Trump Actually IS a Fascist!

The whole paper is an editorial....lets save time,
you link us an article that was unbiased and correct on this topic from WaPo
I can't get WaPo-paywall. I gave you a link. If you don't like it, google another one yourself.
What link?
Was it of a story opposed to the Russian hoax?
Trump Campaign Is Trying To Shame TV Producers Out Of Interviews With ‘Certain Guests’ | HuffPost
What? how does that have anything to do with what I said?
It's not the WaPo saying something true about the Russian Hoax (not a small detail, the point of the article)
Quit goofin' on me, Buckeye.
I just wanted one article form the WaPo that said anything correct about the Russian investigation.
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.
" Hearing " about wanting to sue Amazon is meaningless as it is just rumor.

Selectively banning reporters is not an attack on the first amendment

The free press is not a permission slip for reporters to go anywhere they wish

They are not a branch of government

They can still write or broadcast what they wish but they have to stay off my property and trump has the same right.

Your op is a failure.
The lying MSM is a propaganda arm of the democrats and cucked republicans so in theory they are the real "fascists."
I see. So refusing to give major news organizations the right to cover the President would be fine? Allowing the President to decide who is allowed to write the news is fine?
Your foolishness about the MSM is the real propaganda.
They can still cover it just not directly in his press conferences

They can still write what they wish they can simply no longer directly interview him

This is not an attack on freedom of the press.

Freedom of the press does not equate to an obligation to cooperate with the press.
The lying MSM is a propaganda arm of the democrats and cucked republicans so in theory they are the real "fascists."
I see. So refusing to give major news organizations the right to cover the President would be fine? Allowing the President to decide who is allowed to write the news is fine?
Your foolishness about the MSM is the real propaganda.
They can still cover it just not directly in his press conferences

They can still write what they wish they can simply no longer directly interview him

This is not an attack on freedom of the press.

Freedom of the press does not equate to an obligation to cooperate with the press.
They can't ask their questions if they aren't in the room.
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.
" Hearing " about wanting to sue Amazon is meaningless as it is just rumor.

Selectively banning reporters is not an attack on the first amendment

The free press is not a permission slip for reporters to go anywhere they wish

They are not a branch of government

They can still write or broadcast what they wish but they have to stay off my property and trump has the same right.

Your op is a failure.
My op is just lovely, thank you.
I was quite concerned at the time, but my worst fears were realized and the goon was elected. So here we are. You can thank Original Tree for bringing up this criticism of the President again. I didn't.
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.

Haha. I’m glad this thread got a bump. “Do not elect him!”

Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.
" Hearing " about wanting to sue Amazon is meaningless as it is just rumor.

Selectively banning reporters is not an attack on the first amendment

The free press is not a permission slip for reporters to go anywhere they wish

They are not a branch of government

They can still write or broadcast what they wish but they have to stay off my property and trump has the same right.

Your op is a failure.
My op is just lovely, thank you.
I was quite concerned at the time, but my worst fears were realized and the goon was elected. So here we are. You can thank Original Tree for bringing up this criticism of the President again. I didn't.
um. its your op.
Ignorant and uneducated people use the word fascist without truly understanding what a fascist actually is. The liberal progressive and socialist movement has always called anyone in disagreement with their position fascists and when that doesn't scare people enough they use racist. It is simply confirmation that the foundation of their opinion is weak, garbage.

Well, according to Merriam-Webster's, I understand what a fascist is.

Simple Definition of fascism

  • : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

So old lady you can read, now which political party personifies Mr. Websters definition?

Well, since Mr. Webster didn't include a political party, other definitions have been helpful in determining which political party personifies fascism.

the definition of fascist

a person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.
( often initial capital letter ) a member of a fascist movement or party.
a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views.
Also fa·scis·tic [fuh- shis -tik] /fəˈʃɪs tɪk/ . of or like fascism or fascists. is what Wikipedia has to say about it...................

Fascism - Wikipedia

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical, right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism,[1][2][3][4] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy,[5] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[6] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I before it spread to other European countries.[6] Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[6][7][8][9][10][11] you can see.................fascists are far right types. And, Trump fits the definition quite nicely.
So what is the difference between fascism and communism?

