Trump acts like a child while everyone else stands for the anthem

Untrustworthy. He has been the most transparent president in my lifetime. He does it via Twitter so that the media cannot twist his words.

That’s not transparency. He’s been suppressing government information since he came into office. Visitor logs were withheld. We can’t even count how many Congressional requests he’s refused, subpoenas he’s blocked, testimony he refuses. There’s a record number of lawsuits stemming from FOIA requests that have been denied. He only does interviews with suck ups like Sean Hannity who is practically an extension of his administration. No press briefings. Non-disclosure agreements for everyone in the executive.

Twitter is not a substitute for government transparency. He has no obligation to be truthful or honest.

Link that please. When the press is 93% negative against you, I do not blame him for not being "transparent" in the old fashioned way.

PolitiFact - Is Donald Trump the most transparent president ever? No

Link to where it says that 93% of media is against him?

This media bias rating was determined using the following levels of bias verification:

  • Editorial Review
  • Community Feedback: 4,256 ratings
  • Blind Survey
  • Third-Party Analysis
  • Independent Research
  • Confidence Level:
    Low or Initial Rating
Leans Left and Low Confidence Level - Your source is biased and untrustworthy. Sorry.

Harvard Study: CNN, NBC Trump Coverage 93% Negative | RealClearPolitics
Obviously YOUR source is BIASED since the report actually said 80% and not 93%
From your own link;
The Harvard scholars analyzed the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and the main newscasts (not talk shows) of CBS, CNN, Fox and NBC during Trump's initial time in office. They found, to no one's surprise, that Trump absolutely dominated news coverage in the first 100 days. And then they found that news coverage was solidly negative — 80 percent negative among those outlets studied, versus 20 percent positive.

So if the coverage was actually 80% negative you wouldn't have exaggerated it to 93%.

Say you're right. It is 80%, that means 8 out of every 10 stories is negative. Pretty biased.

Here is where the 93% comes from.

Harvard researchers found that CNN's Trump coverage was 93% negative, and seven percent positive. The researchers found the same numbers for NBC.

Others were slightly less negative. The Harvard team found that CBS coverage was 91 percent negative and 9 percent positive. New York Times coverage was 87 percent negative and 13 percent positive. Washington Post coverage was 83 percent negative and 17 percent positive. Wall Street Journal coverage was 70 percent negative and 30 percent positive. And Fox News coverage also leaned to the negative, but only slightly: 52 percent negative to 48 percent positive.
Untrustworthy. He has been the most transparent president in my lifetime. He does it via Twitter so that the media cannot twist his words.

That’s not transparency. He’s been suppressing government information since he came into office. Visitor logs were withheld. We can’t even count how many Congressional requests he’s refused, subpoenas he’s blocked, testimony he refuses. There’s a record number of lawsuits stemming from FOIA requests that have been denied. He only does interviews with suck ups like Sean Hannity who is practically an extension of his administration. No press briefings. Non-disclosure agreements for everyone in the executive.

Twitter is not a substitute for government transparency. He has no obligation to be truthful or honest.

Link that please. When the press is 93% negative against you, I do not blame him for not being "transparent" in the old fashioned way.
It is like the classroom bully complaining that he gets detention more than the rest of the class
Ah, the usual Trump hypocrisy. Acting like a jackass during the anthem is okay but kneeling is blasphemy!

Another Trump-Anthem string, Billy? Didn't you make a big enough ass of yourself in the last one? You know...the one where you clueless idiots claimed Trump didn't put his hand over his heart because you saw a picture where he didn't...only to have ten people post pictures of him at the same event with his hand over his heart?

It's telling that you on the left are reduced to THIS kind of crap! Trump really is kicking your ass...isn't he?
It's plain to see on vid, Karen.
Ah, the usual Trump hypocrisy. Acting like a jackass during the anthem is okay but kneeling is blasphemy!

Another Trump-Anthem string, Billy? Didn't you make a big enough ass of yourself in the last one? You know...the one where you clueless idiots claimed Trump didn't put his hand over his heart because you saw a picture where he didn't...only to have ten people post pictures of him at the same event with his hand over his heart?

It's telling that you on the left are reduced to THIS kind of crap! Trump really is kicking your ass...isn't he?
what time is the Aderall airdrop over the White House today for tonight's SOTU? Pence holding the straw or Mitch?
I said that badly.

What I meant to say, was,

Kneeling, during a ritual where standing is done to show respect and unity to the symbol of the nation and the nation it represents, is an active expression of dis respect.

