Trump Announcement

Trump Nonannouncement

Move over Sarah - Trump's "announcement" is just another example of a conservative "has been" going through withdrawal after their "15 minutes of fame" addiction to the media has expired!

But by all means, don't address the issue. :lol: It's a no win for Obama, either he produces the documents, charities benefit, and he exposes himself as a fraud... Or he does nothing and looks like a fraud... Have fun imploding Democrats. Bravo Mr. Trump!!! :eusa_clap:
Trump doesn't need to use Obama's transcripts as an excuse if he really wants to donate $5 million to charity - he should donate the money for no other reason than he has already received far more than $5 million in free publicity!

The problem with our conservative "friends" is that not only has Trump embarrassed himself and the Republicans by further exposing himself as nothing more that an attention seeking "egotistical fool" - his supporters are too clueless to realize it.

One thing that that Romney can be thankful for - at least Trump hasn't asserted that pregnancies resulting from rape are "an act of God!" Then again, Trump always has next week to schedule another surprise announcement!
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I think some of you are missing the point here. Trump gives millions to worthy causes every year and will no doubt continue to do so. And yes, he never met publicity he didn't revel in and, again, his ego is mixed up in this. And just like so many well known celebrity figures are lending their names and fame and easy recognition to helping Obama in various ways, he is no doubt doing this now to help Romney and timed it for just that reason.

And yes, the President of the United States has no problem obtaining whatever records he wants from anybody. And can certainly get his college transcripts and passport records on short notice as we all can.

And not one of his leftwing adorers are urging him to produce those records even as they constantly clamor for more of Romney's tax returns. Why? Because they hope those returns will hurt Romney and they are apparently very afraid that producing the transcripts and passport records would hurt Obama.

And so it goes. . . .
Who HIDES their student transcripts in this country???


Who would turn down 5 million dollars for their student records???


WHY IS THAT??? Barry has something to hide.. It's why his Zombies having been slinging ANGRY SNOT all day.. LMAO

Bush never released his.....neither did his father

Yes he did. Al Gore, George W. Bush, and John Kerry all had their college transcripts out there for anybody to see. And none were particularly impressive. John McCain didn't but did admit he was (I think....working from memory here) 894 out of 899 in his graduating class? And he had a lot of demerits for insubordination and rules violations.

Nope. Bush refused to release his, they were illegally leaked.
Bush never released his.....neither did his father

Yes he did. Al Gore, George W. Bush, and John Kerry all had their college transcripts out there for anybody to see. And none were particularly impressive. John McCain didn't but did admit he was (I think....working from memory here) 894 out of 899 in his graduating class? And he had a lot of demerits for insubordination and rules violations.

Nope. Bush refused to release his, they were illegally leaked.

I try not to post things that I'm not pretty sure of.

College Transcripts of George W. Bush Show C Average | Edu in Review Blog
39 pages, I got through 14. Pardon me if someone has already said this.

As venal, vile, ignorant, reprehensible and just flat out WRONG that this might seem, WHY NOT?

Obama should get his ass on TV and tell Trump, "Make it $50 million and you've got a DEAL!"

He can afford it, I think...

And then Obama can say "See, I got a 1%'er to pay his 'fair share'..." Trump would ever pay up

When has a birther ever accepted proof that has been provided

They will just say that the records have been doctored.
Trump Nonannouncement

Move over Sarah - Trump's "announcement" is just another example of a conservative "has been" going through withdrawal after their "15 minutes of fame" addiction to the media has expired!

But by all means, don't address the issue. :lol: It's a no win for Obama, either he produces the documents, charities benefit, and he exposes himself as a fraud... Or he does nothing and looks like a fraud... Have fun imploding Democrats. Bravo Mr. Trump!!! :eusa_clap:
Trump doesn't need to use Obama's transcripts as an excuse if he really wants to donate $5 million to charity - he should donate the money for no other reason than he has already received far more than $5 million in free publicity!

The problem with our conservative "friends" is that not only has Trump embarrassed himself and the Republicans by further exposing himself as nothing more that an attention seeking "egotistical fool" - his supporters are too clueless to realize it.

One thing that that Romney can be thankful for - at least Trump hasn't asserted that pregnancies resulting from rape are "an act of God!" Then again, Trump always has next week to schedule another surprise announcement!

How is your hero going to look when he doesn't produce the documents? That's right... Like someone who isn't concerned that charities will be out 5 Million because of his arrogance, and that he is certainly hiding something. As I've said... I don't think Obama will produce by the deadline, and I think Trump will still donate the money -making Trump look extremely generous, and Obama extremely fraudulent. But feel free to stray off topic to abortionland... You have nothing but Obama the empty suit who has been cornered and who has everything to lose if he doesn't come clean.
Yes he did. Al Gore, George W. Bush, and John Kerry all had their college transcripts out there for anybody to see. And none were particularly impressive. John McCain didn't but did admit he was (I think....working from memory here) 894 out of 899 in his graduating class? And he had a lot of demerits for insubordination and rules violations.

