Trump administration to propose rule that would cut 3.1 million people from food stamp program

oh and we are not at war with N korea,,,we are currently under negotiations to prevent a war,,,

We are blowing smoke. North Korea couldn't afford more than a few days of war. We know they are no risk. They aren't selling oil to Russia. If they were then they would be a risk.

I really can't see where you are coming from. How much damage do you think North Korea could do to Seoul or Japan in two days? That has nothing to do with oil or the dollar. I'm not sure how Democrats become so enthusiastically part of the 'America is Evil' crowd? What exactly do you guys get out of hating our country?

I'm not a Democrat. People do this to put people into their neat little boxes to argue about the box as opposed to what people actually say.

North Korea has absolutely no reason to bomb Japan. They would have absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose.

youve been putting people in a box all day,,,so WTF???
you cant have it both ways,,

In a way. I'm not accusing anyone of being what they are not. What is being done is being done under the auspices of the United States and they are us.

thats your opinion,,,the fact is its dem and repubes ignoring the constitution and rule of law,,,

on the other hand we can ignore all the atrocities being committed and let more people die,,,
You can ask a better question than this. It's a vague question at very best. I am arguing that we as a nation stop doing that.

Does that address the question for you?

You are trying to use this as a justification for invading other countries. The truth is we use this as an excuse and then kill the same people. We have slaughtered thousands of innocent people in the countries we have invaded.

If you justify the excuses then other countries would be as right to attack us.

We bombed a hospital full of innocent men, women and children. We are unable to be the world police. It wouldn't be so bad if that was actually the reason we do what we do. It's not.

Saudi Arabia is as bad if not worse than any country we invaded but yet, we send them billions in aid

so you would just walk by as some one was being robbed and murdered,,,

for some reason I expected that,,,

Not interested in trying to side track a discussion. You know as well as I do, this is not what is being discussed.

you need to rethink your twisted views and stop twisting the truth to fit your narrative,,,

mistakes have been made as well as crimes, but ignoring it or blaming us wont help,,,

address the mistakes and crimes and stand up for those that cant,,,

We can't. Maybe you can argue it's because that is not what we actually do and I may agree with you but I'm not sure we
could even do that, not that we try.

We invade to protect the dollar, not for any other reason.

one of many problems with your opinion,,,its democrats and republicans that use wars to protect for money,,,not we the people,

we the people have no problem helping those in need from being murdered

and before you say it,,foodstamps as a way of life dont help people it subjects them to control by the people in government,,,

You say I should stop someone from killing someone else and that's fine, but we do not stop our government from killing thousands of
innocent people.

maybe you arent but some of us are trying pretty hard at it,
almost half the country refuse to vote for dems or repubes,,,

Which doesn't stop the (D)'s or (R)'s.
We are blowing smoke. North Korea couldn't afford more than a few days of war. We know they are no risk. They aren't selling oil to Russia. If they were then they would be a risk.

I really can't see where you are coming from. How much damage do you think North Korea could do to Seoul or Japan in two days? That has nothing to do with oil or the dollar. I'm not sure how Democrats become so enthusiastically part of the 'America is Evil' crowd? What exactly do you guys get out of hating our country?

I'm not a Democrat. People do this to put people into their neat little boxes to argue about the box as opposed to what people actually say.

North Korea has absolutely no reason to bomb Japan. They would have absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose.

youve been putting people in a box all day,,,so WTF???
you cant have it both ways,,

In a way. I'm not accusing anyone of being what they are not. What is being done is being done under the auspices of the United States and they are us.

thats your opinion,,,the fact is its dem and repubes ignoring the constitution and rule of law,,,

In many cases they do. I'm not sure where you are going with this line of thinking though. I am not advocating for either.

on the other hand we can ignore all the atrocities being committed and let more people die,,,

They die either way. They kill them or we kill them. Maybe we should try something different?
we need a democrat candidate who speaks to what american are feeling in their guts and kick Trump out of the white house and into jail!
The Citizens of the United States of America want America placed first not second behind other countries. They want to be left only to live their lives without government regulations telling them what to eat, who to love, where to go to church. Basically they want to be left alone.

So you're in favour of gay marriage and abortion rights for women.
I oppose abortion because you have two lives involved I don't care about gay marriage as long as you don't force it on me to support it.
so you would just walk by as some one was being robbed and murdered,,,

for some reason I expected that,,,

Not interested in trying to side track a discussion. You know as well as I do, this is not what is being discussed.

you need to rethink your twisted views and stop twisting the truth to fit your narrative,,,

mistakes have been made as well as crimes, but ignoring it or blaming us wont help,,,

address the mistakes and crimes and stand up for those that cant,,,

We can't. Maybe you can argue it's because that is not what we actually do and I may agree with you but I'm not sure we
could even do that, not that we try.