If there was any doubt about that, and there was not, there were later statements to clarify it, that the statement was directed at the nation as a whole.

Kneeling during a ritual where standing is done to show one thing, is showing the opposite.

Everyone knows that. YOu pretend otherwise, because you agree with the disrespect.

“Everyone knows that” is a lazy way to make a point.

It is not a sign of disrespect. It is non-participation. It is quiet. Reserved. It doesn’t call attention to itself. It is not intended to impede any one else’s actions. It is choosing not to show respect during a time when others choose to do so.

It’s not disrespect. It’s just not participating. There’s a difference.

I made my point, by pointing out the inherent message of doing the OPPOSITE of an action, in a ritual.

The bit where I said, "everyone knows it" was not about making the point, but about telling you that your denial was not credible.

Standing is done in the ritual to show respect. Doing the opposite of that, ie kneeling, is thus showing the opposite of respect, ie disrespect.

It is not non-participation. Non-participation would be not participating, not doing the opposite of the normal action done to show respect and unity.

It does completely call attention to itself. And if it did not, kaepernick later gave interviews where he called attention to his actions, and verbally clarified his actions to be a message about AMERICA as a whole.

YOur support of this expression of anti-Americanism, is just you supporting anti-Americanism.
Actually Kapernick didn’t call attention to himself. In fact, people didn’t notice for weeks until it was seen by a reporter and was asked about it in an interview later.

How does someone not participate without showing disrespect? This idea that he was “doing the opposite” seems awfully contrived. It seems like if he was doing anything other than standing for the anthem you could claim he was “doing the opposite”.

If it really seems that way to you, you need to check your assumptions.

You do not participate by not participating. If you participate and do the OPPOSITE of what is done to show respect and unity, you are showing the opposite of that.

If he refused to participate and said he would not participate because he refuses to show respect to America, I would consider him to still be an anti-American piece of shit.

If he did not participate, because he said he had a weak bladder and had to go to the bath room at the last minute, so he could last though the game, I would think he had prostrate issues.

It is hard to credit, that you don't understand this.
Still trying to figure out how someone doesn't participate and not disrespect the country according to your arbitrary rules.

No, you are not.

YOu are just stonewalling, because you want to provide political cover for the Anti-American pieces of shit among US.
“Everyone knows that” is a lazy way to make a point.

It is not a sign of disrespect. It is non-participation. It is quiet. Reserved. It doesn’t call attention to itself. It is not intended to impede any one else’s actions. It is choosing not to show respect during a time when others choose to do so.

It’s not disrespect. It’s just not participating. There’s a difference.

I made my point, by pointing out the inherent message of doing the OPPOSITE of an action, in a ritual.

The bit where I said, "everyone knows it" was not about making the point, but about telling you that your denial was not credible.

Standing is done in the ritual to show respect. Doing the opposite of that, ie kneeling, is thus showing the opposite of respect, ie disrespect.

It is not non-participation. Non-participation would be not participating, not doing the opposite of the normal action done to show respect and unity.

It does completely call attention to itself. And if it did not, kaepernick later gave interviews where he called attention to his actions, and verbally clarified his actions to be a message about AMERICA as a whole.

YOur support of this expression of anti-Americanism, is just you supporting anti-Americanism.
Actually Kapernick didn’t call attention to himself. In fact, people didn’t notice for weeks until it was seen by a reporter and was asked about it in an interview later.

How does someone not participate without showing disrespect? This idea that he was “doing the opposite” seems awfully contrived. It seems like if he was doing anything other than standing for the anthem you could claim he was “doing the opposite”.

If it really seems that way to you, you need to check your assumptions.

You do not participate by not participating. If you participate and do the OPPOSITE of what is done to show respect and unity, you are showing the opposite of that.

If he refused to participate and said he would not participate because he refuses to show respect to America, I would consider him to still be an anti-American piece of shit.

If he did not participate, because he said he had a weak bladder and had to go to the bath room at the last minute, so he could last though the game, I would think he had prostrate issues.

It is hard to credit, that you don't understand this.
Still trying to figure out how someone doesn't participate and not disrespect the country according to your arbitrary rules.

No, you are not.

YOu are just stonewalling, because you want to provide political cover for the Anti-American pieces of shit among US.

You don’t participate by not participating. That was your response. You can see why it’s not exactly very informative.

