trump Alters Map With Sharpie

This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.]

Oh God, don't you idiots ever run out of stupid shit to make up and dwell on? Now it's "news" because of a black line on a map? Is Trump the new head of weather data in the USA? Do you set your fucking watch by whatever time he says, too? Meantime, if the state HAD been hit, you'd be all over Trump for not being prepared for it. STFU and quit your whining.

once again you prove my prediction...

The best part of this will be watching his worshipers cover for him...yet once again.
So your plan is to moan and not offer a better candidate? Or can't you find a perfect candidate?

Its ok little buddy, nobody expects you to say a negative word about your god in the White House
How's this-Trump sucks-now you put your money where your mouth is and put your much better candidate out there so we see who YOU support!

You say that with such meaning, it must have caused you such pain to write that even when you did not believe it.

I do not yet know how I will support, the field is not yet set. So far only one candidate is known.
I like Jim Webb-who do you like or are you afraid to commit? Tell me who you think sucks on the DEMOCRAT side-or are you afraid of upsetting a girlfriend or tough guy at work? I make fun of libs partly because they are stupid and partly because they cost us money. what is your prime mover? love for illegals? abortions after birth? reparations? open borders? Where do you stand golfin gater?

By the way, is Jim Webb running for president?
Not since 2016-but if Hillary comes back, so can he
What is YOUR solution-or do you just watch?

My solution is to inform people about the insanity that is the duopoly and encourage them to vote 3rd party, especially on the local and state level. I volunteered on the campaigns of local libertarians to help get the word about that there is another option.

Sadly, due to people like you my efforts are mostly in vain, too many people are happy with the status quo.
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.]

Oh God, don't you idiots ever run out of stupid shit to make up and dwell on? Now it's "news" because of a black line on a map? Is Trump the new head of weather data in the USA? Do you set your fucking watch by whatever time he says, too? Meantime, if the state HAD been hit, you'd be all over Trump for not being prepared for it. STFU and quit your whining.
President Sharpie inserted himself as a weatherman giving an update on Hurricane status

His information was inaccurate. Rather than correcting himself to avoid unnecessary panic in Alabama, he insisted on being right and presented a doctored map to prove it
How was it “altered”?
Dems claim it was altered when it really wasn't. Another example of fake news by the Democrats.
Can you show other Official Weather Service maps done in Sharpie?
Who else writes EVERYTHING in Sharpie other than Trump?
Looks like the same sharpie he uses to sign his name.

Glad to see this is our biggest problem! If only other presidents were like this.
It is a violation of federal law to falsify a National Weather Service forecast and pass it off as official, as President Trump did here.

18 U.S. Code § 2074



This guy is such a fucker. Who could be so stupid to follow this idiot who lies about everything constantly?

I heard that even among farmers when he was voted in 60% supported him and now that he’s ruining their lives and ruining their livelihoods 67% wants to vote for him.
The map he showed was NOT NOAA, it was ECMWF
It is a violation of federal law to falsify a National Weather Service forecast and pass it off as official, as President Trump did here.

18 U.S. Code § 2074



This guy is such a fucker. Who could be so stupid to follow this idiot who lies about everything constantly?

I heard that even among farmers when he was voted in 60% supported him and now that he’s ruining their lives and ruining their livelihoods 67% wants to vote for him.
The map he showed was NOT NOAA, it was ECMWF
It literally says, "NOAA," on the top left corner. :eusa_doh:
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.]

Oh God, don't you idiots ever run out of stupid shit to make up and dwell on? Now it's "news" because of a black line on a map? Is Trump the new head of weather data in the USA? Do you set your fucking watch by whatever time he says, too? Meantime, if the state HAD been hit, you'd be all over Trump for not being prepared for it. STFU and quit your whining.
once again you prove my prediction...
The best part of this will be watching his worshipers cover for him...yet once again.

