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Trump: Almost an act of Treason

It's the difference between a scandal and a conspiracy.

Trump Foundation is a scandal. It's an illegal foundation that was shut down for breaking multiple laws. With ongoing investigations. And it was only a single reporter that investigated it. Just a single reporter, David Fahrenthold, did the investigation. And made all those discoveries. See? Scandals are charges and convictions.

The Clinton Foundation, with all it's financials on line, has been investigated by the FBI, the CIA and several congressional investigations using unlimited taxpayer money and couldn't find anything wrong. No charge. No convictions. We call that a conspiracy.

No one wanted to look at Trump. Everyone wanted to look at Clinton. So according to Republicans that makes Mrs. Clinton guilty of something. But because of that single reporter, Trump is covered in scandal to this day, no one is looking at. But Mrs. Clinton is covered in conspiracy because no one can find a scandal.

I would rather have someone who has been targeted with conspiracy rather than someone guilty of a scandal.
Hitlery lost! Deal with it.
Don't you want to know if a foreign power is interfering with our Democratic Process? Either you want to know our country is being protected or you are a drooling idiot tard. No in betweens here.

Well of course foreign powers attempt to interfere in our elections. They always have. They always will. You are aware that we do the same thing in return don't you? Ever heard of regime change? You guys act like this is something new and unheard of. Political espionage is as old as recorded history.
Fallacy of false equivalency. The more evidence that arises showing the Russians interfering on Trump's side, the more the weight piles up to slide the guy on out of office. Since is pissing of the intel agencies, that weight will pile up even more quickly.
No, it is not silly.

Yes it is.

I have concerns about Trump, but to say that he is a Manchurian Candidate who will never go against Russia, even at America's expense, is retarded.
To late. We are already seeing it. With his attack on our many intelligence agencies calling them ridiculous. Those are the people whose support he needs to defend the country. Duh!

Yes, Trump is being an idiot attacking the CIA.

But your OP is still ridiculous.
Because Russia is not a threat and our intel agencies are ridiculous.

Got it!

Yeah Russia is a threat to the united states the most corrupt nation in the country because they are not going to let our corrupt government take over their country and rule them as they are with so many other countries.sad but true,the last part anyways.
Remember when Republicans attacked Obama for only attending intel briefings 44% of the time. The rest of the time, he would read them. They called him the golfing president even when he golfed less than presidents before him.

Remember this quote by Dick Cheney:

"If President Obama were participating in his intelligence briefings on a regular basis then perhaps he would understand why people are so offended at his efforts to take sole credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden."

This is what Trump says:

"You know, I'm, like, a smart person," Trump told "Fox News Sunday." "I don't have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years. Could be eight years — but eight years. I don't need that. But I do say, 'If something should change, let us know.'"

He only goes one time a week.

"You know, I'm, like, a smart person," Trump said in his best Valley Girl.

Golfed less than other presidents......that's funny.:badgrin:
Can you say politicized DOJ?

There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

Don't you think if there was anything, anything at all, that the Republican Party would have been screaming from the rooftops about the so-called politicized DOJ? Heaven knows they were pissed enough that Ken Starr found nothing.

You must have been wearing ear plugs for the last 8 years.

I sure as hell wasn't wearing blinders, like you have been.

You keep going on and on about the emails, completely ignoring that email is not used to transmit highly sensitive classified information, ever, because EMAIL IS NOT A SECURE FORM OF COMMUNICATION. This is why such information is never shared via email, and it's the real reason why Hillary is not being charged with anything regarding her emails. It's also why the email scandal was really a non-scandal.

4 years and 7 Republican investigations into Benghazi found nothing. The found the same nothing the first time that they found the last time. While purporting to seek the truth, they actually used the opportunity to lie about Mrs. Clinton in front of TV cameras, month in and month out. Spend about a week saying she did nothing wrong, and then another 6 months of telling the same lies about her that had just been proven to be lies in the last investigation. I don't think I've ever seen Republicans ever work harder to falsely vilify and discredit anyone, like I have Hillary Clinton.

