trump Alters Map With Sharpie

Such a fuckin joke. Fuckwad Trump couldn’t just let it go and accept that HE made a mistake. Move on. Nope he’s gotta triple down and turn it into some bs controversy. This fuck blows my mind as do the rubes who prop him up.
His tweet came when the National Hurricane Center projected the part going as far as central Florida. Why the fuck would a president seek to scare the shit out of Americans who were never at risk?
Update on my post [thanks to edthecynic's posting the actual date and time when trump tweeted Alabama was at risk of getting hit by Dorian]

... I was wrong when I said the National Hurricane Center projected Dorian reaching central Florida when trump posted his tweet.

Here was the National Hurricane Center's projection when trump made that idiotic tweet...


... would ya look at that... trump was right! Alabama was directly in Dorian's path. :ack-1:
Exactly, and remember the pathological lying scum, Tramp, kept telling us how he was continually being updated on the hurricane even while he was on the golf course!

Trump had a staffer follow him around in a golf cart to give him updates on Hurricane Dorian at his Virginia golf course
Grace Panetta

Donald Trump plays a round of golf on the Trump Turnberry resort in South Ayrshire, where he and first lady Melania Trump are spending the weekend.
Jane Barlow/PA Images via Getty Images
But wait, it's getting even funnier as trump triples down on stupid by tweeting this...


... seems the Idiot-in-Chief thinks posting models from four days before he tweeted about Alabsma being in Dorian's path somehow makes him right when the actual storm's path didn't even have it hitting Florida when he made his initial moronic tweet.

It's truly mind-boggling how deep these rightards are willing to swallow for this guy. <smh>

Alright, my mistake... i was thinking Georgia for some reason here...but still, this seems like a pretty minor thing here. The whole region should have had it in their mind to prepare to some extent. What is wrong with Trump telling people to be cautious? I just dont get this outrage... I'm sorry. its just because its Trump.
It would have been minor and blown over had trump just let it go. But being the yuge narcissist he is who has to be the center of the media, he doubled down with a doctored weather map and then tripled down with another mindless tweet.

Ok, maybe Orange man bad on this one after all. Nobody is perfect, least of all Trump.
I saw a trajectory map early last week showing the storm heading strait through Florida and going into alabama.
He might have not been updated but he didn't just shit it out.
TDS is real.

The black line that included Alabama wasn't part of the original cone of uncertainty put out by the weather service. It was added to an existing chart with a Sharpie so Trump could cover his ass.
No, I get laughing at that idiot for showing that map. But people are taking the original story to far.
I figure he just wasnt updated. He should have just admitted it. But he acts like a 12 year old girl half the time so I dont expect different

If it was something like him using an old map and being updated from old information, I'd still have a problem with him using it as current information. Why? Because it's a FREAKING HURRICANE!!!! And, if old information is being used, it may make people feel like they can stay where they are at, because the hurricane won't hit them. What if the people in Charleston and Myrtle Beach saw that map and took it as gospel? They would be sitting in their houses, wondering why the storm surge is hitting them when Trump said it would be Alabama.

Sorry, but putting out old information in situations like this is just asking for people to ignore it and get caught in the storm and die.

When he put out the tweet, the storm was nowhere close to the US.

Let me ask you this simple question, please!

If the storm had already passed north of Florida and well on its way towards the Carolinas, why did Jacksonville still have an active hurricane warming through 1 am EDT? Did they think it was going to do a massive turn and head back to Florida?
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

He's a pathological liar and lies just for the sake of lying. He's one sick fuck. <smh>

I agree. That describes the OP perfectly!
Probably because the president can do it.

Yes he can, he can do whatever he wants and you will still worship him...he knows this.

When he said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and you sheep would still vote for him, he knew what he was talking about.
We don't worship him, but we thank the Almighty he won. If we had Madame President, America would be on the fast track to shit hole status.

Yet not even one single one of you can admit that him showing an altered map was at a minimum funny as hell. None of you can ever say a negative thing about him, it is truly as if you think that he turns the water to wine as he is walking on it.
How was it “altered”?
A rightard ^^^, driving his har on an expressway with his eyes closed. :badgrin:

His "har"?

It is a violation of federal law to falsify a National Weather Service forecast and pass it off as official, as President Trump did here.

18 U.S. Code § 2074



This guy is such a fucker. Who could be so stupid to follow this idiot who lies about everything constantly?

I heard that even among farmers when he was voted in 60% supported him and now that he’s ruining their lives and ruining their livelihoods 67% wants to vote for him.

It looks like he tried to draw a dick, but didn't have much to go on.

If you had been there, he could have used you as a model!
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

He's a pathological liar and lies just for the sake of lying. He's one sick fuck. <smh>

I agree. That describes the OP perfectly!

