Trump blames Obama for doubling the debt

And mainly a couple trillion in bailouts

The bank "bailout" was repaid, at a profit to the US Treasury.

and five to six trillion in assistance to victims

The recession ended in June 2009.
Has the level of "assistance spending" returned to Bush levels since
employment normalized? Or did Obama keep shoveling money out the door?

Wow, Mr Economic Knowitall is too fucking stupid to know that the effects of a recession continue long after the end of the official recession.

And you were here bragging how much you know about the stock market, derrivatives & the economy. Your post just proved what a lying fuck you are.

the effects of a recession continue long after the end of the official recession.

When did the effects end? When did Obama's awesome economic stewardship erase the "Bush recession"?
Once he fixed things, why was his spending still so much higher than Bush's?

You said they should have ended in 2009. You have already proven what an ass you are. STFU.

Can't answer? I'm shocked. DERP!
The effects haven't ended yet stupid. Africa South America and parts of the Middle East are still in Bush depression. Victims of the Meltdown are still receiving 200 billion a year or so in welfare. You are the thickest...

Africa South America and parts of the Middle East are still in Bush depression

Shitholes gonna be shitholes.
Wow, Mr Economic Knowitall is too fucking stupid to know that the effects of a recession continue long after the end of the official recession.

And you were here bragging how much you know about the stock market, derrivatives & the economy. Your post just proved what a lying fuck you are.

the effects of a recession continue long after the end of the official recession.

When did the effects end? When did Obama's awesome economic stewardship erase the "Bush recession"?
Once he fixed things, why was his spending still so much higher than Bush's?

You said they should have ended in 2009. You have already proven what an ass you are. STFU.

Can't answer? I'm shocked. DERP!
The effects haven't ended yet stupid. Africa South America and parts of the Middle East are still in Bush depression. Victims of the Meltdown are still receiving 200 billion a year or so in welfare. You are the thickest...

Africa South America and parts of the Middle East are still in Bush depression

Shitholes gonna be shitholes.
They weren't complete shitholes until the depression. Where do you think all the refugees going through Libya to Europe are coming from? Not to mention all the syrians etcetera...
the effects of a recession continue long after the end of the official recession.

When did the effects end? When did Obama's awesome economic stewardship erase the "Bush recession"?
Once he fixed things, why was his spending still so much higher than Bush's?

You said they should have ended in 2009. You have already proven what an ass you are. STFU.

Can't answer? I'm shocked. DERP!
The effects haven't ended yet stupid. Africa South America and parts of the Middle East are still in Bush depression. Victims of the Meltdown are still receiving 200 billion a year or so in welfare. You are the thickest...

Africa South America and parts of the Middle East are still in Bush depression

Shitholes gonna be shitholes.
They weren't complete shitholes until the depression. Where do you think all the refugees going through Libya to Europe are coming from? Not to mention all the syrians etcetera...

Yeah, Obama fucked up Libya and Syria.
It's a good thing he was so smart, eh?
You said they should have ended in 2009. You have already proven what an ass you are. STFU.

Can't answer? I'm shocked. DERP!
The effects haven't ended yet stupid. Africa South America and parts of the Middle East are still in Bush depression. Victims of the Meltdown are still receiving 200 billion a year or so in welfare. You are the thickest...

Africa South America and parts of the Middle East are still in Bush depression

Shitholes gonna be shitholes.
They weren't complete shitholes until the depression. Where do you think all the refugees going through Libya to Europe are coming from? Not to mention all the syrians etcetera...

Yeah, Obama fucked up Libya and Syria.
It's a good thing he was so smart, eh?
Those black refugees coming through Libya are from sub-Saharan Africa dimwit. Your hero Putin and his scumbag dictator and Isis ruined Syria. And of course bush's longest stupidest War ever wreck the whole area...
Can't answer? I'm shocked. DERP!
The effects haven't ended yet stupid. Africa South America and parts of the Middle East are still in Bush depression. Victims of the Meltdown are still receiving 200 billion a year or so in welfare. You are the thickest...

Africa South America and parts of the Middle East are still in Bush depression

Shitholes gonna be shitholes.
They weren't complete shitholes until the depression. Where do you think all the refugees going through Libya to Europe are coming from? Not to mention all the syrians etcetera...

Yeah, Obama fucked up Libya and Syria.
It's a good thing he was so smart, eh?
Those black refugees coming through Libya are from sub-Saharan Africa dimwit. Your hero Putin and his scumbag dictator and Isis ruined Syria. And of course bush's longest stupidest War ever wreck the whole area...