When Hillary Clinton first announced she was running, I made that same "Why her? Anybody but her" face people make, and then I wondered why I was reacting this way. What was this belief based on? I started to investigate the reasons why I disliked Hillary, and what I discovered was the truth behind the lies Republicans have consistently used over the years to discredit Mr. and Mrs. Clinton.

All of the reasons I disliked and mistrusted Hillary Clinton were based on the lies and smears of Republicans. Every single one. And when I investigated the stories, in all cases, it was Republican lying about the Clintons. The villification of Bill Clinton as a rapist is heinous. He may have trouble keeping it in his pants, but there is no evidence he's a rapist.

American politics have become so disgraceful that the rest of the world is by turns laughing, and utterly appalled. The rest of the world wouldn't care about the election of your orange fuhrer, if American politics didn't impact on the rest of the world to our detriment.

Candidates lie unchallenged. They accuse their opponents of outrageous acts, all of which is protected by your right of free speech. But you've now arrived at a point where half of those casting their ballots are saying that it's because the other candidate is a liar, except that their client lies more than than the one they're calling a liar.

The MSM ignored Trumps lies throughout the first 6 months of the campaign. Not one reporter challenged his thin grasp of reality. Once he became the candidate, they bent over backwards to show his candidacy in a good light, and then freaked when he went rogue and continued to be an asshole.

I know you're a Trump fan, but the guy really is a con artist. I've been watching him since he was a young man and he as dishonest as they come.

It's very difficult to be an honest man in the world of building skyscrapers and mega projects. Having worked in the legal end of commercial development and construction, there is no industry more corrupt. Kickbacks and payoffs are a way of life. They are the only grease to the skids. The deals involved are incredibly complex, often involving multiple levels of government, and changes in basic municipal infrastructure. Delays in obtaining one municipal approval along the way can delay a project up to 6 months, and every month is money lost.
Frequently, developers run out of money along the way. This happens with nearly all of your President-elect's big projects. At that point, they have to take on partners, or sell out completely. Bigger developers will often scoop these buildings up because they can cut a year or more off the time it takes to get the building to market, and that can mean many big cash outlays for carrying costs, surveying, re-zoning and other development costs have already been paid.

It took 8 years from the time Trump announced the Trump Hotel in Toronto, until construction began, and another two years for it to be completed. Carolyn Bessette's photo, or someone who looked just like her, was on the sales centre sign which announced the hotel. Bessette died in July of 1999, but her photo remained there until ground was broken in 2007.

Trump has always opted to take on partners, in some cases keeping a small stake, and negotiate his name to remain on the building, so that it looks like he has a huge empire, but he doesn't. In the case of the Trump Hotel in Toronto, which recently declared bankruptcy, Trump owns a very small stake in the building. It's owned by Russians. operating a private company out of Markham Ontario. Trump just ran the hotel for him. This is now 7 Trump bankruptcies and counting.

Developers pay kickbacks to politicians to get the zoning and municipal approvals they need, in a timely way. Contractors expect kickbacks from subtrades for big projects, because they have their pick of subs and the subs should be grateful to get the work. Mega construction is so fraught with "creative bookkeeping" to cover up these bribe schemes, it's impossible to determine who are the bigger crooks.

This is why con men like Trump can thrive, that and his leveraged bankruptcy scheme. There really is no con artist quite like Trump.
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Remember when Republicans attacked Obama for only attending intel briefings 44% of the time. The rest of the time, he would read them. They called him the golfing president even when he golfed less than presidents before him.

Remember this quote by Dick Cheney:

"If President Obama were participating in his intelligence briefings on a regular basis then perhaps he would understand why people are so offended at his efforts to take sole credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden."