We invade to protect the dollar, not for any other reason.

one of many problems with your opinion,,,its democrats and republicans that use wars to protect for money,,,not we the people,

we the people have no problem helping those in need from being murdered

and before you say it,,foodstamps as a way of life dont help people it subjects them to control by the people in government,,,

You say I should stop someone from killing someone else and that's fine, but we do not stop our government from killing thousands of
innocent people.

maybe you arent but some of us are trying pretty hard at it,
almost half the country refuse to vote for dems or repubes,,,

Which doesn't stop the (D)'s or (R)'s.

not yet it hasnt,,,

and neither has your complaining,,,

one thing I forgot to address earlier,,,

those hospitals and schools that got bombed, are you saying that was intentional???
if so what proof do you have,,

and what if the people of those countries ask for our help?? should we ignore them??
I really can't see where you are coming from. How much damage do you think North Korea could do to Seoul or Japan in two days? That has nothing to do with oil or the dollar. I'm not sure how Democrats become so enthusiastically part of the 'America is Evil' crowd? What exactly do you guys get out of hating our country?

I'm not a Democrat. People do this to put people into their neat little boxes to argue about the box as opposed to what people actually say.

North Korea has absolutely no reason to bomb Japan. They would have absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose.

youve been putting people in a box all day,,,so WTF???
you cant have it both ways,,

In a way. I'm not accusing anyone of being what they are not. What is being done is being done under the auspices of the United States and they are us.

thats your opinion,,,the fact is its dem and repubes ignoring the constitution and rule of law,,,

In many cases they do. I'm not sure where you are going with this line of thinking though. I am not advocating for either.

on the other hand we can ignore all the atrocities being committed and let more people die,,,

They die either way. They kill them or we kill them. Maybe we should try something different?

they die either way my ass,,,there is no way you could know that
Why would you want people who vote for you to be on food stamps? Wouldn't you want them to have the opportunity to get off of them? I'm not sure why Democrats view government dependency as desirable. Instead of getting as many people on foodstamps as possible(Obama), wouldn't you want to provide as much opportunity as possible so people wouldn't need them?
Democrats want dependency on the government it means they get to remain in control and get to dictate their agenda. A free individual is a self-reliant individual.
Not interested in trying to side track a discussion. You know as well as I do, this is not what is being discussed.

We can't. Maybe you can argue it's because that is not what we actually do and I may agree with you but I'm not sure we
could even do that, not that we try.

We invade to protect the dollar, not for any other reason.

one of many problems with your opinion,,,its democrats and republicans that use wars to protect for money,,,not we the people,

we the people have no problem helping those in need from being murdered

and before you say it,,foodstamps as a way of life dont help people it subjects them to control by the people in government,,,

You say I should stop someone from killing someone else and that's fine, but we do not stop our government from killing thousands of
innocent people.

maybe you arent but some of us are trying pretty hard at it,
almost half the country refuse to vote for dems or repubes,,,

Which doesn't stop the (D)'s or (R)'s.

not yet it hasnt,,,

and neither has your complaining,,,

one thing I forgot to address earlier,,,

Of course it hasn't. Discussion boards don't solve anything.

those hospitals and schools that got bombed, are you saying that was intentional???
if so what proof do you have,,

Kunduz hospital airstrike - Wikipedia

and what if the people of those countries ask for our help?? should we ignore them??

There is nothing we can do where it comes to violence. We only make things worse. Want to send them aid? OK, but not military aid.
I'm not a Democrat. People do this to put people into their neat little boxes to argue about the box as opposed to what people actually say.

North Korea has absolutely no reason to bomb Japan. They would have absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose.

youve been putting people in a box all day,,,so WTF???
you cant have it both ways,,

In a way. I'm not accusing anyone of being what they are not. What is being done is being done under the auspices of the United States and they are us.

thats your opinion,,,the fact is its dem and repubes ignoring the constitution and rule of law,,,

In many cases they do. I'm not sure where you are going with this line of thinking though. I am not advocating for either.

on the other hand we can ignore all the atrocities being committed and let more people die,,,

They die either way. They kill them or we kill them. Maybe we should try something different?

they die either way my ass,,,there is no way you could know that

I can read the casualty numbers.
/—-/ No dumbass, it means I took matters into my own hands and worked hard to do better. Today I’d take the $10 an hour job and work my way up. Same theory, just different numbers.

