Trump admits he set President Biden up for failure with the Afghanistan withdrawal...

All false. The joint chiefs had the withdrawal plans. Biden had access to them. Hell, Trump even left a note on his desk alerting Biden to the plans.
Okay, so, here's how we know you're full of shit. Ready? Why would the orange bag O' shit leave a note about the withdrawal to a successor if he already believed he won reelection?

Explain that, you smooth brained magaturd dink. Use your stupid logic. Show your work.

Make haste now. GO!
Not necessarily. The war planners drew up the plans to withdraw in a timely manner, including getting all the military equipment and hardware out of there. The plans also included not turning over the military base on the border of China. Biden screwed the whole thing up by evacuating the base and turning it over to the Taliban.
What US military base in Afghanistan, "bordered" with China?


If Trump (solely with the Taliban) agreed to pull out all US troops (in agreed upon stages) until the May 2021 deadline - which US military bases is the USA supposed to hold onto with what troops? Those 2500 left in all of Afghanistan when Biden took over?

Jan. 15th 2021
“Today, U.S. force levels in Afghanistan have reached 2,500,” Miller, the acting defense secretary, says in a statement. “[T]his drawdown brings U.S. forces in the country to their lowest levels since 2001.”

Biden (upon the failed MAGA insurrection), took office on Jan. 20th 2021 - you dolt.

Your post is a classic example of total MAGA bull and the usual dilettante attempt at the distortion of facts.
Trump did not set up Biden. Biden set his own self up.

Trump promised to do it, and didn't. Biden probably didn't make one decision on how to get it done. Just a lot of advice from top military officials.

I hope both Trump and Biden loses.
Everybody knows that but what has that got to do with the withdrawal?
We're right back where we were on 9/11, only now the Taliban has more toys to let their friends play with and enforce their sick religious rules on the people. We're you around in 2001?
They wanna harp on the withdrawal from a war that was nonsense 20 years ago. Folks we just ain't any good on imposing our fucked up values on people that just don't want em. Putin is gonna find out too, with or without our help.
We're right back where we were on 9/11, only now the Taliban has more toys to let their friends play with and enforce their sick religious rules on the people. We're you around in 2001?
Thanks to Trump and his ludicrous talks with the Taliban, excluding the Afghan government and all allied nations stationed in Afghanistan.
As many of us have been saying for years. the Afghanistan thing was set up to make Joe Biden look bad,

An impossible problem with impossible goals on an impossible timeline. All set up by trump, who finally admits it on video.

That plan that Xiden ignored and proceeded to get 13 Americans killed as a result? You’ve been triggered ever since Hur declared your Savior to be senile. Just more crap from the left.
Trump never had the Biden transition people briefed on the situation. That's why between Dec 12th and January 20th, the outgoing administration does their utmost to bring the incoming administration up to speed.

Trump didn't do that.
Biden had the same military personnel on active duty who knew the plan fully. All he had to do ask them what the plan was.
Okay, so, here's how we know you're full of shit. Ready? Why would the orange bag O' shit leave a note about the withdrawal to a successor if he already believed he won reelection?

Explain that, you smooth brained magaturd dink. Use your stupid logic. Show your work.

Make haste now. GO!
Piss off retard. Explain why your Savior ignored all plans and go to 13 Americans killed as you morons celebrated. Explain THAT you TDS suffering libturd dink. Show your work. Now. GO!
He did nothing of the sort, you fucking lying sack of shit.

The guy says and does enough goofy shit...Why the fuck do you assholes feel the need to pull nonsense like this out of your asses?

His own words. “I’m the one who set it up.”

Trump signed the agreement with the Taliban.

It was a beautiful deal. And those Republicans including Liz Cheney argued the Taliban could not be trusted. Those folks were RINO’s right?

Piss off retard. Explain why your Savior ignored all plans and go to 13 Americans killed as you morons celebrated. Explain THAT you TDS suffering libturd dink. Show your work. Now. GO!
Okay, sure. First, Brandon isn't my savior, you fucking idiot. I've never celebrate the loss of any American lives for any reason. And if you were to ever insinuate this very idea to me in a public setting, I'd very quickly gladly stomp you into chewed bubble gum for the trouble. I don't suffer fools. Now, do we fully understand each other now, or will you continue with your foolishness?
If Joe's too damn stupid to allow himself to be set up, too damn bad. He's obviously not qualified for the job.

I remember how the Democrats were called Children and Bad losers in 2000. When the Clinton Admin stole the W key from the computers in the White House.

I remember eight years later when Republicans crowed that they had not done anything like that when Obama came in. Because Republicans were the grown ups.

Apparently there are some serious changes in the Republicans.

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