Trump Announces!!!

You're talking about people with disabilities. They are not crazy. Speech impediments because of stuttering in one case and a stroke in another, does not in any way interfere with one's intellectual cognizance. What's your problem ?
Does having a disability prequalify someone to serve in government? Yes, I share your concern for them, but I don't want mentally disabled people running our government.
Usually when politicians declare their candidacy for office, they seem happy about it. Or they at least try to give the impression of eagerness to take on the challenges ahead. But when Donald Trump announced Tuesday night that he was running for president for the third time in three consecutive election cycles, he seemed positively disgusted.​

Trump—who dragged his party to midterm losses in 2018, lost the White House in 2020 to the oldest man ever to have the job, incited an insurrectionist mob into attacking the U.S. Capitol, was impeached twice, and contributed to yet another GOP midterm flop last week—sneered and grimaced through his announcement. He slow-read prepared remarks in a monotone, digressing to riff on whatever non sequitur popped into his mind. Maybe Trump’s spirits were low because he read the terrible press coverage running up to his announcement and could see the faces in the crowd, which were nothing close to the assembly of GOP elite he commanded in rallies past. The biggest bold-faced names spotted in the crowd were a grifter’s row of deplorables and has-beens: Roger Stone, Madison Cawthorn, Mike Lindell, and Dick Morris.​

Bored, people tried to leave before Trump was even finished speaking. Others simply turned their back to him and talked through his remarks. Keep in mind, these attendees were ostensibly among his most dedicated and connected aides and supporters.​

He did sound bored. The audience tried to leave after 30 minutes.
And there will be 50,000 at his next rally. which dem can generate that kind of crowd? Biden was lucky to get 50 people during the campaign. and you still think he won? WTF are you smoking?
Its been proven, its well documented. Just because the morons on CNN don't cover it doesn't mean it does not exist. Much of the 2020 cheating is recorded and has been reviewed for accuracy and proven accurate. Will anything happen? Only if the USA is to survive, and that is doubtful at this point.

Trump is already bored and having second thoughts. He needs the circus atmosphere.
Usually when politicians declare their candidacy for office, they seem happy about it. Or they at least try to give the impression of eagerness to take on the challenges ahead. But when Donald Trump announced Tuesday night that he was running for president for the third time in three consecutive election cycles, he seemed positively disgusted.​

Trump—who dragged his party to midterm losses in 2018, lost the White House in 2020 to the oldest man ever to have the job, incited an insurrectionist mob into attacking the U.S. Capitol, was impeached twice, and contributed to yet another GOP midterm flop last week—sneered and grimaced through his announcement. He slow-read prepared remarks in a monotone, digressing to riff on whatever non sequitur popped into his mind. Maybe Trump’s spirits were low because he read the terrible press coverage running up to his announcement and could see the faces in the crowd, which were nothing close to the assembly of GOP elite he commanded in rallies past. The biggest bold-faced names spotted in the crowd were a grifter’s row of deplorables and has-beens: Roger Stone, Madison Cawthorn, Mike Lindell, and Dick Morris.​

Bored, people tried to leave before Trump was even finished speaking. Others simply turned their back to him and talked through his remarks. Keep in mind, these attendees were ostensibly among his most dedicated and connected aides and supporters.​

your fear is obvious
And there will be 50,000 at his next rally. which dem can generate that kind of crowd? Biden was lucky to get 50 people during the campaign. and you still think he won? WTF are you smoking?

I doubt it. Trump needs flattery and adulation or he just wilts.
“Donald Trump, twice impeached for seeking to undermine the integrity of the 2020 presidential election, says he is running for president again in 2024. His new campaign has begun with the same ugliness, lies and chaos as the last, but it poses even greater dangers to American democracy.

Mr. Trump and his supporters can no longer pretend to be good-faith participants in the democratic process. They have enshrined the refusal to accept adverse election results as a defining feature of their political movement, sought to install true believers in local and state election offices and demonstrated a willingness to resort to violence.

Mr. Trump is unfit for public office. As president, he showed himself to be incompetent and self-dealing.”

Trump is indeed unfit for any public office.
Funny, all that verbiage direct from the DNC talking point machine.

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