Just for future reference, if you think name calling is a proper rebuttal, I will ignore you.

Yes, you can take a $10 an hour job and move up BUT there are a limited number of jobs one can move up to.

I note this over and over, please tell me in decent language if you can where I am wrong.

Your solution will work for an individual. It will not work for tens of millions. This is a country of tens of millions.

Well, it sure has worked for tens of millions individuals for the last 100 years (at least). For those that feel they deserve a promotion because they show up every day, better hold out for that $15/hour job that may come along one of these days.

If it worked, there wouldn't be so many on public assistance of some sort.

Again, you once could get a good paying factory job. You didn't have to get "promoted" to just get by. Sadly $15 an hour will not even do that in some places.

It works, which is why there are so many more not getting public assistance. I can understand you or others not willing to put out the effort, it's not easy, although that only assures you will not get anywhere.

The numbers of people getting food stamps has been steadily dropping since 2013. The difference being Obama didn't give a presser every week touting what a great job he was doing and how many jobs he created and how he was the greatest President ever, even though he wasn't.


As you can see, there has been no sudden or dramatic drop since Trump was elected, just a continuation of the slow but steady progress and continuation of things that began under Obama. Just like job creation:

Trump and his supporters keep claiming the economy is "roaring". It's not. It's not creating more jobs than Obama, more growth than Obama, and the stock market isn't rising as fast as Obama. If the Obama recovery was the "worst recovery in history", it's now the second worst because the Trump recovery is slower, and he goosed his numbers with a tax cut, and the biggest deficits in history.

Finally, something that Trump can claim is the biggest thing ever seen in American history, and this time, he's not lying. Trump now owns the two biggest budget deficits in US History. Give that man an exploding cigar!

When Clinton/Bush crashed the economy almost to 1929 level, the only way to go was up, dumbass.

All that "bailout" shit just fucked the citizens and strengthened the big banks and corporations that should have failed for making bad loans, instead they wound up increasing their assets exponentially, and citizens lost assets at the same rate. I don't like that. I made it through those years by hustling, but I heard so many bad stories about how much people lost, it was heartbreaking.
Many people were wronged by the government's actions.
Last edited:
youve been putting people in a box all day,,,so WTF???
you cant have it both ways,,

In a way. I'm not accusing anyone of being what they are not. What is being done is being done under the auspices of the United States and they are us.

thats your opinion,,,the fact is its dem and repubes ignoring the constitution and rule of law,,,

In many cases they do. I'm not sure where you are going with this line of thinking though. I am not advocating for either.

on the other hand we can ignore all the atrocities being committed and let more people die,,,

They die either way. They kill them or we kill them. Maybe we should try something different?

they die either way my ass,,,there is no way you could know that

I can read the casualty numbers.
but wht if those numbers represent the killers and not the victims,,,that I am OK with
one of many problems with your opinion,,,its democrats and republicans that use wars to protect for money,,,not we the people,

we the people have no problem helping those in need from being murdered

and before you say it,,foodstamps as a way of life dont help people it subjects them to control by the people in government,,,

You say I should stop someone from killing someone else and that's fine, but we do not stop our government from killing thousands of
innocent people.

maybe you arent but some of us are trying pretty hard at it,
almost half the country refuse to vote for dems or repubes,,,

Which doesn't stop the (D)'s or (R)'s.

not yet it hasnt,,,

and neither has your complaining,,,

one thing I forgot to address earlier,,,

Of course it hasn't. Discussion boards don't solve anything.

those hospitals and schools that got bombed, are you saying that was intentional???
if so what proof do you have,,

Kunduz hospital airstrike - Wikipedia

and what if the people of those countries ask for our help?? should we ignore them??

