Trump asked.....Russia listened. Facts are facts....

Right.....those are the best "answers" you could come up with. Precisely my point.....if that's the best you have, you're screwed. Your delusion will only carry you so far.

ESPECIALLY when Trump's response to everything is always "I won the election" if THAT is called into question...what else you gonna say sunshine?

He won the election, and are comfortably ahead in the midterms, especially for the Senate. I say the sun is shining, lol. You must be a far Leftist, and yes, in your political neck of the woods, tornadoes are everywhere, which is probably why everything you say has a SPIN to it, lol.

So, this new moniker of yours, which of the faaaaaaaaar leftists is this, lol!

The new cloud that is cast over Trump is the fact he would NOT have won if it weren't for Russia's involvement in our elections. Is that true? Who knows......fact of the matter is the majority of Americans still voted for Hillary Clinton to be President....DESPITE the Russian hacking into our election. If they were not involved, it is very possible we'd be talking about President Clinton right now.

That delegitimatizes his Presidency and his worth as a leader.....and when that is his only response to why he want to do X, Y, or Z; pretty much takes all the wind out of his sails.
/----/ So you are going on record that Rosenstein is lying and covering up for Putin. Interesting
Rosenstein: No Americans Involved or Votes Affected in Russian Hacking
Jul 13, 2018
Rosenstein: No Americans Involved or Votes Affected in Russian Hacking
RUSH: Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general conducting a press conference right now saying that the independent counsel Robert Mueller has indicted 12 Russian military officers for hacking the Democrat National Committee computer network and they stole 500,000 voters’ information, according to Rosenstein and his press conference.

APP-Rosenstein-DOJ.jpg a result of this indictment genius......all experts are saying there are more coming down the pike.

All that aside, however, it doesn't take away from the fact that Russians jumped into action immediately after Trump asked them to. Facts are what the facts are......
/----/ The Muller investigation and the Main Stream Media hot on the trail

RIGHT! Indictments are always a laughing matter! Good stuff.....

Eventually, you boobs are going to have to come up with something other than just funny memes. It works for the Trump pseudo-American cult....but, look at these people?!?! Not going to work for the majority of real Americans who actually care about this country.
He won the election, and are comfortably ahead in the midterms, especially for the Senate. I say the sun is shining, lol. You must be a far Leftist, and yes, in your political neck of the woods, tornadoes are everywhere, which is probably why everything you say has a SPIN to it, lol.

So, this new moniker of yours, which of the faaaaaaaaar leftists is this, lol!

The new cloud that is cast over Trump is the fact he would NOT have won if it weren't for Russia's involvement in our elections. Is that true? Who knows......fact of the matter is the majority of Americans still voted for Hillary Clinton to be President....DESPITE the Russian hacking into our election. If they were not involved, it is very possible we'd be talking about President Clinton right now.

That delegitimatizes his Presidency and his worth as a leader.....and when that is his only response to why he want to do X, Y, or Z; pretty much takes all the wind out of his sails.
/----/ So you are going on record that Rosenstein is lying and covering up for Putin. Interesting
Rosenstein: No Americans Involved or Votes Affected in Russian Hacking
Jul 13, 2018
Rosenstein: No Americans Involved or Votes Affected in Russian Hacking
RUSH: Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general conducting a press conference right now saying that the independent counsel Robert Mueller has indicted 12 Russian military officers for hacking the Democrat National Committee computer network and they stole 500,000 voters’ information, according to Rosenstein and his press conference.

APP-Rosenstein-DOJ.jpg a result of this indictment genius......all experts are saying there are more coming down the pike.

All that aside, however, it doesn't take away from the fact that Russians jumped into action immediately after Trump asked them to. Facts are what the facts are......
/----/ The Muller investigation and the Main Stream Media hot on the trail

RIGHT! Indictments are always a laughing matter! Good stuff.....

/----/ Indictments on actors who will never be brought to trial and nothing more than a publicity stunt are a laughing matter.
The new cloud that is cast over Trump is the fact he would NOT have won if it weren't for Russia's involvement in our elections. Is that true? Who knows......fact of the matter is the majority of Americans still voted for Hillary Clinton to be President....DESPITE the Russian hacking into our election. If they were not involved, it is very possible we'd be talking about President Clinton right now.