Now that Obama fucked up Libya, the African refugees have a clear path to Europe.

Great job!
Obama called President Bush unpatriotic for adding four trillion to the debt over 8 years, during which time he was burdened with 911, the aftermath of the attack, and two Wars, not to mention his last 2 years saddled with a near supermajority of Democrats controlling all of Congress to include spending.

President Obama enjoyed 2 years of that Democratic party near super majority control of Congress and spending - he went on to add almost 7 trillion in new spending in only 4 years.

His first legislation affecting the economy was the failed nearly 1 trillion dollar stimulus bill that contained over seven thousand pieces of Democratic party only pork spending.

The only thing Obama inherited from the Bush Administration was two years of spending by the Democrats who held the near supermajority controlled Congress

If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from his own party.

And of course Obama secured United States first credit rating downgrade.
Let's not forget the added that caused by Obamas arming of both terrorists in Mexican drug cartels, of pain ransoms to terrorists and I ran for us hostages, for giving billions to the UN he claimed was going to be spent on zika virus prevention in the United States, the millions and millions spent on all of the illegals he helped bring into this country and the cost to the nation of running and providing for the illegal Sanctuary cities.

Let's not forget the additional cost to this nation of his two unconstitutional and unauthorized Wars.
Republicans irresponsibly reduce taxes while increasing spending and have nothing to stand for when lecturing others about fiscal irresponsibility.
You are a pathetic debater because instead of addressing the arguments in good faith you constantly fall back on deflections, falsehoods and outright fabrications.

I was not "whining about Bush tax cuts" - I was stating FACTS ABOUT THEM:

"If you don't count Bush tax-cut extensions Obama barely added to the debt"

You have not disputed even a SINGLE WORD of that, but are instead trying to conflate Obama not FIXING deficits and Obama's policies CAUSING them.

Yes, Obama failed to deal with long term debt problems
No, he did not cause them.

"If you don't count Bush tax-cut extensions Obama barely added to the debt"

When Obama didn't reverse the Bush cuts, despite huge majorities, they became Obama tax cuts.

You want to put tax-cutting on Obama?

Ok but go ahead and HONESTLY STICK WITH IT and admit that the reason Obama increased debt is due to policies YOU CREDIT HIM FOR.

You want to put tax-cutting on Obama?

You're blaming part of Obama's added deficits on the tax rate on Jan 20, 2009.
As though he had no power to change them while he had majorities in both Houses.

He didn't increase tax rates in 2009, right?
Or in 2010, right?

Is that Bush's fault? Did Bush tie his hands somehow?

Whatever chunk of the debt you want to blame on tax cuts became Obama's responsibility when he didn't end them.
Yet another example of your lack of knowledge on basic economics. You can't raise taxes during a recession you stupid ignorant asshole POS.

You can't raise taxes during a recession

FDR did, multiple times. Asshole.

AND IT WAS BAD, contributed to relapse. Which is WHY we don't take up contractionary policies like that in dire economic times.
Obama raised them in 2012.

I knew you are too much of a fucking hack to keep honest on that.

ONE more time: did Obama RAISE taxes or CUT THEM as you conveniently claimed when you were blaming the debt from them on Obama?

Can't have it both ways asshole.
Obama raised them in 2012.

I knew you are too much of a fucking hack to keep honest on that.

ONE more time: did Obama RAISE taxes or CUT THEM as you conveniently claimed when you were blaming the debt from them on Obama?

Can't have it both ways asshole.

How much of the "Bush tax cut debt" is Obama responsible for?

Fuck you, take a position AND STICK WITH IT instead making arguments of convenience.

Obama either cut taxes by extending expiring Bush's tax-cuts or he raised them by returning top-bracket rate from 35% back to 39%.

Both are fair positions but you can't have it both ways.
Last edited:
Obama raised them in 2012.

I knew you are too much of a fucking hack to keep honest on that.

ONE more time: did Obama RAISE taxes or CUT THEM as you conveniently claimed when you were blaming the debt from them on Obama?

Can't have it both ways asshole.

How much of the "Bush tax cut debt" is Obama responsible for?

Fuck you, take a position AND STICK WITH IT instead making arguments of convenience.

Like the argument, "Obama didn't add much to the debt because Bush"?


Sure thing Sparky.
Obama raised them in 2012.

I knew you are too much of a fucking hack to keep honest on that.

