Trump acts like a child while everyone else stands for the anthem

I've said it before, and I will say it again. A person taking a knee on the sidelines of the game in peaceful protest doesn't bother me. Why? Because they feel secure enough in their rights afforded to them by the Constitution to exercise them. And, that means since the Constitution is still in effect, my 20 years of service (which I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution) wasn't in vain.

The people who piss me off are the ones who are eligible to vote but refuse to do so. Why? Because that is another right afforded to them under the Constitution, and refusing to vote when you are eligible is pissing all over the service of both myself and my fellow service members.

If you really want to thank a veteran, use your rights that they fought and served to protect and vote. I don't care who you vote for, just that you vote.
Wasn’t it a white supremacist rally?

It was a rally organized by white supremacists that was publicized as a rally about historical statues, in a dishonest attempt by the white supremacists to co-opt a larger and more popular issue to dishonestly inflate their perceived numbers and relevance.

ANYTIME that a rally has numbers in the triple digits, it is not likely to actually be white supremacists. Their rallies are considered successes in they can get double digits. And I mean like 12.

There were plenty of people there, who supported the statues who were not white supremacists.

It’s hard for me to imagine the person who accidentally winds up at a rally organized by known white supremacists advertising using white supremacist imagery and hosting white supremacist speakers, marching along people flying Nazi flags chanting anti-Semitic slogan.

You want me to believe that normal people do that? I just find that a bit hard to believe.

THat is the trick they are playing on you. The nazis and their allies in the media.

"known white supremacists"? I only know of the one, and only because I spend so much time on political discussion sites. Most people never heard of these people at all.

"white supremacist imagery"? Outside of a few actions movies or tv shows, with Nazis bad guys, where have you been exposed to their imagery? I noted some of that, but it is certainly believable that regular people would not.

THe tiki torch parade was THE NIGHT BEFORE.

YOu have been lied to. Now you that you have been informed, you have to decide whether you are going to conform and support the lie, or stand for the Truth.

So if you’re going to go to a rally, don’t you look who is going to be speaking there? Who is organizing it? If anyone spent five minutes, they’d realize that not only was it organized by white supremacists, but the speakers were as well.

Here are posters advertising the rally. Would you go to this rally?
View attachment 304566

How about this one:
View attachment 304567

Or this one:
View attachment 304568

Oh and when you get there, these people are on your side:
View attachment 304569

And as you pointed out, these people were there the night before:
View attachment 304570

I just find it hard to believe someone would accidentally wind up there.

Why? Do you think Nazis are above lying to try to co-opt another issue? DO you think that nazis regularly get HUNDREDS of people to their events? Do you know how much smaller their rally was the next year?

AND even if you are right, and Trump was wrong, what does that prove?

President Trump and I believe that the majority of the people at the rally, were lured there by false premises. If we are wrong, then Trump's words on the people there, were honestly mistaken, and, wrong.

He still was clear that he was NOT saying what the media and liberals are lying about, ie that nazis are fine people.

AT MOST, he might have been honestly mistaken about who was there. He was clear he was not calling nazis very fine people and the media and liberals have been lying about that since then.

Do you feel you need to lie to make the case for your side? Or do you think that you want to speak the Truth?
AT MOST, he might have been honestly mistaken about who was there. He was clear he was not calling nazis very fine people and the media and liberals have been lying about that since then.
I find it hard to believe Trump is honest about anything. He said there were fine people that showed up to a white supremacist rally. If you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, be my guest but it’s not right to criticize people who don’t.
It was a rally organized by white supremacists that was publicized as a rally about historical statues, in a dishonest attempt by the white supremacists to co-opt a larger and more popular issue to dishonestly inflate their perceived numbers and relevance.

ANYTIME that a rally has numbers in the triple digits, it is not likely to actually be white supremacists. Their rallies are considered successes in they can get double digits. And I mean like 12.

There were plenty of people there, who supported the statues who were not white supremacists.

It’s hard for me to imagine the person who accidentally winds up at a rally organized by known white supremacists advertising using white supremacist imagery and hosting white supremacist speakers, marching along people flying Nazi flags chanting anti-Semitic slogan.

