Trump admits he set President Biden up for failure with the Afghanistan withdrawal...

He did nothing of the sort, you fucking lying sack of shit.

The guy says and does enough goofy shit...Why the fuck do you assholes feel the need to pull nonsense like this out of your asses?
They're Democrat faggots. They like it up the ass more than an elephant.

Not necessarily. The war planners drew up the plans to withdraw in a timely manner, including getting all the military equipment and hardware out of there. The plans also included not turning over the military base on the border of China. Biden screwed the whole thing up by evacuating the base and turning it over to the Taliban.
Again. You’ve seen these plans?

Good for you

Link to em
Trump did not set up Biden. Biden set his own self up.

Not really, Trump put things in place, he probably expected to be President then.

Biden pulled out under difficult circumstance that happened because of what Trump left him, which was the Taliban at the gates of Kabul and everyone trying to get out quick
Certainly it is. The withdrawal plan Trump wanted was clearly documented and available to anyone with interest in that. The media had access to that information so Biden certainly did.
Cool story bro. Post it here
I watched the short video in the OP.

  • I saw DonT. claim the withdrawal "was the most embarrassing..."
  • And then he goes on to say...."I'm the one who set it up, in a sense; we had to get out.......
You be the judge.
As many of us have been saying for years. the Afghanistan thing was set up to make Joe Biden look bad,

An impossible problem with impossible goals on an impossible timeline. All set up by trump, who finally admits it on video.

Well, at least you admit to a monumental failure under Biden. Before you didn't even admit that. Baby steps.
Afghanistan thing was set up
A known fact since 2021
He did nothing of the sort, you fucking lying sack of shit.

From Benedict Donald's own gaping maw. "How about that? Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame. "

What were those other things? Like allowing the Taliban to skate on 6 out of 7 condition of Benedict Donald so called conditional withdrawal while forcing our generals to comply with all 8 of our conditions. He withdrew all our leverage we needed to ensure the Taliban compliance but since he removed 80% of all allied troops there they didn't feel the need to comply.

I hope the Dems and the so called liberal press start presenting these facts to the American people
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"Beginning in 2011, we sternly drew down our troop numbers, consolidated and closed bases and retrograded equipment from Afghanistan. At the peak in 2011, we had 97,000 US troops alongside 41,000 NATO troops in Afghanistan. 10 years later when Ambassador Khalilzad signed the Doha agreement with Mullah Baradar on 29, February, 2020, United States at 12,600 US troops with 8,000 NATO and 10,500 contractors. This has been a 10 year multi administration draw down, not a 19 month or 19 day NEO. Under the Doha agreement, the US would begin to withdraw its forces contingent upon Taliban meeting certain conditions, which would lead to a political agreement between the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan. There were seven conditions applicable to the Taliban and eight conditions applicable to the United States. While the Taliban did not attack US forces, which was one of the conditions, it failed to fully honor, any, any other condition under the Doha agreement.

Gen. Milley: (31:22)
And perhaps most importantly, for US national security, that Taliban has never renounced Al-Qaeda or broke its affiliation with them. We the United States adhered to every condition."

Not only did Benedict Donald abandon 5 bases in Afghanistan according to the Doha Accords but force the Afghans to release 5,000 Taliban fighter in a 5 to 1 prisoner swap. The biggest failure was to allow the Taliban to keep fighting the Afghans while keeping the truce with the US. In reality it was the Doha Skedaddle Accords for Donnie. All those conditions were met 135 days after signing excecpt for the further reduction from 8600 US troops to the ordered 2,500 to be completed a week before Biden took office. Sure President Biden could have redeployed thousand more troops to fix Benedict Donald's fucking up the conditional withdraw, but how many lives would that cost? A lot more than 13.

Benedict Donald did it on purpose to hamstring the Military, which he despises, and to hamstring Joe Biden who beat him in the election of 2020.
Certainly it is. The withdrawal plan Trump wanted was clearly documented and available to anyone with interest in that. The media had access to that information so Biden certainly did.

"The United States, its allies, and the Coalition will take the following measures in the first one hundred thirty-five (135) days:"

He got the agreement and failed to make our withdrawal contingent on the Taliban compliance to the accord. 135 day after the signing was in early summer of 2020, after which time Benedict Donald continued to withdraw troops without the Taliban complying with 6 out of 7 of their conditions.
Piss off retard. Explain why your Savior ignored all plans and go to 13 Americans killed as you morons celebrated. Explain THAT you TDS suffering libturd dink. Show your work. Now. GO!
What Plans. All our conditions of the Doha accords were met by Benedict Donald except for the final withdrawal of the skeleton crew left behind. While the Taliban followed only one of their seven Conditions, which was the truce with our forces, but not with the Afghan forces.......
As many of us have been saying for years. the Afghanistan thing was set up to make Joe Biden look bad,

An impossible problem with impossible goals on an impossible timeline. All set up by trump, who finally admits it on video.

This is my shocked face. :rolleyes:
As many of us have been saying for years. the Afghanistan thing was set up to make Joe Biden look bad,

An impossible problem with impossible goals on an impossible timeline. All set up by trump, who finally admits it on video.

Tater followed nothing in the deal Trump put together, Dumbass.

Tater owns the Afghanistan debacle. All of it.
Obama said "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up".

Is this the game you wanna play?



These are some of my favorites:

“A supreme sexist.”—Barbara Res, former executive vice-president of Trump Organization, who also said “he thinks he’s God.”

“Like an 11-year-old child”— Steve Bannon. The now estranged advisor also allegedly complained that he was “sick of being a wet nurse to a 71-year-old man.”

Working with Trump is “like trying to figure out what a child wants”—White House deputy chief of staff Katie Walsh

“The White House has become an adult day care center”—Republican senator Bob Corker of Tennessee

“Morally unfit to be president,” “unethical” and “untethered to truth”—former FBI director James Comey, who also compared the US president to a mafia boss.

“Less a person than a collection of terrible traits”—Trump’s former chief economic adviser Gary Cohn.

Someone who “sucks up and shits down”—former Fox News chief and confidant Roger Ailes.

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