ONE more time: did Obama RAISE taxes or CUT THEM as you conveniently claimed when you were blaming the debt from them on Obama?

Can't have it both ways asshole.

How much of the "Bush tax cut debt" is Obama responsible for?

Fuck you, take a position AND STICK WITH IT instead making arguments of convenience.

Like the argument, "Obama didn't add much to the debt because Bush"?


Sure thing Sparky.

...Who are you quoting??? Not me.
Let's not forget the added that caused by Obamas arming of both terrorists in Mexican drug cartels, of pain ransoms to terrorists and I ran for us hostages, for giving billions to the UN he claimed was going to be spent on zika virus prevention in the United States, the millions and millions spent on all of the illegals he helped bring into this country and the cost to the nation of running and providing for the illegal Sanctuary cities.

Let's not forget the additional cost to this nation of his two unconstitutional and unauthorized Wars.
You are horribly misinformed, dupe. His Wars cost almost nothing in comparison to W bush Iraq.... And no American casualties silly boy...
You are horribly misinformed, dupe. His Wars cost almost nothing in comparison to W bush Iraq.... And no American casualties silly boy...
No American Casualties?

Congrats - you just lost all credibility:

US Troop Deaths in Afghan War Under Obama Now Twice That Under Bush | Just Foreign Policy

2,500 Soldiers Have Died in Afghanistan and Iraq Under Obama
-- "According to the Iraq Coalition Casualty Count, 1,906 U.S. soldiers have been killed in and around Afghanistan, and 593 in Iraq."

U.S. Military Fatalities in Afghanistan Quadruple

The Death Toll Does Not Lie -- Afghanistan Is Obama's War | HuffPost

...and your ignorant ass just called ME a 'dupe'...

Bwuhahahaha. :p
Are we in real times of war or not. If not, then lower taxes. If yes, then we need to raise taxes until we have an army group and naval armada, in reserve.

Anything less, is just right wing fantasy.
You are horribly misinformed, dupe. His Wars cost almost nothing in comparison to W bush Iraq.... And no American casualties silly boy...
No American Casualties?

Congrats - you just lost all credibility:

US Troop Deaths in Afghan War Under Obama Now Twice That Under Bush | Just Foreign Policy

2,500 Soldiers Have Died in Afghanistan and Iraq Under Obama
-- "According to the Iraq Coalition Casualty Count, 1,906 U.S. soldiers have been killed in and around Afghanistan, and 593 in Iraq."

U.S. Military Fatalities in Afghanistan Quadruple

The Death Toll Does Not Lie -- Afghanistan Is Obama's War | HuffPost

...and your ignorant ass just called ME a 'dupe'...

Bwuhahahaha. :p
That would be Libya and Syria
You are horribly misinformed, dupe. His Wars cost almost nothing in comparison to W bush Iraq.... And no American casualties silly boy...
No American Casualties?

Congrats - you just lost all credibility:

US Troop Deaths in Afghan War Under Obama Now Twice That Under Bush | Just Foreign Policy

2,500 Soldiers Have Died in Afghanistan and Iraq Under Obama
-- "According to the Iraq Coalition Casualty Count, 1,906 U.S. soldiers have been killed in and around Afghanistan, and 593 in Iraq."

U.S. Military Fatalities in Afghanistan Quadruple

The Death Toll Does Not Lie -- Afghanistan Is Obama's War | HuffPost

...and your ignorant ass just called ME a 'dupe'...

Bwuhahahaha. :p

Obama's wars were in Syria and Libya.

You're thinking of Bush's wars, in Iraq and Afghanistan.

List the Syrian and Libyan causalities, or just fill in ZERO's
You are horribly misinformed, dupe. His Wars cost almost nothing in comparison to W bush Iraq.... And no American casualties silly boy...
No American Casualties?

Congrats - you just lost all credibility:

US Troop Deaths in Afghan War Under Obama Now Twice That Under Bush | Just Foreign Policy

2,500 Soldiers Have Died in Afghanistan and Iraq Under Obama
-- "According to the Iraq Coalition Casualty Count, 1,906 U.S. soldiers have been killed in and around Afghanistan, and 593 in Iraq."

U.S. Military Fatalities in Afghanistan Quadruple

The Death Toll Does Not Lie -- Afghanistan Is Obama's War | HuffPost

...and your ignorant ass just called ME a 'dupe'...

Bwuhahahaha. :p
That would be Libya and Syria
'No casualties' = 'dumbass'


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