I don't care if the OP lies. It has no effect on my life. A pathological liar of a president, on the other hand...
Yes he can, he can do whatever he wants and you will still worship him...he knows this.

When he said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and you sheep would still vote for him, he knew what he was talking about.
We don't worship him, but we thank the Almighty he won. If we had Madame President, America would be on the fast track to shit hole status.

Yet not even one single one of you can admit that him showing an altered map was at a minimum funny as hell. None of you can ever say a negative thing about him, it is truly as if you think that he turns the water to wine as he is walking on it.
How was it “altered”?
A rightard ^^^, driving his har on an expressway with his eyes closed. :badgrin:

His "har"?

Ah, thanks for checking up on my spelling. If you want the job as my secretary, fill out an application.
We don't worship him, but we thank the Almighty he won. If we had Madame President, America would be on the fast track to shit hole status.

Yet not even one single one of you can admit that him showing an altered map was at a minimum funny as hell. None of you can ever say a negative thing about him, it is truly as if you think that he turns the water to wine as he is walking on it.
How was it “altered”?
A rightard ^^^, driving his har on an expressway with his eyes closed. :badgrin:

His "har"?

Ah, thanks for checking up on my spelling. If you want the job as my secretary, fill out an application.

No thanks! I don't give blowjobs to anyone not paying a 6-figure salary.
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

He's a pathological liar and lies just for the sake of lying. He's one sick fuck. <smh>

I agree. That describes the OP perfectly!

I don't care if the OP lies. It has no effect on my life. A pathological liar of a president, on the other hand...

He has no impact on your life either? In fact, he trolls you to get your blood pressure up. Perhaps you will do us all a favor and stroke out. Nah! I don't mean that. Without you, we would not be able to laugh at your hysteria.
Yet not even one single one of you can admit that him showing an altered map was at a minimum funny as hell. None of you can ever say a negative thing about him, it is truly as if you think that he turns the water to wine as he is walking on it.
How was it “altered”?
A rightard ^^^, driving his har on an expressway with his eyes closed. :badgrin:

His "har"?

Ah, thanks for checking up on my spelling. If you want the job as my secretary, fill out an application.

No thanks! I don't give blowjobs to anyone not paying a 6-figure salary.
I would never use my mouth for that. But with your mouth for sale, you might wanna put out an ad. Maybe you'll find a buyer.
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

He's a pathological liar and lies just for the sake of lying. He's one sick fuck. <smh>

I agree. That describes the OP perfectly!

I don't care if the OP lies. It has no effect on my life. A pathological liar of a president, on the other hand...

He has no impact on your life either? In fact, he trolls you to get your blood pressure up. Perhaps you will do us all a favor and stroke out. Nah! I don't mean that. Without you, we would not be able to laugh at your hysteria.

Of course he impacts my life. For example, he's spending my money to rebuild a wall for which he promised Mexico would pay.
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

Trump does not like Alabama for reasons unknown. Maybe he heard the old Georgia joke about Alabama, what is the best thing about Alabama? I-20 to get the fuck out.
Last edited:
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

WTF! Liberals are complete idiots. “Ohhhhh that Trump...he’s the Devil.” :206::102::206::102::206::102::206:
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

He's a pathological liar and lies just for the sake of lying. He's one sick fuck. <smh>

I agree. That describes the OP perfectly!

I don't care if the OP lies. It has no effect on my life. A pathological liar of a president, on the other hand...

He won the 2016 election because he tells the truth.
How was it “altered”?
A rightard ^^^, driving his har on an expressway with his eyes closed. :badgrin:

His "har"?

Ah, thanks for checking up on my spelling. If you want the job as my secretary, fill out an application.

No thanks! I don't give blowjobs to anyone not paying a 6-figure salary.
I would never use my mouth for that. But with your mouth for sale, you might wanna put out an ad. Maybe you'll find a buyer.
You couldn’t as it is still firmly attached to Obama’s asshole.
Yet not even one single one of you can admit that him showing an altered map was at a minimum funny as hell. None of you can ever say a negative thing about him, it is truly as if you think that he turns the water to wine as he is walking on it.
How was it “altered”?
A rightard ^^^, driving his har on an expressway with his eyes closed. :badgrin:

His "har"?

Ah, thanks for checking up on my spelling. If you want the job as my secretary, fill out an application.

No thanks! I don't give blowjobs to anyone not paying a 6-figure salary.

But you do have a price huh? :abgg2q.jpg:

Hey, you set yourself up for that one.
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

He's a pathological liar and lies just for the sake of lying. He's one sick fuck. <smh>

I agree. That describes the OP perfectly!

I don't care if the OP lies. It has no effect on my life. A pathological liar of a president, on the other hand...

He won the 2016 election because he tells the truth.


Saying Alabama was at risk from Dorian was fake news.


Now the forum sees with all the crying you do about fake news, turns out you really don't care about it.

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