What are you allowed to do if you don’t want to participate in the anthem but aren’t trying to be disrespectful?
Untrustworthy. He has been the most transparent president in my lifetime. He does it via Twitter so that the media cannot twist his words.

That’s not transparency. He’s been suppressing government information since he came into office. Visitor logs were withheld. We can’t even count how many Congressional requests he’s refused, subpoenas he’s blocked, testimony he refuses. There’s a record number of lawsuits stemming from FOIA requests that have been denied. He only does interviews with suck ups like Sean Hannity who is practically an extension of his administration. No press briefings. Non-disclosure agreements for everyone in the executive.

Twitter is not a substitute for government transparency. He has no obligation to be truthful or honest.

Link that please. When the press is 93% negative against you, I do not blame him for not being "transparent" in the old fashioned way.
It is like the classroom bully complaining that he gets detention more than the rest of the class

It is like the star athlete scoring 90% of the points and winning the game and having others boo him for taking away their glory.
Trump was just being Trump, with his 4th grade maturity level. I honestly believe that he has Attention Deficit Disorder, which not only explains his behavior during the anthem, but also the fact that he never reads anything longer than a single paragraph.
I made my point, by pointing out the inherent message of doing the OPPOSITE of an action, in a ritual.

The bit where I said, "everyone knows it" was not about making the point, but about telling you that your denial was not credible.

Standing is done in the ritual to show respect. Doing the opposite of that, ie kneeling, is thus showing the opposite of respect, ie disrespect.

It is not non-participation. Non-participation would be not participating, not doing the opposite of the normal action done to show respect and unity.

It does completely call attention to itself. And if it did not, kaepernick later gave interviews where he called attention to his actions, and verbally clarified his actions to be a message about AMERICA as a whole.

YOur support of this expression of anti-Americanism, is just you supporting anti-Americanism.
Actually Kapernick didn’t call attention to himself. In fact, people didn’t notice for weeks until it was seen by a reporter and was asked about it in an interview later.

How does someone not participate without showing disrespect? This idea that he was “doing the opposite” seems awfully contrived. It seems like if he was doing anything other than standing for the anthem you could claim he was “doing the opposite”.

If it really seems that way to you, you need to check your assumptions.

You do not participate by not participating. If you participate and do the OPPOSITE of what is done to show respect and unity, you are showing the opposite of that.

If he refused to participate and said he would not participate because he refuses to show respect to America, I would consider him to still be an anti-American piece of shit.

If he did not participate, because he said he had a weak bladder and had to go to the bath room at the last minute, so he could last though the game, I would think he had prostrate issues.

It is hard to credit, that you don't understand this.
Still trying to figure out how someone doesn't participate and not disrespect the country according to your arbitrary rules.

No, you are not.

YOu are just stonewalling, because you want to provide political cover for the Anti-American pieces of shit among US.

You don’t participate by not participating. That was your response. You can see why it’s not exactly very informative.

What are you allowed to do if you don’t want to participate in the anthem but aren’t trying to be disrespectful?

It is completely informative. YOu simply don't take part in the ritual. If you are doing something else, people can tell you are doing something else.

By taking part, but doing the OPPOSITE of what is done to show respect and unity, you are expressing the OPPOSITE of respect and unity.

This is not confusing. You are pretending to not understand it, because you know that openly admitting your anti-Americanism, will hurt your long term lefty agenda.

You are anti-American, and you are hiding it, so that you can fool people into thinking your intent is something that it is not.
Oh, dear, dear, dear. I just bet you are outraged to your core. Speaking of hypocrisy, how about all the Democrats who are now posturing as the best friends Ukraine ever had while these same Democrats said nothing when Obama refused to sell lethal aid to Ukraine? Hey?

By the way, Trump has sold lethal aid to both Ukraine and Georgia, much to the outrage of the Russians.
Oh, dear, dear, dear. I just bet you are outraged to your core. Speaking of hypocrisy, how about all the Democrats who are now posturing as the best friends Ukraine ever had while these same Democrats said nothing when Obama refused to sell lethal aid to Ukraine? Hey?

By the way, Trump has sold lethal aid to both Ukraine and Georgia, much to the outrage of the Russians.

What favor did he ask in return?
Untrustworthy. He has been the most transparent president in my lifetime. He does it via Twitter so that the media cannot twist his words.

That’s not transparency. He’s been suppressing government information since he came into office. Visitor logs were withheld. We can’t even count how many Congressional requests he’s refused, subpoenas he’s blocked, testimony he refuses. There’s a record number of lawsuits stemming from FOIA requests that have been denied. He only does interviews with suck ups like Sean Hannity who is practically an extension of his administration. No press briefings. Non-disclosure agreements for everyone in the executive.

