidate than Donald Trump if you had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt in search of one.


I imagine Trump did everything he thought he could get away with. There's not too many that would put in his book--"That his personal Vietnam was sleeping around with married women."
Draft-Dodger Trump Said Sleeping Around Was My ‘Personal Vietnam’
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Hillary will continue the same divide and destroy that Obama has done..
How stupid do you have to be to believe the people from the oppressed group is responsible for divisiveness.

Hint: we don't give a shit if you don't like uppity n---ers.
What I find even of greater concern, are those who think criminal conduct to get what they want is justification for unethical and unlawful conduct.. Tells me a whole lot about your character or lack there of... " the ends justify the means" Alyinsky socialist piles of dung.

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