This is what Trump says:

"You know, I'm, like, a smart person," Trump told "Fox News Sunday." "I don't have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years. Could be eight years — but eight years. I don't need that. But I do say, 'If something should change, let us know.'"

He only goes one time a week.

"You know, I'm, like, a smart person," Trump said in his best Valley Girl.

Golfed less than other presidents......that's funny.:badgrin:

Attacking Obama for golfing was funny: just stupid.
I never said Trump wasn't a shady character. Can you bring yourself to saying the same of Hillary?
It's the difference between a scandal and a conspiracy.

Trump Foundation is a scandal. It's an illegal foundation that was shut down for breaking multiple laws. With ongoing investigations. And it was only a single reporter that investigated it. Just a single reporter, David Fahrenthold, did the investigation. And made all those discoveries. See? Scandals are charges and convictions.

The Clinton Foundation, with all it's financials on line, has been investigated by the FBI, the CIA and several congressional investigations using unlimited taxpayer money and couldn't find anything wrong. No charge. No convictions. We call that a conspiracy.

No one wanted to look at Trump. Everyone wanted to look at Clinton. So according to Republicans that makes Mrs. Clinton guilty of something. But because of that single reporter, Trump is covered in scandal to this day, no one is looking at. But Mrs. Clinton is covered in conspiracy because no one can find a scandal.

I would rather have someone who has been targeted with conspiracy rather than someone guilty of a scandal.
Hitlery lost! Deal with it.
Don't you want to know if a foreign power is interfering with our Democratic Process? Either you want to know our country is being protected or you are a drooling idiot tard. No in betweens here.

Well of course foreign powers attempt to interfere in our elections. They always have. They always will. You are aware that we do the same thing in return don't you? Ever heard of regime change? You guys act like this is something new and unheard of. Political espionage is as old as recorded history.
Fallacy of false equivalency. The more evidence that arises showing the Russians interfering on Trump's side, the more the weight piles up to slide the guy on out of office. Since is pissing of the intel agencies, that weight will pile up even more quickly.
you have that evidence? ew, ew, ew, post it up share it with us all.
Can you say politicized DOJ?

There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

Don't you think if there was anything, anything at all, that the Republican Party would have been screaming from the rooftops about the so-called politicized DOJ? Heaven knows they were pissed enough that Ken Starr found nothing.

Kenneth Starr, Who Tried to Bury Bill Clinton, Now Only Praises Him

He called Mr. Clinton “the most gifted politician of the baby boomer generation.”

“His genuine empathy for human beings is absolutely clear,” Mr. Starr said. “It is powerful, it is palpable, and the folks of Arkansas really understood that about him — that he genuinely cared. The ‘I feel your pain’ is absolutely genuine.”

After the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, some of his associates expressed regret that so much of the Clinton administration’s efforts had been spent fighting those battles rather than addressing the growing threat posed by Osama bin Laden. And in 2010, Mr. Starr told Fox News that he regretted that his investigation of Mr. Clinton had taken so long and that it “brought great pain to a lot of people.”

But it was Mr. Starr’s keening over the coarsening and polarization of American politics that seemed most noteworthy. He did not volunteer any responsibility for it — though Mr. Clinton, who in 2006 accused Mr. Starr of “indicting innocent people because they wouldn’t lie,” might well lay considerable blame at his feet.


Of course, Republicans have different rules.
The illegal Trump Foundation.
The racism.
The lies.
Stiffing workers.
Help from Russia and the FBI.
Boasting about sexual assault.
Republicans have zero problem with these Trump actions.
And no problems with endless investigations of the Clintons or any Democrat.

he genuinely cared. The ‘I feel your pain’ is absolutely genuine.”

Except for women he abused. And anyone he and Hillary felt they had to smear.
Monica's relationship was consensual. In fact, she said she initiated it.

Trump boasts he grabs pu$$y and thinks about "dating" his daughter.

Different levels.

Besides, Bill wasn't even running.

And Trump is the GOP's role model for their children. The party is sick, sick, sick.