Twitter is not a substitute for government transparency. He has no obligation to be truthful or honest.

Link that please. When the press is 93% negative against you, I do not blame him for not being "transparent" in the old fashioned way.

PolitiFact - Is Donald Trump the most transparent president ever? No

Link to where it says that 93% of media is against him?

This media bias rating was determined using the following levels of bias verification:

  • Editorial Review
  • Community Feedback: 4,256 ratings
  • Blind Survey
  • Third-Party Analysis
  • Independent Research
  • Confidence Level:
    Low or Initial Rating
Leans Left and Low Confidence Level - Your source is biased and untrustworthy. Sorry.

Harvard Study: CNN, NBC Trump Coverage 93% Negative | RealClearPolitics
Your source is Byron York. He is biased and untrustworthy.
Untrustworthy. He has been the most transparent president in my lifetime. He does it via Twitter so that the media cannot twist his words.

That’s not transparency. He’s been suppressing government information since he came into office. Visitor logs were withheld. We can’t even count how many Congressional requests he’s refused, subpoenas he’s blocked, testimony he refuses. There’s a record number of lawsuits stemming from FOIA requests that have been denied. He only does interviews with suck ups like Sean Hannity who is practically an extension of his administration. No press briefings. Non-disclosure agreements for everyone in the executive.

Twitter is not a substitute for government transparency. He has no obligation to be truthful or honest.

Link that please. When the press is 93% negative against you, I do not blame him for not being "transparent" in the old fashioned way.

PolitiFact - Is Donald Trump the most transparent president ever? No

Link to where it says that 93% of media is against him?

This media bias rating was determined using the following levels of bias verification:

  • Editorial Review
  • Community Feedback: 4,256 ratings
  • Blind Survey
  • Third-Party Analysis
  • Independent Research
  • Confidence Level:
    Low or Initial Rating
Leans Left and Low Confidence Level - Your source is biased and untrustworthy. Sorry.

Harvard Study: CNN, NBC Trump Coverage 93% Negative | RealClearPolitics
Your source is Byron York. He is biased and untrustworthy.

A Harvard study is biased and untrustworthy?
That’s not transparency. He’s been suppressing government information since he came into office. Visitor logs were withheld. We can’t even count how many Congressional requests he’s refused, subpoenas he’s blocked, testimony he refuses. There’s a record number of lawsuits stemming from FOIA requests that have been denied. He only does interviews with suck ups like Sean Hannity who is practically an extension of his administration. No press briefings. Non-disclosure agreements for everyone in the executive.

Twitter is not a substitute for government transparency. He has no obligation to be truthful or honest.

Link that please. When the press is 93% negative against you, I do not blame him for not being "transparent" in the old fashioned way.

PolitiFact - Is Donald Trump the most transparent president ever? No

Link to where it says that 93% of media is against him?

This media bias rating was determined using the following levels of bias verification:

  • Editorial Review
  • Community Feedback: 4,256 ratings
  • Blind Survey
  • Third-Party Analysis
  • Independent Research
  • Confidence Level:
    Low or Initial Rating
Leans Left and Low Confidence Level - Your source is biased and untrustworthy. Sorry.

Harvard Study: CNN, NBC Trump Coverage 93% Negative | RealClearPolitics
Your source is Byron York. He is biased and untrustworthy.

A Harvard study is biased and untrustworthy?

You didn't link to a Harvard study, you linked to Byron York talking about a Harvard study. Byron York is biased and untrustworthy. Should I trust that he accurately conveyed the study findings?
Link that please. When the press is 93% negative against you, I do not blame him for not being "transparent" in the old fashioned way.

PolitiFact - Is Donald Trump the most transparent president ever? No

Link to where it says that 93% of media is against him?

This media bias rating was determined using the following levels of bias verification:

  • Editorial Review
  • Community Feedback: 4,256 ratings
  • Blind Survey
  • Third-Party Analysis
  • Independent Research
  • Confidence Level:
    Low or Initial Rating
Leans Left and Low Confidence Level - Your source is biased and untrustworthy. Sorry.

Harvard Study: CNN, NBC Trump Coverage 93% Negative | RealClearPolitics
Your source is Byron York. He is biased and untrustworthy.

A Harvard study is biased and untrustworthy?