You want me to believe that normal people do that? I just find that a bit hard to believe.

THat is the trick they are playing on you. The nazis and their allies in the media.

"known white supremacists"? I only know of the one, and only because I spend so much time on political discussion sites. Most people never heard of these people at all.

"white supremacist imagery"? Outside of a few actions movies or tv shows, with Nazis bad guys, where have you been exposed to their imagery? I noted some of that, but it is certainly believable that regular people would not.

THe tiki torch parade was THE NIGHT BEFORE.

YOu have been lied to. Now you that you have been informed, you have to decide whether you are going to conform and support the lie, or stand for the Truth.

So if you’re going to go to a rally, don’t you look who is going to be speaking there? Who is organizing it? If anyone spent five minutes, they’d realize that not only was it organized by white supremacists, but the speakers were as well.

Here are posters advertising the rally. Would you go to this rally?
View attachment 304566

How about this one:
View attachment 304567

Or this one:
View attachment 304568

Oh and when you get there, these people are on your side:
View attachment 304569

And as you pointed out, these people were there the night before:
View attachment 304570

I just find it hard to believe someone would accidentally wind up there.

Why? Do you think Nazis are above lying to try to co-opt another issue? DO you think that nazis regularly get HUNDREDS of people to their events? Do you know how much smaller their rally was the next year?

AND even if you are right, and Trump was wrong, what does that prove?

President Trump and I believe that the majority of the people at the rally, were lured there by false premises. If we are wrong, then Trump's words on the people there, were honestly mistaken, and, wrong.

He still was clear that he was NOT saying what the media and liberals are lying about, ie that nazis are fine people.

AT MOST, he might have been honestly mistaken about who was there. He was clear he was not calling nazis very fine people and the media and liberals have been lying about that since then.

Do you feel you need to lie to make the case for your side? Or do you think that you want to speak the Truth?

I truly believe that the rally was mostly people lured there by dishonest nazis.

Even if I and Trump are wrong about that, we are still not saying what the media and liberals are saying we are saying.

You are the ones lying. THe only question is why do you think you have to lie in order to win?
That’s not transparency. He’s been suppressing government information since he came into office. Visitor logs were withheld. We can’t even count how many Congressional requests he’s refused, subpoenas he’s blocked, testimony he refuses. There’s a record number of lawsuits stemming from FOIA requests that have been denied. He only does interviews with suck ups like Sean Hannity who is practically an extension of his administration. No press briefings. Non-disclosure agreements for everyone in the executive.

Twitter is not a substitute for government transparency. He has no obligation to be truthful or honest.

Link that please. When the press is 93% negative against you, I do not blame him for not being "transparent" in the old fashioned way.

PolitiFact - Is Donald Trump the most transparent president ever? No

Link to where it says that 93% of media is against him?

This media bias rating was determined using the following levels of bias verification:

  • Editorial Review
  • Community Feedback: 4,256 ratings
  • Blind Survey
  • Third-Party Analysis
  • Independent Research
  • Confidence Level:
    Low or Initial Rating
Leans Left and Low Confidence Level - Your source is biased and untrustworthy. Sorry.

Harvard Study: CNN, NBC Trump Coverage 93% Negative | RealClearPolitics
Your source is Byron York. He is biased and untrustworthy.

A Harvard study is biased and untrustworthy?
That is what YOUR side has been telling us for years, that the Ivy League ELITISTS are as biased as the day is long.
Dumbass, You do realize Kansas City is in both Kansas and Missouri?


How come they have two different mayors then Dumbass?

Philadelphia is in Pennsylvania AND Mississippi.
Lebanon is in Pennsylvania, Tennessee AND New Hampshire.
Columbus is in Ohio, Georgia AND MIssissippi.
You know where Concord is right? Between you and me in NC. But it's also in New Hamster, and in California.
Don't even get me started on Springfields.

All different cities, every damn one.
Dumb ass the city is split by the state line part of it is in Kansas and the other part is in Missouri

Nape. Two different cities in two different states, with the same name. Obviously the one the Chiefs (and Royals) play for is the major one, in Missouri.

