Trump Actually IS a Fascist!

Hillary hasn't held a news conference in six months. She only gives interviews with former employees of the Clinton administration and only takes softball questions and they call Trump a fascist for banning pot head left wing idiots from his events.

Dude....................WTF would Hillary be doing giving a press conference? She's no longer in politics ever since she lost the last election. You guys need to give the Hillary references a rest. She's no longer politically viable, and she's starting to wear a bit thin as your scare tactic as well.
She does ALL the time.....what planet are you on? She cant stop being in the limelight and we're glad to use her like a piñata......if she shut the fuck up and went away, we wouldn't be able to do it.
Lets be honest with ourselves shall we? Progs are short on material and desperate to critic Trump. The more they're proven wrong the more desperate they become.

At least Trump has been proven right our prog-press is fake press. They don't report the news, they report their desires. It's they who are the criminals, and it's they who represent fascism and propaganda.

Then there's fucking Obama Old Lady, what do you have to say about him? Do you recall a single occasion where pro-news had something negative to say about Obama? How is that possible? Answer, censorship, propaganda and prog-news only reports what they're told.

Obama, whose administration prosecuted and spied on reporters, claims Trump is very bad for criticizing newsrooms
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.

The first amendment does not hinge on being able to be physically present and be an asshole at a certain event.

To argue that any expansion of libel is not called for, we need a good guess at what the wording of any change would be, and an good example of how it could be abused.
Well, according to Merriam-Webster's, I understand what a fascist is.

Simple Definition of fascism

  • : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

So old lady you can read, now which political party personifies Mr. Websters definition?

Well, since Mr. Webster didn't include a political party, other definitions have been helpful in determining which political party personifies fascism.

the definition of fascist

a person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.
( often initial capital letter ) a member of a fascist movement or party.
a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views.
Also fa·scis·tic [fuh- shis -tik] /fəˈʃɪs tɪk/ . of or like fascism or fascists. is what Wikipedia has to say about it...................

Fascism - Wikipedia

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical, right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism,[1][2][3][4] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy,[5] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[6] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I before it spread to other European countries.[6] Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[6][7][8][9][10][11] you can see.................fascists are far right types. And, Trump fits the definition quite nicely.
So what is the difference between fascism and communism?

Communism has one difference.....Communism has a dictator or party leader, but the party controls everything. In a fascist state a single dictator rules everything.
yeah, to me the main difference is Fasicim allows private ownership (not real ownership, more like a front) and that's it. I'd still say the party ruled Germany, with Hitler being a cult of personality.

Ok, the fascist economic model is private control of the means of production and profit, with risks being a state burden. Think medical insurance companies and Obamacare. The communist economic model is full state control of the means of produntion, central planning, and no such thing as private property.

Fascism is sort of communism lite.
Well, since Mr. Webster didn't include a political party, other definitions have been helpful in determining which political party personifies fascism.

the definition of fascist

a person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.
( often initial capital letter ) a member of a fascist movement or party.
a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views.
Also fa·scis·tic [fuh- shis -tik] /fəˈʃɪs tɪk/ . of or like fascism or fascists. is what Wikipedia has to say about it...................

Fascism - Wikipedia

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical, right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism,[1][2][3][4] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy,[5] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[6] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I before it spread to other European countries.[6] Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[6][7][8][9][10][11] you can see.................fascists are far right types. And, Trump fits the definition quite nicely.
So what is the difference between fascism and communism?

Communism has one difference.....Communism has a dictator or party leader, but the party controls everything. In a fascist state a single dictator rules everything.
yeah, to me the main difference is Fasicim allows private ownership (not real ownership, more like a front) and that's it. I'd still say the party ruled Germany, with Hitler being a cult of personality.

Ok, the fascist economic model is private control of the means of production and profit, with risks being a state burden. Think medical insurance companies and Obamacare. The communist economic model is full state control of the means of produntion, central planning, and no such thing as private property.

Fascism is sort of communism lite.
no I agree, they are very similar, I look at it like NAZI Germany, you had private ownership....but if Hitler wanted you to do something...what are the chances you say no? Pretty low......or you are never seen yes they did have private ownership, but it was a fraud.......the guy was most likely a front figure like the mafia had in casinos out in vegas......sure you are the president of the casino but if you tell the mob to fuck end up dead.
So what is the difference between fascism and communism?

Communism has one difference.....Communism has a dictator or party leader, but the party controls everything. In a fascist state a single dictator rules everything.
yeah, to me the main difference is Fasicim allows private ownership (not real ownership, more like a front) and that's it. I'd still say the party ruled Germany, with Hitler being a cult of personality.

Ok, the fascist economic model is private control of the means of production and profit, with risks being a state burden. Think medical insurance companies and Obamacare. The communist economic model is full state control of the means of produntion, central planning, and no such thing as private property.

Fascism is sort of communism lite.
no I agree, they are very similar, I look at it like NAZI Germany, you had private ownership....but if Hitler wanted you to do something...what are the chances you say no? Pretty low......or you are never seen yes they did have private ownership, but it was a fraud.......the guy was most likely a front figure like the mafia had in casinos out in vegas......sure you are the president of the casino but if you tell the mob to fuck end up dead.

I was refering to Italy and Mussolini...but it is the same thing.

The interesting thing is that Socialism is Fascism lite, and Fascism is Communism far as economic models go anyway...
Communism has one difference.....Communism has a dictator or party leader, but the party controls everything. In a fascist state a single dictator rules everything.
yeah, to me the main difference is Fasicim allows private ownership (not real ownership, more like a front) and that's it. I'd still say the party ruled Germany, with Hitler being a cult of personality.

Ok, the fascist economic model is private control of the means of production and profit, with risks being a state burden. Think medical insurance companies and Obamacare. The communist economic model is full state control of the means of produntion, central planning, and no such thing as private property.

Fascism is sort of communism lite.
no I agree, they are very similar, I look at it like NAZI Germany, you had private ownership....but if Hitler wanted you to do something...what are the chances you say no? Pretty low......or you are never seen yes they did have private ownership, but it was a fraud.......the guy was most likely a front figure like the mafia had in casinos out in vegas......sure you are the president of the casino but if you tell the mob to fuck end up dead.

I was refering to Italy and Mussolini...but it is the same thing.

The interesting thing is that Socialism is Fascism lite, and Fascism is Communism far as economic models go anyway...
yeah I can see that, I just see communism and fascism as two extreme versions of socialism with minor cosmetic differences.
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.
Well, looks like you were right, he threw me in a concentration camp.

I don't have long, I am sneaking into the administers office. ... shhhhh. . . .

They are coming for me. . . HELLLP!!!! There must be something you can doo?


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