Trump Actually IS a Fascist!

You couldn't identify a fascist until one shot you in the back of your head with your hands tied behind your back............and then, it would be too late for you to identify 'em.
...... popping the medulla oblongata.....
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.

First of all...fuck you. Second of all no one's first amendment rights are being violated since those newspapers are still being allowed to print whatever they want about him. Libel laws are only applied when someone prints something that is untrue and you can prove it in a court of law so whenever the newspapers print something that is untrue about him then he is talking about suing them. He didn't say that are going to be sued whenever they write anything bad about him.

i'm more than willing to give the TRUMP a chance and I and millions like me will vote for him OldLady .

And why shouldn't you. It's not like the man lulls himself to sleep reading Nazi propaganda. Oh wait....
Hillary hasn't held a news conference in six months. She only gives interviews with former employees of the Clinton administration and only takes softball questions and they call Trump a fascist for banning pot head left wing idiots from his events.
Trump is a populist, first.

Any inference that he is a reichstag nationalist is just an incidental smear job, due to Obamas' left wing hijack of the Democrap Party for the last 7.5 years..........and has no foundational truth in current realities.
I wish both of my Grandfathers were alive today. You see they actually fought against real Fascist. I'm curious as to what their response would be. Knowing how my Grandfathers thought like it would be a toss up between laughing their asses off or punch idiots in the face.
Ignorant and uneducated people use the word fascist without truly understanding what a fascist actually is. The liberal progressive and socialist movement has always called anyone in disagreement with their position fascists and when that doesn't scare people enough they use racist. It is simply confirmation that the foundation of their opinion is weak, garbage.
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast.

Most of those are lying propaganda outlets for liberals. The Washington Post ran a blatantly lie filled story on Trump which is why he banned them. You libs have to get this through your thick neanderthal skulls, the days where you could LIE with impunity are over.
If he is so sensitive, that he can't handle what the press says and has to remove the ones that don't put him in a good light then he certainly can not handle foreign nations or the office of the Presidency..... he's too thin skinned....he's too reactionary.... he's unfit for the office.... that's clear as day.

WHY are you guys supporting such a WIMP? Why oh why oh why? It's just MIND BLOWING.....I've yet been able to comprehend your undying support of such a clown....

If we as citizens criticize him, is he going to go after us and sue us, is he going to try to get us removed from our jobs, is he going to arrest us, start a twitter war, and you guys cheer while he does this? This unlimited adoration for him and allowing him to do and say idiotic things, and dangerous things and unconstitutional things is nothing less than sickening....just unbelievable.
Ignorant and uneducated people use the word fascist without truly understanding what a fascist actually is. The liberal progressive and socialist movement has always called anyone in disagreement with their position fascists and when that doesn't scare people enough they use racist. It is simply confirmation that the foundation of their opinion is weak, garbage.

Well, according to Merriam-Webster's, I understand what a fascist is.

Simple Definition of fascism

  • : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government
Why would you invite people who are going to distort everything you say?
If I were running for president, I would expect that. Presidents who are really fed up with a certain news outlet or reporter just don't call on them for questions. I didn't like the sound of that WaPo article, either; particularly the headline, but that is more a smear on WaPo than on Trump. Or it was, until he pulled their press card.
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.

First of all...fuck you. Second of all no one's first amendment rights are being violated since those newspapers are still being allowed to print whatever they want about him. Libel laws are only applied when someone prints something that is untrue and you can prove it in a court of law so whenever the newspapers print something that is untrue about him then he is talking about suing them. He didn't say that are going to be sued whenever they write anything bad about him.

Trump says he is going to "open up" the libel laws. Change them so it's easier to sue people who say things that are lies. Our President has not kept the press from covering him, despite the fact that it has been highly negative about his policies in Syria and against ISIS. And using Executive Orders. And visiting Hiroshima. etc. etc. etc. He doesn't throw a tantie and boot them out of the press corps.
I'm usually the one chiding people NOT to compare any of our current pols to Hitler or Nazi's; I know fascism is a serious thing. I am not calling him this lightly. IMO, this is a red flag of what the man is about and what he will do.
If you don't like what you say the MSM or the Democrats are doing, why do you want your side to do the same?
So old lady you can read, now which political party personifies Mr. Websters definition?
Don't confuse a narcissistic demigod with fascism and today's national socialism. Is the Donald a national socialist desiring a one party apparatus controlling the omnipotent government run by party cronies?
Don't confuse a narcissistic demigod with fascism and today's national socialism. Is the Donald a national socialist desiring a one party apparatus controlling the omnipotent government run by party cronies?
We still have two very strong parties, as evidenced by stalemate in D.C. As evidenced by the views FREELY EXPRESSED here. I think it would be quite natural for a narcissistic demigod to evolve into a dictator, if allowed. I don't agree with all that goes on in the current administration, but it is WAY too much of an exaggeration to say they desire a one-party apparatus. Except in their dreams, same as the RW's and the conservatives. You folks don't seem too willing to have another viewpoint on board, either.
Yes, we know, you think Trump is a Fascist, and he was so hard on The FAKE NEWs FOR Calling him a Russian Puppet for three years that you found the need to defend, NOT OUR COUNTRY AND OUR PRESIDENT, NOPE, but THE MEDIA who constantly stirred the Pot of Lies against him.
Yes, we know, you think Trump is a Fascist, and he was so hard on The FAKE NEWs FOR Calling him a Russian Puppet for three years that you found the need to defend, NOT OUR COUNTRY AND OUR PRESIDENT, NOPE, but THE MEDIA who constantly stirred the Pot of Lies against him.
Thanks for the bump. I have not changed my mind, although fortunately, he has not been able to do quite as much damage as I feared.

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