Trump Announces!!!

Your vagina is showing
How could he make such major policy changes when he’s not currently in government in any way?
How could he make such major policy changes when he’s not currently in government in any way?
When you get out of this fantasyland thst oswald killed jfk and ready to be an adult and admit the evidence is overwhelming cia did it,we can have this conversation. :auiqs.jpg:
Its been proven, its well documented. Just because the morons on CNN don't cover it doesn't mean it does not exist. Much of the 2020 cheating is recorded and has been reviewed for accuracy and proven accurate. Will anything happen? Only if the USA is to survive, and that is doubtful at this point.
In other words it doesn't exist except in your mind. You do realize trump started this lie even before the elections occurred. You can't believe in his fantasy if you want, but the rest of the world has moved on long ago.
Gas under$2 bucks and you called that terrible,I just bought a half gallon of chocolate milk yesterday$5
And you keep trying to blame this on Biden. Both the trump and Biden administrations have been plagued by the pandemic. It's the gift that keeps giving and giving.

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