You didn't link to a Harvard study, you linked to Byron York talking about a Harvard study. Byron York is biased and untrustworthy. Should I trust that he accurately conveyed the study findings?

He didn't opine on it. He listed the findings in the Harvard Study. Here is the link to the actual study, LOL.
PolitiFact - Is Donald Trump the most transparent president ever? No

Link to where it says that 93% of media is against him?

This media bias rating was determined using the following levels of bias verification:

  • Editorial Review
  • Community Feedback: 4,256 ratings
  • Blind Survey
  • Third-Party Analysis
  • Independent Research
  • Confidence Level:
    Low or Initial Rating
Leans Left and Low Confidence Level - Your source is biased and untrustworthy. Sorry.

Harvard Study: CNN, NBC Trump Coverage 93% Negative | RealClearPolitics
Your source is Byron York. He is biased and untrustworthy.

A Harvard study is biased and untrustworthy?

You didn't link to a Harvard study, you linked to Byron York talking about a Harvard study. Byron York is biased and untrustworthy. Should I trust that he accurately conveyed the study findings?

He didn't opine on it. He listed the findings in the Harvard Study. Here is the link to the actual study, LOL.
He did a shit job. Did he mention the study excludes neutral stories?
Untrustworthy. He has been the most transparent president in my lifetime. He does it via Twitter so that the media cannot twist his words.

That’s not transparency. He’s been suppressing government information since he came into office. Visitor logs were withheld. We can’t even count how many Congressional requests he’s refused, subpoenas he’s blocked, testimony he refuses. There’s a record number of lawsuits stemming from FOIA requests that have been denied. He only does interviews with suck ups like Sean Hannity who is practically an extension of his administration. No press briefings. Non-disclosure agreements for everyone in the executive.

Twitter is not a substitute for government transparency. He has no obligation to be truthful or honest.

Link that please. When the press is 93% negative against you, I do not blame him for not being "transparent" in the old fashioned way.
It is like the classroom bully complaining that he gets detention more than the rest of the class

It is like the star athlete scoring 90% of the points and winning the game and having others boo him for taking away their glory.
Seems more like he is throwing air balls
This media bias rating was determined using the following levels of bias verification:

  • Editorial Review
  • Community Feedback: 4,256 ratings
  • Blind Survey
  • Third-Party Analysis
  • Independent Research
  • Confidence Level:
    Low or Initial Rating
Leans Left and Low Confidence Level - Your source is biased and untrustworthy. Sorry.

Harvard Study: CNN, NBC Trump Coverage 93% Negative | RealClearPolitics
Your source is Byron York. He is biased and untrustworthy.

A Harvard study is biased and untrustworthy?

You didn't link to a Harvard study, you linked to Byron York talking about a Harvard study. Byron York is biased and untrustworthy. Should I trust that he accurately conveyed the study findings?

He didn't opine on it. He listed the findings in the Harvard Study. Here is the link to the actual study, LOL.
He did a shit job. Did he mention the study excludes neutral stories?

Here are some more links for you. Since you're still not convinced.

Anti-Trump Media? 92% Of Coverage Of His Presidency Is Negative: Study | Investor's Business Daily
A broadcast tradition: 90% of Trump coverage remains negative, study finds
Here's Undeniable Proof That the Media Despises Trump
Study: News Coverage Of Trump More Negative Than For Other Presidents
Broadcast news slams Trump with 96 percent negative coverage since impeachment inquiry began, study says
Who's to blame for negative Trump coverage?
Study Finds TV Networks Fixated on Negative Impeachment Coverage of Trump
Untrustworthy. He has been the most transparent president in my lifetime. He does it via Twitter so that the media cannot twist his words.

That’s not transparency. He’s been suppressing government information since he came into office. Visitor logs were withheld. We can’t even count how many Congressional requests he’s refused, subpoenas he’s blocked, testimony he refuses. There’s a record number of lawsuits stemming from FOIA requests that have been denied. He only does interviews with suck ups like Sean Hannity who is practically an extension of his administration. No press briefings. Non-disclosure agreements for everyone in the executive.

Twitter is not a substitute for government transparency. He has no obligation to be truthful or honest.

Link that please. When the press is 93% negative against you, I do not blame him for not being "transparent" in the old fashioned way.
It is like the classroom bully complaining that he gets detention more than the rest of the class

It is like the star athlete scoring 90% of the points and winning the game and having others boo him for taking away their glory.
Seems more like he is throwing air balls

How would he win if he threw up air balls? Trump did win.

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