Trump admits he set President Biden up for failure with the Afghanistan withdrawal...

Are you missing the point on purpose or is it really too complex for you?
It's the amazing result of Faux Not News grooming them with precision. To be honest, the so called liberal media hasn't exactly called Benedict Donald out on his actions in Afghanistan in 2020 either.
Well, at least you admit to a monumental failure under Biden. Before you didn't even admit that. Baby steps.
I was gonna say "don't be stupider than you have to be" but now I'm thinking that this is just how stupid you have to be.
It's the amazing result of Faux Not News grooming them with precision. To be honest, the so called liberal media hasn't exactly called Benedict Donald out on his actions in Afghanistan in 2020 either.
The so called liberal media isn't liberal at all. I've posted several threads on that.
As many of us have been saying for years. the Afghanistan thing was set up to make Joe Biden look bad,

An impossible problem with impossible goals on an impossible timeline. All set up by trump, who finally admits it on video.

If I were a leftist I'd report this to the mods as trolling. Trump said no such thing.

But you're a leftist OP, you guys don't know how to accept responsibility for anything. You only know how to project.

All you managed to accomplish is to say Biden fucked up. You're just too dumb liberal to know it.
If I were a leftist I'd report this to the mods as trolling. Trump said no such thing.
Trump gave the joint chiefs of staff an unclassified order to withdraw all the troops from Afghanistan by January 15th 2021.

Trump withdrew that order, so that the responsibility would fall on the next administration.
Okay you Dem lying mothers...Biden brags about his 40+ years of government experience, says no one is more qualified than he is, then tries to blame Trump for his fuckups?? Really? I'm surprised you lying filth don't burst into flames when you spew this crap.
Trump gave the joint chiefs of staff an unclassified order to withdraw all the troops from Afghanistan by January 15th 2021.

Trump withdrew that order, so that the responsibility would fall on the next administration.
Just admit it, Dems really suck at leading and making decisions the dipshits.
Okay you Dem lying mothers...Biden brags about his 40+ years of government experience, says no one is more qualified than he is, then tries to blame Trump for his fuckups?? Really? I'm surprised you lying filth don't burst into flames when you spew this crap.
Trump left no plans how to withdraw from Afghanistan, and changed the order to withdraw by January 15th 2021. So that he left it to the next administration, whose transition team wasn't shown any plans on how to withdraw.

Trump even denied Biden classified briefings while the election was being disputed.
Obama BLAMED Bush for all his screw ups, now Biden blames Trump for all his screw ups. We see the Dem pattern of failure.
No. Obama blamed Bush for the state of the economy he inherited, and had to rescue from the "great recession" (second only to the great depression)
Trump left no plans how to withdraw from Afghanistan
First let me laugh in your face :auiqs.jpg: Now why are lying Dems changing their story? You dumbass Dems seem to forget your FIRST blame game excuse was that Trump tied Biden's hands and Biden was forced to use Trump's withdrawal plan. Now you claim there wasn't a plan. :auiqs.jpg:

You lying punks tell so many lies your lies circle around and contradict your previous lies.

Now come closer...OH SNAP!
No. Obama blamed Bush for the state of the economy he inherited, and had to rescue from the "great recession" (second only to the great depression)
Lib please, Obama was still blaming Bush years into his presidency. Never mind you idiot Dems always claim how smart you are, but then when you get the job you FUBAR it all up, then try to blame someone else. Bunch of idiots shouldn't be in charge of a road side produce stand let alone the country.
Trump did everything he could to sabotage the incoming Biden administration.
You LIE. Go wash your lying filth Dem mouth out with soap. Never mind Biden says he's the most qualified POTUS ever so you don't then get to pretend to be helpless you lying spinning piles of feces.

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