That delegitimatizes his Presidency and his worth as a leader.....and when that is his only response to why he want to do X, Y, or Z; pretty much takes all the wind out of his sails.
/----/ So you are going on record that Rosenstein is lying and covering up for Putin. Interesting
Rosenstein: No Americans Involved or Votes Affected in Russian Hacking
Jul 13, 2018
Rosenstein: No Americans Involved or Votes Affected in Russian Hacking
RUSH: Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general conducting a press conference right now saying that the independent counsel Robert Mueller has indicted 12 Russian military officers for hacking the Democrat National Committee computer network and they stole 500,000 voters’ information, according to Rosenstein and his press conference.

APP-Rosenstein-DOJ.jpg a result of this indictment genius......all experts are saying there are more coming down the pike.

All that aside, however, it doesn't take away from the fact that Russians jumped into action immediately after Trump asked them to. Facts are what the facts are......
/----/ The Muller investigation and the Main Stream Media hot on the trail

RIGHT! Indictments are always a laughing matter! Good stuff.....

/----/ Indictments on actors who will never be brought to trial and nothing more than a publicity stunt are a laughing matter. obviously don't understand how this works. Now....what a REAL President would do is back the highest law enforcement organization in the country and tell Putin that if he doesn't give up the 12 Russian operatives named in the suit, he will be looking to impose additional sanctions against the Russians.

He won't (obviously...because he isn't a real President).....and, as a matter of fact, won't allow anyone else in the room with him and Putin. Gee....I wonder why?!?!?!??!
..and yet ANOTHER:

Trump cult followers' responses to Russian operatives' immediate response to Trump's request to hack Hillary Clinton:

....but, but, Hillary Clinton sucks.
....but, but, it might not have happened before; it's just a coincidence.
....but, but, even if he used help of a foreign adversary, he "won" by only losing by 3 million votes.
....but, but, Russia isn't that bad. Putin has nice pecs.
....but, but, Trump was just joking.
....but, but, it was Obama's fault.
....but, but, the ENTIRE FBI (including all Republicans in the FBI) is involved in a gigantic conspiracy FOR Clinton and AGAINST Trump!
....but, but, naming foreigners in an indictment is nothing more than a publicity stunt!

It just gets more and more ridiculous.......the Trump cult better watch the right wing spin on this...because they suck doing it on their own. Unless this IS the right wing spin?!?!?

Friggin' imbeciles.
RIGHT! Indictments are always a laughing matter! Good stuff.....

Indeed, the whole vast Russian conspiracy circus is very entertaining, too bad the end result is a bit disappointing

No orange clown impeached, no Hillary in jail, no deep state criminals in jail...

The Russians did it but Trump didn't know anything, let's just be happy with our new cold war, spend some $trillions on the MIC and focus on more important things.... like pleasing Netanyahoo and organizing regime change in Iran...

/----/ So you are going on record that Rosenstein is lying and covering up for Putin. Interesting
Rosenstein: No Americans Involved or Votes Affected in Russian Hacking
Jul 13, 2018
Rosenstein: No Americans Involved or Votes Affected in Russian Hacking
RUSH: Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general conducting a press conference right now saying that the independent counsel Robert Mueller has indicted 12 Russian military officers for hacking the Democrat National Committee computer network and they stole 500,000 voters’ information, according to Rosenstein and his press conference.

APP-Rosenstein-DOJ.jpg a result of this indictment genius......all experts are saying there are more coming down the pike.

All that aside, however, it doesn't take away from the fact that Russians jumped into action immediately after Trump asked them to. Facts are what the facts are......
/----/ The Muller investigation and the Main Stream Media hot on the trail

RIGHT! Indictments are always a laughing matter! Good stuff.....

/----/ Indictments on actors who will never be brought to trial and nothing more than a publicity stunt are a laughing matter. obviously don't understand how this works. Now....what a REAL President would do is back the highest law enforcement organization in the country and tell Putin that if he doesn't give up the 12 Russian operatives named in the suit, he will be looking to impose additional sanctions against the Russians.

He won't (obviously...because he isn't a real President).....and, as a matter of fact, won't allow anyone else in the room with him and Putin. Gee....I wonder why?!?!?!??!