Nope. Bush refused to release his, they were illegally leaked.

I try not to post things that I'm not pretty sure of.

College Transcripts of George W. Bush Show C Average | Edu in Review Blog

We have some conflicting sources here, and I'm honestly not sure which are true.

I see numerous articles that say that they were leaked, not released by Bush - but none of them are particularly well sourced, nor is your link.

So I'm not sure on this one. You might be right, or I might be.
39 pages, I got through 14. Pardon me if someone has already said this.

As venal, vile, ignorant, reprehensible and just flat out WRONG that this might seem, WHY NOT?

Obama should get his ass on TV and tell Trump, "Make it $50 million and you've got a DEAL!"

He can afford it, I think...

And then Obama can say "See, I got a 1%'er to pay his 'fair share'..." Trump would ever pay up

When has a birther ever accepted proof that has been provided

They will just say that the records have been doctored.

If he did that, then it would cast a negative light on Trump, which would be a positive for Democrats... So I take it that you may be counted as one who is for Obama releasing the information, or do you not care to stand by your convictions? I mean if Obama has nothing to hide, what's the problem with charities getting a financial windfall?
For two solid days liberals have run around this forum foaming at the mouth like rabid weasels freaking out.. TOTAL MELTDOWN. LMAO---- Their Messiah got caught with his pants down and they can't protect him this time.. THE DONALD will donate that money regardless of Barry's hidden lies and look like the hero for doing so! Your boy still has 6 days to produce.. Get movin Obama.. lol
Nope. Bush refused to release his, they were illegally leaked.

I try not to post things that I'm not pretty sure of.

College Transcripts of George W. Bush Show C Average | Edu in Review Blog

We have some conflicting sources here, and I'm honestly not sure which are true.

I see numerous articles that say that they were leaked, not released by Bush - but none of them are particularly well sourced, nor is your link.

So I'm not sure on this one. You might be right, or I might be.

George W. Bush's Journey: The Cheerleader: Earning A's in People Skills at Andover : Obama’s ‘Sealed’ Records

I am sure that they are doctored.
Nope. Bush refused to release his, they were illegally leaked.

I try not to post things that I'm not pretty sure of.

College Transcripts of George W. Bush Show C Average | Edu in Review Blog

We have some conflicting sources here, and I'm honestly not sure which are true.

I see numerous articles that say that they were leaked, not released by Bush - but none of them are particularly well sourced, nor is your link.

So I'm not sure on this one. You might be right, or I might be.

George W. Bush's Journey: The Cheerleader: Earning A's in People Skills at Andover : Obama’s ‘Sealed’ Records

George W. Bush's YALE Transcript: :: Official Site to Re-Select Bush/Cheney in 2004!

This might be a joke... Trump would ever pay up

When has a birther ever accepted proof that has been provided

They will just say that the records have been doctored.

If he did that, then it would cast a negative light on Trump, which would be a positive for Democrats... So I take it that you may be counted as one who is for Obama releasing the information, or do you not care to stand by your convictions? I mean if Obama has nothing to hide, what's the problem with charities getting a financial windfall?

I think that the President of the United States should ignore loons like this. If I offered Romney money to release his tax statements for the last 20 years, his school records and his passport records, would you expect him to do it?
They will just say that the records have been doctored.

If he did that, then it would cast a negative light on Trump, which would be a positive for Democrats... So I take it that you may be counted as one who is for Obama releasing the information, or do you not care to stand by your convictions? I mean if Obama has nothing to hide, what's the problem with charities getting a financial windfall?

I think that the President of the United States should ignore loons like this. If I offered Romney money to release his tax statements for the last 20 years, his school records and his passport records, would you expect him to do it?

You and your liberal cohorts aren't fooling anyone.. ALL OF YOU KNOW your messiah is hiding a very deep secret that will most likely get his ass impeached! LOL He is the BIGGEST FRAUD ever perpetrated on the American people. You Zombies flakes are proof American's cannot trust leftists.. You will lie, cheat, destroy, propagandize, ANYTHING to hold on to power. LEFTISTS are completely opposite of what America is all about. Time to go and take BO with you..
I always wanted to know how George W. Bush got into graduate school at Harvard. He supposedly had a C average at Yale. The school that I attended for graduate school would not even look at you unless you had at least a B average. It was a good school, but it was not Harvard.
I always wanted to know how George W. Bush got into graduate school at Harvard. He supposedly had a C average at Yale. The school that I attended for graduate school would not even look at you unless you had at least a B average. It was a good school, but it was not Harvard.

Which school would that be and please, show us their standards. Thanks!

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