Trump Bans Bump Stocks

It is interesting that Trump felt the need to throw the left a bone..and a skinny bone it is.. as many here have noted.
Bump stocks Have never been good sellers till progressives Lit their own hair on fire and screamed like bitches about them... lol

You mean until somebody used them to kill and injure many people proving how dangerous they are. No lawful use for them.
Well, before Vegas I had a couple, three of them on the shelf for over an year for under $100.
Since Vegas they sell as fast as they come in. I make minimal on them and they are just a gimmick/toy... if they do ban them no skin off my back. If you ask me though I am against banning them though on principle... slippery slope.

Whatever the item is, it is only as dangerous as the person using it making approximately 99.999999999+% of firearms in this country no threat whatsoever. So you can round up your nanny state brigade and light each other’s hair on fire, and drink the anti-gun nutter koolaid. And go to all 57 states, under sniper fire protesting cluelessly with Michael Moore/Harvey Weinstein. On how scary AR15s are to the clueless.
'In the right hands, it can liberate the world': Gun manufacturers defend AR-15s after school shooting

Sound like gun nuts want to mimic mass killers.
Yeah the pressure form the youth movement in Florida is already being felt by Republicans and lying Trump. This is the beginning of the Attempt To Placate. Where Lying Donald and the Republicans trot out these easy non-fixes that should have been done years ago and then claim they are doing something.

They've had this 'retreat' list in hand for a decade or more, where they fake like they are taking action but it is empty and vacuous. But they scream and wail as if they've banned guns.

Won't work cons, the time has arrived.

Movement? They're just chanting like insolent , clueless children.

They are tired of so many dying. It’s a shame more adults don’t care more. We should be protecting our people.

So am I. All I am saying is pass 10 new laws and it won't affect a thing.

I guess if you ignore how countries with strong gun control don’t have this problem. Not sure why you would do that though.
Countries with strong gun control?

Like the 1936 Germany ban of gun ownership by Jews?
Or the 1917 ban of Russian citizens owning guns?
Or the 1949 ban of Chinese citizens owning guns?
Or the long history of banning guns in Cambodia prior to 1975?
Yeah the pressure form the youth movement in Florida is already being felt by Republicans and lying Trump. This is the beginning of the Attempt To Placate. Where Lying Donald and the Republicans trot out these easy non-fixes that should have been done years ago and then claim they are doing something.

They've had this 'retreat' list in hand for a decade or more, where they fake like they are taking action but it is empty and vacuous. But they scream and wail as if they've banned guns.

Won't work cons, the time has arrived.

Movement? They're just chanting like insolent , clueless children.

They are tired of so many dying. It’s a shame more adults don’t care more. We should be protecting our people.

So am I. All I am saying is pass 10 new laws and it won't affect a thing.

I guess if you ignore how countries with strong gun control don’t have this problem. Not sure why you would do that though.
Countries with strong gun control?

Like the 1936 Germany ban of gun ownership by Jews?
Or the 1917 ban of Russian citizens owning guns?
Or the 1949 ban of Chinese citizens owning guns?
Or the long history of banning guns in Cambodia prior to 1975?

Our children are dying and you are scared of Nazis? Communists? Grow up.
I'm glad he's doing it, but how long has it been since Vegas?
How many people have used bump stocks in mass shootings since Vegas? Shit for brains
Disappointed that they hadn't? If they had, you'd have been o.k. with it, right?

Actually I don't think it was all Trump's fault, Congress was supposed to pass a ban on bump stocks right after Vegas, even the NRA supported it, but they just sat on their asses and did nothing.
Good reason to ban high capacity magazines.
And people say its bullshit when i say "you give them an inch and they will take a mile" :rolleyes:
We had limits before. It has never been so clear we need them now. Only people who are planning a mass shooting should be upset by it.
What about gun free zones, you know they are memorials to Dead kids everywhere
Was it a gun free zone when all those police were killed in TX?
Trump just announced he signed an order to ban devices which turn guns in to automatic weapons. Ordered DOJ to start the process. The result of an investigation he ordered months ago. Done more than Obamakov ever did on gun control.

