Trump Accusers, Proven Liars begin to fall...

What I find even of greater concern, are those who think criminal conduct to get what they want is justification for unethical and unlawful conduct.. Tells me a whole lot about your character or lack there of... " the ends justify the means" Alyinsky socialist piles of dung.
You have her fucking emails, genius. Show us the “Alinski Playbook” your fellow skanks have been frothing at the mouth about for the last 24 years.
What I find even of greater concern, are those who think criminal conduct to get what they want is justification for unethical and unlawful conduct.. Tells me a whole lot about your character or lack there of... " the ends justify the means" Alyinsky socialist piles of dung.
Show us the prosecutions and convictions of said criminals.

Your DELUSIONs don't count as evidence, btw.

And false testimony is a testimony is immoral in nearly every religion and it is a CRIME in most countries — including ours.

The only thing saving your dumbasses is the fact that Hillary is a public figure and running for president.
It's seriously yellow journalism all paid minions Hillary and the DNC have through media connections. Meanwhile the people are catching on to making America great again!

What a difference a couple days makes! Clinton 46.4%, Trump 44.3.

Oh what a difference a day makes. Clinton 64, Trump 36 in Ohio as of today. Clinton doesn't need Ohio, but Trump absolutely has to win that state, and Pennsylvania where he's getting absolutely destroyed.
And LMAO at those other two low quality crap polls.
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Aren't you a republican? If these statements really are lies, which they probably aren't, you should know better than anyone that they won't go away. It's been the main GOP strategy going on 8 years now.
Nothing like a billionaire to bring out deadbeat gold diggers out... lol
not one of these women coming forward now are looking for money, are they? I had heard on the news, they are not...?
Only a fool would believe that, they are golddiggers
What I find even of greater concern, are those who think criminal conduct to get what they want is justification for unethical and unlawful conduct.. Tells me a whole lot about your character or lack there of... " the ends justify the means" Alyinsky socialist piles of dung.
Show us the prosecutions and convictions of said criminals.

Your DELUSIONs don't count as evidence, btw.

And false testimony is a testimony is immoral in nearly every religion and it is a CRIME in most countries — including ours.

The only thing saving your dumbasses is the fact that Hillary is a public figure and running for president.
Your personal march towards democrat fascism is accelerating.....
Chris Wallace is going to have lots of ammunition for the Clinton camp on Wednesday.. The last debate is going to be a real fire ball.
Yeah - and that fireball will burn Trump to the ground just like she did in the previous 2 debates. HC was holding back in the previous 2 debates just to make shure Trump does not quit before then. She can easily mop the floor with the lying idiot Trump!
Chris Wallace is going to have lots of ammunition for the Clinton camp on Wednesday.. The last debate is going to be a real fire ball.
Yeah - and that fireball will burn Trump to the ground just like she did in the previous 2 debates. HC was holding back in the previous 2 debates just to make shure Trump does not quit before then. She can easily mop the floor with the lying idiot Trump!
Delusional is your name..

Sunday morning polls have Trump within 2 points and inside the margin of error in all but 2 battle ground states and within 1 point in national poll.

Lets just say "why aren't I fifty points ahead, you might ask" and my response is, were tired of your lies and deceptions! We see your smear campaign for what it is.. A LIE..
It's seriously yellow journalism all paid minions Hillary and the DNC have through media connections. Meanwhile the people are catching on to making America great again!

What a difference a couple days makes! Clinton 46.4%, Trump 44.3.

Oh what a difference a day makes. Clinton 64, Trump 36 in Ohio as of today. Clinton doesn't need Ohio, but Trump absolutely has to win that state, and Pennsylvania where he's getting absolutely destroyed.
And LMAO at those other two low quality crap polls.

A left wing partisan poll that over sampled democrats in key areas by 22%... Nice bullshit poll.. Do you folks ever tire of lying?
I wonder how many people believe these false rape accusations after years and years of the regressive left using the tactic as part of their playbook.

According to them 25% of women in universities get raped, too.

The oppression Olympics are back on...
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What I find even of greater concern, are those who think criminal conduct to get what they want is justification for unethical and unlawful conduct.. Tells me a whole lot about your character or lack there of... " the ends justify the means" Alyinsky socialist piles of dung.
You have her fucking emails, genius. Show us the “Alinski Playbook” your fellow skanks have been frothing at the mouth about for the last 24 years.
You really are this ignorant...? Or are you too stupid to see that your being used as a useful idiot?
Hillary will continue the same divide and destroy that Obama has done..
How stupid do you have to be to believe the people from the oppressed group is responsible for divisiveness.

Hint: we don't give a shit if you don't like uppity n---ers.

"Hint: we don't give a shit if you don't like uppity n---ers."

WOW,,, Hate filled left wing bigotry on display.. Telling as well, that you expect them to vote for your candidate and they will get nothing.. Keeping them on the plantation..
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Your personal march towards democrat fascism is accelerating.....
Dude, only people who have completely lost touch with reality think the American left is closer to fascism than the American right.

In fact, it makes it so hopeless that I am not going to waste my time replying to someone who needs to go back to fifth grade.
You have her fucking emails, genius. Show us the “Alinski Playbook” your fellow skanks have been frothing at the mouth about for the last 24 years.
You really are this ignorant...? Or are you too stupid to see that your being used as a useful idiot?
I see, you know the hallucinations of you and Ben Carson about Hillary being a Licifer loving Alinksi-inspired demon are so insane that you want to change the subject.
"Hint: we don't give a shit if you don't like uppity n---ers."

WOW,,, Hate filled left wing bigotry on display.. Telling as well, that you expect them to vote for your candidate and they will get nothing.. Keeping them on the plantation..
You have hatred for Obama and our country as it is now, because he is a successful black man, and you cannot handle that.

Otherwise, the Orwellian American dystopia you describe is only real in your imagination.

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