Most of us learned that around age eight. Rump didn't, because that's about the age at which he arrested his development.
One part of Kansas City is in Kansas and the other part is in Missouri

You're right. Part of Kansas City is in Kansas, and the other part is in Missouri.

However.................the part of Kansas City that the Chiefs claim as their home is the stadium located in Kansas City Missouri, not the part located in Kansas.

Here, maybe this will help you out...................

Kansas City Chiefs - Wikipedia

The Kansas City Chiefs are a professional American football team based in Kansas City, Missouri, and current Super Bowl champions. The Chiefs compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a member club of the league's American Football Conference (AFC) West division. The team was founded in 1960 as the Dallas Texans by businessman Lamar Hunt and was a charter member of the American Football League (AFL). (It is not associated with the NFL Dallas Texans.) In 1963, the team moved to Kansas City and assumed its current name.[6

But, if you choose not to believe it, you can Google it for yourself by asking where are the Kansas City Chiefs based.
You need to take your concern about where the Kansas City Chiefs play at with someone else where they play has never been my argument
On the other hand Pgo with his everyday bullshit doesn't realize Kansas City is in both Kansas and Missouri
AT MOST, he might have been honestly mistaken about who was there. He was clear he was not calling nazis very fine people and the media and liberals have been lying about that since then.
I find it hard to believe Trump is honest about anything. He said there were fine people that showed up to a white supremacist rally. If you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, be my guest but it’s not right to criticize people who don’t.

He explicitly stated that he was not speaking of the white supremacists and the media and the liberals are lying about what he said.

THey are not making the case that he was wrong. They are lying.

And white supremacists NEVER get attendance in the hundreds. They are lucky to get into double digits. A dozen? A massive win. TWENTY? Once in a lifetime.

You are being lied to.
Your source is Byron York. He is biased and untrustworthy.

A Harvard study is biased and untrustworthy?

You didn't link to a Harvard study, you linked to Byron York talking about a Harvard study. Byron York is biased and untrustworthy. Should I trust that he accurately conveyed the study findings?

He didn't opine on it. He listed the findings in the Harvard Study. Here is the link to the actual study, LOL.
He did a shit job. Did he mention the study excludes neutral stories?

Here are some more links for you. Since you're still not convinced.

Anti-Trump Media? 92% Of Coverage Of His Presidency Is Negative: Study | Investor's Business Daily
A broadcast tradition: 90% of Trump coverage remains negative, study finds
Here's Undeniable Proof That the Media Despises Trump
Study: News Coverage Of Trump More Negative Than For Other Presidents
Broadcast news slams Trump with 96 percent negative coverage since impeachment inquiry began, study says
Who's to blame for negative Trump coverage?
Study Finds TV Networks Fixated on Negative Impeachment Coverage of Trump
Nearly all those links are extreme Right-wing sources with no credibility.
But assuming it was true, when Tramp lies should the news report that as a positive?????

How come they have two different mayors then Dumbass?

Philadelphia is in Pennsylvania AND Mississippi.
Lebanon is in Pennsylvania, Tennessee AND New Hampshire.
Columbus is in Ohio, Georgia AND MIssissippi.
You know where Concord is right? Between you and me in NC. But it's also in New Hamster, and in California.
Don't even get me started on Springfields.

All different cities, every damn one.
Dumb ass the city is split by the state line part of it is in Kansas and the other part is in Missouri

Nape. Two different cities in two different states, with the same name. Obviously the one the Chiefs (and Royals) play for is the major one, in Missouri.

Most of us learned that around age eight. Rump didn't, because that's about the age at which he arrested his development.
One part of Kansas City is in Kansas and the other part is in Missouri

You're right. Part of Kansas City is in Kansas, and the other part is in Missouri.

However.................the part of Kansas City that the Chiefs claim as their home is the stadium located in Kansas City Missouri, not the part located in Kansas.

Here, maybe this will help you out...................