Communism has one difference.....Communism has a dictator or party leader, but the party controls everything. In a fascist state a single dictator rules everything.
Yes, we know, you think Trump is a Fascist, and he was so hard on The FAKE NEWs FOR Calling him a Russian Puppet for three years that you found the need to defend, NOT OUR COUNTRY AND OUR PRESIDENT, NOPE, but THE MEDIA who constantly stirred the Pot of Lies against him.
Thanks for the bump. I have not changed my mind, although fortunately, he has not been able to do quite as much damage as I feared.
What damage did you fear?

Fewer abortions probably. Or fewer illegals.
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.
And you actually are an idiot.
Hillary hasn't held a news conference in six months. She only gives interviews with former employees of the Clinton administration and only takes softball questions and they call Trump a fascist for banning pot head left wing idiots from his events.

Dude....................WTF would Hillary be doing giving a press conference? She's no longer in politics ever since she lost the last election. You guys need to give the Hillary references a rest. She's no longer politically viable, and she's starting to wear a bit thin as your scare tactic as well.

Stop your gaslighting. She gives press conference to a slavish media once a week. She sends out workers, money and press instructions several times a day.

Looks at the times and dates...probably the exact moment you put up your shilling posts for her.

Yes, we know, you think Trump is a Fascist, and he was so hard on The FAKE NEWs FOR Calling him a Russian Puppet for three years that you found the need to defend, NOT OUR COUNTRY AND OUR PRESIDENT, NOPE, but THE MEDIA who constantly stirred the Pot of Lies against him.
Thanks for the bump. I have not changed my mind, although fortunately, he has not been able to do quite as much damage as I feared.
Your whole existence is based in Fear. That's why Make American Great Again chills you to the bone.

Why is your party always about negativity?

That is why National Sovereignty instead of being a point of pride, scares the living crap out of you.

Globalism, Climate Change are all FEAR BASED Philosophies, based on FEAR and the Need to Be Protected From EVERYTHING. Socialism could not survive if it weren't for fear.
I'm not a Democrat, you squirrel.

You just play one on USMB?
Personally, I think much of the reason they keep trashing Trump in such an extreme manner is so a Democrat President can make up an excuse to pull a totalitarian censorship stunt like they're pulling in Venezuela and New Zealand right now.
When I see the media actually reporting lies to the public, I'll be happy to stand with Trump and his suit.
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.

Whoa! Calm down now. Is the president not an American citizen? Like him or not, look what he has been through over the last three years. Every media outlet printing and reporting lies. The press has gone out of their way to make a point of making fals reports on the guy. Pretty much a lie on Monday that got exposed as a lie on Friday. Go back and look what you he token half negro threatened to do to the press. So far, after all of this fake investigation far as I have heard, trump has not threatened any reporters with jail like bammer did. Very uninformed post.
This is about Trump, not Obama. Who, when I wrote this OP three years ago, had not been getting negative press about Russia or anything else. Not even Access Hollywood had happened. Yet he couldn't take any negative coverage and he still can't. That's cuz he's a narcissist, you know. He can't help it.

Yeah when you wrote this post the Russia excuse wasn’t needed yet. When you wrote this post hillary was already working with the KGB on the Steele dossier. When you wrote this post Barack Hussein was on TV saying “American elections can’t be hacked”. When you wrote this post the DNC/media were demanding a vow that whoever lost the election would admit it and go home. When you wrote this post Slate and the Washington Post and New York Times we’re still praising the electoral college.

How embarrassing for you.
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.
" Hearing " about wanting to sue Amazon is meaningless as it is just rumor.

Selectively banning reporters is not an attack on the first amendment

The free press is not a permission slip for reporters to go anywhere they wish

They are not a branch of government

They can still write or broadcast what they wish but they have to stay off my property and trump has the same right.

Your op is a failure.
My op is just lovely, thank you.
I was quite concerned at the time, but my worst fears were realized and the goon was elected. So here we are. You can thank Original Tree for bringing up this criticism of the President again. I didn't.
Your op is a massive idiotic failure

One more time since you lack reading comprehension.

Freedom of the press does not mean an obligation to cooperate with them

Nor does it mean the right to directly question people.

Look up fascist because you are ignorant hence the stupid failure of your op
Trump has banned the Washington Post journalists from his events, as he has banned reporters from Politico, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Foreign Policy, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register and the Daily Beast. He also wants to "open up" libel laws so he can sue the pants off Amazon and anyone else who disagrees with him. It's been said that reporters are sometimes escorted from his do's for being annoying.

OMG. This scares me. He criticizes Hillary for wanting to demolish the 2nd Amendment while he happily demolishes the 1st? Picture this: Trump is President. Who will cover White House news? Breitbart only? Perhaps Fox, if they get rid of Meghan Kelly? Oops, I forgot to add the National Enquirer.