/----/ So if that is the test of a real president, why didn't Obozo do it instead of telling Putin to cut it out? a result of this indictment genius......all experts are saying there are more coming down the pike.

All that aside, however, it doesn't take away from the fact that Russians jumped into action immediately after Trump asked them to. Facts are what the facts are......
/----/ The Muller investigation and the Main Stream Media hot on the trail

RIGHT! Indictments are always a laughing matter! Good stuff.....

/----/ Indictments on actors who will never be brought to trial and nothing more than a publicity stunt are a laughing matter. obviously don't understand how this works. Now....what a REAL President would do is back the highest law enforcement organization in the country and tell Putin that if he doesn't give up the 12 Russian operatives named in the suit, he will be looking to impose additional sanctions against the Russians.

He won't (obviously...because he isn't a real President).....and, as a matter of fact, won't allow anyone else in the room with him and Putin. Gee....I wonder why?!?!?!??!

/----/ So if that is the test of a real president, why didn't Obozo do it instead of telling Putin to cut it out?

Why are you focused on Obama instead of the guy who is the current POTUS who actually asked the Russians for assistance? Unless, of course, your only intent is to completely deflect away from the real issue.......
RIGHT! Indictments are always a laughing matter! Good stuff.....

Indeed, the whole vast Russian conspiracy circus is very entertaining, too bad the end result is a bit disappointing

No orange clown impeached, no Hillary in jail, no deep state criminals in jail...

The Russians did it but Trump didn't know anything, let's just be happy with our new cold war, spend some $trillions on the MIC and focus on more important things.... like pleasing Netanyahoo and organizing regime change in Iran...


We are not at the end......not sure where you're getting that from? I guess the same place where you make an assumption that Trump "didn't know anything"?!?!

Plus, how can interference in our elections NOT be an important thing?!?! Our whole democracy centers around the populous choosing the leaders?

Believe me....I'd LOVE TO FOCUS on how the current GOP just increased the budget deficit to $1.3 trillion to give the people who crashed the economy 10 years ago a windfall of cash, but, this is important.
/----/ The Muller investigation and the Main Stream Media hot on the trail

RIGHT! Indictments are always a laughing matter! Good stuff.....

/----/ Indictments on actors who will never be brought to trial and nothing more than a publicity stunt are a laughing matter. obviously don't understand how this works. Now....what a REAL President would do is back the highest law enforcement organization in the country and tell Putin that if he doesn't give up the 12 Russian operatives named in the suit, he will be looking to impose additional sanctions against the Russians.

He won't (obviously...because he isn't a real President).....and, as a matter of fact, won't allow anyone else in the room with him and Putin. Gee....I wonder why?!?!?!??!

/----/ So if that is the test of a real president, why didn't Obozo do it instead of telling Putin to cut it out?

Why are you focused on Obama instead of the guy who is the current POTUS who actually asked the Russians for assistance? Unless, of course, your only intent is to completely deflect away from the real issue.......

/----/ Trump never asked Putin for assistance. That is a strawman argument and it makes you look desperate.
strawman argument 2.jpg
RIGHT! Indictments are always a laughing matter! Good stuff.....
/----/ Indictments on actors who will never be brought to trial and nothing more than a publicity stunt are a laughing matter. obviously don't understand how this works. Now....what a REAL President would do is back the highest law enforcement organization in the country and tell Putin that if he doesn't give up the 12 Russian operatives named in the suit, he will be looking to impose additional sanctions against the Russians.

He won't (obviously...because he isn't a real President).....and, as a matter of fact, won't allow anyone else in the room with him and Putin. Gee....I wonder why?!?!?!??!
/----/ So if that is the test of a real president, why didn't Obozo do it instead of telling Putin to cut it out?

Why are you focused on Obama instead of the guy who is the current POTUS who actually asked the Russians for assistance? Unless, of course, your only intent is to completely deflect away from the real issue.......
/----/ Trump never asked Putin for assistance. That is a strawman argument and it makes you look desperate.
View attachment 204695

They have video of it you buffoon. Plus, read the indictment.

What's next.....saying the guy that looked like Trump asking Russians to hack Hillary's emails what just a lookalike?!?!? Why not.....wouldn't any dumber than the other **** you morons are coming up with.
Trump asked Russians to get Clinton emails. They immediately started trying - CNNPolitics

We all know of the infamous video of then candidate Donald Trump asking Russians to 'find Hillary Clinton's missing emails'. Now, after Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian operatives in connection with foreign interference with the 2016 election and the timeline is released; it is clear that Trump was complicit in either directly or indirectly working along with Russian intelligence to get elected.

