Trump asked.....Russia listened. Facts are facts....

Actually, by not seizing Hillary's servers, Comey is a co-conspirator in Hillary's destruction of private property and evidence.

Wonder how many of the wiped emails were about Seth Rich?
Here's a question for you.

According to the FBI, the emails were missing from Hillarys computer.

Why would the Russians look for them there?

Who cares.....why would an American Presidential candidate ask for foreign assistance from an enemy of the country?

"“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference to Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

to find them...

not to hack a computer.

Seems about a third of this board need lessons in reading and comprehension.

WTF? How else are you supposed to "find 30,000 emails" you moron?

Well, I certainly wouldn't look for them in an area even the FBI says they weren't. is just a coincidence that the hacking started right after he asked for it?!?!? (eyeroll) That's believable........


are you sure it was after?

Indictment says on or about July 17th.

(BTW, you do know those 33,000 emails had been missing for over 3 months when Trump made his comment, right?)
We only wish that someone would have gained access to those 30.000 emails that she deleted.

She should be in prison.
..AT MINIMUM, this latest revelation should tell all of us as Americans we demand to know what Trump's actual involvement more "fake news" comments and obviously, there was no such thing as a 'witch hunt'.

Indeed, the very stable orange genius in chief declared live on tv that the Russians should hack the emails of the most qualified princess in history.... and then they did it... someone even wrote a book about it I believe...

Trump asked Russians to get Clinton emails. They immediately started trying - CNNPolitics

We all know of the infamous video of then candidate Donald Trump asking Russians to 'find Hillary Clinton's missing emails'. Now, after Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian operatives in connection with foreign interference with the 2016 election and the timeline is released; it is clear that Trump was complicit in either directly or indirectly working along with Russian intelligence to get elected.

Was there actual "collusion"?! At this point, that is hard to say.....but, at minimum, it is clear that the Trump Administration was at least complicit in the engagement of a hostile foreign adversary to interfere in our elections

On July 27, 2016 Donald Trump looked into a camera and asked Russia to "find the missing 30,000 emails". Later that evening, the first spearphishing attempts by Russians began against the DNC and Clinton.

In any other political world or with any other political figure, this would be enough to effectively end their presidency. If this were Barack Obama who did this, Republicans in Congress would be starting the paperwork for impeachment proceedings. I'm not advocating that's what has to happen with Trump, yet....however:

This should change the national dialogue when we discuss this issue. It no longer should surprise us why Trump calls this a "witch hunt"?!?! He damn well knew what he was doing back in July of 2016....just like he damn well knows what he is doing now. It is up to us to either be Americans who stand up for American values....or are we Trump cultists who only stand up for what Trump tells us to stand up for? After all, our entire political system is centered around fair elections....and by complying with Russia to get elected in the first place, Trump violated that trust.

AT MINIMUM, this latest revelation should tell all of us as Americans we demand to know what Trump's actual involvement more "fake news" comments and obviously, there was no such thing as a 'witch hunt'.
I can't imagine why. They, all 31,000 of them, were about yoga lessons and Chelsea"s wedding.

So you are on record as to not caring that Trump was complicit in Russia's involvement in the 2016 election? I guess that's your prerogative....but, it puts into context anything else you have to say.

You're not really "in" to that whole democracy thing then, are you?

LOL, yes he was complicit in the 2016 election, he WON, lol!
We only wish that someone would have gained access to those 30.000 emails that she deleted.

She should be in prison.

Who cares.....why would an American Presidential candidate ask for foreign assistance from an enemy of the country?
Russia isn't our enemy. ... :cool:

Can someone explain how this thread has any legs after what Ghomert revealed why questioning Strozk? It seems what he said was 100% true.
So....from the band of misfit replies......the "defense" of Trump after this latest revelation is:

....but, but, Hillary Clinton sucks.
....but, but, it might not have happened before; it's just a coincidence.
....but, but, even if he used help of a foreign adversary, he "won" by only losing by 3 million votes.
....but, but, Russia isn't that bad. Putin has nice pecs.

HA! You clowns are hilarious! Do they serve Russian Kool-Aid at the cult convention?! If THIS is the best you have for retorts about folks are screwed. I don't care how many of you losers are involved in your circle jerk here.....
So....from the band of misfit replies......the "defense" of Trump after this latest revelation is:

....but, but, Hillary Clinton sucks.
....but, but, it might not have happened before; it's just a coincidence.
....but, but, even if he used help of a foreign adversary, he "won" by only losing by 3 million votes.
....but, but, Russia isn't that bad.

HA! You clowns are hilarious! Do they serve Russian Kool-Aid at the cult convention?! If THIS is the best you have for retorts about folks are screwed.