The question isn't "What's wrong with him," it's "What's wrong with YOU" if you support him. This man must not become president. Forget the Supreme Court -- Trump will ruin this country, starting with Amendment #1. Haven't any of you heard of Russia? China? Where the government tells them what they want them to know? Where people who disagree end up in jail? Don't think it can't happen here. DO NOT elect this guy. He has no respect for free speech whatsoever.
Wow. this bullshit started in the summer of 2016. No wonder you guys believe it. Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama put this garbage out. And where did they get this from? Right. They got it from Russia in secret files, which they did not share, because a Presidential and State Department use of foreign information to beat up on a rival is against the law.

We're going to find out why. And there's not a damn thing That former President Barack Obama and former State Department head, Hillary Clinton can do to change the laws of the United States of America, which they tore up when they put this shit out to their cohorts in the press who may also go to jail for this collusion. They were so apeshit crazy about destroying contender Donald Trump they broke the hell out of election laws.

Maybe they'll be wearing these in a few months:

For Hillary: For Barry:


"You sure the report ever made it to Hillary at all? I heard today (ala Graham) that McCain gave it to the FBI. I was not under the impression GPS actually gave it to their client. I know for a fact she never used it; Trump won. This didn't become public knowledge until well after Trump was elected."

Hillary is hiding like the craven and overbearing jerk that she is. She has shamed every post she has ever held, every voter who put their confidence in her. Before she graduated from college, she assisted others Occupying the school administration building with an AK47 repeating killer gun. The pictures of her on campus that I saw showed that fake smirk on her face she always uses when she leaves a grand jury question session in which she lies, "I forget." . She thinks nobody remembers the crimes she committed to get where she is, because the elderly people she swindled in the last century are likely gone by now. But I remember because Micah said "Love justice, do mercy, and take care of widows and orphans." The elderly she swindled in he Whitewater scam, lost all their life's savings. And all they got out of her were two words, "I forget."

You think that Lady Macbethlike creature didn't set up Donald Trump for a hit he might never get over of her spiteful revenge? How loyal of you.

You'd gag if you knew the truth about HRC. This was written years ago but doesn't even scratch the surface: FrontPage Magazine - Hillary Clinton and "The Third Way" How America's First Lady of the Left Has Bamboozled Liberals and Conservatives Alike
Last edited:
Ignorant and uneducated people use the word fascist without truly understanding what a fascist actually is. The liberal progressive and socialist movement has always called anyone in disagreement with their position fascists and when that doesn't scare people enough they use racist. It is simply confirmation that the foundation of their opinion is weak, garbage.

Well, according to Merriam-Webster's, I understand what a fascist is.

Simple Definition of fascism

  • : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

So old lady you can read, now which political party personifies Mr. Websters definition?

Well, since Mr. Webster didn't include a political party, other definitions have been helpful in determining which political party personifies fascism.

the definition of fascist

a person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.
( often initial capital letter ) a member of a fascist movement or party.
a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views.
Also fa·scis·tic [fuh- shis -tik] /fəˈʃɪs tɪk/ . of or like fascism or fascists. is what Wikipedia has to say about it...................

Fascism - Wikipedia

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical, right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism,[1][2][3][4] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy,[5] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[6] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I before it spread to other European countries.[6] Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[6][7][8][9][10][11] you can see.................fascists are far right types. And, Trump fits the definition quite nicely.
So what is the difference between fascism and communism?

Communism has one difference.....Communism has a dictator or party leader, but the party controls everything. In a fascist state a single dictator rules everything.
yeah, to me the main difference is Fasicim allows private ownership (not real ownership, more like a front) and that's it. I'd still say the party ruled Germany, with Hitler being a cult of personality.
Hillary hasn't held a news conference in six months. She only gives interviews with former employees of the Clinton administration and only takes softball questions and they call Trump a fascist for banning pot head left wing idiots from his events.

Dude....................WTF would Hillary be doing giving a press conference? She's no longer in politics ever since she lost the last election. You guys need to give the Hillary references a rest. She's no longer politically viable, and she's starting to wear a bit thin as your scare tactic as well.

Stop your gaslighting. She gives press conference to a slavish media once a week. She sends out workers, money and press instructions several times a day.

Looks at the times and dates...probably the exact moment you put up your shilling posts for her.

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is this like the Hitler youth?

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