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Trump; African Americans deserve better

America first! That means all of us.... Black White Red Green Yellow purple orange. What we have had is not working. Obama's ideas for whatever reason did not work...he failed us. It's time to make America great again and we will all benefit from that.
Jingo-ism... platitudes and broad, sweeping generalities without substance... policies "T(o) B(e) D(etermined)...

TBD... the Heart of the Trump Campaign... "trust me"...
Rick Snyder is the governor of Michigan. He didn't add cops to Detroit he cut back! Republicans talk but don't walk the walk.

Don't blame liberals because Detroit elected a business friendly mayor who is not corrupt and he's doing a lot for Detroit. Republicans haven't done shit for Detroit.

They take money away from those who need it the most
Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 6.45.24 AM.png
Let's see if we can figure this out....

Trump loves black folks and wants the best for them.... OR
Trump is getting his ass kicked BIGGLY in the polls and he's
getting less then 1 % of the black vote so it's time to get some
of their support...
Do you actually think AA people are going to vote for this guy under any circumstances? They have a disgust for his kind of politics written right into their cultural DNA
Yes I do...you need to get out more.

Trump polls at about 2% with African-American voters ,, and if you think blacks are going to vote for Trump or republicans, you're delusional..What in the Hell would make you believe that bullshit?

1. you didn't listen to his speech. 2. what in the fuck have the libs done for blacks? lmfao.

No, Hell NO .. I didn't listen to the speech .. nor do I need to.

2. Democrats elected more African-Americans to the US Congress in 1970 then republicans have elected to Congress COLLECTIVELY since Reconstruction. Today, the President is black .. and democrats elect thousands of black legislators to office every two years.

3. When Hillary Clinton is elected, she will do something serious about the terrorism of police .. why? .. because she wants to get re-elected. Republicans don't even see the problem.

Your turn .. what the fuck have republicans done for black people since Reconstruction? Your party is virtually all white in the year 2016.
what the fuck have republicans done for black people since Reconstruction?

Well, in fairness, prior to Kennedy, the Democrats weren't a sane choice for blacks. Kennedy seemed like a good choice, to be sure for he promised to put civil rights on the front burner. From what I know about Jack Kennedy (admittedly secondhand via Mother who was a few years ahead of Jackie in school), however, were I to describe what he thought about blacks by paraphrasing Coco Chanel's words..."What do I think of blacks? I don't think of them." Somewhat sympathetic, yes, but only in the sense that blacks didn't figure in his life one way or the other so what was there to think.

The sad reality, at least as I understand it, is that if Jack was largely indifferent toward blacks, Johnson was an outright racist. To this day, Daddy will swear that the only reason Johnson pushed that bill through Congress was because it was "on the table" and he didn't care for the political optics of losing the vote on it. That and his figuring that if he tossed a few "bones" the "n*ggers'" way, they'd calm down and nobody would have deal with them in earnest for a decade or more and it'd pretty well ensure Democrats the black vote.

I'm inclined to believe my father, but I also can see that Johnson's chicanery has come to an end about in the 1990s. Consequently, while I see the extant history that gives rise to Republican's claims about Democrats' deceitfulness, it's hard, nigh impossible, to see it as being the current nature of the Democratic party. It's all the more difficult to see Trump as being racially neutral or positively feeling about minorities, and blacks in particular.

While I come from a somewhat fancy and old white family, unlike Trump, there are 30+ or so black folks who've known me for years on end -- from the children whom I played with to our housekeepers' and cooks kids who were also my boyhood friends to the kids whom I have mentored over the past ~30 years and so on -- who, were I running for office, would gladly regale voters will story after story depicting how I'm not cut of the same racial cloth as my father. My own father and mother even would make a point of sharing that they made a point not to teach their biases to me. There are white folks who'll also be happy to recount how taken aback they were when I rebuked them for things they said or did and that I considered racially biased and morally/ethically wrong. I haven't seen any folks from "way back when" stepping forward to tell of how Trump was and has long been different from most privileged white people of his day. Not one.

Whom I've heard attest to Trump's legitimacy as a non-bigot are Trump himself, and he's misrepresented key details and been wishy-washy about the approbation he's received from the likes of the KKK, David Duke and others of that ilk. I've heard his surrogates who've stood up for some of the most absurd crap the man utters also assert that he's racially neutral, yet given their willingness, in the face of some of his silliest remarks, to not display a high enough level of integrity to even grant so much as eccentricity to remarks that anyone with half a brain has to ask, "WTF?",...given that behavior, they aren't very believable when they attest to Trump's racial predisposition. Trump isn't all that believable on that point either.