Monica's relationship was consensual. In fact, she said she initiated it.

What does Monica have to do with the women he abused?

What women he abused? All have denied he abused them Paul Jones accused him of threatening her job and her husband's job, after she refused to have sex with him, and those allegations were tossed out of court with prejudice, meaning she could never refile, and she had to pay Clinton's legal fees, as well. The Republican law firm which prosecuted the case responded by appealing the dismissal leading Clinton to settle so he could focus on the pending Impeachment.

Juanita Broaderick was married to one man while having an affair with another when she and Bill Clinton hooked up. Though she told family and friends at the time that Clinton "raped" her, the story may have been to cover up her cheating on both partners. We do know that when Republicans came knocking during the Paul Jones trial, she swore an Affidavit to the effect that Bill Clinton did not rape her, and that this story was an invention of the popular press. She also worked as a volunteer for the Clinton Gubernatorial campaign and his 1st Presidential campaign. I sure as hell wouldn't help someone who had violently raped me get elected dog catcher, much less governor or President. She could have come forward when Gennifer Flowers was outed as his mistress, but she didn't. There isn't a single creditable reason to believe Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick, or anyone else for that matter.
There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

Don't you think if there was anything, anything at all, that the Republican Party would have been screaming from the rooftops about the so-called politicized DOJ? Heaven knows they were pissed enough that Ken Starr found nothing.

Kenneth Starr, Who Tried to Bury Bill Clinton, Now Only Praises Him

He called Mr. Clinton “the most gifted politician of the baby boomer generation.”

“His genuine empathy for human beings is absolutely clear,” Mr. Starr said. “It is powerful, it is palpable, and the folks of Arkansas really understood that about him — that he genuinely cared. The ‘I feel your pain’ is absolutely genuine.”

After the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, some of his associates expressed regret that so much of the Clinton administration’s efforts had been spent fighting those battles rather than addressing the growing threat posed by Osama bin Laden. And in 2010, Mr. Starr told Fox News that he regretted that his investigation of Mr. Clinton had taken so long and that it “brought great pain to a lot of people.”

But it was Mr. Starr’s keening over the coarsening and polarization of American politics that seemed most noteworthy. He did not volunteer any responsibility for it — though Mr. Clinton, who in 2006 accused Mr. Starr of “indicting innocent people because they wouldn’t lie,” might well lay considerable blame at his feet.


Of course, Republicans have different rules.
The illegal Trump Foundation.
The racism.
The lies.
Stiffing workers.
Help from Russia and the FBI.
Boasting about sexual assault.
Republicans have zero problem with these Trump actions.
And no problems with endless investigations of the Clintons or any Democrat.

he genuinely cared. The ‘I feel your pain’ is absolutely genuine.”

Except for women he abused. And anyone he and Hillary felt they had to smear.
Monica's relationship was consensual. In fact, she said she initiated it.

Trump boasts he grabs pu$$y and thinks about "dating" his daughter.

Different levels.

Besides, Bill wasn't even running.

And Trump is the GOP's role model for their children. The party is sick, sick, sick.

Monica's relationship was consensual. In fact, she said she initiated it.

What does Monica have to do with the women he abused?

What women he abused? All have denied he abused them Paul Jones accused him of threatening her job and her husband's job, after she refused to have sex with him, and those allegations were tossed out of court with prejudice, meaning she could never refile, and she had to pay Clinton's legal fees, as well. The Republican law firm which prosecuted the case responded by appealing the dismissal leading Clinton to settle so he could focus on the pending Impeachment.