Was there actual "collusion"?! At this point, that is hard to say.....but, at minimum, it is clear that the Trump Administration was at least complicit in the engagement of a hostile foreign adversary to interfere in our elections

On July 27, 2016 Donald Trump looked into a camera and asked Russia to "find the missing 30,000 emails". Later that evening, the first spearphishing attempts by Russians began against the DNC and Clinton.

In any other political world or with any other political figure, this would be enough to effectively end their presidency. If this were Barack Obama who did this, Republicans in Congress would be starting the paperwork for impeachment proceedings. I'm not advocating that's what has to happen with Trump, yet....however:

This should change the national dialogue when we discuss this issue. It no longer should surprise us why Trump calls this a "witch hunt"?!?! He damn well knew what he was doing back in July of 2016....just like he damn well knows what he is doing now. It is up to us to either be Americans who stand up for American values....or are we Trump cultists who only stand up for what Trump tells us to stand up for? After all, our entire political system is centered around fair elections....and by complying with Russia to get elected in the first place, Trump violated that trust.

AT MINIMUM, this latest revelation should tell all of us as Americans we demand to know what Trump's actual involvement more "fake news" comments and obviously, there was no such thing as a 'witch hunt'.
I can't imagine why. They, all 31,000 of them, were about yoga lessons and Chelsea"s wedding.

So you are on record as to not caring that Trump was complicit in Russia's involvement in the 2016 election? I guess that's your prerogative....but, it puts into context anything else you have to say.

You're not really "in" to that whole democracy thing then, are you?
What were 110 classified emails doing on that server?

Who cares at this point? The email nonsense seems to be pretty small potatoes when you have a sitting President who is on video asking for Russian interference....and RECEIVED IT after he asked them to do it.

It is and it isn't, the emails should not have been there period. Just like Collen Powel should not have used a private server. Or Condy Rice, or Ivanka Kushner, or Jared Kushner.
Trump asked Russians to get Clinton emails. They immediately started trying - CNNPolitics

We all know of the infamous video of then candidate Donald Trump asking Russians to 'find Hillary Clinton's missing emails'. Now, after Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian operatives in connection with foreign interference with the 2016 election and the timeline is released; it is clear that Trump was complicit in either directly or indirectly working along with Russian intelligence to get elected.

Was there actual "collusion"?! At this point, that is hard to say.....but, at minimum, it is clear that the Trump Administration was at least complicit in the engagement of a hostile foreign adversary to interfere in our elections

On July 27, 2016 Donald Trump looked into a camera and asked Russia to "find the missing 30,000 emails". Later that evening, the first spearphishing attempts by Russians began against the DNC and Clinton.

In any other political world or with any other political figure, this would be enough to effectively end their presidency. If this were Barack Obama who did this, Republicans in Congress would be starting the paperwork for impeachment proceedings. I'm not advocating that's what has to happen with Trump, yet....however:

This should change the national dialogue when we discuss this issue. It no longer should surprise us why Trump calls this a "witch hunt"?!?! He damn well knew what he was doing back in July of 2016....just like he damn well knows what he is doing now. It is up to us to either be Americans who stand up for American values....or are we Trump cultists who only stand up for what Trump tells us to stand up for? After all, our entire political system is centered around fair elections....and by complying with Russia to get elected in the first place, Trump violated that trust.

AT MINIMUM, this latest revelation should tell all of us as Americans we demand to know what Trump's actual involvement more "fake news" comments and obviously, there was no such thing as a 'witch hunt'.
I can't imagine why. They, all 31,000 of them, were about yoga lessons and Chelsea"s wedding.

So you are on record as to not caring that Trump was complicit in Russia's involvement in the 2016 election? I guess that's your prerogative....but, it puts into context anything else you have to say.

