Trump Actually IS a Fascist!

Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.

He has declared war on the biased media. Subjective, I understand. Luckily there are many other news sources that have not been banned.
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever. that Mueller has proven the President is NOT a Russian collaborator and that for the last 2+ years Democrats and snowflakes have been wasting our time and tax dollars with the 'Russian Collusion' LIE / coup attempt, OL has wasted no time MOVING ON TO HER NEXT FALSE NARRATIVE.

Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.

Eh, seems like after the Mueller report basically exonerated him of any collusion with Russia, that it was entirely justified. The WaPo and NYT both perpetuated numerous falsehoods about Trump/Russia collusion from the time this thread was made up until Sunday when the report was released. Not one meaningful retraction, not one mea maxima culpa (my great fault in Latin). Nothing except for a shameless attempt by them to mislead the American people.

Lol. This thread didn't age well.
No, not very. But I do think the accusations of "lying," actually "lying" by the media is greatly exaggerated. Lots of opinions. And if inaccurate information was reported as fact, it is retracted.

I'm sure Original Tree is pleased.
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.

"Now that we know the Trump-Russia “collusion” story the media have been obsessed with for two years was all a hoax, exactly how many stories did they put out about it?

Over half a million.

Axios reports that since May 2017, exactly 533,074 web articles have been published about Russia and Trump-Mueller, which in turn have generated “245 million interactions — including likes, comments and shares — on Twitter and Facebook.”

Axios determined these findings by compiling data from social media analytics company

Think about it. The same liberal mainstream media that constantly mock conservative news as not credible or unreliable have now published over 500,000 stories that have generated nearly 250 million social media interactions ...

... and they still think we should take them seriously?"

So How Fake Is Fake News? Media Published 500,000-Plus Stories About Russia Collusion

Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever. that Mueller has proven the President is NOT a Russian collaborator and that for the last 2+ years Democrats and snowflakes have been wasting our time and tax dollars with the 'Russian Collusion' LIE / coup attempt, OL has wasted no time MOVING ON TO HER NEXT FALSE NARRATIVE.

What false narrative is that? You mean this OP? Note OP date. Original Tree necro'd it.
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.
I think when you lie about a public official the way all of the above have....said public official should be allowed to sue the pants off of them.
Personally, I think much of the reason they keep trashing Trump in such an extreme manner is so a Democrat President can make up an excuse to pull a totalitarian censorship stunt like they're pulling in Venezuela and New Zealand right now.
When I see the media actually reporting lies to the public, I'll be happy to stand with Trump and his suit.

That in itself is a lie. Why can't you stop lying? Can you do it for even a single day?

3 years of Fake News, and where are all your protests against The Leftist Lynch Mobs?
Link me to a published lie, please, and the evidence that it is false. And don't link me to an editorial.
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.

"Now that we know the Trump-Russia “collusion” story the media have been obsessed with for two years was all a hoax, exactly how many stories did they put out about it?

Over half a million.

Axios reports that since May 2017, exactly 533,074 web articles have been published about Russia and Trump-Mueller, which in turn have generated “245 million interactions — including likes, comments and shares — on Twitter and Facebook.”

Axios determined these findings by compiling data from social media analytics company

Think about it. The same liberal mainstream media that constantly mock conservative news as not credible or unreliable have now published over 500,000 stories that have generated nearly 250 million social media interactions ...

... and they still think we should take them seriously?"

So How Fake Is Fake News? Media Published 500,000-Plus Stories About Russia Collusion

Oh, dear. I have been thinking more of newspapers and television. I don't get my news from social media, unless it's links to the above.
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.

i never saw you attack obama for his treatment of the press. for the record, they both suck at it and i hate ANY president getting involved in what we can or should be calling news. "state approved" on any level scares me. it did under obama, and it does now.
the more press covering the better.... THEY are checks on each other... even if they were all right leaning, or all left leaning....they still compete with each other and still try to out scoop each other and still fact check each other....all for ratings and customers.

yea, just like that.
If he is so sensitive, that he can't handle what the press says and has to remove the ones that don't put him in a good light then he certainly can not handle foreign nations or the office of the Presidency..... he's too thin skinned....he's too reactionary.... he's unfit for the office.... that's clear as day.

WHY are you guys supporting such a WIMP? Why oh why oh why? It's just MIND BLOWING.....I've yet been able to comprehend your undying support of such a clown....

If we as citizens criticize him, is he going to go after us and sue us, is he going to try to get us removed from our jobs, is he going to arrest us, start a twitter war, and you guys cheer while he does this? This unlimited adoration for him and allowing him to do and say idiotic things, and dangerous things and unconstitutional things is nothing less than sickening....just unbelievable.
again - they fucking hypocrites are loud today.