Why aren't they believable? Well, quite honestly, because:
  • they are all white folks
  • the few who are black have short and limited histories with Trump
  • Trump hasn't accepted any invitation to address a major black organization
  • I can't think of one actively positive thing he's ever done on behalf of black folks
  • Trump's made multiple glib remarks that were he in any way sensitive to how blacks perceive white folks in power, he'd never have said, nor said them as he did...This one is a big deal. Even to my white ears, "the blacks" sounds so much like "the n*ggers" given the syntactical way he uses that phrase. Would it hurt him to say "the black people of ...?"
But all of that is what I think. More important, however, is what black folks think. In all my dealings with black people, the one theme that's come across plainly to me is that white folks are not to be trusted until they truly earn it. Just saying the right words with nothing more to back them up isn't going to cut it because above all else, black folks know their history is one that's forced them to be black people before they are just people and they know that most white folks have been conditioned to see them that way. That's something that I think is very hard to wrap one's head around as a white person. When I've gone, for example, to Indonesia, China, the UAE, Kenya, or Mexico, it doesn't even cross my mind that folks might notice that I'm white much less think something, anything, of it, or worse, feel or think something negative about it.

That's, from what I have gleaned, not at all the black experience, and certainly not in the U.S. And that is impossible to relate to as a white person -- Lord knows I've tried -- yet to genuinely gain a black person's trust, it's what one must overcome; it's like climbing a mountain and not knowing how far up the summit is. I don't know that I can call it fair, but I can understand why it is as it is.
Why are liberals and progressives so racist?
Jingo-ism... platitudes and broad, sweeping generalities without substance... policies "T(o) B(e) D(etermined)...

TBD... the Heart of the Trump Campaign... "trust me"...
So....you trust Hillary? Please! what has to happen to your life in order for you to see the damage to our economy the democrats have done? Obama said in 2008 "give me a trillion dollars and we will rebuild our infrastructure". Instead of doing what he promised he gave the money to the public sector unions to keep them from losing their jobs. Now Hillary is promising the same things almost word for word. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.
Rick Snyder is the governor of Michigan. He didn't add cops to Detroit he cut back! Republicans talk but don't walk the walk.

Silly Bonobo, the Governor doesn't "add" or "cut back" cops in Detriot, the MAYOR does, you fucking retard.

Don't blame liberals because Detroit elected a business friendly mayor who is not corrupt and he's doing a lot for Detroit. Republicans haven't done shit for Detroit.

They take money away from those who need it the most

Fucktard, the MAYOR is the boss of a city.
Rick Snyder is the governor of Michigan. He didn't add cops to Detroit he cut back! Republicans talk but don't walk the walk.

Don't blame liberals because Detroit elected a business friendly mayor who is not corrupt and he's doing a lot for Detroit. Republicans haven't done shit for Detroit.

They take money away from those who need it the most

Rick Synder isn't the MAYOR of Detroit, you lying fucktard.

democrat Mike Duggan is, shit fer brains. ONLY he can determine the hiring policy of the city.
what the fuck have republicans done for black people since Reconstruction?

Well, in fairness, prior to Kennedy, the Democrats weren't a sane choice for blacks. Kennedy seemed like a good choice, to be sure for he promised to put civil rights on the front burner. From what I know about Jack Kennedy (admittedly secondhand via Mother who was a few years ahead of Jackie in school), however, were I to describe what he thought about blacks by paraphrasing Coco Chanel's words..."What do I think of blacks? I don't think of them." Somewhat sympathetic, yes, but only in the sense that blacks didn't figure in his life one way or the other so what was there to think.

The sad reality, at least as I understand it, is that if Jack was largely indifferent toward blacks, Johnson was an outright racist. To this day, Daddy will swear that the only reason Johnson pushed that bill through Congress was because it was "on the table" and he didn't care for the political optics of losing the vote on it. That and his figuring that if he tossed a few "bones" the "n*ggers'" way, they'd calm down and nobody would have deal with them in earnest for a decade or more and it'd pretty well ensure Democrats the black vote.

I'm inclined to believe my father, but I also can see that Johnson's chicanery has come to an end about in the 1990s. Consequently, while I see the extant history that gives rise to Republican's claims about Democrats' deceitfulness, it's hard, nigh impossible, to see it as being the current nature of the Democratic party. It's all the more difficult to see Trump as being racially neutral or positively feeling about minorities, and blacks in particular.

While I come from a somewhat fancy and old white family, unlike Trump, there are 30+ or so black folks who've known me for years on end -- from the children whom I played with to our housekeepers' and cooks kids who were also my boyhood friends to the kids whom I have mentored over the past ~30 years and so on -- who, were I running for office, would gladly regale voters will story after story depicting how I'm not cut of the same racial cloth as my father. My own father and mother even would make a point of sharing that they made a point not to teach their biases to me. There are white folks who'll also be happy to recount how taken aback they were when I rebuked them for things they said or did and that I considered racially biased and morally/ethically wrong. I haven't seen any folks from "way back when" stepping forward to tell of how Trump was and has long been different from most privileged white people of his day. Not one.