You're not really "in" to that whole democracy thing then, are you?
Why would Trump be interested in Chelsea's wedding and the Beast's yoga lessons? I don't get it.
He's a pervert.
Trump asked Russians to get Clinton emails. They immediately started trying - CNNPolitics

We all know of the infamous video of then candidate Donald Trump asking Russians to 'find Hillary Clinton's missing emails'. Now, after Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian operatives in connection with foreign interference with the 2016 election and the timeline is released; it is clear that Trump was complicit in either directly or indirectly working along with Russian intelligence to get elected.

Was there actual "collusion"?! At this point, that is hard to say.....but, at minimum, it is clear that the Trump Administration was at least complicit in the engagement of a hostile foreign adversary to interfere in our elections

On July 27, 2016 Donald Trump looked into a camera and asked Russia to "find the missing 30,000 emails". Later that evening, the first spearphishing attempts by Russians began against the DNC and Clinton.

In any other political world or with any other political figure, this would be enough to effectively end their presidency. If this were Barack Obama who did this, Republicans in Congress would be starting the paperwork for impeachment proceedings. I'm not advocating that's what has to happen with Trump, yet....however:

This should change the national dialogue when we discuss this issue. It no longer should surprise us why Trump calls this a "witch hunt"?!?! He damn well knew what he was doing back in July of 2016....just like he damn well knows what he is doing now. It is up to us to either be Americans who stand up for American values....or are we Trump cultists who only stand up for what Trump tells us to stand up for? After all, our entire political system is centered around fair elections....and by complying with Russia to get elected in the first place, Trump violated that trust.

AT MINIMUM, this latest revelation should tell all of us as Americans we demand to know what Trump's actual involvement more "fake news" comments and obviously, there was no such thing as a 'witch hunt'.
I can't imagine why. They, all 31,000 of them, were about yoga lessons and Chelsea"s wedding.

So you are on record as to not caring that Trump was complicit in Russia's involvement in the 2016 election? I guess that's your prerogative....but, it puts into context anything else you have to say.

You're not really "in" to that whole democracy thing then, are you?
What were 110 classified emails doing on that server?

Who cares at this point? The email nonsense seems to be pretty small potatoes when you have a sitting President who is on video asking for Russian interference....and RECEIVED IT after he asked them to do it.

It is and it isn't, the emails should not have been there period. Just like Collen Powel should not have used a private server. Or Condy Rice, or Ivanka Kushner, or Jared Kushner.

In the context of what is going on.....whether or not some emails were on the wrong server seems minuscule in comparison to actually getting assistance from a hostile foreign country to circumvent our democracy and get elected in the first place.

One could be argued is bad is a crime against the country.
We are not at the end......not sure where you're getting that from? I guess the same place where you make an assumption that Trump "didn't know anything"?!?!

That assumption comes from Mueller only indicting Russians and not a single member of the orange regime (tax fraud and lying doesn't count), it's pretty clear that a deal has been made, the #resistance gets to blame the Russians and keep the new cold war going while Trump gets to play pretzeldent.. so while the Mueller clown show may continue for a while to keep the propaganda flowing nothing shocking will happen
Plus, how can interference in our elections NOT be an important thing?!?! Our whole democracy centers around the populous choosing the leaders?

Eh no, your whole 'democracy' centers about pleasing the 'free' market corporations, because that's where the campaign bribes... eh, donations.. come from. The only proven interference is Hillary rigging the primaries against Bernie but somehow that doesn't seem to bother all the defenders of the exceptional democracy
Believe me....I'd LOVE TO FOCUS on how the current GOP just increased the budget deficit to $1.3 trillion to give the people who crashed the economy 10 years ago a windfall of cash, but, this is important.

I don't believe you

Last edited:
Trump asked Russians to get Clinton emails. They immediately started trying - CNNPolitics

We all know of the infamous video of then candidate Donald Trump asking Russians to 'find Hillary Clinton's missing emails'. Now, after Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian operatives in connection with foreign interference with the 2016 election and the timeline is released; it is clear that Trump was complicit in either directly or indirectly working along with Russian intelligence to get elected.

Was there actual "collusion"?! At this point, that is hard to say.....but, at minimum, it is clear that the Trump Administration was at least complicit in the engagement of a hostile foreign adversary to interfere in our elections

On July 27, 2016 Donald Trump looked into a camera and asked Russia to "find the missing 30,000 emails". Later that evening, the first spearphishing attempts by Russians began against the DNC and Clinton.

