Trump Announcement

Aw, now you're gonna get all butt-hurt. Seriously, how's that Dear Leader Landslide workin out for ya? :lol:

I think the only person around here with a dear leader is you, and that dear leader is Ron Paul.

Oh, so that's why your Dear Leader won't release his records? It's all Ron Paul's fault? Blaming BOOOOSH, i get. But Ron Paul?

Just give him a few more back and froths between you and this sick, miserable, worthless fuck Cowman will wish you dead through a variety of horrific acts. He can't accept the truth, so he goes ape shit and wishes cancer on people... :cuckoo:
I think the only person around here with a dear leader is you, and that dear leader is Ron Paul.

Oh, so that's why your Dear Leader won't release his records? It's all Ron Paul's fault? Blaming BOOOOSH, i get. But Ron Paul?

Just give him a few more back and froths between you and this sick, miserable, worthless fuck Cowman will wish you dead through a variety of horrific acts. He can't accept the truth, so he goes ape shit and wishes cancer on people... :cuckoo:

Yeah, they can dish it out but they can't take it. They're so appalled anyone would dare demand their Dear Leader release his Records. Well, what goes around comes around. So fuck em.
Aw, now you're gonna get all butt-hurt. Seriously, how's that Dear Leader Landslide workin out for ya? :lol:

I think the only person around here with a dear leader is you, and that dear leader is Ron Paul.

Oh, so that's why your Dear Leader won't release his records? It's all Ron Paul's fault? Blaming BOOOOSH, i get. But Ron Paul?

I'm not here to defend Obama. I'm here to point out that you're more of a sheep than anybody on these boards. You idol-worship Ron Paul.
I think the only person around here with a dear leader is you, and that dear leader is Ron Paul.

Oh, so that's why your Dear Leader won't release his records? It's all Ron Paul's fault? Blaming BOOOOSH, i get. But Ron Paul?

Just give him a few more back and froths between you and this sick, miserable, worthless fuck Cowman will wish you dead through a variety of horrific acts. He can't accept the truth, so he goes ape shit and wishes cancer on people... :cuckoo:

On Paulitician? Hell no. He's just a horribly misguided individual.

You on the other hand, you are a cancer on society. You are willing to have billions of people murdered and the world come to end in nuclear holocaust just to revel in your zealotry, to secure your place in heaven.

You are a danger to society at large, and to individual Muslim families on a smaller scale. When you finally snap, I only hope when you end up getting yourself killed, you take nobody else with you.
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Donald Trump has just Announced "The World is Flat!"
If the announcer had been Obama, you would have believed it... :bow2: :lmao:

You people... Man. I don't see how you idiots delude yourself so fucking much that you believe people worship and will unwaveringly fawn over and defend him. Yeah, there's bound to be people out there. I see them. I saw them with George Bush too(and in greater numbers)... those people defend him vehemently even to this day. But for the most part it's not true, and people like myself only trust him as far as his actions make him worthy. He's personally shelled a lot of the promises he made to us, and we haven't forgotten it. The thing is... we understand that Romney, and more importantly, the people trying to guide Romney to the white house, are infinitely worse for our best interests. I don't seek to prop the President up... I seek to tear your offerings down, as long as they continue to remain as right-wing as you keep trying to push them. I mean fuck, look at how right-wing you've made the moderate Romney have to be.

Really though, ignoring all the rest of my post, I just want one thing to ring clear for you.

You are one dumb, delusional bitch.

Also... what's with the stupid decision to Photoshop text on an amateur pornography actress's picture?
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Donald Trump has just Announced "The World is Flat!"
If the announcer had been Obama, you would have believed it... :bow2: :lmao:

You people... Man. I don't see how you idiots delude yourself so fucking much that you believe people worship and will unwaveringly fawn over and defend him. Yeah, there's bound to be people out there. I see them. I saw them with George Bush too(and in greater numbers)... those people defend him vehemently even to this day. But for the most part it's not true, and people like myself only trust him as far as his actions make him worthy. He's personally shelled a lot of the promises he made to us, and we haven't forgotten it. The thing is... we understand that Romney, and more importantly, the people trying to guide Romney to the white house, are infinitely worse for our best interests. I don't seek to prop the President up... I seek to tear your offerings down, as long as they continue to remain as right-wing as you keep trying to push them. I mean fuck, look at how right-wing you've made the moderate Romney have to be.

Really though, ignoring all the rest of my post, I just want one thing to ring clear for you.

You are one dumb, delusional bitch.

Also... what's with the stupid decision to Photoshop text on an amateur pornography actress's picture?
Wow Cow dude!!!...Doncha think this is a bit of an overreaction?!