Juanita Broaderick was married to one man while having an affair with another when she and Bill Clinton hooked up. Though she told family and friends at the time that Clinton "raped" her, the story may have been to cover up her cheating on both partners. We do know that when Republicans came knocking during the Paul Jones trial, she swore an Affidavit to the effect that Bill Clinton did not rape her, and that this story was an invention of the popular press. She also worked as a volunteer for the Clinton Gubernatorial campaign and his 1st Presidential campaign. I sure as hell wouldn't help someone who had violently raped me get elected dog catcher, much less governor or President. She could have come forward when Gennifer Flowers was outed as his mistress, but she didn't. There isn't a single creditable reason to believe Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick, or anyone else for that matter.
you should go read the secret service reports of how often clinton was with other women. Holy crap I nearly drove off the road as I was listening to the numbers. hundreds of women. They had to be there for them all. Two of them have a book out about it. You should educate yourself on the womanizer prez!!!!
Remember when Republicans attacked Obama for only attending intel briefings 44% of the time. The rest of the time, he would read them. They called him the golfing president even when he golfed less than presidents before him.

Remember this quote by Dick Cheney:

"If President Obama were participating in his intelligence briefings on a regular basis then perhaps he would understand why people are so offended at his efforts to take sole credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden."

This is what Trump says:

"You know, I'm, like, a smart person," Trump told "Fox News Sunday." "I don't have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years. Could be eight years — but eight years. I don't need that. But I do say, 'If something should change, let us know.'"

He only goes one time a week.

"You know, I'm, like, a smart person," Trump said in his best Valley Girl.

Golfed less than other presidents......that's funny.:badgrin:

Attacking Obama for golfing was funny: just stupid.


Obama doesn't work. He golfs, he trades jerseys, he gives out awards, he fundraises, and he campaigns. He doesn't do his job.
There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

Don't you think if there was anything, anything at all, that the Republican Party would have been screaming from the rooftops about the so-called politicized DOJ? Heaven knows they were pissed enough that Ken Starr found nothing.

Kenneth Starr, Who Tried to Bury Bill Clinton, Now Only Praises Him

He called Mr. Clinton “the most gifted politician of the baby boomer generation.”

“His genuine empathy for human beings is absolutely clear,” Mr. Starr said. “It is powerful, it is palpable, and the folks of Arkansas really understood that about him — that he genuinely cared. The ‘I feel your pain’ is absolutely genuine.”

After the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, some of his associates expressed regret that so much of the Clinton administration’s efforts had been spent fighting those battles rather than addressing the growing threat posed by Osama bin Laden. And in 2010, Mr. Starr told Fox News that he regretted that his investigation of Mr. Clinton had taken so long and that it “brought great pain to a lot of people.”

But it was Mr. Starr’s keening over the coarsening and polarization of American politics that seemed most noteworthy. He did not volunteer any responsibility for it — though Mr. Clinton, who in 2006 accused Mr. Starr of “indicting innocent people because they wouldn’t lie,” might well lay considerable blame at his feet.


Of course, Republicans have different rules.
The illegal Trump Foundation.
The racism.
The lies.
Stiffing workers.
Help from Russia and the FBI.
Boasting about sexual assault.
Republicans have zero problem with these Trump actions.
And no problems with endless investigations of the Clintons or any Democrat.

he genuinely cared. The ‘I feel your pain’ is absolutely genuine.”

Except for women he abused. And anyone he and Hillary felt they had to smear.
Monica's relationship was consensual. In fact, she said she initiated it.

Trump boasts he grabs pu$$y and thinks about "dating" his daughter.

Different levels.

Besides, Bill wasn't even running.

And Trump is the GOP's role model for their children. The party is sick, sick, sick.

Monica's relationship was consensual. In fact, she said she initiated it.

What does Monica have to do with the women he abused?

What women he abused? All have denied he abused them Paul Jones accused him of threatening her job and her husband's job, after she refused to have sex with him, and those allegations were tossed out of court with prejudice, meaning she could never refile, and she had to pay Clinton's legal fees, as well. The Republican law firm which prosecuted the case responded by appealing the dismissal leading Clinton to settle so he could focus on the pending Impeachment.

