Trump Blasts Pence For Not Overturning The Election

Can you point to the part of the Constitution that you thinks gives him the power to overturn the results sent to Congress by the states?

FYI, I think the reference is the 1887 Electors Count Act, which is currently being considered for a few changes. Trump thought that legislation gave Pence the power to object to certain electors in his role as President of the Senate. Which is BS I think, but that is being clarified by a bipartisan group of senators. At least I hope so. It should not be possible for anybody to overturn the results of an election except for the states themselves. Not even the US Congress.

That said, should we consider moving election day back a month to October? If there are allegations of fraud or wrong-doing then it oughta be investigated with enough time to discern if there's anything to it. In any case, we oughta be taking whatever steps are necessary to prevent fraud and build more trust in our election systems. If that makes it more difficult to vote, so be it.
FYI, I think the reference is the 1887 Electors Count Act, which is currently being considered for a few changes. Trump thought that legislation gave Pence the power to object to certain electors in his role as President of the Senate. Which is BS I think, but that is being clarified by a bipartisan group of senators. At least I hope so. It should not be possible for anybody to overturn the results of an election except for the states themselves. Not even the US Congress.

That said, should we consider moving election day back a month to October? If there are allegations of fraud or wrong-doing then it oughta be investigated with enough time to discern if there's anything to it. In any case, we oughta be taking whatever steps are necessary to prevent fraud and build more trust in our election systems. If that makes it more difficult to vote, so be it.
There was plenty of time to do recounts, audits, fraud investigations and court challenges

All were found to be merit less

More time would not change anything
Can you point to the part of the Constitution that you thinks gives him the power to overturn the results sent to Congress by the states?

The freedom of speech? Also, may I just say that the people who believe that Biden legitimately won this election are mocking Trump more than they were before if they actually believe he could lose to that Dementia patient.
Also, may I just say that the people who believe that Biden legitimately won this election are mocking Trump more than they were before if they actually believe he could lose to that Dementia patient.

I like that. I can know that Biden won and mock Trump and his followers all at the same time.

Win/win for me. Sucks to be you.
If there are allegations of fraud or wrong-doing then it oughta be investigated with enough time to discern if there's anything to it.

We did that without needing to move anything.

In any case, we oughta be taking whatever steps are necessary to prevent fraud and build more trust in our election systems.

We already have the steps that are necessary to prevent most fraud, that is why the very right leaning Heritage Foundation of Proven Election/Voting fraud contains less than 1 incident per 5 million votes cast. The only reason there is a lack of trust is because you were told not to trust it if your guy did not win. Had the election went the other way there would not be a thread on this forum about the topic
The freedom of speech? Also, may I just say that the people who believe that Biden legitimately won this election are mocking Trump more than they were before if they actually believe he could lose to that Dementia patient.
Freedom of Speech allows Pence to overturn the states?

You are more dim witted than I had thought
I like that. I can know that Biden won and mock Trump and his followers all at the same time.

Win/win for me. Sucks to be you.

Actually I beg to disagree with you. I think it more sucks to be you because of your TDS and that most people on here like and agree with me than you.
Actually I beg to disagree with you. I think it more sucks to be you because of your TDS and that most people on here like and agree with me than you.

Which just shows how much it sucks to be you, you care what people on an internet forum think of you. Those of us with friends in real life do not worry about such things.
Which just shows how much it sucks to be you, you care what people on an internet forum think of you. Those of us with friends in real life do not worry about such things.

True, I'm just stating the facts.
True, I'm just stating the facts.

Yes, you were correct. People on here like you more because you agree with them more. This seems to be important to you. I am glad you found such a place.
We did that without needing to move anything.

Move? Move what?

We already have the steps that are necessary to prevent most fraud, that is why the very right leaning Heritage Foundation of Proven Election/Voting fraud contains less than 1 incident per 5 million votes cast. The only reason there is a lack of trust is because you were told not to trust it if your guy did not win. Had the election went the other way there would not be a thread on this forum about the topic

The Heritage Foundation can only track cases were somebody got prosecuted. If you want to claim that was all the fraud there was, be my guest. I think that is awfully naive, proof is pretty hard to come by so we don't see many cases in the news.