Then again, you are the one thinking that the joke Trump made to American audience was an actual request.

A clown is someone who is still way smarter than you are.
Last edited:
So....from the band of misfit replies......the "defense" of Trump after this latest revelation is:

....but, but, Hillary Clinton sucks.
....but, but, it might not have happened before; it's just a coincidence.
....but, but, even if he used help of a foreign adversary, he "won" by only losing by 3 million votes.
....but, but, Russia isn't that bad.

HA! You clowns are hilarious! Do they serve Russian Kool-Aid at the cult convention?! If THIS is the best you have for retorts about folks are screwed.

We answered, you don't like the answers. I showed you how you were wrong, you didn't like that answer either.

And oh by the way, as far as your last response, I would like to address part of what you said---------->

We conservatives are in awe of the absolutely brilliant Hillary, Rodham, Clinton! She ran to get the popular vote, and she did EXACTLY what she said she was going to do; get the popular vote. She stuck to her campaign pledge to get that popular vote, and sweated to do it.

You absolutely should be proud of her for getting the popular vote, I know we are-)
So....from the band of misfit replies......the "defense" of Trump after this latest revelation is:

....but, but, Hillary Clinton sucks.
....but, but, it might not have happened before; it's just a coincidence.
....but, but, even if he used help of a foreign adversary, he "won" by only losing by 3 million votes.
....but, but, Russia isn't that bad.

HA! You clowns are hilarious! Do they serve Russian Kool-Aid at the cult convention?! If THIS is the best you have for retorts about folks are screwed.

Then again, you are the one thinking that the joke Trump made to American audience was an actual a request.

A clown is someone who is still way smarter than you are.

.....but, but, it was just a "joke". RIGHT! Asking for a foreign adversary to commit espionage against the country......ha ha ha ha ha ha???????? Good one??????
So....from the band of misfit replies......the "defense" of Trump after this latest revelation is:

....but, but, Hillary Clinton sucks.
....but, but, it might not have happened before; it's just a coincidence.
....but, but, even if he used help of a foreign adversary, he "won" by only losing by 3 million votes.
....but, but, Russia isn't that bad.

HA! You clowns are hilarious! Do they serve Russian Kool-Aid at the cult convention?! If THIS is the best you have for retorts about folks are screwed.

We answered, you don't like the answers. I showed you how you were wrong, you didn't like that answer either.

And oh by the way, as far as your last response, I would like to address part of what you said---------->

We conservatives are in awe of the absolutely brilliant Hillary, Rodham, Clinton! She ran to get the popular vote, and she did EXACTLY what she said she was going to do; get the popular vote. She stuck to her campaign pledge to get that popular vote, and sweated to do it.

You absolutely should be proud of her for getting the popular vote, I know we are-)

Right.....those are the best "answers" you could come up with. Precisely my point.....if that's the best you have, you're screwed. Your delusion will only carry you so far.

ESPECIALLY when Trump's response to everything is always "I won the election" if THAT is called into question...what else you gonna say sunshine?
So....from the band of misfit replies......the "defense" of Trump after this latest revelation is:

....but, but, Hillary Clinton sucks.
....but, but, it might not have happened before; it's just a coincidence.
....but, but, even if he used help of a foreign adversary, he "won" by only losing by 3 million votes.
....but, but, Russia isn't that bad.

HA! You clowns are hilarious! Do they serve Russian Kool-Aid at the cult convention?! If THIS is the best you have for retorts about folks are screwed.

Then again, you are the one thinking that the joke Trump made to American audience was an actual a request.

A clown is someone who is still way smarter than you are.

.....but, but, it was just a "joke". RIGHT! Asking for a foreign adversary to commit espionage against the country......ha ha ha ha ha ha???????? Good one??????

commit espionage?

you need to reread what he said.

(It don say wha you theenk it say)
Gotta start keeping a list for comedy material later on:

Trump cult followers' responses to Russian operatives' immediate response to Trump's request to hack Hillary Clinton:

....but, but, Hillary Clinton sucks.
....but, but, it might not have happened before; it's just a coincidence.
....but, but, even if he used help of a foreign adversary, he "won" by only losing by 3 million votes.
....but, but, Russia isn't that bad. Putin has nice pecs.
....but, but, Trump was just joking.

Keep 'em coming dimwits.....I love it!
So....from the band of misfit replies......the "defense" of Trump after this latest revelation is:

....but, but, Hillary Clinton sucks.
....but, but, it might not have happened before; it's just a coincidence.
....but, but, even if he used help of a foreign adversary, he "won" by only losing by 3 million votes.
....but, but, Russia isn't that bad.