In any other political world or with any other political figure, this would be enough to effectively end their presidency. If this were Barack Obama who did this, Republicans in Congress would be starting the paperwork for impeachment proceedings. I'm not advocating that's what has to happen with Trump, yet....however:

This should change the national dialogue when we discuss this issue. It no longer should surprise us why Trump calls this a "witch hunt"?!?! He damn well knew what he was doing back in July of 2016....just like he damn well knows what he is doing now. It is up to us to either be Americans who stand up for American values....or are we Trump cultists who only stand up for what Trump tells us to stand up for? After all, our entire political system is centered around fair elections....and by complying with Russia to get elected in the first place, Trump violated that trust.

AT MINIMUM, this latest revelation should tell all of us as Americans we demand to know what Trump's actual involvement more "fake news" comments and obviously, there was no such thing as a 'witch hunt'.
I can't imagine why. They, all 31,000 of them, were about yoga lessons and Chelsea"s wedding.

So you are on record as to not caring that Trump was complicit in Russia's involvement in the 2016 election? I guess that's your prerogative....but, it puts into context anything else you have to say.

You're not really "in" to that whole democracy thing then, are you?
What were 110 classified emails doing on that server?
better question why isnt she in jail for that
I can't imagine why. They, all 31,000 of them, were about yoga lessons and Chelsea"s wedding.

So you are on record as to not caring that Trump was complicit in Russia's involvement in the 2016 election? I guess that's your prerogative....but, it puts into context anything else you have to say.

You're not really "in" to that whole democracy thing then, are you?
What were 110 classified emails doing on that server?

Who cares at this point? The email nonsense seems to be pretty small potatoes when you have a sitting President who is on video asking for Russian interference....and RECEIVED IT after he asked them to do it.

It is and it isn't, the emails should not have been there period. Just like Collen Powel should not have used a private server. Or Condy Rice, or Ivanka Kushner, or Jared Kushner.

In the context of what is going on.....whether or not some emails were on the wrong server seems so minuscule to actually getting assistance from a hostile foreign country to circumvent our democracy.

Oh I agree completely, just saying they ALL should not be using private servers and this is why.
Trump asked Russians to get Clinton emails. They immediately started trying - CNNPolitics

We all know of the infamous video of then candidate Donald Trump asking Russians to 'find Hillary Clinton's missing emails'. Now, after Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian operatives in connection with foreign interference with the 2016 election and the timeline is released; it is clear that Trump was complicit in either directly or indirectly working along with Russian intelligence to get elected.

Was there actual "collusion"?! At this point, that is hard to say.....but, at minimum, it is clear that the Trump Administration was at least complicit in the engagement of a hostile foreign adversary to interfere in our elections

On July 27, 2016 Donald Trump looked into a camera and asked Russia to "find the missing 30,000 emails". Later that evening, the first spearphishing attempts by Russians began against the DNC and Clinton.

In any other political world or with any other political figure, this would be enough to effectively end their presidency. If this were Barack Obama who did this, Republicans in Congress would be starting the paperwork for impeachment proceedings. I'm not advocating that's what has to happen with Trump, yet....however:

This should change the national dialogue when we discuss this issue. It no longer should surprise us why Trump calls this a "witch hunt"?!?! He damn well knew what he was doing back in July of 2016....just like he damn well knows what he is doing now. It is up to us to either be Americans who stand up for American values....or are we Trump cultists who only stand up for what Trump tells us to stand up for? After all, our entire political system is centered around fair elections....and by complying with Russia to get elected in the first place, Trump violated that trust.

AT MINIMUM, this latest revelation should tell all of us as Americans we demand to know what Trump's actual involvement more "fake news" comments and obviously, there was no such thing as a 'witch hunt'.
I can't imagine why. They, all 31,000 of them, were about yoga lessons and Chelsea"s wedding.

So you are on record as to not caring that Trump was complicit in Russia's involvement in the 2016 election? I guess that's your prerogative....but, it puts into context anything else you have to say.

You're not really "in" to that whole democracy thing then, are you?
What were 110 classified emails doing on that server?
better question why isnt she in jail for that

We've been over this a few billion times....she was investigated....and exonerated...good Christ. That is NOT the "better question" for God's sake. The "better question" is why you don't care about the illegitimacy of the current President? THAT is the "better question".....

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