And he's meeting with all stakeholders in the next few weeks.

good. that should have been done after the LV shootings. now we'll see if he reinstates Obama's regs regarding mental health and guns given that he made it easier for mentally ill people to get guns.
That Means that all progressives will be barred from purchasing firearms, I’m against that.
Movement? They're just chanting like insolent , clueless children.

They are tired of so many dying. It’s a shame more adults don’t care more. We should be protecting our people.

So am I. All I am saying is pass 10 new laws and it won't affect a thing.

I guess if you ignore how countries with strong gun control don’t have this problem. Not sure why you would do that though.
Countries with strong gun control?

Like the 1936 Germany ban of gun ownership by Jews?
Or the 1917 ban of Russian citizens owning guns?
Or the 1949 ban of Chinese citizens owning guns?
Or the long history of banning guns in Cambodia prior to 1975?

Our children are dying and you are scared of Nazis? Communists? Grow up.
Children are dying in gun free zones unnecessarily...
Yeah the pressure form the youth movement in Florida is already being felt by Republicans and lying Trump. This is the beginning of the Attempt To Placate. Where Lying Donald and the Republicans trot out these easy non-fixes that should have been done years ago and then claim they are doing something.

They've had this 'retreat' list in hand for a decade or more, where they fake like they are taking action but it is empty and vacuous. But they scream and wail as if they've banned guns.

Won't work cons, the time has arrived.
True, The banning of bump stocks will not save one single soul, the plus side of it I won’t have to stock them ridiculous gimmicks anymore Once they are banded. Lol

In short Trumpy is full of shit.

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Trump just announced he signed an order to ban devices which turn guns in to automatic weapons. Ordered DOJ to start the process. The result of an investigation he ordered months ago. Done more than Obamakov ever did on gun control.

And he's meeting with all stakeholders in the next few weeks.

good. that should have been done after the LV shootings. now we'll see if he reinstates Obama's regs regarding mental health and guns given that he made it easier for mentally ill people to get guns.

We really need to reinstate the Clinton magazine capacity limits too!
Na, That will raise the price of ammunition unnecessarily…
Also, I have seen people on this forum argue against a ban on bump stocks before.
I'm glad he's doing it, but how long has it been since Vegas?
How many people have used bump stocks in mass shootings since Vegas? Shit for brains
Hey they are running out to buy the same shit used by a mass killer. Pretty sick.
Except the one is going to be using those, they are just for playing around at the range. They are just a gimmick/toy
Yeah the pressure form the youth movement in Florida is already being felt by Republicans and lying Trump. This is the beginning of the Attempt To Placate. Where Lying Donald and the Republicans trot out these easy non-fixes that should have been done years ago and then claim they are doing something.

They've had this 'retreat' list in hand for a decade or more, where they fake like they are taking action but it is empty and vacuous. But they scream and wail as if they've banned guns.

Won't work cons, the time has arrived.

Movement? They're just chanting like insolent , clueless children.

They are tired of so many dying. It’s a shame more adults don’t care more. We should be protecting our people.
Our people should be protecting themselves but you don't want them to be able to do that do you?

There is a reason the UK, Japan, Germany, Denmark, Australia and many other countries don’t have a mass shooting problem. I would like to make them rare here too.
I would like to make medical errors rare here too, but you know it’s not gonna happen big Pharma is too invested... Over 33,000 people have died so far this year from medical errors… How are you gonna stop that?
We have no criminal control in this country, that’s the only way the lesson violent crime.
Also, I have seen people on this forum argue against a ban on bump stocks before.
We care about bump stocks, but on principle alone I’m against banning them
I don't know what your reasoning for that is, but I think it's b.s. to think that banning bump stocks would lead to a total ban on guns.

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