There is nothing we can do where it comes to violence. We only make things worse. Want to send them aid? OK, but not military aid.

violence has saved a lot of lives, not just t the time it happens but in some cases for decades to come,,,,
In a way. I'm not accusing anyone of being what they are not. What is being done is being done under the auspices of the United States and they are us.

thats your opinion,,,the fact is its dem and repubes ignoring the constitution and rule of law,,,

In many cases they do. I'm not sure where you are going with this line of thinking though. I am not advocating for either.

on the other hand we can ignore all the atrocities being committed and let more people die,,,

They die either way. They kill them or we kill them. Maybe we should try something different?

they die either way my ass,,,there is no way you could know that

I can read the casualty numbers.
but wht if those numbers represent the killers and not the victims,,,that I am OK with

We have no clue who is who over there. None.
You say I should stop someone from killing someone else and that's fine, but we do not stop our government from killing thousands of
innocent people.

maybe you arent but some of us are trying pretty hard at it,
almost half the country refuse to vote for dems or repubes,,,

Which doesn't stop the (D)'s or (R)'s.

not yet it hasnt,,,

and neither has your complaining,,,

one thing I forgot to address earlier,,,

Of course it hasn't. Discussion boards don't solve anything.

those hospitals and schools that got bombed, are you saying that was intentional???
if so what proof do you have,,

Kunduz hospital airstrike - Wikipedia

and what if the people of those countries ask for our help?? should we ignore them??

There is nothing we can do where it comes to violence. We only make things worse. Want to send them aid? OK, but not military aid.

violence has saved a lot of lives, not just t the time it happens but in some cases for decades to come,,,,

20 years almost in Afghanistan and Iraq. The killing had not stopped. The destruction has not stopped. Neither country is better off today.
You say I should stop someone from killing someone else and that's fine, but we do not stop our government from killing thousands of
innocent people.

maybe you arent but some of us are trying pretty hard at it,
almost half the country refuse to vote for dems or repubes,,,

Which doesn't stop the (D)'s or (R)'s.

not yet it hasnt,,,

and neither has your complaining,,,

one thing I forgot to address earlier,,,

Of course it hasn't. Discussion boards don't solve anything.

those hospitals and schools that got bombed, are you saying that was intentional???
if so what proof do you have,,

Kunduz hospital airstrike - Wikipedia

and what if the people of those countries ask for our help?? should we ignore them??

There is nothing we can do where it comes to violence. We only make things worse. Want to send them aid? OK, but not military aid.

violence has saved a lot of lives, not just t the time it happens but in some cases for decades to come,,,,

Violence has saved a lot of lives. Spoken like a true conservative. Truth isn't truth, and don't believe what you see or hear.
maybe you arent but some of us are trying pretty hard at it,
almost half the country refuse to vote for dems or repubes,,,

Which doesn't stop the (D)'s or (R)'s.

not yet it hasnt,,,

and neither has your complaining,,,

one thing I forgot to address earlier,,,

Of course it hasn't. Discussion boards don't solve anything.

those hospitals and schools that got bombed, are you saying that was intentional???
if so what proof do you have,,

Kunduz hospital airstrike - Wikipedia

and what if the people of those countries ask for our help?? should we ignore them??

There is nothing we can do where it comes to violence. We only make things worse. Want to send them aid? OK, but not military aid.

violence has saved a lot of lives, not just t the time it happens but in some cases for decades to come,,,,

Violence has saved a lot of lives. Spoken like a true conservative. Truth isn't truth, and don't believe what you see or hear.

Lol.....if I get placed into another box, I hit the trifecta.
maybe you arent but some of us are trying pretty hard at it,
almost half the country refuse to vote for dems or repubes,,,

Which doesn't stop the (D)'s or (R)'s.

not yet it hasnt,,,

and neither has your complaining,,,

one thing I forgot to address earlier,,,

Of course it hasn't. Discussion boards don't solve anything.

those hospitals and schools that got bombed, are you saying that was intentional???
if so what proof do you have,,

Kunduz hospital airstrike - Wikipedia

and what if the people of those countries ask for our help?? should we ignore them??

There is nothing we can do where it comes to violence. We only make things worse. Want to send them aid? OK, but not military aid.

violence has saved a lot of lives, not just t the time it happens but in some cases for decades to come,,,,

Violence has saved a lot of lives. Spoken like a true conservative. Truth isn't truth, and don't believe what you see or hear.

So you would have let the Germans and Soviets run roughshod all over Europe and beyond? I'm all for peace and peaceful solutions, but to think war is never necessary is completely dishonest. I don't think Republicans want to be the world's police force any more, I know I don't, but if we do nothing it would be disastrous. Europe can't and won't defend itself. The Brits, Germans, and all the rest don't even have enough naval assets to protect their tankers. Sometimes there really is a bad guy, and that bad guy is not us.
/—-/ No dumbass, it means I took matters into my own hands and worked hard to do better. Today I’d take the $10 an hour job and work my way up. Same theory, just different numbers.

Just for future reference, if you think name calling is a proper rebuttal, I will ignore you.

Yes, you can take a $10 an hour job and move up BUT there are a limited number of jobs one can move up to.

