Trump Announces!!!

I voted in every election since 1972. I'm familiar with how and who to vote for. I'm not fooled by glitz and shiny things like you are.
You are blind dude... how many compromises have you made in your belief system since 1972 just to stay a loyal democrat?... because that party has changed and not for the better...
You are blind dude... how many compromises have you made in your belief system since 1972 just to stay a loyal democrat?... because that party has changed and not for the better...

Same could be asked of many Republicans, because the GOP now is nothing like what it was back in the days of Reagan. Shit.........if Reagan were around today, many on the right would be calling him a RINO. And to think..........just a decade or two ago, you guys on the right deified Reagan.
You are blind dude... how many compromises have you made in your belief system since 1972 just to stay a loyal democrat?... because that party has changed and not for the better...
Although I'm independent. Speaking for the Democratic party-None, they have always been the party of the people, ALL the people. Their platform protects people's rights as opposed to the Republicans who keep attacking certain people's rights. Democrats have always supported the environment, which is necessary, if the people are going to survive and thrive. Everything is coordinated and iin sinc. There's very little chaos, especially when compared to the Republican party. I'm surprised it's still exists.
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Although I'm independent. Speaking for the Democratic party-None, they have always been the party of the people, ALL the people. Their platform protects people's rights as opposed to the Republicans who keep attacking certain people's rights. Democrats have always supported the environment, which is necessary, if the people are going to survive and thrive. Everything is coordinated and iin sinc. There's very little chaos, especially when compared to the Republican party. I'm surprised it's still exists.
Obviously you haven't realized you are full of it.
GOP predicted a red wave would take the house..............looks like they were correct.................:biggrin:

The Dems only had a 5 seat majority in the House before the elections, and, historically, the mid terms usually go against the party of whoever is in the WH. And, the Reps didn't get to take control of the Senate, that is still in the hands of the Dems.

The predicted "red wave" was supposed to be an overwhelming majority of voters going against the Dems and giving the Reps a sizeable lead in the House, as well as taking control of the Senate. Sadly for the Reps, they DIDN'T take the Senate, and they only eked out a very slim majority in the House. Many conservatives here on USMB were talking about how the Reps were going to take over Congress with majorities in both the Senate and the House, and how a "red wave" was going to wash over DC so that the Reps could get their way. Sadly for them, that didn't happen. They don't have control of the Senate, and only a very slight majority in the House.

If this past election was a "red wave", then what in the hell do you call the Atlantic Ocean, a puddle?
Although I'm independent. Speaking for the Democratic party-None, they have always been the party of the people, ALL the people. Their platform protects people's rights as opposed to the Republicans who keep attacking certain people's rights. Democrats have always supported the environment, which is necessary, if the people are going to survive and thrive. Everything is coordinated and iin sinc. There's very little chaos, especially when compared to the Republican party. I'm surprised it's still exists.
That is what has changed... they are not the party of the people anymore... they sold their soul for power... the democrats are linked to some of the most corrupt businesses and speculators in America and abroad...
The establishment republicans are not much better... we had the anecdote to corruption in DC but people like you fell for the super rich in America that Trump the outsider was orange man bad....
I'm a liberal and I usually vote Democratic especially nowadays since the Republicans have gone so crazy. I'm hoping Amy cobacher runs and gets it. She's a moderate Democrat that will bring a lot of former trump supporters in.
I have heard her speak. She is Pro-Illegal alien --Pro Abortion up to 9 months , and for Gov't HC. You call that Moderate? But compared to AOC and the Jihad Squad ,you might be right.
That is what has changed... they are not the party of the people anymore... they sold their soul for power... the democrats are linked to some of the most corrupt businesses and speculators in America and abroad...
The establishment republicans are not much better... we had the anecdote to corruption in DC but people like you fell for the super rich in America that Trump the outsider was orange man bad....
I think you're confused , if anyone does not serve the people anymore it's the republicans they've sold their soul for power that's all they're after is power to do whatever the f*** they want to people, not for people.
I think you're confused , if anyone does not serve the people anymore it's the republicans they've sold their soul for power that's all they're after is power to do whatever the f*** they want to people, not for people.
Oh ,yes. Like Bankman-Fried donating a hundred million to DNC?
I have heard her speak. She is Pro-Illegal alien --Pro Abortion up to 9 months , and for Gov't HC. You call that Moderate? But compared to AOC and the Jihad Squad ,you might be right.
i I think you're confused again. No one supports abortion. She does support a woman's right to choose which is a moderate view and supported by most Americans. As for the other issues you mentioned I don't believe that's true at all. Government healthcare is so close anyway it's a logical next step for the country especially since covid is wrecking havoc on our health systems. This is sure to continue either from covid or other infectious disease as the climate changes. I don't think anybody in Minnesota supports the continued rise of undocumented immigrants in our country. Perhaps you misunderstood, she does agree with Biden that the immigration courts need to be expanded to handle this overload and finally get it in check that's a reasonable attempt to resolve the situation we can't just close the border we're not a totalitarian Nation we're a free Nation
I have heard her speak. She is Pro-Illegal alien --Pro Abortion up to 9 months , and for Gov't HC. You call that Moderate? But compared to AOC and the Jihad Squad ,you might be right.
I just looked two of the things up she did vote to codified roe versus wade which does not believe in late-term abortions except in cases of save the life of the mother. And she is dedicated to reform immigration system so it's more workable. She did vote for the affordable Care act. These are moderate viewpoints shared by the majority of Americans.
I think you're confused , if anyone does not serve the people anymore it's the republicans they've sold their soul for power that's all they're after is power to do whatever the f*** they want to people, not for people.
Its all BS man... the whole woke shit is for money... the elected class gets rich and the people get screwed... the parties have switched... the new GOP class is for the people and America first...
Dems are about money power and favors... the ends justify the means?... not anymore... they are crooked as hell....
Its all BS man... the whole woke shit is for money... the elected class gets rich and the people get screwed... the parties have switched... the new GOP class is for the people and America first...
Dems are about money power and favors... the ends justify the means?... not anymore... they are crooked as hell....

Its all BS man... the whole woke shit is for money... the elected class gets rich and the people get screwed... the parties have switched... the new GOP class is for the people and America first...
Dems are about money power and favors... the ends justify the means?... not anymore... they are crooked as hell....
I believe you're talking about Pac money and corporations they control our government now and the Republican party is more invested in them than they are in the people. Look who gets all the Pac money. Republicans get 2/3 of all of it. Big oil, big guns, big pharmacy and big tobacco own the Republicans.

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