Juanita Broaderick was married to one man while having an affair with another when she and Bill Clinton hooked up. Though she told family and friends at the time that Clinton "raped" her, the story may have been to cover up her cheating on both partners. We do know that when Republicans came knocking during the Paul Jones trial, she swore an Affidavit to the effect that Bill Clinton did not rape her, and that this story was an invention of the popular press. She also worked as a volunteer for the Clinton Gubernatorial campaign and his 1st Presidential campaign. I sure as hell wouldn't help someone who had violently raped me get elected dog catcher, much less governor or President. She could have come forward when Gennifer Flowers was outed as his mistress, but she didn't. There isn't a single creditable reason to believe Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick, or anyone else for that matter.

Paul Jones accused him of threatening her job and her husband's job, after she refused to have sex with him, and those allegations were tossed out of court with prejudice, meaning she could never refile, and she had to pay Clinton's legal fees, as well.

And we all remember, he was impeached, disbarred and paid her almost $1 million.
you should go read the secret service reports of how often clinton was with other women. Holy crap I nearly drove off the road as I was listening to the numbers. hundreds of women. They had to be there for them all. Two of them have a book out about it. You should educate yourself on the womanizer prez!!!!

There is no doubt that Bill Clinton is a low down womanizing son-of-a-bitch, and I sure as hell would not want to be married to or involved with him since I have an aversion to womanizers, but every evidence suggests that he had no shortage of willing partners, and took "no" for an answer with aplomb.

I don't judge a person's job performance on how many sex partners they have, providing everyone one involved is an adult and knew what they were doing. There is a lot of evidence that among political groupies, bagging Bill Clinton was akin to music groupies sleeping with Mick Jaggar. Not to my taste either of them, but I'm not a groupie.
Paul Jones accused him of threatening her job and her husband's job, after she refused to have sex with him, and those allegations were tossed out of court with prejudice, meaning she could never refile, and she had to pay Clinton's legal fees, as well.

And we all remember, he was impeached, disbarred and paid her almost $1 million.

Precisely. Also forgotten is that Jones didn't even want to sue Clinton, she wanted an apology from the guy who wrote the story that said someone named "Paula" who worked for the state, and had a state trooper husband gave Clinton a blow job when he was the State AG. A Republican publicist from California tracked her down, signed her up and took her to meet the RNC.

Suddenly Mrs. Jones is suing Clinton for "sexual harassment" and she begins a four year journey into infamy, with a Republican law firm representing her.

Of the $850,000 settlement paid, only $200,000 went to Jones and her husband. The balance went to the Republican law firm that represented her. Jones got $50,000 a year for her trouble, a make-over, a new wardrobe, and some cosmetic dentistry.

Bill Clinton may not have raped Paula Jones, but the Republican Party used her like a piece of meat to go after Bill Clinton.
you should go read the secret service reports of how often clinton was with other women. Holy crap I nearly drove off the road as I was listening to the numbers. hundreds of women. They had to be there for them all. Two of them have a book out about it. You should educate yourself on the womanizer prez!!!!

There is no doubt that Bill Clinton is a low down womanizing son-of-a-bitch, and I sure as hell would not want to be married to or involved with him since I have an aversion to womanizers, but every evidence suggests that he had no shortage of willing partners, and took "no" for an answer with aplomb.

I don't judge a person's job performance on how many sex partners they have, providing everyone one involved is an adult and knew what they were doing. There is a lot of evidence that among political groupies, bagging Bill Clinton was akin to music groupies sleeping with Mick Jaggar. Not to my taste either of them, but I'm not a groupie.
yep and your candidate allowed that to happen. disgraceful, if I was a woman or a child I'd find her offensive. Oh, I already do.
Paul Jones accused him of threatening her job and her husband's job, after she refused to have sex with him, and those allegations were tossed out of court with prejudice, meaning she could never refile, and she had to pay Clinton's legal fees, as well.

And we all remember, he was impeached, disbarred and paid her almost $1 million.

