Trump Announces!!!

he really scares you libs doesn't he? its funny to watch you fools try to rationalize your blatant fear that Trump will win and expose your corrupt treasonous leaders.

Yeah, I bet a lot of them didn't get any sleep last night.
So you don't believe a word that Trump says either. That's good the man is absolutely insane.
I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 because I knew our country would flourish under his policies. Biden is responsible for the mess we are in but liberals like you are okay with it.
They cheated this time in Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia. and no one has done anything about it. this country is in deep shit.
Prove your above statement or be known as the are. Cheating never was a factor in the first place and is impossible anymore.
yep, he lost in the close races where the dem cheat machines were in full play. Delay the call until we can run in enough fake votes to win. everyone knows that happened in AZ, Nevada, and GA. Everyone who has any common sense knows that. Guess that leaves you out.
Crybaby Loser

We only lose elections because you cheat!
I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 because I knew our country would flourish under his policies. Biden is responsible for the mess we are in but liberals like you are okay with it.

I still don't know how they're managing to stay away from the gas station and the grocery store.
I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 because I knew our country would flourish under his policies. Biden is responsible for the mess we are in but liberals like you are okay with it.
Just like trump's administration was sabotaged by the pandemic, so is Biden's but Biden is pulling us out of it things are finally turning around and with the infrastructure bill and other bipartisan legislation this nation will move ahead on solid ground.
Here’s how formerly pro-Trump Rupert Murdoch covered Trump’s announcement:

Biden is pulling us out of it things are finally turning around and with the infrastructure bill and other bipartisan legislation this nation will move ahead on solid ground.
Biden's policies are hurting the country and all the bills he signed into law were partisan and not bipartisan. With the House under Republican control maybe we can stop the bleeding.
Biden's policies are hurting the country and all the bills he signed into law were partisan and not bipartisan. With the House under Republican control maybe we can stop the bleeding.
I live in Nebraska, my Republican representative along with 10 other Republicans signed on to the infrastructure bill. So it was bipartisan, you are mistaken.
Seems appropriate. No one should be giving trump free air time. His name should be remembered only in relation to the likes of Benedict Arnold.
More bullshit from you. The only traitor is Biden doing China's bidding.

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