Whom I've heard attest to Trump's legitimacy as a non-bigot are Trump himself, and he's misrepresented key details and been wishy-washy about the approbation he's received from the likes of the KKK, David Duke and others of that ilk. I've heard his surrogates who've stood up for some of the most absurd crap the man utters also assert that he's racially neutral, yet given their willingness, in the face of some of his silliest remarks, to not display a high enough level of integrity to even grant so much as eccentricity to remarks that anyone with half a brain has to ask, "WTF?",...given that behavior, they aren't very believable when they attest to Trump's racial predisposition. Trump isn't all that believable on that point either.

Why aren't they believable? Well, quite honestly, because:
  • they are all white folks
  • the few who are black have short and limited histories with Trump
  • Trump hasn't accepted any invitation to address a major black organization
  • I can't think of one actively positive thing he's ever done on behalf of black folks
  • Trump's made multiple glib remarks that were he in any way sensitive to how blacks perceive white folks in power, he'd never have said, nor said them as he did...This one is a big deal. Even to my white ears, "the blacks" sounds so much like "the n*ggers" given the syntactical way he uses that phrase. Would it hurt him to say "the black people of ...?"
But all of that is what I think. More important, however, is what black folks think. In all my dealings with black people, the one theme that's come across plainly to me is that white folks are not to be trusted until they truly earn it. Just saying the right words with nothing more to back them up isn't going to cut it because above all else, black folks know their history is one that's forced them to be black people before they are just people and they know that most white folks have been conditioned to see them that way. That's something that I think is very hard to wrap one's head around as a white person. When I've gone, for example, to Indonesia, China, the UAE, Kenya, or Mexico, it doesn't even cross my mind that folks might notice that I'm white much less think something, anything, of it, or worse, feel or think something negative about it.

That's, from what I have gleaned, not at all the black experience, and certainly not in the U.S. And that is impossible to relate to as a white person -- Lord knows I've tried -- yet to genuinely gain a black person's trust, it's what one must overcome; it's like climbing a mountain and not knowing how far up the summit is. I don't know that I can call it fair, but I can understand why it is as it is.

Lying again, huh? :thup:
Listening to Trump's speech in Wisconsin right now. I hear him talking about what's wrong, what's transpired, how he assesses those events and phenomena, what someone else is doing, and so on with regard to black folks. I await so much as the first proposal or assertion about what he will do that is different. His trend is to never identify how he'll achieve any of his stated objectives. I expect that will be what he does again.

  • Trump says in this speech which seems targeted at black folks:
    • "I will secure our borders...yatta, yatta, yatta..."
    • I'm going to renegotiate NAFTA, strand up to China, protect every last American job."
    • I'm going to give a massive tax cut to every worker, bring thousands of jobs and make it hard for companies to leave the U.S.
That's all great. How? In implementing policy to achieve those goals, what will change for black folks? That's what I want to know. I think that's what anyone with any sense and who is open to considering whether to vote for Trump over someone else, would want to know.

I'm sick and tired of hearing Trump tell me about what's been and the other folks who are running. Everyone running has the same goals: make everything better than it is now. Those are the same stated goals, one way or another, of every political candidate who's run for anything in the past century. I want to know what he's going to do and how; telling me that would be doing something different from what every other candidate has done.

It's worth noting, BTW, that the speech is heavily targeted to black voters/citizens. One member of the audience in the room listening to the speech, a white woman, remarked how it's strange that Trump chose to deliver his exhortation to black folks in a room comprised of 1% or fewer black people and that Milwaukee would have been a much more logical choice for delivering this speech. Of course, by the same token, it's easy to talk about a community of people when that community of people aren't by and large present to respond in person and real time on national television to one's words.

You know what other places it'd make sense to deliver this speech? Before any of the three organizations that I know of as having invited Trump to address them: NAACP, Urban League, or the NABJ.

I haven't seen an economy that has improved and helped the black community under the leadership of President Obama, even while they had Nancy Pelosi as Speaker and Harry Reed as Senate Majority Leader. Those who have seen their "Hope and Change" pass them by over the last 8 years, those African Americans who would like order restored to their community of violent rioters and business arsonists, those who would like the parents to have a choice in the kind of education their kids receive as opposed to union organizers getting rich at their expense (especially when public schools would rather seek to lower student test standards than live up to them as a need for improvement), probably can identify with what Trump is saying. The democrats do take the African American for granted, while I don't see improvements to their ability to receive better jobs and a better economy they can feel included in, as opposed to feeling left behind. Statistics don't look good in a comparison to other races with the same opportunity.

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