Trump and his first lady....................

Actually Bitchy Irish Ass, not trying to cover up anything. I knew that because there are a lot of conservatives that follow me around that I'd get a whole bunch of responses in quite a short time.

Looks like I succeeded.

And yea, I intentionally said Russian, because I wanted to confuse the issues much like many conservatives on here do. Besides................"Russian" is a scary word to conservatives. doesn't change the fact that Slovenia is a Communist country. Why is it that your candidate is sleeping with the Communists?

Because he's a closet communist that is the true Manchurian ( Noodlehead ) Candidate...

He once was married to a Czech Communist and now is married to a former Slovenian Communist, so deep down he is the reincarnation of Stalin...

Ever wonder why he loves walls so much!?!
The first Soviet born first lady, would have been the more accurate term, if you are trying to address she was born in the USSR, I suppose...
Think about this........................

If Trump is elected, then his wife will be the first Russian First Lady of the United States!
She's not Russian....jesus christ democrats are the most ignorant people.

Hey, if you conservatives don't feel the need to be able to differentiate between Sikh and Muslim, then why should I feel the need to tell a Slovenian from a Russian? They both look the same. neocons have been successfully trolled.
1. What the fuck are you talking about Sikh or Muslim?
2. I am no neocohen moron. You would know that if you paid ANY attention at all to my posts.

There have been instances where Sikhs have either been attacked, or they have had their place of worship attacked and shot at because the idiot Americans who are scared to death of the Muslims think that everyone in a turban is Islamic.

Sikhism is closer to Christianity than it is to Islam, even if they do look like scary terrorists to you.

And...........the neocon comment was addressed to anyone. If you are feeling guilty about it by disavowing it, then you must be a little bit neocon deep down inside, because I didn't mention anyone by name, much less you.
Think about this........................

If Trump is elected, then his wife will be the first Russian First Lady of the United States!

Did Russia set this master plan in motion all those many years ago when they
set this couple up.Imagine Trump as President spending the night tweeting while
Melania is on a secure phone line with Putin getting new instructions for the Donald....


Hmm.... Russian and Slovenian are partially mutually intelligible.. :eusa_think: ... but fortunately since it's Melania she'd prolly end up getting instructions from Michelle O'bama.
wait till its a transgendered muslim first lady and that's coming eventually for all you foreign people lovers .
Think about this........................

If Trump is elected, then his wife will be the first Russian First Lady of the United States!

Did Russia set this master plan in motion all those many years ago when they
set this couple up.Imagine Trump as President spending the night tweeting while
Melania is on a secure phone line with Putin getting new instructions for the Donald....


Hmm.... Russian and Slovenian are partially mutually intelligible.. :eusa_think: ... but fortunately since it's Melania she'd prolly end up getting instructions from Michelle O'bama.

The only way she would get instructions from Michelle is if she copied them down late at night, and tried to pass them off as her own.
There have been instances where Sikhs have either been attacked, or they have had their place of worship attacked and shot at because the idiot Americans who are scared to death of the Muslims think that everyone in a turban is Islamic.

Prolly an even better example is the inability to distinguish Sufi Moslems from Wahabbi (e.g. the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque").
When I was young and lived in north eastern Italy, my mother and sister and I used to go to Yugoslavia to buy Beef....strange, but where we lived in Italy, their farmed meat of choice was Pork and the Yugoslavians farmed more cattle, once every few months we would make a trip there to shop for special meats and other things.... My father, who was in the Air Force....working at a NATO Air Force Station, in the 15th Communications Squadron had TOP SECRET clearance, was NOT permitted by the USA, to cross the border, in to Yugoslavia....DUE TO the Soviet case someone from Soviet Intelligence, wanted to kidnap him and torture him for info.... this was before the country of Yugoslavia was broken up....long time ago....
Actually Bitchy Irish Ass, not trying to cover up anything. I knew that because there are a lot of conservatives that follow me around that I'd get a whole bunch of responses in quite a short time.

Looks like I succeeded.

And yea, I intentionally said Russian, because I wanted to confuse the issues much like many conservatives on here do. Besides................"Russian" is a scary word to conservatives. doesn't change the fact that Slovenia is a Communist country. Why is it that your candidate is sleeping with the Communists?

You failed and we know you failed, accept defeat and humiliation and move on
Wasn't her dad a communist apparatchik?

Nothing against the poor woman, but ..... she's not Dolly Madison.

Oh bite me! It's not like he had a choice here did he? Like her father could have headed up the Libertarian Party in the USSR?



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