Trump Attorney John Lauro to FOX News: “We Will Re-litigate *Every Single Issue* in the 2020 Election” (Through Discovery)

I don't think so. I read they asked for a trial date in 2026, well that's ridiculous. They are not gonna get that and that alone blows up their plan to relitigate everything.
They best be focusing on the specific charge and nothing else if they plan on getting old Trumpy off the hook
You'd think the orange sexual abuser would want to prove his "innocence" as soon as possible.
You're back? Masochist much? :p

There's no use spending money on a case you already know won't be heard. Right? Kinda duh...

And secondly, the Dems have backed themselves into a corner now, they no longer have a choice. They MUST undergo discovery, and if they withhold even one little piece of evidence the case will get thrown out.

They're fucked. There's no way this fog and pony show can survive the light. Now they're going to force the court to look at those 20,000 illegal late votes in AZ, whether they want to or not.

You overestimate the entertainment value of watching you shit your pants.

The prosecution has to turn over all the evidence they have in discovery. You imagine that the prosecution has massive evidence of fraud.

But your imagination isn't a legal standard. Which might explain the absolutely perfect record of failure of your Big Lie nonsense in court.

Good luck with imaginary evidence!
It's not a strategy at all. If he tries to release his report, he will be convicted slam dunk. Trump has no defense for these charges. And he will end up in jail for trying to prejudice the jury pool.

As for his "irrefutable evidence", what part of "He won't even be allowed to introduce evidence that the election was stolen" at his January 6th trial, are you not understanding???? Whether or not the election was stolen is irrelevant to the case. What Trump did was criminal and even if he has evidence of a stolen election, he can't use fraud, fake electors, or a conspiracy to reject the real electors, to overturn it.

Trump has had more than 2 years to present this evidence, and he waited until he was facing years in prison that he pulled it out????? This sounds like "The surveillance video at Mar-a-lago showed the FBI behaving badly in the raid". Really???? So why haven't you released it Donnie????
/——-/ And democRATs waited until the elect cycle to persecute Trump.
Discovery baby! That's what the Deep State does not want. Jack Smith has just opened up a can of worms with his bogus indictment.

Trump Attorney John Lauro to FOX News: “We Will Re-litigate *Every Single Issue* in the 2020 Election”​

Video in the link below. Brett Baier just got schooled by Trump's lawyer.

The indictment of President Trump yesterday by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith in Washington D.C. revolves heavily around the unproven assertion that the 2020 Election was legitimate, free from fraud and that President Trump “knowingly” asserted “baseless claims” of election fraud.
President Trump’s team was constricted immensely by a ridiculously narrow window of just a few weeks to compile data from an obfuscated election system that was bolstered by unprecedented COVID-19 mail-in balloting rules put in place. It was reminiscent of the Wild, Wild West. And still, cases were brought, and quickly dismissed, typically using procedural justifications such as “standing” or “laches” before any evidentiary hearings or discovery was permitted.
The Gateway Pundit has documented numerous examples of unresolved issues and concerns from USPS employees appearing to stuff piles of ballots into drop boxes in Michigan, to two 4am deliveries in the backdoor of the TCF Center in Detroit, more than 20,000 ballots delivered after the deadline in Maricopa County, the mysterious disappearance of Jesse Morgan’s USPS trailer that he claims contained around 250,000 filled out mail-in ballots transported from NJ to PA, and “erroneous code” being found on almost every Georgia county who’s system log files were analyzed. And that’s a few examples with many, many more documented.

In fact, just yesterday The Gateway Pundit published a report from Erich Speckin, a 20-year veteran contractor with the State of Michigan who investigated the 2020 Election AVCB ballots in Detroit and found there could be upwards of 35,000 illegal ballots.

Now, given the wording and accusations levied in the indictment against President Trump, one of his attorneys, John Lauro, weighed on FOX News with Brett Baier:
"We'll Re-Litigate everything"!

Sure. Until the cash runs out.
No, idiot! Biden was installed as a Usurper through fraud. True discovery is going to be made in this case.

They recounted the fraudulent ballots is what they did.
Why didn't Trump the albino ape present all this evidence of voter fraud that he supposedly has to the Fulton County grand jury before they indicted the fat fuck, genius?
Why didn't Trump the albino ape present all this evidence of voter fraud that he supposedly has to the Fulton County grand jury before they indicted the fat fuck, genius?

Same reason he never released that alternative to Obamacare that was way better, that everyone loved, but that cost so much less?

Same reason he never released the findings of his 'investigation' into Obama's Birth Certificate?
And when the evidence is never provided what will you proclaim then?

It's already been provided! Just because you stick your fingers in your ears and say LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU means nothing.

- Millions more votes than voters.
- Security camera video in the counting rooms.
- Ballot readers with thousands more votes talled than paper ballots.
- Over 1,000 sworn affidavits from eye witnesses.
- Postal workers swearing under oath they were forced to backdate ballots.

And you claim none of this is "evidence"?
It's already been provided! Just because you stick your fingers in your ears and say LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU means nothing.

- Millions more votes than voters.
- Security camera video in the counting rooms.
- Ballot readers with thousands more votes talled than paper ballots.
- Over 1,000 sworn affidavits from eye witnesses.
- Postal workers swearing under oath they were forced to backdate ballots.

And you claim none of this is "evidence"?

While the other claims has long since been debunked in court, I can tell you something about that last one.

Postal workers swearing under oath they were forced to backdate ballots.

My boss had an argument with the Post Office over why our business reply mail didn't have a postmark to indicate where or when it was mailed. And they went through the postal regulations that cancellations are for revenue protection only.
So they don't cancel metered or business return mail.

Does business reply mail go in stamped or metered?

It is not stamped or metered, but if you wonder what mailbox to drop it into, drop it in with the metered mail, as it does not require a cancellation, as stamps do.

In a state that requires mail-in ballots be prepaid, such as business reply mail. They are normally not cancelled. But because many election laws require ballots to be mailed before election day, even if received after election day, their legitimacy depends on a postmark, the post office doesn't always apply, which was what I argued with the post office why they should do it for all mail.
You overestimate the entertainment value of watching you shit your pants.

The prosecution has to turn over all the evidence they have in discovery. You imagine that the prosecution has massive evidence of fraud.

But your imagination isn't a legal standard. Which might explain the absolutely perfect record of failure of your Big Lie nonsense in court.

Good luck with imaginary evidence!

Put down the bong.

You're not following the discussion
Put down the bong.

You're not following the discussion

And I followed the post I replied to well enough. All your babble about 'discovery' and "there's no way this fog and pony show can survive the light" you imagining evidence you don't have.

If imagination was evidence, Trump would still be president.

Good luck using your imagination as a legal standard.

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