Precisely. Also forgotten is that Jones didn't even want to sue Clinton, she wanted an apology from the guy who wrote the story that said someone named "Paula" who worked for the state, and had a state trooper husband gave Clinton a blow job when he was the State AG. A Republican publicist from California tracked her down, signed her up and took her to meet the RNC.

Suddenly Mrs. Jones is suing Clinton for "sexual harassment" and she begins a four year journey into infamy, with a Republican law firm representing her.

Of the $850,000 settlement paid, only $200,000 went to Jones and her husband. The balance went to the Republican law firm that represented her. Jones got $50,000 a year for her trouble, a make-over, a new wardrobe, and some cosmetic dentistry.

Bill Clinton may not have raped Paula Jones, but the Republican Party used her like a piece of meat to go after Bill Clinton.
why would she state it then?
Can you say politicized DOJ?

There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

Don't you think if there was anything, anything at all, that the Republican Party would have been screaming from the rooftops about the so-called politicized DOJ? Heaven knows they were pissed enough that Ken Starr found nothing.

You must have been wearing ear plugs for the last 8 years.

I sure as hell wasn't wearing blinders, like you have been.

You keep going on and on about the emails, completely ignoring that email is not used to transmit highly sensitive classified information, ever, because EMAIL IS NOT A SECURE FORM OF COMMUNICATION. This is why such information is never shared via email, and it's the real reason why Hillary is not being charged with anything regarding her emails. It's also why the email scandal was really a non-scandal.

4 years and 7 Republican investigations into Benghazi found nothing. The found the same nothing the first time that they found the last time. While purporting to seek the truth, they actually used the opportunity to lie about Mrs. Clinton in front of TV cameras, month in and month out. Spend about a week saying she did nothing wrong, and then another 6 months of telling the same lies about her that had just been proven to be lies in the last investigation. I don't think I've ever seen Republicans ever work harder to falsely vilify and discredit anyone, like I have Hillary Clinton.

When Hillary Clinton first announced she was running, I made that same "Why her? Anybody but her" face people make, and then I wondered why I was reacting this way. What was this belief based on? I started to investigate the reasons why I disliked Hillary, and what I discovered was the truth behind the lies Republicans have consistently used over the years to discredit Mr. and Mrs. Clinton.

All of the reasons I disliked and mistrusted Hillary Clinton were based on the lies and smears of Republicans. Every single one. And when I investigated the stories, in all cases, it was Republican lying about the Clintons. The villification of Bill Clinton as a rapist is heinous. He may have trouble keeping it in his pants, but there is no evidence he's a rapist.

American politics have become so disgraceful that the rest of the world is by turns laughing, and utterly appalled. The rest of the world wouldn't care about the election of your orange fuhrer, if American politics didn't impact on the rest of the world to our detriment.

Candidates lie unchallenged. They accuse their opponents of outrageous acts, all of which is protected by your right of free speech. But you've now arrived at a point where half of those casting their ballots are saying that it's because the other candidate is a liar, except that their client lies more than than the one they're calling a liar.

The MSM ignored Trumps lies throughout the first 6 months of the campaign. Not one reporter challenged his thin grasp of reality. Once he became the candidate, they bent over backwards to show his candidacy in a good light, and then freaked when he went rogue and continued to be an asshole.

I know you're a Trump fan, but the guy really is a con artist. I've been watching him since he was a young man and he as dishonest as they come.

It's very difficult to be an honest man in the world of building skyscrapers and mega projects. Having worked in the legal end of commercial development and construction, there is no industry more corrupt. Kickbacks and payoffs are a way of life. They are the only grease to the skids. The deals involved are incredibly complex, often involving multiple levels of government, and changes in basic municipal infrastructure. Delays in obtaining one municipal approval along the way can delay a project up to 6 months, and every month is money lost.
Frequently, developers run out of money along the way. This happens with nearly all of your President-elect's big projects. At that point, they have to take on partners, or sell out completely. Bigger developers will often scoop these buildings up because they can cut a year or more off the time it takes to get the building to market, and that can mean many big cash outlays for carrying costs, surveying, re-zoning and other development costs have already been paid.