HA! You clowns are hilarious! Do they serve Russian Kool-Aid at the cult convention?! If THIS is the best you have for retorts about folks are screwed.

We answered, you don't like the answers. I showed you how you were wrong, you didn't like that answer either.

And oh by the way, as far as your last response, I would like to address part of what you said---------->

We conservatives are in awe of the absolutely brilliant Hillary, Rodham, Clinton! She ran to get the popular vote, and she did EXACTLY what she said she was going to do; get the popular vote. She stuck to her campaign pledge to get that popular vote, and sweated to do it.

You absolutely should be proud of her for getting the popular vote, I know we are-)

Right.....those are the best "answers" you could come up with. Precisely my point.....if that's the best you have, you're screwed. Your delusion will only carry you so far.

ESPECIALLY when Trump's response to everything is always "I won the election" if THAT is called into question...what else you gonna say sunshine?

He won the election, and are comfortably ahead in the midterms, especially for the Senate. I say the sun is shining, lol. You must be a far Leftist, and yes, in your political neck of the woods, tornadoes are everywhere, which is probably why everything you say has a SPIN to it, lol.

So, this new moniker of yours, which of the faaaaaaaaar leftists is this, lol!
Trump asked Russians to get Clinton emails. They immediately started trying - CNNPolitics

We all know of the infamous video of then candidate Donald Trump asking Russians to 'find Hillary Clinton's missing emails'. Now, after Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian operatives in connection with foreign interference with the 2016 election and the timeline is released; it is clear that Trump was complicit in either directly or indirectly working along with Russian intelligence to get elected.

Was there actual "collusion"?! At this point, that is hard to say.....but, at minimum, it is clear that the Trump Administration was at least complicit in the engagement of a hostile foreign adversary to interfere in our elections

On July 27, 2016 Donald Trump looked into a camera and asked Russia to "find the missing 30,000 emails". Later that evening, the first spearphishing attempts by Russians began against the DNC and Clinton.

In any other political world or with any other political figure, this would be enough to effectively end their presidency. I'm not necessarily saying impeachment....but, at minimum, the public outrage would be so great that anything the guy touched would be tainted. If this were Barack Obama who did this, Republicans in Congress would be starting the paperwork for impeachment proceedings. I'm not advocating that's what has to happen with Trump, yet....however:

This should change the national dialogue when we discuss this issue. It no longer should surprise us why Trump calls this a "witch hunt"?!?! He damn well knew what he was doing back in July of 2016....just like he damn well knows what he is doing now. It is up to us to either be Americans who stand up for American values....or are we Trump cultists who only stand up for what Trump tells us to stand up for? After all, our entire political system is centered around fair elections....and by complying with Russia to get elected in the first place, Trump violated that trust.

AT MINIMUM, this latest revelation should tell all of us as Americans we demand to know what Trump's actual involvement more "fake news" comments and obviously, there was no such thing as a 'witch hunt'.
/----/ Trump was joking. He was taunting Hildabeast and the Liberals. Since they don't have a sense of humor, they thought Trump was serious. He wasn't. Just try and think for a moment. If Trump had a back door to Putin like you Libtards claimed, why would he make a public announcement? He'd just go through back channels. But I guess that would require some effort on Libtards part to give someone the benefit of the doubt.
So....from the band of misfit replies......the "defense" of Trump after this latest revelation is:

....but, but, Hillary Clinton sucks.
....but, but, it might not have happened before; it's just a coincidence.
....but, but, even if he used help of a foreign adversary, he "won" by only losing by 3 million votes.
....but, but, Russia isn't that bad.

HA! You clowns are hilarious! Do they serve Russian Kool-Aid at the cult convention?! If THIS is the best you have for retorts about folks are screwed.

Then again, you are the one thinking that the joke Trump made to American audience was an actual a request.

A clown is someone who is still way smarter than you are.

.....but, but, it was just a "joke". RIGHT! Asking for a foreign adversary to commit espionage against the country......ha ha ha ha ha ha???????? Good one??????

Yes, it is a good joke. They deserve to be mocked for putting US security at risk. Their security was so bad that anyone could have had the mails.

... Except for the FBI of course, Hillary deleted the mails before that.

Speaking of that, deleting the evidence is such a crime that I do hope that someone releases the mails so that she can finally be nailed for her actions. Hope you understand that this is not a request...
Last edited:
Trump asked Russians to get Clinton emails. They immediately started trying - CNNPolitics

We all know of the infamous video of then candidate Donald Trump asking Russians to 'find Hillary Clinton's missing emails'. Now, after Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian operatives in connection with foreign interference with the 2016 election and the timeline is released; it is clear that Trump was complicit in either directly or indirectly working along with Russian intelligence to get elected.