About that lack of trust: Bullshit. I don't need to be told what to trust and what not to. When I see upwards of 1,000 allegations of wrong-doing or statistical anomalies that border of the impossible and reports of all sorts of extraordinary happenings, it begins to raise doubts. Not just me but damn near half the country.

Maybe if the election had gone the other way there wouldn't have been a thread on this topic because the Left wouldn't have had approx 1,000 allegations of wrong-doing. Most of which were in high-population areas that went to Biden. You think it's likely that Repubs in those areas would've been able to accomplish any skullduggery? I do recall the Left bitched about Russian collusion for a very long time and even had a special counsel investigation that lasted 2 years and found NOTHING relative to the election. So don't be giving any crap about it woulda been different if Trump had won.
Move? Move what?

The date of voting

The Heritage Foundation can only track cases were somebody got prosecuted. If you want to claim that was all the fraud there was, be my guest. I think that is awfully naive, proof is pretty hard to come by so we don't see many cases in the news.

I am more than happy to admit the number is 100 times more than they have in their database. So, now we are talking about 100 out every 5 million votes cast. Still a damn good system.

About that lack of trust: Bullshit. I don't need to be told what to trust and what not to. When I see upwards of 1,000 allegations of wrong-doing or statistical anomalies that border of the impossible and reports of all sorts of extraordinary happenings, it begins to raise doubts.

Most of these "statistical anomalies" are not really anomalies and they happen every election. Just nobody points them out most of the time so it sounds legit when they are.

So don't be giving any crap about it woulda been different if Trump had won.

Would you be calling for the same things you are now had Trump won? I say the answer is no
Would you be calling for the same things you are now had Trump won? I say the answer is no

If half the people were doubting the integrity of the election, yes I would. It bothers me that people like you don't seem to give a rat's ass about the doubts that so many others have about that election. Fuck 'em, they're just sore losers cuz Trump is a sore loser and they don't have the brains to realize they're being led down the primrose path. Well thank you for the insult; I'm sure you know there are probably a lot of people who think you believe everything you hear from the democrats and their collaborators in the MSM is God's holy truth. Are you insulted, or maybe you just don't care what half the country thinks. Yeah, that's the attitude to unify us, right?

You don't give a fuck because your guy won. No problem, nothing to see here, let's get on with our agenda. All this time, and nobody can prove anything about the election results. I say fuck it, it's time to move on, Biden is the president and that is not going to change whether he was really the winner or not. BUT - with so many people that think the election was stolen, it behooves us to enact whatever new rules and laws are necessary to make sure those allegations are checked out and if possible fixed so it doesn't happen again.
I would. It bothers me that people like you don't seem to give a rat's ass about the doubts that so many others have about that election

To be honest I really do not. Just like I do not care about those folks that think the earth is flat.

You don't give a fuck because your guy won. No problem, nothing to see here, let's get on with our agenda.

Here is my "guy". Trust me they did not win.

f half the people were doubting the integrity of the election, yes I would. It bothers me that people like you don't seem to give a rat's ass about the doubts that so many others have about that election.

Let me ask you, have you looked into the "anomalies' for yourself to see if they are valid? Have you done your own research to see if that you are being old is correct?

I have posted this before, and so far not one single person that thinks the election was stolen has ever done anything like this.

After the election I was open to the idea of fraud, and still would be if anyone could show me some actual evidence.

Since I was open to the idea I watched some of the early hearings on the election and possible theft.

The one held at the hotel in Michigan by the Michigan senate started with a Dem senator asking if the witnesses would be sworn in, she was told she was out of order and it was not necessary.

Then I watched Rudy say that more ballots were mailed back in Pa than were mailed out. I thought, wow that is a smoking gun. Then I did my own research and it took less than 5 min to find out he lied.