It took 8 years from the time Trump announced the Trump Hotel in Toronto, until construction began, and another two years for it to be completed. Carolyn Bessette's photo, or someone who looked just like her, was on the sales centre sign which announced the hotel. Bessette died in July of 1999, but her photo remained there until ground was broken in 2007.

Trump has always opted to take on partners, in some cases keeping a small stake, and negotiate his name to remain on the building, so that it looks like he has a huge empire, but he doesn't. In the case of the Trump Hotel in Toronto, which recently declared bankruptcy, Trump owns a very small stake in the building. It's owned by Russians. operating a private company out of Markham Ontario. Trump just ran the hotel for him. This is now 7 Trump bankruptcies and counting.

Developers pay kickbacks to politicians to get the zoning and municipal approvals they need, in a timely way. Contractors expect kickbacks from subtrades for big projects, because they have their pick of subs and the subs should be grateful to get the work. Mega construction is so fraught with "creative bookkeeping" to cover up these bribe schemes, it's impossible to determine who are the bigger crooks.

This is why con men like Trump can thrive, that and his leveraged bankruptcy scheme. There really is no con artist quite like Trump.
ahhhhh, benghazi, my favorite topic. Clinton is going to jail, you watch.
Remember when Republicans attacked Obama for only attending intel briefings 44% of the time. The rest of the time, he would read them. They called him the golfing president even when he golfed less than presidents before him.

Remember this quote by Dick Cheney:

"If President Obama were participating in his intelligence briefings on a regular basis then perhaps he would understand why people are so offended at his efforts to take sole credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden."

This is what Trump says:

"You know, I'm, like, a smart person," Trump told "Fox News Sunday." "I don't have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years. Could be eight years — but eight years. I don't need that. But I do say, 'If something should change, let us know.'"

He only goes one time a week.

"You know, I'm, like, a smart person," Trump said in his best Valley Girl.

Golfed less than other presidents......that's funny.:badgrin:

Attacking Obama for golfing was funny: just stupid.


Obama doesn't work. He golfs, he trades jerseys, he gives out awards, he fundraises, and he campaigns. He doesn't do his job.

ask the military. Did you watch the army navy game when Trump walked down the aisle at the stadium? Standing O from everyone. Where was obummer?
yep and your candidate allowed that to happen. disgraceful, if I was a woman or a child I'd find her offensive. Oh, I already do.

You've never been married to a womanizing husband. I have, and it's no picnic. You don't have any say whatsoever in what happens between such a man and other women. None. You don't "allow" anything to happen. You either put up with it or you don't. There are no other options. I chose not to. I have friends who have made a different choice. Either can be valid. These are private matters, except for Monica. It is always wrong to screw the help.

One of the greatest Canadian Prime Ministers in our history used to hold seances to talk to his dead mother. He was still an outstanding Prime Minister.
yep and your candidate allowed that to happen. disgraceful, if I was a woman or a child I'd find her offensive. Oh, I already do.

You've never been married to a womanizing husband. I have, and it's no picnic. You don't have any say whatsoever in what happens between such a man and other women. None. You don't "allow" anything to happen. You either put up with it or you don't. There are no other options. I chose not to. I have friends who have made a different choice. Either can be valid. These are private matters, except for Monica. It is always wrong to screw the help.

One of the greatest Canadian Prime Ministers in our history used to hold seances to talk to his dead mother. He was still an outstanding Prime Minister.
your choice of man and your choice to hang around him. A woman with dignity would leave the scum and move to a better human male.

BTW, I had a sister who had one of them, and she divorced him and is remarried happily has two great kids who survived the divorce and now five grandkids. Wow, dignity is what you should want in your life.

BTW, you are an enabler.

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