Kansas City Chiefs - Wikipedia

The Kansas City Chiefs are a professional American football team based in Kansas City, Missouri, and current Super Bowl champions. The Chiefs compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a member club of the league's American Football Conference (AFC) West division. The team was founded in 1960 as the Dallas Texans by businessman Lamar Hunt and was a charter member of the American Football League (AFL). (It is not associated with the NFL Dallas Texans.) In 1963, the team moved to Kansas City and assumed its current name.[6

But, if you choose not to believe it, you can Google it for yourself by asking where are the Kansas City Chiefs based.
You need to take your concern about where the Kansas City Chiefs play at with someone else where they play has never been my argument
On the other hand Pgo with his everyday bullshit doesn't realize Kansas City is in both Kansas and Missouri

You're easily confuserated aintchya.

There is *A* city in Missouri called "Kansas City".
There is *Another* city in Kansas called "Kansas City".

THEY ARE NOT THE SAME CITY. Each of those two states has a city called "Kansas City".

Just as North Carolina, New Hampshire and California each has a city named "Concord".

Yet Concord North Carolina is NOT the capital of New Hampshire.

Weird huh?
Last edited:
AT MOST, he might have been honestly mistaken about who was there. He was clear he was not calling nazis very fine people and the media and liberals have been lying about that since then.
I find it hard to believe Trump is honest about anything. He said there were fine people that showed up to a white supremacist rally. If you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, be my guest but it’s not right to criticize people who don’t.

He explicitly stated that he was not speaking of the white supremacists and the media and the liberals are lying about what he said.

THey are not making the case that he was wrong. They are lying.

And white supremacists NEVER get attendance in the hundreds. They are lucky to get into double digits. A dozen? A massive win. TWENTY? Once in a lifetime.

You are being lied to.

He also explicitly said his father was born in Germany. Again and again he repeated it.

So yes, we are all being lied to. The only difference is which one of us will admit it.
AT MOST, he might have been honestly mistaken about who was there. He was clear he was not calling nazis very fine people and the media and liberals have been lying about that since then.
I find it hard to believe Trump is honest about anything. He said there were fine people that showed up to a white supremacist rally. If you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, be my guest but it’s not right to criticize people who don’t.

He explicitly stated that he was not speaking of the white supremacists and the media and the liberals are lying about what he said.

THey are not making the case that he was wrong. They are lying.

And white supremacists NEVER get attendance in the hundreds. They are lucky to get into double digits. A dozen? A massive win. TWENTY? Once in a lifetime.

You are being lied to.
He’s trying to refer to people that don’t seem to exist.

How come they have two different mayors then Dumbass?

Philadelphia is in Pennsylvania AND Mississippi.
Lebanon is in Pennsylvania, Tennessee AND New Hampshire.
Columbus is in Ohio, Georgia AND MIssissippi.
You know where Concord is right? Between you and me in NC. But it's also in New Hamster, and in California.
Don't even get me started on Springfields.

All different cities, every damn one.
Dumb ass the city is split by the state line part of it is in Kansas and the other part is in Missouri

Nape. Two different cities in two different states, with the same name. Obviously the one the Chiefs (and Royals) play for is the major one, in Missouri.

Most of us learned that around age eight. Rump didn't, because that's about the age at which he arrested his development.
One part of Kansas City is in Kansas and the other part is in Missouri

You're right. Part of Kansas City is in Kansas, and the other part is in Missouri.

However.................the part of Kansas City that the Chiefs claim as their home is the stadium located in Kansas City Missouri, not the part located in Kansas.

Here, maybe this will help you out...................

Kansas City Chiefs - Wikipedia

The Kansas City Chiefs are a professional American football team based in Kansas City, Missouri, and current Super Bowl champions. The Chiefs compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a member club of the league's American Football Conference (AFC) West division. The team was founded in 1960 as the Dallas Texans by businessman Lamar Hunt and was a charter member of the American Football League (AFL). (It is not associated with the NFL Dallas Texans.) In 1963, the team moved to Kansas City and assumed its current name.[6

But, if you choose not to believe it, you can Google it for yourself by asking where are the Kansas City Chiefs based.
You need to take your concern about where the Kansas City Chiefs play at with someone else where they play has never been my argument
On the other hand Pgo with his everyday bullshit doesn't realize Kansas City is in both Kansas and Missouri

Only problem is, Kansas City MO isn't the same as Kansas City KS. They are separately incorporated cities.