I note this over and over, please tell me in decent language if you can where I am wrong.

Your solution will work for an individual. It will not work for tens of millions. This is a country of tens of millions.

Well, it sure has worked for tens of millions individuals for the last 100 years (at least). For those that feel they deserve a promotion because they show up every day, better hold out for that $15/hour job that may come along one of these days.

If it worked, there wouldn't be so many on public assistance of some sort.

Again, you once could get a good paying factory job. You didn't have to get "promoted" to just get by. Sadly $15 an hour will not even do that in some places.

It works, which is why there are so many more not getting public assistance. I can understand you or others not willing to put out the effort, it's not easy, although that only assures you will not get anywhere.

The numbers of people getting food stamps has been steadily dropping since 2013. The difference being Obama didn't give a presser every week touting what a great job he was doing and how many jobs he created and how he was the greatest President ever, even though he wasn't.


As you can see, there has been no sudden or dramatic drop since Trump was elected, just a continuation of the slow but steady progress and continuation of things that began under Obama. Just like job creation:

Trump and his supporters keep claiming the economy is "roaring". It's not. It's not creating more jobs than Obama, more growth than Obama, and the stock market isn't rising as fast as Obama. If the Obama recovery was the "worst recovery in history", it's now the second worst because the Trump recovery is slower, and he goosed his numbers with a tax cut, and the biggest deficits in history.

Finally, something that Trump can claim is the biggest thing ever seen in American history, and this time, he's not lying. Trump now owns the two biggest budget deficits in US History. Give that man an exploding cigar!

Going down after 2013, so Obama managed to increase the hell out of food stamps and then lowered it. That's some fine liberal logic, if you have $20, go to the market and spend $22, and next week go to the market and spend $20, you're saving money? Dumbass.

Of course Obama didn't give pressers, the MSM was too busy getting thrills down their leg.
Last edited:
thats your opinion,,,the fact is its dem and repubes ignoring the constitution and rule of law,,,

In many cases they do. I'm not sure where you are going with this line of thinking though. I am not advocating for either.

on the other hand we can ignore all the atrocities being committed and let more people die,,,

They die either way. They kill them or we kill them. Maybe we should try something different?

they die either way my ass,,,there is no way you could know that

I can read the casualty numbers.
but wht if those numbers represent the killers and not the victims,,,that I am OK with

We have no clue who is who over there. None.
correction,,,you have no idea who is who,,,
Just for future reference, if you think name calling is a proper rebuttal, I will ignore you.

Yes, you can take a $10 an hour job and move up BUT there are a limited number of jobs one can move up to.

I note this over and over, please tell me in decent language if you can where I am wrong.

Your solution will work for an individual. It will not work for tens of millions. This is a country of tens of millions.

Well, it sure has worked for tens of millions individuals for the last 100 years (at least). For those that feel they deserve a promotion because they show up every day, better hold out for that $15/hour job that may come along one of these days.

If it worked, there wouldn't be so many on public assistance of some sort.

Again, you once could get a good paying factory job. You didn't have to get "promoted" to just get by. Sadly $15 an hour will not even do that in some places.

It works, which is why there are so many more not getting public assistance. I can understand you or others not willing to put out the effort, it's not easy, although that only assures you will not get anywhere.

The numbers of people getting food stamps has been steadily dropping since 2013. The difference being Obama didn't give a presser every week touting what a great job he was doing and how many jobs he created and how he was the greatest President ever, even though he wasn't.


As you can see, there has been no sudden or dramatic drop since Trump was elected, just a continuation of the slow but steady progress and continuation of things that began under Obama. Just like job creation:

Trump and his supporters keep claiming the economy is "roaring". It's not. It's not creating more jobs than Obama, more growth than Obama, and the stock market isn't rising as fast as Obama. If the Obama recovery was the "worst recovery in history", it's now the second worst because the Trump recovery is slower, and he goosed his numbers with a tax cut, and the biggest deficits in history.

Finally, something that Trump can claim is the biggest thing ever seen in American history, and this time, he's not lying. Trump now owns the two biggest budget deficits in US History. Give that man an exploding cigar!

Going down after 2013, so Obama managed to increase the hell of food stamps and then lowered it. That's some fine liberal logic, if you have $20, go to the market and spend $22, and next week go to the market and spend $20, you're saving money? Dumbass.

Of course Obama didn't give pressers, the MSM was too busy getting thrills down their leg.

I supported little of what Obama did but the 2008 recession was not of his making.

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