Trump at about 45 years of age with Epstein at party, 1992

But no shame for rapist Bill Clinton, or his fraud of a "wife" who enabled him to be a SEX PREDATOR....


exactly,THANK YOU. i could not have said it better myself. Yeah I have no problem with the Trump haters talking about him being a rapist especially since i am not a Trump supporter,what I DO have a problem with though is when they NEVER mention the detailed FACTS of all the women Clinton raped while governor of arkansas. their hypocrisy ignoring the evidence of what a rapist he was is just damn sick that they could ignore HIS rapes he got away with scott free. i dont ever hear them say ONE WORD about HIS rapes the fucking hypocrites.:rolleyes::cuckoo::cuckoo::mad:

Self confessed female assaulter, yet all the females accusing him are liars. He is a liar.

there have only been a couple of women that have come out and said anything like that,and all they said was he groped them.LOL its not like the case of clinton where there were DOZENS of women that came forward who were backed up by credible people being arkansas state troopers :lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301: yet as always in your hypocrisy,you NEVER mention ANYTHING on his rapes he got off scott free on hypocrite.:rolleyes:
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Hands all over!!

Trump also hung out with a rapist once.
trump and b clinton.jpg

Hands all over!!

Trump also hung out with a rapist once.
View attachment 269817

I honestly think Trump knew the rapist and Epstein like acquaintances. But the Fake News will grasp for straws at this.

i agree. I mean lets see some hard core evidence of RECENT pics of him hanging out with him. If we have that,then thats something to talk about since he said he has had nothing to do with him the past 15 years. Its not the case with Clinton where his fingerprints are ALL OVER THE PLACE on raping women.

Its just like the russian collusion thing,fake rumors that have no evidence whatsoever to back it up. a fairy tale. give me some recent pics of trump with him in the last 15 years or so and i will change my mind until then,the trump haters have nothing.oh and I amopen minded to anything on trump,i am not a supporter in the least but again,if its something that is not credible like the russian thing,then its not worth talking about. period.
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Hands all over!!

Trump also hung out with a rapist once.
View attachment 269817

this is proof Trump is a PHONY and WHY I am not a supporter of him.He said he would prosecute the clintons which is why i had a feeling from the very get go he was a liar from the very get go,uh where is the news on that proseucution of those criminals? zilch,nothing. Trump is same as all criminal presidents since lyndon johnson,just there to serve the establishment and shit on the constitution and the people.
Why are democrats so intent not only losing in 2020 but to thoroughly destroy themselves?

They have gone over to destroying Trump 24/7. Not only are democrats intent on destroying Trump to the exclusion of everything else but they regard working on the nation's behalf racist and a form of treason. Their time today was taken up with a nonsense impeachment, holding Bill Barr in contempt, going insane over a party in 1992, giving Bob Mueller helpful phrases to say and breathlessly hanging on to the every utterance of the suicide squad who has demanded that anyone who addresses them defer to their being women of color before they should say anything..

That was the demoscum agenda for today.

No one will ever be able to force this group into doing the nation's work. Not ever. They have to be removed. Not one democrat should be elected to office. Yes we know that the fraud in California and New York will be too much to overcome. There are 48 others. Get these useless wastes out of our government.

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