Flashback: When Candidate Obama Booted 3 Papers From His Campaign Plane, Nobody Cared
Why did Obama try to ban Fox News from the White House? Is he trying to control freedom of the press?
Obama vs. Free Press: White House Claims Ban on News Photographers Actually a 'Win' for Transparency
Obama's photographer trolls WH for banning news outlets from briefing
Obama Was Banning Unfriendly Media Long Before Trump
Trump not the only president to ban media outlets from the White House

when i see you attack *all* who do this i'll give you some credibility. so far you just whine when you can bout trump and rush to defend obama who did much worse. obama's own DOJ has been in court for spying on journalists but i never one hear you bitch about that.

only trump.

which pretty much makes your opinion useless.
Oh, dear. I have been thinking more of newspapers and television. I don't get my news from social media, unless it's links to the above.
My the ignorance / mis-information found within it is al but obvious that the sources of your information has been the humiliated leftist media who have lost any credibility they had left as a result of Mueller's report.

(If you actually read my last post it stated that those embarrassed fake news newspaper and TV media sources generated millions of social media fake news...but it all began with them, the co-conspiratorial fake news left wing newspapers and CNN. 'Web Articles' includes false crap reported by CNN and the like.)
The Leftist media is left humiliated, their credibility torn to shreds, left as piles of ashes on the ground....numerous corrections made, journalists fired or 'allowed to retire / move on' ... strewn about along the path of the President's trek these last 2 years like fallen adversaries who attacked the President only to fall by the way side....and now, with one report, the Leftist media has been dealt one final blow....and they and the snowflakes who fed off of those fake news stories for 2+years are now scrambling to try to find any means to salvage their images, their credibility....their that the only ones they had lived for the last 2+ years has been proven to be like Don Quixote's wind mill....a wasted crusade


Think about it. The same liberal mainstream media that constantly mock conservative news as not credible or unreliable have now published over 500,000 stories that have generated nearly 250 million social media interactions ... and they still think we should take them seriously?"
So How Fake Is Fake News? Media Published 500,000-Plus Stories About Russia Collusion
What did they lie about? We need facts and links,
Funny, the snowflake who feasted on and spewed fake news and fake news links the last 2+ years wants US to provide HIM with fake news / fake news links.

Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.
Wow. this bullshit started in the summer of 2016. No wonder you guys believe it. Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama put this garbage out. And where did they get this from? Right. They got it from Russia in secret files, which they did not share, because a Presidential and State Department use of foreign information to beat up on a rival is against the law.

We're going to find out why. And there's not a damn thing That former President Barack Obama and former State Department head, Hillary Clinton can do to change the laws of the United States of America, which they tore up when they put this shit out to their cohorts in the press who may also go to jail for this collusion. They were so apeshit crazy about destroying contender Donald Trump they broke the hell out of election laws.

Maybe they'll be wearing these in a few months:

For Hillary: For Barry:


Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.

i never saw you attack obama for his treatment of the press. for the record, they both suck at it and i hate ANY president getting involved in what we can or should be calling news. "state approved" on any level scares me. it did under obama, and it does now.
Lookie what he just did today, Ice. Suggesting to tv producers that certain guests are unacceptable? LOL I'm getting more right by the minute.
Trump Campaign Is Trying To Shame TV Producers Out Of Interviews With ‘Certain Guests’ | HuffPost
Ignorant and uneducated people use the word fascist without truly understanding what a fascist actually is. The liberal progressive and socialist movement has always called anyone in disagreement with their position fascists and when that doesn't scare people enough they use racist. It is simply confirmation that the foundation of their opinion is weak, garbage.

Well, according to Merriam-Webster's, I understand what a fascist is.

Simple Definition of fascism

  • : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

So old lady you can read, now which political party personifies Mr. Websters definition?

Well, since Mr. Webster didn't include a political party, other definitions have been helpful in determining which political party personifies fascism.

the definition of fascist

a person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.
( often initial capital letter ) a member of a fascist movement or party.
a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views.
Also fa·scis·tic [fuh- shis -tik] /fəˈʃɪs tɪk/ . of or like fascism or fascists. is what Wikipedia has to say about it...................

Fascism - Wikipedia

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical, right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism,[1][2][3][4] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy,[5] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[6] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I before it spread to other European countries.[6] Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[6][7][8][9][10][11] you can see.................fascists are far right types. And, Trump fits the definition quite nicely.
So what is the difference between fascism and communism?

yep, that's about it
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.
Wow. this bullshit started in the summer of 2016. No wonder you guys believe it. Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama put this garbage out. And where did they get this from? Right. They got it from Russia in secret files, which they did not share, because a Presidential and State Department use of foreign information to beat up on a rival is against the law.

We're going to find out why. And there's not a damn thing That former President Barack Obama and former State Department head, Hillary Clinton can do to change the laws of the United States of America, which they tore up when they put this shit out to their cohorts in the press who may also go to jail for this collusion. They were so apeshit crazy about destroying contender Donald Trump they broke the hell out of election laws.

Maybe they'll be wearing these in a few months:

For Hillary: For Barry:


Dunno, Bea. You sure the report ever made it to Hillary at all? I heard today (ala Graham) that McCain gave it to the FBI. I was not under the impression GPS actually gave it to their client. I know for a fact she never used it; Trump won. This didn't become public knowledge until well after Trump was elected.
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.

He has declared war on the biased media. Subjective, I understand. Luckily there are many other news sources that have not been banned.
At this point, I think almost all of them are back in.

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