Why is there a Kansas City in both Kansas and Missouri? | KC History

Today Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri remain two separately incorporated cities but together, along with a number of other cities and suburbs, are part of the Kansas City Metropolitan area.
Dumb ass the city is split by the state line part of it is in Kansas and the other part is in Missouri

Nape. Two different cities in two different states, with the same name. Obviously the one the Chiefs (and Royals) play for is the major one, in Missouri.

Most of us learned that around age eight. Rump didn't, because that's about the age at which he arrested his development.
One part of Kansas City is in Kansas and the other part is in Missouri

You're right. Part of Kansas City is in Kansas, and the other part is in Missouri.

However.................the part of Kansas City that the Chiefs claim as their home is the stadium located in Kansas City Missouri, not the part located in Kansas.

Here, maybe this will help you out...................

Kansas City Chiefs - Wikipedia

The Kansas City Chiefs are a professional American football team based in Kansas City, Missouri, and current Super Bowl champions. The Chiefs compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a member club of the league's American Football Conference (AFC) West division. The team was founded in 1960 as the Dallas Texans by businessman Lamar Hunt and was a charter member of the American Football League (AFL). (It is not associated with the NFL Dallas Texans.) In 1963, the team moved to Kansas City and assumed its current name.[6

But, if you choose not to believe it, you can Google it for yourself by asking where are the Kansas City Chiefs based.
You need to take your concern about where the Kansas City Chiefs play at with someone else where they play has never been my argument
On the other hand Pgo with his everyday bullshit doesn't realize Kansas City is in both Kansas and Missouri

You're easily confuserated aintchya.

There is *A* city in Missouri called "Kansas City".
There is *A* city in Kansas called "Kansas City".

THEY ARE NOT THE SAME CITY. Each of those two states has a city called "Kansas City".

Just as North Carolina, New Hampshire and California each has a city named "Concord".

Yet Concord North Carolina is NOT the capital of New Hampshire.

Weird huh?
Where is Kansas City Kansas at?
And where is Kansas City Missouri

AT MOST, he might have been honestly mistaken about who was there. He was clear he was not calling nazis very fine people and the media and liberals have been lying about that since then.
I find it hard to believe Trump is honest about anything. He said there were fine people that showed up to a white supremacist rally. If you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, be my guest but it’s not right to criticize people who don’t.

He explicitly stated that he was not speaking of the white supremacists and the media and the liberals are lying about what he said.

THey are not making the case that he was wrong. They are lying.

And white supremacists NEVER get attendance in the hundreds. They are lucky to get into double digits. A dozen? A massive win. TWENTY? Once in a lifetime.

You are being lied to.

He also explicitly said his father was born in Germany. Again and again he repeated it.

So yes, we are all being lied to. The only difference is which one of us will admit it.

Yet, you libs and media are not saying that he lied or was wrong when he said that there were good people on both sides there.

Instead they LIED AND ARE STILL LYING about what he said.

Are you claiming he lied when he said "not white supremacists" or are you lying and claiming he did not say that?

It has to be one or the other.
AT MOST, he might have been honestly mistaken about who was there. He was clear he was not calling nazis very fine people and the media and liberals have been lying about that since then.
I find it hard to believe Trump is honest about anything. He said there were fine people that showed up to a white supremacist rally. If you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, be my guest but it’s not right to criticize people who don’t.

He explicitly stated that he was not speaking of the white supremacists and the media and the liberals are lying about what he said.

THey are not making the case that he was wrong. They are lying.

And white supremacists NEVER get attendance in the hundreds. They are lucky to get into double digits. A dozen? A massive win. TWENTY? Once in a lifetime.

You are being lied to.
He’s trying to refer to people that don’t seem to exist.

So, you think he was wrong, and that the people that showed up, were actually all white supremacists.

Ok. Maybe he was wrong.

THe media and all the other libs are still lying about what he said.

YOu know, I believe that my beliefs are mostly right. Actually I believe they are all right. THus, I consider the Truth to be my ally. I always want to speak it, and always want to see it come out.