Once again you lived up to my expectations, taking a non-issue as national news yet making nothing of 10,000 blatant Obumma and Hilltard lies. You'd think Trump actually made the hurricane himself (well, actually, you kinda DO believe that!). :auiqs.jpg:
Last edited:
It is a violation of federal law to falsify a National Weather Service forecast and pass it off as official, as President Trump did here.

18 U.S. Code § 2074



This guy is such a fucker. Who could be so stupid to follow this idiot who lies about everything constantly?

I heard that even among farmers when he was voted in 60% supported him and now that he’s ruining their lives and ruining their livelihoods 67% wants to vote for him.
The map he showed was NOT NOAA, it was ECMWF
I'm just trying to figure out, from this OFFICIAL NOAA map, that if Dorian was expected to head straight into central Florida, was it supposed to just STOP? Dissolve? How was it NOT going to hit part of Alabama based on what they show?
It is a violation of federal law to falsify a National Weather Service forecast and pass it off as official, as President Trump did here.

18 U.S. Code § 2074



This guy is such a fucker. Who could be so stupid to follow this idiot who lies about everything constantly?

I heard that even among farmers when he was voted in 60% supported him and now that he’s ruining their lives and ruining their livelihoods 67% wants to vote for him.
The map he showed was NOT NOAA, it was ECMWF
It literally says, "NOAA," on the top left corner. :eusa_doh:
So what loon?
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.]

Oh God, don't you idiots ever run out of stupid shit to make up and dwell on? Now it's "news" because of a black line on a map? Is Trump the new head of weather data in the USA? Do you set your fucking watch by whatever time he says, too? Meantime, if the state HAD been hit, you'd be all over Trump for not being prepared for it. STFU and quit your whining.
once again you prove my prediction...
The best part of this will be watching his worshipers cover for him...yet once again.

Once again you lived up to my expectations, taking a non-issue as national news yet making nothing of blatant 10,000 Obumma and Hilltard lies. You'd think Trump actually made the hurricane himself (well, actually, you kinda DO believe that!). :auiqs.jpg:
Listen to these crying morons! 14 pages of nothing but screaming at the sky!
His information was inaccurate.
So was NOAA's when two years ago they forecast Harvey to be nothing but a Cat 1 hurricane in the Gulf, or when they told, I think it was Houstons to evacuate in an earlier hurricane (Andrew?) all for nothing, and far more died on the highway stuck in unmoving traffic run out of gas in 100° heat than would have been saved had the hurricane hit.
I would like to thank all the Trump worshipers for proving my prediction correct...

The best part of this will be watching his worshipers cover for him...yet once again.
Cover for what? This thread seems to be one giant waste of bandwidth...

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Cover for the fact that Trump cannot ever admit even the smallest of mistakes and that he is dishonest enough to use an altered map to try and prove he was right.
You guys are a hoot!

Ok, tell me what's your proof that Trump marked that map with a sharpie?

How many are tuning in to the president for their weather reports?

Hell, I'm not even sure that CNN, and MSNBC didn't alter the map themselves so they could make some more faux outrage...

So, why should we believe that Trump even did this?

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Yet not even one single one of you can admit that him showing an altered map was at a minimum funny as hell. None of you can ever say a negative thing about him, it is truly as if you think that he turns the water to wine as he is walking on it.
How was it “altered”?
A rightard ^^^, driving his har on an expressway with his eyes closed. :badgrin:

His "har"?

Ah, thanks for checking up on my spelling. If you want the job as my secretary, fill out an application.

No thanks! I don't give blowjobs to anyone not paying a 6-figure salary.

This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

Dems are taking their hate and hysteria to a whole new level lol
What is YOUR solution-or do you just watch?

My solution is to inform people about the insanity that is the duopoly and encourage them to vote 3rd party, especially on the local and state level. I volunteered on the campaigns of local libertarians to help get the word about that there is another option.

Sadly, due to people like you my efforts are mostly in vain, too many people are happy with the status quo.
Oh sound like you're one gust away from standing on a street corner with a bullhorn, and a sandwich board, proclaiming the end is near, repent!

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