Was there actual "collusion"?! At this point, that is hard to say.....but, at minimum, it is clear that the Trump Administration was at least complicit in the engagement of a hostile foreign adversary to interfere in our elections

On July 27, 2016 Donald Trump looked into a camera and asked Russia to "find the missing 30,000 emails". Later that evening, the first spearphishing attempts by Russians began against the DNC and Clinton.

In any other political world or with any other political figure, this would be enough to effectively end their presidency. If this were Barack Obama who did this, Republicans in Congress would be starting the paperwork for impeachment proceedings. I'm not advocating that's what has to happen with Trump, yet....however:

This should change the national dialogue when we discuss this issue. It no longer should surprise us why Trump calls this a "witch hunt"?!?! He damn well knew what he was doing back in July of 2016....just like he damn well knows what he is doing now. It is up to us to either be Americans who stand up for American values....or are we Trump cultists who only stand up for what Trump tells us to stand up for? After all, our entire political system is centered around fair elections....and by complying with Russia to get elected in the first place, Trump violated that trust.

AT MINIMUM, this latest revelation should tell all of us as Americans we demand to know what Trump's actual involvement more "fake news" comments and obviously, there was no such thing as a 'witch hunt'.
I can't imagine why. They, all 31,000 of them, were about yoga lessons and Chelsea"s wedding.

So you are on record as to not caring that Trump was complicit in Russia's involvement in the 2016 election? I guess that's your prerogative....but, it puts into context anything else you have to say.

You're not really "in" to that whole democracy thing then, are you?
/----/ BUT Obozo told Putin to cut it out.
Obama to Putin Over Hacking: ‘Cut It Out’ - Video -‎
Obama says he told Putin to 'cut it out' on Russia hacking - POLITICO

Obama says he told Putin to ‘cut it out’ on Russia hacking
Dec 16, 2016 - President Barack Obama said Friday that he told Russian President Vladimir Putin in September to “cut it out” in regard to allegations that his ...
So....from the band of misfit replies......the "defense" of Trump after this latest revelation is:

....but, but, Hillary Clinton sucks.
....but, but, it might not have happened before; it's just a coincidence.
....but, but, even if he used help of a foreign adversary, he "won" by only losing by 3 million votes.
....but, but, Russia isn't that bad.

HA! You clowns are hilarious! Do they serve Russian Kool-Aid at the cult convention?! If THIS is the best you have for retorts about folks are screwed.

We answered, you don't like the answers. I showed you how you were wrong, you didn't like that answer either.

And oh by the way, as far as your last response, I would like to address part of what you said---------->

We conservatives are in awe of the absolutely brilliant Hillary, Rodham, Clinton! She ran to get the popular vote, and she did EXACTLY what she said she was going to do; get the popular vote. She stuck to her campaign pledge to get that popular vote, and sweated to do it.

You absolutely should be proud of her for getting the popular vote, I know we are-)

Right.....those are the best "answers" you could come up with. Precisely my point.....if that's the best you have, you're screwed. Your delusion will only carry you so far.

ESPECIALLY when Trump's response to everything is always "I won the election" if THAT is called into question...what else you gonna say sunshine?

He won the election, and are comfortably ahead in the midterms, especially for the Senate. I say the sun is shining, lol. You must be a far Leftist, and yes, in your political neck of the woods, tornadoes are everywhere, which is probably why everything you say has a SPIN to it, lol.

So, this new moniker of yours, which of the faaaaaaaaar leftists is this, lol!

The new cloud that is cast over Trump is the fact he would NOT have won if it weren't for Russia's involvement in our elections. Is that true? Who knows......fact of the matter is the majority of Americans still voted for Hillary Clinton to be President....DESPITE the Russian hacking into our election. If they were not involved, it is very possible we'd be talking about President Clinton right now.

That delegitimatizes his Presidency and his worth as a leader.....and when that is his only response to why he want to do X, Y, or Z; pretty much takes all the wind out of his sails.
HA! A new one enters the fray!

Trump cult followers' responses to Russian operatives' immediate response to Trump's request to hack Hillary Clinton:

....but, but, Hillary Clinton sucks.
....but, but, it might not have happened before; it's just a coincidence.
....but, but, even if he used help of a foreign adversary, he "won" by only losing by 3 million votes.
....but, but, Russia isn't that bad. Putin has nice pecs.
....but, but, Trump was just joking.
....but, but, it was Obama's fault.

Keep 'em coming dimwits.....I love it! Reach deep into your bag of stupid.....I'm sure there's more!

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