If I had known my post was gonna piss you off this bad, I would have tacked a disclaimer on it.

By the way, I think it's wonderful that you prefer amateur porn to those overpaid pros. :D
So that's the reason he won't release them? He refused to release them long before this Trump challenge. And would you give Romney or any other Republican the same pass on this?

point out the numerous threads demanding romney release his college transcripts.

i'll wait.

what a stooge

Oh, so if Romney refused to release them, you wouldn't demand he do so? Seriously Gimp, you're such a dishonest hypocrite. You're soulless.

no, i wouldn't, but then, unlike you, i'm not a sheep.

go figure
You'd be surprised. This is actually much bigger than you Bots think. But than again, you've underestimated everything about this Election. How's that Dear Leader Landslide going for ya?

you don't get it. Most people do not watch cable news and talk shows all that much. They don't care about this.

go for it

might as well spin your wheels

4 more years

And those who do know and care about it see it for what it is: rightist idiocy, where voters correctly perceive Romney and republicans caring more about teleprompters and birth certificates than jobs and the economy.

you believe people worship and will unwaveringly fawn over and defend him. Yeah, there's bound to be people out there. I see them. I saw them with George Bush too(and in greater numbers)... those people defend him vehemently even to this day

Liberals do all repeat this nonsense in tandem, don't you? :thewave:

You ... actually ... believe this, don't you cowman? Obama is screamed at like the Beatles in 1963 by adoring liberal crowds while Joe Lieberman was drummed out of The Party for disagreeing with them on ... one ... issue.

W was defended, yeah. But he made no one in the Republican party. Even Rush and Hannity criticized him for his spending, lack of immigration enforcement, signing the Campaign Finance (so called) Reform.

You're not a cow, you're a sheep. I guess sheep don't really think about being sheep, they just follow.
Joe Lieberman was drummed out of The Party for disagreeing with them on ... one ... issue.

It (Iraq, homeland insecurity) was a pretty hefty issue, Kaz.

And after he failed to get a toe hold ANYWHERE for his presidential bid, he campaigned for McCain, for Christ sakes.

Earning him the title, for all time, and deservedly so, of Sore Loser man.
You people... Man. I don't see how you idiots delude yourself so fucking much that you believe people worship and will unwaveringly fawn over and defend him.

Oh, I don't know cowman, maybe because no matter what he does wrong, people like you defend and fellate him. Case in point:

Major scandal Fast & Furious - people like you, Jilllian, JoeB. defend him to your dying breath's on an issue he is clearly wrong on (ending in the death of American's)

Major scandal Benghazi - people like you, Jilllian, JoeB. defend him to your dying breath's on an issue he is clearly wrong on (ending in the death of American's)

Obamacare - besides being blatantly unconstitutional, and besides being blatantly against the will of the American people, he shoved this completely illegal legislation down our throats and still people like you, Jilllian, JoeB. defend him to your dying breath.

Economy - despite devastating our economy, people like you, Jilllian, JoeB. defend him to your dying breath and blame Bush (which is hilarious considering Bush never had unemployment reach 8% and it reached 10.5% under Obama).

National Debt - despite crippling our nation with catastrophic debt, people like you, Jilllian, JoeB. defend him to your dying breath and blame Bush (which is hilarious considering Obama added more to the debt in 3 years than Bush did in 8 years).

The people on this site who are not bat shit crazy have had to endure literally thousands of posts by you Obamazombies and not once have you psychopaths criticized him for anything or admitted he was wrong.
Joe Lieberman was drummed out of The Party for disagreeing with them on ... one ... issue.

It (Iraq, homeland insecurity) was a pretty hefty issue, Kaz.

And after he failed to get a toe hold ANYWHERE for his presidential bid, he campaigned for McCain, for Christ sakes.

Earning him the title, for all time, and deservedly so, of Sore Loser man.

It’s also nonsense to suggest Lieberman was ‘drummed out’ of the Party; he left of his own accord.

Connecticut democrats decided not to nominate him, which is perfectly appropriate and their right to do. Lieberman had a meltdown and left.
Yay 'Transparency!' Everyone should see this fascinating film...

[ame=]2016 Obama's America Trailer 2 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Stephen Colbert's Offer to Donald Trump: $1 Million to 'Dip My Balls in your mouth' - YouTube[/ame]

It's October 31, Mr. Trump, and the clock is ticking...
O well,

Stephen Colbert's will have to pay up. Donald Trump will get that $1 Million.

It's October 31, Mr. Trump, and the clock is ticking...


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