What do you think it means that so many of your people on your side of the aisle think that lying works better for them?
Dumb ass the city is split by the state line part of it is in Kansas and the other part is in Missouri

Nape. Two different cities in two different states, with the same name. Obviously the one the Chiefs (and Royals) play for is the major one, in Missouri.

Most of us learned that around age eight. Rump didn't, because that's about the age at which he arrested his development.
One part of Kansas City is in Kansas and the other part is in Missouri

You're right. Part of Kansas City is in Kansas, and the other part is in Missouri.

However.................the part of Kansas City that the Chiefs claim as their home is the stadium located in Kansas City Missouri, not the part located in Kansas.

Here, maybe this will help you out...................

Kansas City Chiefs - Wikipedia

The Kansas City Chiefs are a professional American football team based in Kansas City, Missouri, and current Super Bowl champions. The Chiefs compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a member club of the league's American Football Conference (AFC) West division. The team was founded in 1960 as the Dallas Texans by businessman Lamar Hunt and was a charter member of the American Football League (AFL). (It is not associated with the NFL Dallas Texans.) In 1963, the team moved to Kansas City and assumed its current name.[6

But, if you choose not to believe it, you can Google it for yourself by asking where are the Kansas City Chiefs based.
You need to take your concern about where the Kansas City Chiefs play at with someone else where they play has never been my argument
On the other hand Pgo with his everyday bullshit doesn't realize Kansas City is in both Kansas and Missouri

Only problem is, Kansas City MO isn't the same as Kansas City KS. They are separately incorporated cities.

Why is there a Kansas City in both Kansas and Missouri? | KC History

Today Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri remain two separately incorporated cities but together, along with a number of other cities and suburbs, are part of the Kansas City Metropolitan area.
The city is split between the two states
let me remind you what you just wrote
You're right. Part of Kansas City is in Kansas, and the other part is in Missouri.
As I said you need to address Pogo for his misinformation
Nape. Two different cities in two different states, with the same name. Obviously the one the Chiefs (and Royals) play for is the major one, in Missouri.

Most of us learned that around age eight. Rump didn't, because that's about the age at which he arrested his development.
One part of Kansas City is in Kansas and the other part is in Missouri

You're right. Part of Kansas City is in Kansas, and the other part is in Missouri.

However.................the part of Kansas City that the Chiefs claim as their home is the stadium located in Kansas City Missouri, not the part located in Kansas.

Here, maybe this will help you out...................

Kansas City Chiefs - Wikipedia

The Kansas City Chiefs are a professional American football team based in Kansas City, Missouri, and current Super Bowl champions. The Chiefs compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a member club of the league's American Football Conference (AFC) West division. The team was founded in 1960 as the Dallas Texans by businessman Lamar Hunt and was a charter member of the American Football League (AFL). (It is not associated with the NFL Dallas Texans.) In 1963, the team moved to Kansas City and assumed its current name.[6

But, if you choose not to believe it, you can Google it for yourself by asking where are the Kansas City Chiefs based.
You need to take your concern about where the Kansas City Chiefs play at with someone else where they play has never been my argument
On the other hand Pgo with his everyday bullshit doesn't realize Kansas City is in both Kansas and Missouri

You're easily confuserated aintchya.

There is *A* city in Missouri called "Kansas City".
There is *A* city in Kansas called "Kansas City".

THEY ARE NOT THE SAME CITY. Each of those two states has a city called "Kansas City".

Just as North Carolina, New Hampshire and California each has a city named "Concord".

Yet Concord North Carolina is NOT the capital of New Hampshire.

Weird huh?
Where is Kansas City Kansas at?
And where is Kansas City Missouri


Wrong. Post 174 refers. Kansas City MO and Kansas City KS are separately incorporated cities. And, the Kansas City metropolitan area includes more towns than just Kansas City. Bristol TN is a single incorporated town on both sides of the border. If a city is separately incorporated from another one, it is considered a separate city. Matter of fact, in New Jersey, you can go from one town to the other and not even realize you crossed a town line other than seeing the sign.

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