Then I watched the hearings in Ga, where they has real life data analyst (my profession by the way). He talked about statistical anomalies. He said that an individual precinct going more than 75% for one candidate was rare and that a precinct going more than 90% for one candidate was a sure sign of fraud. This sounded pretty compelling so I did my own research. I looked at the 2016 results for Atlanta, Salt Lake City and Austin Tx. What I found was that not only is one precinct going 90% for one candidate not proof of fraud, it is pretty common, for candidates from both parties. So, this guy was either really bad at his job or he lied.

And then I watched the first Az hearings, and they put up a guy they called an "expert mathematician", he used a lot of words but did not really say anything except a few lies about population growth and voter numbers. I did the math and he was wrong. Imagine my shock when I found this same guy's profile on LinkedIn and found out he was not a mathematician, that he had not training nor education is math or analytics. Turns out he is a financial planner that loves conspiracy theories. I am not sure if the Repubs in Az were dishonest or incompetent and did not check his credentials.
To be honest I really do not. Just like I do not care about those folks that think the earth is flat.

Here is my "guy". Trust me they did not win.

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Okay, not you. Let me amend what I said:

task0778 said:
It bothers me that people on the Left don't seem to give a rat's ass about the doubts that so many others have about that election

task0778 said:
The Left doesn't give a fuck because our guy won. No problem, nothing to see here, let's get on with our agenda.

But then you said this:

To be honest I really do not. Just like I do not care about those folks that think the earth is flat.

Tell you what dude, I think there was a far greater likelihood that fraud occurred in the 2020 election than the Earth being flat. It's like you are totally dismissing any possibility of that and those who harbor doubts are mindless fools. And ridiculing them too. And the hate goes on and grows. Congrats, you are a part of that.
Tell you what dude, I think there was a far greater likelihood that fraud occurred in the 2020 election than the Earth being flat. It's like you are totally dismissing any possibility of that and those who harbor doubts are mindless fools. And ridiculing them too. And the hate goes on and grows. Congrats, you are a part of that.

I am totally dismissing any possibility that the election was stolen. I had an open mind at the beginning, but the total and complete lack of any actual evidence has led me to my current view.

But I am also open to any evidence anyone can bring me.
I am totally dismissing any possibility that the election was stolen. I had an open mind at the beginning, but the total and complete lack of any actual evidence has led me to my current view.

But I am also open to any evidence anyone can bring me.

I am not talking about whether or not the election was stolen, maybe it was and maybe it wasn't. What I am talking about is the possibility of election fraud, which I think is possible if not likely. I see it as a problem when so many question the honesty of our elections:

America's faith in the integrity of the election system remains shaken by the events of Jan. 6, with only 20% of the public saying it's very confident about the system, a new ABC/Ipsos poll finds. This is a significant drop from 37% in an ABC News/Washington Post poll conducted in the days after the insurrection last year.

The lack of strong confidence in the country's ability to conduct an honest election crosses partisan lines. Among Democrats, whose party leaders have been struggling to legislatively protect what they believe to be deteriorating voting rights across the country, 30% say they are very confident in the U.S. election systems overall. Regarding independents, only 1 in 5 consider themselves "very confident" in the nation's elections.

How something like this does not bother the Left is disturbing. It's like everybody who questions the election system are a bunch of idiots and we don't give a damn what you think. Not surprisingly, they feel the same way about the Left. And here we are, not trusting each other and doing little or nothing about it except to bitch about the efforts to increase the integrity of our elections.
Although I've grown tired of talking about the 2020 election for the most part, I have a real difficult time believing that Pence didn't have any power to say anything about it if he truly disagreed with the results.

Nope, no power.

And if you were tired, you wouldn't be posting and denying who were the real criminals in the plots to try and steal this election.
You are tired of being on the wrong side of this argument.
I am totally dismissing any possibility that the election was stolen. I had an open mind at the beginning, but the total and complete lack of any actual evidence has led me to my current view.

But I am also open to any evidence anyone can bring me.
Ain't going to happen. Everything is invented from here on out. This is what desperation looks like for them now.

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